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Why did the FGC ignore Rosemi but suddenly latch onto Dokibird instead?
They found out Rosemi is really bad at Tekken
Because rosemi is a fraud? Not difficult to understand
Because nothing about Rosemis personality or character appeal to the fighting game community.
Meanwhile doki is very appealing because she's a cocky tomboy with a cute laugh and is actually good at games.
How is this confusing?
LilyPichu's opens her legs for more people
>spend years whining about not having Tekken perms
>brag about how good you are and how you play on a keyboard(lol)
>also an Aris fan
>parodies the story during her 2nd outfit debut
>fast forward to Tekken 8
>finally get perms for a Tekken game
>Harada starts simping for you
>decide to join a team tourney hosted by Sajam
>in a team with Victoria Brightshield, a fellow Niji
>you get put in the "experienced" slot of your team because of all of your previous bragging talking about how you love Aris so much
>Even Sajam himself is hyping you up
>placement matches for the tournament happen
>you troll and throw all games on purpose to "hide your powerlevel" by playing a different character
>actual tournament happens
>lose every game slowly malding more each time
>do worse than Vivi that was a complete noob
>melts down exactly like Selen did when she lost APEX tourneys even to the point of saying you won't be playing anymore for a while
>cucked out of all future Tekken content because the organizers realized you're a fucking fraud and would rather have Dokibird
>Dokibird doesn't choke and her team wins
>all clippers and scene orbiters are circlejerking about how well she did
>you run back to stucking off riku-sama as a coping mechanism because being a slave for niji is the only thing you have left
>get harassed by your "lovely" fanbase for eating at mcdonalds
Fraud semi lol
>nothing about Rosemis personality or character appeal to the fighting game community
Not true, she was the darling child of Tekken because she's a girl (with ovaries) that plays fighting games, being an actual female that plays fightaan is more than enough to make someone a major player in the fighting game scene, just look at sherryjenix, superyan or lately lilypichu
Part of what makes Dokibird a good "heel" for the FGC is that she also knows the limits for shit-talking. Despite her outer "toxic gamer girl" persona, she knows when not to brag or trash-talk those who are clearly better than her, and by all accounts Dokibird is a pretty nice person who is superb at networking.

In other words, she is a simultaneously an entertaining heel yet also a sympathetic newbie character veterans can cheer for. And then of course there is her backstory.
They might have asked and had Nijisanji management refused.
Midsemi Midlock
Cutesemi Cutelock
because doki has connections to lilypichu who (besides being a pretty big content creator herself) is connected with some even bigger content creators.
FGC is full of grifters
Honestly this is probably a big reason. They're not gonna bother with risking the taint of Niji ENs reputation for someone that sucks. Also Rosemi may never do competitive again for obvious reasons
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what the fuck does lilypichu have to do with sajam inviting her? fucking retard
Her own fans didn't care but Luxiem sisters sperged out. They're the same ones who harassed Scarle
Doki is actually good at games.
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Didn't this thread just get deleted?

Anyways, same answer. Team BrawlPro were entertainers first, competitors second. They would've been popular even without winning just due to actually being fun, cheering each other on and cracking jokes the entire time to appeal to people who might not just be fighting game nerds.
Because she's a fucking fraud.
Fraudsemi Freelock
doubt fightan autists cares much about nijien dramas so i don't think they ignored wosemi, they just do a first come first serve system
doki is quick to participate in events especially the ones she participated before
meanwhile nijien needs approval from management and they are slow so by the time their manager (elira) finally check discord DMs 3 days late she already see doki is in participant list
rosemi is so fucking cucked it is unbelievable how she stays with niji despite all
Because Rosemi is attached to nijisanji. Her best move would be to leave.
also Harada is now simping for lilypichu instead of her lmao, she truly is cucksemi cucklock
Sajam clings to anyone with any modicum of clout nowadays, he's the FGCs Ludwig. Rosemi has no clout, Doki has clout (and the attention of the larger weeaboo internet sphere) due to certain events at the start of the year.
No shes fucking not lmao
Have you ever watched her play anything besides Apex? She’s dogshit at most games
>darling child of Tekken
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Dunno about that one, chief, she just won her team a tekken tournament.
