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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Lensless Edition

Last thread: >>81400714
TEMPUS Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksvy41xvgrjjytwgd9
ARMIS Schedule: https://teamup.com/ks1k7o5vnjzjivuueo

>Regis Altare
>Axel Syrios
>Gavis Bettel
>Machina X Flayon
>Banzoin Hakka
>Josuiji Shinri
>Magni Dezmond [Alumn]
>Noir Vesper [Alumn]

>Jurard T Rexford
>Crimzon Ruze

>OP Template
>Songs Playlist
/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.
I miss gibby so much I don't know what to do with myself uuuuuu
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leg lock and babytrap machina x flayon
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why you lyin why you always lyin'
Jesus Chris he finally did it
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Banchou is drowning, Tavi's food is missing garnish...truly everyone is suffering.
flaymen i jerked off to flayon noises and feel so dirty now like i sexually assaulted my oshi
tavi no... I hope he'll be okay...
Oh no, how will Tavi eat?
Flay's 3D looks so good I honestly forgot he was using 3D for this stream
Cute yawns
That was an interesting game
( ・∀・) !!! Spiderman love
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Loving Flayon
Appreciating Flayon's thighs
Wanting to be crushed by Flayon
With his hands???
The little laugh after he breks people's bone is adorble and should be illegal
this child...
I think he was going to cannibalize ruze...
he should cannibalize me
Thanks for being a sacrifice
Everytime he does that little laugh
(T_T) I sense danger lol
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There's nothing to fear~
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their pepperonis on full display
im scared of this pilot and i like it
I thought those were dog nipples
That disc must be so scratched
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he's so autistic and cute playing his spiderman game I can't fuckin' take it
i think im in love with machina x flayon
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that one godawful hyper artist doesn’t have the boys blocked and public replies them
did I make this post?
>wearing the same pantsu from the tempantsu batsu
stinky shiny spicy
i need the cute autistic pilot inside me
i made this post
>gossiping about anons
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a mere measly 5 hour stream and now i'll sleep to his latest menshi can't wait for his birthday merch so i can cuddle his cushions
Nice stream time to rot in My bed
(;∀; )
i miss flayon…
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bring him back I miss him already
i cant keep living without him…
(T_T) uuu....thinking about boys working hard here makes me think of my oshi just let his opportunity go to waste.
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he sees ur posts
then why wont he rape us? cant he see how much we need it?
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Ur cool I guess thank you for the stream ( ・ω・)
I miss Mama...
I think flayon should kiss spiderman while machiroons watch
I miss him too but I hope when he comes back he feels more refreshed than to just keep zatsuing over and over
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Pray for him.
But serious question: how often do you typically need to reformat your PC? I feel like he's doing it every 2-3 months.
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Yes, please.
I do only if I have a feeling that things went wrong somewhere on my PC, usually after a series of power outages. Maybe once a year.
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>vp/short film
oh that's interesting
>t4 and up
ah...i think "no one watch octavio" should be a command, and not an observation
Quotes that reduce me to a giggling mess:
>"What's on the card is on the cake."
>"You can fuck the axe and the axe can fuck you."
well you could pay that or you could t3 bettel for five months to get one vp available for one week or five months of shinri for nothing at all
Bettel actually uploaded five different sets of T3 VP on permanent Gdrive today
stop being poor.
At least they're getting something.
YOU WON'T GET ME TO WASTE ANOTHER TEN BUCKS ON THE CLOWN are they all just the older ones
not really the issue
Puzzle time, TEMPUS Vanguard edition:
He might still be in an oldfag tech guy mindset
Yes the old ones that definitely did not expire after 1 week on purpose
He even may be defragging his SSDs…
yeah, and admittedly t4 isn't his highest or second highest
Can't wait for Liz to steal Jurard away from Ollie. Imagine the telenovela shit that will happen
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Relevant again
Somehow I don’t think she will be interested in Ollie’s plap plap get pregnant obsession
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terminate groombullet
Good, the sooner Ollie get dumped the better
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That's harsh
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juicy rrat: reverend hakka is a slut in sheep's clothing that sucks cocks in the confessional [/SSRpoiler]
this is just true
>some rando xwitter reaction to do a le epic own XDDD
I can't tell if you're being ironic or if you need to go back
Deserved for the cock hungry whore

