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What the fuck happened to Lazulight and Obsydia?
Pomudachis always were the ones propping up the other girls. Now that they're gone it's obvious nijien girls are nothing without them and Pomu.
OP is a faggot etc etc but god I will never forgive the pajeets at youtube HQ for forcing everyone across the board to delete their bunny garden vods, fuck OFF
It's not because of anything on Youtube's side. It's something from the publisher's side, directed at JP corpos, because EN indies still have their VODs up with no issues. Additionally, Pomu's old VODs of the two "Livestream" games (from the same publisher) also got privated this month.
This is so grim it's not even funny anymore. Imagine you have to pay 30% from 146 dollars to youtube, then half of 100 dollars to Riku, then you have to share 50 dollars with Finana and she'll spend it on genshin anyway.
Karma finally caught up with Riku Tazumi. In trying to destroy Dokibird, they destroyed their prospects in the west. As Dokibird continues to soar high in the sky, it is only fitting to see the rest of this vile edifice beneath her come crumbling down on the heads on Elira, Riku, and their wretched crew of bullies and bootlickers.
Being a fan of corpo chuubas is suffering
God damn Kurosanji girls made like $15 combined in 4 streams.
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>becoming a clipper for filian makes more sense financially than joining a new niji wave
holy shit. goddamn, Filian. How many people are splitting that, anyways?
pomu leaving did a number on them but the drama make a already bad situation a lot more worse. They are probably still making money as the branch wasn't still dissolved.
oh shit. i just realized its anniversary stream.
fucking grim indeed
>t. projecting rosecuck
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ok ennacuck
>luca's cocksleeve
It's likely because the game has ASMR scenes, and the publisher does not want streamers to include those scenes in their streams/vods.
Incidentally, that publisher also published Trouble Days (the eroge Calli played).

Anyway, this has the same energy as that time the publisher of Suika Game decided that streams of the game are fine, but clips of streams of the games count as "piracy" except if published on the same channel as the full streams. They quickly reversed that decision.
But enough about rosemi
hey lucuck, she didn't have a relationship behind the scenes and have vr sex. try harder
Mint escaped karma despite been one of the all out war clique too easily and is now getting as much support as Doki
>shitting on tempiss auditions
If anything she was based for that
>VR sex
The man's an actual, bona fide sexpest.
Management is supposed to be a scapegoat for talents, not the other way around.
Now all your talents are tainted.
sure faggoon, you really think Lord Riku the All-Knowing NijiGod will be defeated by a washed up, unbuffed dokibird who cant even beat any of the top 5 niji livers this month, let alone niji jp main channel on youtube lmao.
>moving the goalposts and revisionism
lmfao sasuga lucucks
>ignoring facts in order to keep your shitpost alive
Nice try nijitranny, keep projecting lmao
The only ones doing that are nijifags, trying to deflect from the failure that were Lazulight's and Obsydia's anniversaries compared to Mint.
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I know this is a falseflag but I still want an excuse to post this again because it was so fucking funny to watch a sister break down after claiming that Luxiem beat Doki and freak out when proven wrong.
>pomucucks deflecting to " le based shitting on homos " when all the shit talk revolved around council and numberfagging so their whore doesn't get the equal punishment she deserves to rest of the nijien
The absolute state
>The absolute state
Correct, the absolute state of nijitrannies like (You) trying to deflect lmfao
Niji sub loss deflection
>the others talked shit
>"But I NEED to blame it on Pomu, please! I need to keep my shitpost alive!!! Stop proving me wrong!!!"
It's always funny to watch shitposters gasp for breath as their shitpost gets flushed down the toilet lol
nijisister here cucked to the point where they keep self projecting their cuckery
Link or it didn't happen.
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>Lose the core member of Lazulight
>Lose the core member of Obsydia
>Finana and Elira do nothing to help mend the group post-partum
>Rosemi and Petra do nothing to help mend the group post-partum
Had Petra and Finana left, you'd have seen an increase in revenue
That all out war remark was never a big deal.
Fungus and le retard shitting on actual holomems was the big deal.
council are still behind vox in both superchats and subscount as of today.
>Leave nijisanji
>get rich
ASMR content is meant to be replayed. Just making sure your bait isn't that poorly thought out.
They've definitely suffered some significant drop off in superchats. But the actual reason the superchat are so low on those is because they're collabs though. Check last year's anniversary stuff. Pomu did just the anniversary collab and only got $800, less than the death stranding stream she did the next day. Elira did the collab and got $400 then did a solo stream celebrating it too and got over $1k on that. People watching NijiEN generally won't superchat during collabs for the most part. They get more on everyday solo streams than these anniversary collab streams.
That means yoy the lazulight collab superchats are down 90%. This is sustainable.
This 1 stream got her more donos than some Niji ENs have gotten in all of 2024.
Pomu and Selen were the only ones worth anything and we know how that turned out for them. As for the rest:
Thanks to the black stream that is still public on her channel after 6 months, she is now a pariah
It's Finana. Nuff said
Is just there, I guess. Though getting exposed as a total fraud in Tekken didn't help her image.
Kind of boring and is a Gura-tier absentee, at least to my memory since I barely saw her even before Niji got final yab'd. And between Selen getting terminated and Petra forming Zuttomo to replace Nina in Ethyria, Obsydia basically exists in name only these days.
They collab like once every three months. The amount they make on lazulight collabs is kind of irrelevant. If they wanted to milk the anniversary for superchat then they could have just done solo streams as well celebrating it like Elira did last year but they didn't bother.
damn kek
I hope they at least kept some savings and didn't blow it all on covers and dumb expenses
>Hope they didn't blow it on dumb expenses
Finana has a rep for doing exactly that kek
they did it to themselves. Everything NijiEN communicates is that it is not a place for fans of girl vtubers. They're at most just sidekicks to the male vtubers.
how do these people live day to day
Rich parents, unironically.
Crazy how many similarities there are between riku, nijis and nijifans
Amusingly, The black stream is still responsible for about 10% of her views when she's not streaming. (These last few weeks)
Whenever a potential fan checks out her channel and looks at her most popular content to see what she does best... this is there.
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I thought 2/3zulight was actually 1/10zulight. According to this OP, they are 1/50zulight.
There is nothing more worthless and obnoxious than clippers.
do you think it's too late for niji to turn heel? Their mistake was trying to appeal a good optic game while being darker than black.

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