You need swagger
That's all
Rosemi could have worn her drubbing pridefully and be the darling still
She didn't
The end
Rosemi is a fraud after all
Dogshit at MOST games. Not ALL games
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Ah then yeah I'll agree.
Which is fine. We don't watch her to see high spec, masterful gameplay. She's watched and loved for her humor and charisma, with which she's able to perform while playing video games.
Because she stopped playing Tekken.
Motherfucker the FGC will back you regardless of race/gender/physical deformity/Mental Illness.
You just have to have an entertaining personality, can sometimes win games, get screen time on tournaments(which means reaching top 64 to top 8 in some tourneys) and you keep your Twitter bullshit under wraps.
And also being connected to the FGC Cali Illuminati but no one's prepared to have that talk.
>And also being connected to the FGC Cali Illuminati but no one's prepared to have that talk.
Spill the beans, I'm ready.
Hey That’s future hololive talent you’re talking about
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daily roseschizo thread
It's a complicated mess but you just have to notice this: most of the corporate sponsored big events in the US FGC happens at the westcoast; CapcomCup, Evo, Red Bull Kumite. Events that have big money behind it. And have you noticed where the Big FGC streamers live? Why is that?
Because Doki is the coolest thing related to Vtubing that isn't Hololive currently.
Not a conspiracy bro that's just how America works. The reason most corporate sponsored big events happen on the west coast is because A) it's easier and cheaper to get foreign (asian) players to west coast than east coast, and B) the west coast has better venues for them. NYC is the only other hub in American and Kumite does runs there, but there aren't a whole lot of tournament venues that work and they're a hell of a lot more expensive. Also your streamer point isn't really correct either, NYC is a gigantic hub of players (Punk, etc) and Florida has a bunch too (TNS with players like Nuckledu). There's not some secret illuminati lol
So you are saying if Doki lost she would mald as well?
Makes sense. Knowing your place is really important for heel comedy, because the point is that you’re going to get put in it eventually. That’s the whole punchline and what makes the audience laugh. Can’t go diva in a role meant to be self-sacrificing.
doki has actual skills, unlike fraudsemi
>Motherfucker the FGC will back you regardless of race/gender/physical deformity/Mental Illness.
The strive orgies...
Doki has come along way from being the punching bag of the Apex competitive scene.
Glad she'd getting respect from Esports fags for once.
I don't know why you guys are always putting Doki and Rosemi up against each other. They are still best friends.
>trying to understand mentally ill schizos and drama addicts
this, why would anyone be surprised. the FGC assumes at the ground floor that you care enough to be able to play their games seriously. you are not one of them if you can't. you don't have to be a major pro to matter but at least demonstrating some level of competence is simply expected and she failed there.

you wouldn't have a "huge basketball fan" on doing NBA commentary who barely knows how the game is played, etc. expecting her to just skirt obvious qualifications because she's cute and a niji would be entitlement/naivete.
>making shit up
big numbah
show me rosemi being good in a comp setting. I won't wait, because it doesn't exist.
because fgfags are tasteless retards this is common sense
>shes aris biggest fan
>aris hates tekken
>harada hates aris
>harada hates rosemi
so true oomfie
Rosemi participated in the harassment so its only fitting that she dropped out once she realized she had to interact with her target
>Rosemi participated in the harassment
take your meds
Retweeted the black stream.
Maybe you should take yours looks like you need it
The honest answer is sajam loves doki but barely knows anything about rosemi except for her one horrible showing in that noobie tournament.
>Retweeted the black stream.
that's not harassment you deranged retard
You don't even have to be good, just show that you're still trying. Rosemi gave up T8 almost as soon as it dropped, never played rank on stream and bragged about her supposed rank on her alt account instead. And instead of taking the loss as a sign to try harder, or at least to ignore it and just keep playing for fun, she's given it up entirely. That's why no one gives a shit about her.
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>no one gives a shit about her
>proceeds to piss and shit about her daily on /vt/
God I fucking hate doki so much. She is beyond obnoxious and a huge fucking fraud. The sooner she retires the better. Fuck off!
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>God I fucking hate doki so much. She is beyond obnoxious and a huge fucking fraud. The sooner she retires the better. Fuck off!