>period sim zatsu
>banjo nuts and bolts
>armis public drawing collab
>membership drawing stream
>since I'm already smoking crack imagining this, unarchived karaoke
based beyond all belief but i would put in a T2 reading/storybook stream too
About 55% of the way through.
I just found out Unchained got taken down. Pls someone give me the archive link of the original version.
there's none keep suffering with the rest of us
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line up, jobbers
and jutard t sexpest
and observsuiji pervri
It has now been 48 hours since Unchained was privated
when I used to be a bettellion there were so many times his vods were privated and he would say it was because management they took so long to be edited and reuploaded so it doesn't really surprise me this (a product of the same management) is also taking so long
hopefully we'll be lucky and it'll be back up before the weekend!
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Look at me and my wife (male)!
Nah bettel is just lazy because banchou usually only took 1-2 days to get his vod edited and re-uploaded
Yeah, for as much as people call him a VOD killer, Jurard is actually pretty quick about getting anything that can be salvaged back online.
wow it's almost as if they have different managers
what is that hakkito going to do when they try to make junior jr but their wife won't get pregnant...
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Use a surrogate.
Keep trying until it happens!
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Hakka being slut-shamed...
Hakka is so silly, I need to watch him more
>throat damage
guess i was too rough, sorry borb
Aniki ASGS scrims telly
what the fuck altare is a woman now?
Dtto and arupi today
Unchained is going to be their worst performing orisong at this rate, I feel bad for the work they put into it.
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Anyway this image makes shinri seethe
Rev meta let's go
resting in the ping o7
pissing in the ring
>Gibby still isn't terminated
Gibby antis can't stop losing roru
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They need to hurry up and give us the music video back so we can get more kimono art.
I love my oshi so much and I can't wait for the merch I ordered to arrive :D
I like my oshi an amount and I'm nervous for the merch I ordered to arrive D:
Axel stop talking in Japanese I wanna hear dtto's dumb esl accent
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nonconsensual sex!
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mind break this clown
has axel played titanfall? he would enjoy that
First time watching Axel in a while
1. When the fuck did Altare turn into a girl with white hair?????
2. Axel and Doki collabed a few days ago??????????
For altare to be able to save up enough to buy his own 3d studio for himself and any of the boys that want to use it.
Isn't that expensive? I'm surprised he could afford it all in just 2 years.
Slime power
seriously tho, why don't more people watch tavi? kinda baffling to me that he's the least watched in armis even after all the fuck-ups goldie did to his career
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It is definitely expensive, but Altare has said many times that he doesn't really spend much on himself from day to day and he lives with his parents, so he probably doesn't have that many expenses. It makes sense that he'd be able to save up a decent amount.
intro song and into zatsu filtered me, but other people seem to like it
Wrong timeslot for a lot of EN fans, a lot of bad game choices. GB is in a good timeslot for western fans and the games he chooses are generally more appealing.
he creeps me out, gibby just makes me feel fat thinking about food
>It's like someone's biting you and trying to rip a chunk out of you
Timeslot mainly. I have a rare day off today but I still haven't played Judgment and I'm not watching the sequel of a game on my backlog
streams at awful hours for EN's. he's not as appealing to general audience as you think he is otherwise her numbers would reflect it
Octavio is boring
*his. fucking autocorrect
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I like Octavio but he has a real knack for picking specifically games I have no interest in watching. How does he do it
Blockbuster was good though
probably because he streams at ass o'clock, me personally? I tried watching him a few times, didn't find him particularly entertaining and his personality felt really forced, I've nothing against him and he's hardworking for sure tho
I like him but don't watch him as much as I'd like, primarily because of timezone difference and to avoid spoilers on games I'm also interested in playing.
Fuck you
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I like Octavio but he almost always overlaps with Jurard and if I have to choose I’m pretty much always going to choose Jurard because he’s funnier
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Fun Flayon Fact: Drinking Flaypiss is forbidden inside and within 100 feet of the R-TRUS
I don't watch octavio and jurard or whatever his name is because they are not on during american hours and if they are, im usually watching my 1-2 view oshis.
that wont stop me
Who asked
I'm testing this immediately
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I see...
What about making him drink piss then?
Fun Flayon Fact: Naughty roons get baked in the oven.
Fun Flayon Fact: Niggers
Fun Flayon Fact: He secretly drank your piss yesterday, Hakka.
I'm afraid to ask how this became a rule
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Fun Flayon Fact: The R-TRUS is a mighty, noble red giant with galaxy destroying capabilities. It is also prone to being more temperamental after urine is spilled on it and seeps into its wiring. Please help keep the R-TRUS clean and respect this behemoth!
whats so appealing about piss
it's like water but filtered through the body of the boy you love!
I once slipped on my own piss and broke my tailbone
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It's like being bathed in a divine stream of pure bliss
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You mean "What's so apPEEling about piss"
Your manager already told you to only mention piss once a week Hakka
I think when we had unironic pissanons (og pisskito and the pissmites) they explained it had something to do with the relief associated with holding it in an releasing it or some shit like that
Don't quote me on that it was long ago kek
I wish Axel would take 5 minutes to edit his stream thumbnail because I thought Leader was on stream.
Oh no... tavi's a natural whore
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Its Whorostars of Whorolive Hoeductions run by YAHOE. Its hoe shit all the way down and up
Been kind of annoyed about something for like 2 days, so let me bitch. Anyone else notice that Flayon streamed over the majority of Axel's anniversary stream on Tuesday? And when he ended, he didn't even raid Axel, he raided the Cheap vs. Rich video? Like....maybe it's just me, but I thought all of that was pretty fucking rude. (Yeah Octavio also streamed prior, but he ended basically the second Axel went live. I don't know why he didn't raid into Axel, but I'm guessing he figured Flayon would then raid over to him so he'd just chain everything.)

