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Genuine question
Most non white countries do, you guys are just kind of insufferable
Because they know how to live a happy life just like that old couple who said "hello" to him, and he doesn't.
He got cheated on by his white boyfriend.
Inferiority complex
genetic obedience to white people
they say to hate white people
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Because elderly white ppl are terrifying
He's racist.
yea lol idk how tf he saw that as a threat
Because of Karens, you know how HR ladies nowadays terrorize you for being white? Well back in the day and especially after 9/11 Karens would terrorize you for not being white.
While there are far fewer Karens nowadays, you'll still get the occasional Karen on camera scream about mexicans while in a taco shop.
TLDR, giving women any social power is a mistake. They will bully someone to feel validated.
well he is asian so what u expect.
He thinks he's a black woman
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what perplexes me even more is the fact that some of his fans are "white" and thinks its fine too
Are white ppl hating themselves or something?
Cause in the alphabet mafia being a racist against white is le cool thing, since most of people in here have less personnality than a plancton he is just mimicing the retardation of his pair.
Why not? Either all race jokes are okay or none are, and whites used to make a lot of race jokes at around his age.
none are okay
I agree, unfortunately whites of 20 year ago would disagree and would post a picture of a black man eating watermelon and fried chicken. You unfortunately have to suffer the consequences of their actions.
white people find it fine because theyre sorry for being white and their ancestors whipping blacks
non-whites find it fine because white people can be pretty fucking annoying
Why do you care? You're brown.
Most white people are incredibly mid.
eating watermelon and fried chicken isn't a bad thing.
Why are whiteys so sensitive?
They can dish it but can’t take it
He's upper middle class, incredibly sheltered, and doesn't know anything about struggle so he's made his own bogeyman to fight against. People like that are always doing weird shit out of boredom and arrogance. They pretend to be communists or anarchists, treat their parents like shit, become voluntarily homeless crust punks, make up words like Latinx instead of just saying beaner or whatever like more honest assholes, call each other strong or brave for deciding that a drunken hookup was actually rape; they're basically insufferable.
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yet we don't go into fight-or-flight when the elderly greet us
Perceived injustices despite the insane amount of capitulation handed over to other races by the supposed uberracist white people.
Whites, non-whites, both groups have fucking annoying ppl and I wouldn't attribute it to skin colour
except that nothing he has ever said about wypipo is a joke. He just passive-aggressively makes bitch ass stings at wypipo like any other cum guzzling homo faggot and then says that it's a joke because he is a pussy. Idgaf if he's racist, but if you're gonna be racist go all the way so it can actually be amusing to watch, instead of practicing a watered down faggot version of racism.
It's a form of poorshaming, much like how women nowadays will shame you for not using Apple products. I assume then you should be fine with that? Or fine with Hillary Clinton mocking you for not eating caviar daily?
because only insult
"white cis-guy"
which lot of white girl eat up all those shit.
>watered down faggot version of racism
probably the best summary of Uki and his ilk
Yeah, people saying I don't use Apple products or eat caviar isn't particularly offensive.
Probably because you aren't a woman, they're the kind of person vulnerable to that sort of thing.
Yes. I'm a seafag and my best friend is a white guy. I've had multiple conversations in the past where I tell him 'dude what that guy said to you is disgustingly racist' and he's just fine with it. There's genuinely a level of self hatred and guilt they get gaslit into.
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Yeah I wonder
it's just disgusting desu. their behavior against white ppl is no different than the same attitude white supremacists have in the past
Yet he and more than half this board love living in a white country. Weird how that works
Whites literally put your kind in zoos in the past and still look down and make fun of you in the current day, this shit is nothing. Though randomly assaulting people on the streets just for being white is too much.
Man, wait till you find out why "homophobes are secretly gay" is such a cliche
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The whole
>You can't be racist to white people because racism=prejudice+power
is such a stupid hill to die on
Even if we were to grant that somehow it doesn't fit the bill of racism, what meaningful difference does that make in terms of not being a good person?
At the end of the day you're still insulting someone and harassing them for immutable traits they didn't choose, which by their logic is still scum behavior making you an asshole
Like they're willing to be a piece of shit, just not a racist piece of shit
It's fucking ridiculous
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>I'm not racist, just bigoted
Yeah and? I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who slobbers and apologises for his ancestors wronging mine several hundred years ago, who gives a fuck? Unless I'm friends with a white guy who goes 'y'know, we should put you back in the circus' it's not my problem.
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My brown skinned fren, whites simply do not care if you are being racist towards, but you are mistaken if you think this is only applicable to self-hating whites. They do not care even if they are not self-hating because they see it as an occasion to fire back at you immediately. "You should be able to take in as much as you dish out"
Hope this clears things up SEAnigger, cheerio.
That's a lie. I'm a white guy in asia and people are constantly giving me free things, are unusually friendly, and the girls get that sparkle in their eye when we talk. Hatred for white countries comes mostly from white countries.

People in non-white countries tend to want to leave their own to live with white people.
I find white people too fucking normalfag for the most part
I don't wanna care about football or church or maintaining your ranch
Wait until you find out that asians are far more racist towards each other than whatever racist fantasy you can dream up. Whites are some of the most tolerant people on the planet, yet they have been programmed into believing they are the most racist.
I work in a midsize corpo, nepotism is rampant. Just so happens a lot of higher ups are white so they have their white family and friends hired and put into relatively low skill but higher pay positions, full time of course to take advantage of the benefits. Some of the higher ups are black and they do the same thing, but the majority are white so it just looks like older white men preferentially hiring other whites. A lot of younger non-whites get ground into powder here with double or triple amount of work because everyone else has to pick up the slack for the nepo hires just coasting.

tl;dr nepo hiring tends to be racist
>"You should be able to take in as much as you dish out"
You dish nothing out, just take things in. You are emasculated and you're making excuses for it.
>They don't care
>They just lash out in response!
"Firing back" does, in fact, mean that you care, my socially retarded potato. Most people don't even do that. They just apologize for the sins of their ancestors. (they don't know if a sin really was committed lol)
Your 'racism' is just noise
It's literally nothing
This is something others don't really get I guess
some people just want a reaction, they'll lash out and say the most heinous shit because they want to see you get mad. getting ignored and treated as insignificant usually hurts them the most
Modern society condones flagrant racism as long as it's directed at white people (seen Hollywood lately?) so he probably thinks he can get away with it, especially since he can just wave off criticism as homophobia or some shit like that.

IDK it's a fucked up world that caters to these kinds of people
If you look at the internet at what the Baizuo type of people does, it will also make you hate white peepo. Zero social cohesion, no value for respect, obnoxious cultural imperialists, loud, and annoying. I refuse to believe these people haven't been MKUltra'd to act that way.
>Are white ppl hating themselves or something?
have you been in a coma for 15 years
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Envy and jealousy
Marxist brainrot.
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>Still wants a white boi
What is this called?
So all the savages are coming into white countries in swarms because they hate us? That is funny. Keep up the cope.
he's just some boba lib retard
plenty of coastal and canadian asians are like this
I'm just going to say before the internet took hold in 2010ish a lot of us didn't really think or know a lot about non whites. They held a sort of mystic quality. Every girl claimed to be 1% Cherokee so they'd be special.
In the last 15 years we've uh, "learned" a lot. I guess.
Aint one of his new outfits basically a british colonial aristocrat kek?
>Most non-white countries
No it's most non-black countries that hate black people.
Most white hate comes from america.
Black peepo have bigger dicks that stimulate his gay anus
Children usually hate and downgrade what they can't have.

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