Sure keep believing it's just one guy on all of /vt/ who got tired of her, if we had ip counts back you'd see I never commented in this thread until now
why so defensive, dear schizo?
This post proves that you know nothing about FGC. It is the most welcoming gaming community there is, no matter how good or bad you are.
because I'm autistic and dumb fucks like you lying make me seethe, happy?
It's the Nijisanji brand, nothing else.
Why would she lie about her tekken skills? What is there to gain from this
Did she expect that they'll go "oh yeah you are too good to play lets just have you on stream" or something
it's been months
move on already you obsessed freak
Are you confused in what thread you are in
Why are YOU here
Rosemi got exposed as a plugger
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>exists in anons path
Considering she can't afford to turn on AC because she won't be able to pay her electricity bill, she either fucks off from niji to get a real job or becomes too poor to stream lol
seek help, seriously
>why doesn't fgc care about someone that doesn't play fighting games or have interest in being competitive
it's a mystery, they probably hate her
Yeah, Rosemi should seek help to get the fuck outta niji
>get harassed by your "lovely" fanbase for eating at mcdonalds
thought you'd just slip this in at the end, chud?
the WHAT now???
but rosecuck said shes the good one, she will quit and shes also good at tekken?
Post EVO drama baabyyy
Not really the place to talk about it here, but if you search on twitter "umisho" and "bunny" you'll find things
>LilyPichu's opens her legs for more people
anon, whos gonna tell him that rosemi is a luca cocksleeve
look the rosecuck here still coping
Wait, who was Rosemi fighting against in that Sajam tourney? Was it that King guy or the Jack guy?
>don't know why you guys are always putting Doki and Rosemi up against each other.
>They are still best friends
LOL, LMAO even
She didn't even order mscdonalds, she used a free vtuber asset macdonalds released and roleplayed buying hashbrowns.
At least they got third.
Elira bullied Selen into a suicide attempt.
Nijisanji then ran a smear campaign agaisnt Selen.
Rosemi is in a horrible company that accepts corporate bullying.
It's not hard to understand. The reason why Rosemi is limited, is because Elira can't be a normal human being.
This will be true for every Niji EN liver until Elira dies or gets terminated. So next time Elira is live, be nice and thank her for ruining everyone's opportunities because of her selfish behavior.
I doubt Sajam cares about vtuber politics so the only thing that makes sense is Niji not allowing her.
I don't care what strive trannies are doing
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Whoop back to page 1
Meh, probably pressure got to her, happens to the best all the time.
NTA but the FGC being the most welcoming community (relatively speaking) in gaming =/= not shitting on you for being a poser and laughing at you when you run away with your tail between your legs. Doki got welcomed despite being a noob because she was up front with it and was willing to put in effort. Rosemi was initially accepted because people took her word at face value but then she turned out to be a fraud. And not just that but she didn't even own up to it. That is an absolute red flag for a community that prides itself for being "REAL".
will you still be making these posts in 2 years?
I think the simplest answer is that it's easier for indies to collab than it is to communicate with a japanese corporation.
That's irrelevant, not simple, retard. It being harder to collab does not matter to the FGC unless it makes the news. All we see is who makes it and their performance. The real simplest answer is that rosemi is an arrogant loser, while doki is a winning rookie.
FGC loves the strong thick dragon dick
>That is an absolute red flag for a community that prides itself for being "REAL".
The FGC is split into many games with many different subcultures, and even has many subcultures within the same game based on your location. If you meet a group that "prides itself for being real" then you are likely in contact with but a small part of it. Many other groups would likely find what you said to be cringeworthy.
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Surely before I get to reading this thread there will be no Schizoing, right?
>implying rosefags are capable of not schizoing
But Selen isn't a dragon anymore?!
True. Strivefags are different from MKfags who in turn are also different from Tekken and sffags. But most fightan people I know are both happy to shit talk you for being shit while also being more than willing to teach you some stuff so you stop being shit. I feel like that's one of the reasons why I like the FGC compared to other competitive communities like LoL. Trashtalk is still a thing but is still within the confines of being just friendly ribbing. Someone saying that their good and then completely flopping would get their share of shit talk but would still be welcomed as part of the FGC. That goes away though if the person just ups and leaves saying they won't play anymore. We basically just label that person as a quitter and not really part of the FGC.

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