Does Axel care? Probably not, but it's kind of garbage to do that when no one streamed over Altare's.
Leader at his usual time today
Even if the boys don't care, I wish they'd realize that their viewers likely do for special events. With how many vods go missing, I can't watch them all all the time.
Time to let go
you should take a walk
just buy a hdd and set up a recorder if you're worried about vods going missing
If it was any other member but Axel I would agree, but Axel barely raids anyone, overlaps everyone and if there's a special event he only realizes a few hours before his stream and he also overlapped the premiere instead of streaming 1 hour earlier.
this >>81460746
aniki is the king of overlap
though I gotta say, Bettel overlapping GB's whole birthday stream even when 2/4 of the collab partners dropped out might give aniki a run for his money. Especially when GB then raided into him and Bettel showed he was aware of the event kek
If it was his birthday i would be very annoyed, but anniversary i can forgive. Specially since days before Axel said he didn't plan anything for this year, if he did have something planned i would be a little mad
Wanting to avoid overlap to support events I can understand and appreciate to some degree.
On the other hand, I wouldn't want that gesture to be pushed too hard that it means more frequent instances of that mess on clown's outfit reveal day
its funny that just the week before
>wait im going to be overlapping shinri's birthday? so sorry i have to cancel
Happy Birthday, Rio
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The king of canceling streams suddenly gets a golden plate of excuses to call off the stream but decides to do it anyway? Suspicious
WTF did dtto do. I thought they were just waiting for the next match and the vod is gone
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Hakka's husband (female) (male)
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>he also overlapped the premiere
did you miss the fact that he did a watchalong of it? I might be wrong but I don't recall any special event he overlapped in the past year
I feel like you're getting offended on behalf of people you dont even know. seems to be an issue for a lot of people on this board for some reason
I didn't, I was watching him and also
>if there's a special event he only realizes a few hours before his stream
I'm not saying he's overlapped any, I'm saying he sets up waiting rooms that overlap them and only changes him when he wakes up the day of
Wanna know how fishsticks get seasoned?
Axel got pissy for losing a lot. He’s now wanting to take down all his apex streams.
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Bettel 2…..
Bettel should just marry B2
That's very understandable. APEX and the scoring system is a mistake
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Day 45 of waiting for Unchained. Management are still niggers.
what happened to the axel's apex stream
This is just a picture of a cute couple enjoying a moment in winter, where do the fish sticks come in?
That girl on the right? Not me :(
>Day 45
I honestly can't tell if this is real or not. Though his sore loser mentality is part of why I stopped watching him, so I wouldn't be too surprised.
The time really flew by after leader announced his graduation from life
Do not spread this info outside of the thread. I've had a very reliable source come forward and tell me there are apparently secret tunnels built under Altare's hideaway. It's up to us to investigate this mystery, but make sure not to tell anyone where you're going so he doesn't get tipped off.
no because im married to bettel 2
>wake up, want to watch apex vod
>it's gone, again
dude, just.......
oh I thought you were joking but he actually said he was gonna private all his Apex scrims vods kek
hopefully he doesn't go through with it when he wakes up
I'm uploading it but gofile is giving me a 2.5 hours upload time, it'll take a while
thanks for your service, anon
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Out of curiosity, who is this reliable source? Just want to... talk to them.
Lemontare is back...k-kowai...
It's not just him. rpr has been pretty mad about how this tournament is run.
Not only rpr but dtto was ranting earlier too before I left to cook some food and that's why I thought she was the reason the vod died
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>Two boys enter, One boy leaves.
>Kiss and tell? Well...
what were these boys doing
He's getting his anime hero moment~
Gay chicken
They went to a soapland.
The other boy becomes a man. Simple as.
Or a woman, depends.
Axel's said that if he thinks a VOD is bad (either the game was a mess/technical shit or that he thinks he wasn't entertaining/his mood was trash) he'll private it himself, and this is one of those.

But yeah, rpr has ranted a few times about not liking how this tourney is setup and dtto agreed with him. Part of it also is that they keep getting griefed at the beginning of almost every match by the same few teams, to the point that it feels intentional.
reminds me of that clip of magni shitting on overwatch 2 because he got pissed at the game suddenly ending or something. people were calling him based for that.
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>Watching apex
>E V E R
I didn't notice actually, because I don't watch Flayon.
He was based, Overwatch sucks.
He's not wrong.
Blizzard is chock full of breast milk bandits who can't make games well or balance them for shit. The western multiplayer experience is nothing but pure frustration and a shit viewing experience. I'm glad i don't bother with that any more.
found the clip
And he was at the moment. Overwatch 2 is garbage. It's still beyond me how it was possible to tank such a stellar game as Overwatch. The sheer incompetence they needed to muster is insane.
that was kino. OW deserved the rant too.
They shouldn't have joined this tournament, it's not a "amateur for fun" tournament because there are so many proplayers around, even Doki said so right at the beginning of the first scrim.
Nah that was a retarded rant because he thinks he's super good at the game and should instantly be given a Master rank after only playing the qualifying games, there's nothing based at that and no game works the way he wanted to.
you might want to watch
we NEED magni dezmond back
he got mad after he got kicked from the match for whatever reason
No, I watched it live, I know what I'm talking about. He's mad because he thought he was insanely good at the game and should be ranked as Master, that's it. Your clip takes things completely out of context so if anything you should watch the vod.
Nah, even if I miss him, it's better as it is.
His team was ass raping the other in that match
>taking down months of streams because you didn't win some pew pew video game
What a fucking menhera. Why are men so mentally ill?
>months of streams
wdym months of streams? He was talking about the two scrims vods
God what a sore loser. I'm still glad this menhera is gone
Holostars English was infinitely better with Magni Dezmond in it. We could trade any other 2 boys for him to come back and it'd still be a bargain
And other bad jokes anon likes to tell everyone
>90min streams
>travel to "Massachusetts" (or whatever he said about the conventions he went) every two weeks
>then 1 week break because he's tired and sick from the travel
I do not miss him self-inserting into everything and turning those streams into the magni show
Shotaoji doko?
he cant be a sore loser when he was winning.
But enough about Gavis Bettel
Just wait three more weeks for me to debut!
magni's the reason he does that
Is Bettel just a string puppet of Magni Dezmond and not an independent person with his own thoughts and decisions and agency?
Bettel is a weakling afraid of being alone and is content with being around the manipulative guy that is also afraid of being alone
Mafni offered that life to Vesper and Altare too, probably even Axel. Bettel was the first one that was needy enough to move across the country for him
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Who will be the first member to take Altare's studio virginity?
Honestly, probably Shinri. Not sure how long would the travel be (considering that I don't remember if Altare talked about the distance from his home) but that's something Shinri wants to have in a future and so seeing how Altare made his would be valuable).
Second guess would be flayon
I'm still waiting for the wrestling/fight off collab between him and Flayon
I'm surprised people forget about this, he did that shit all the time.
shinri is too much of a cheapskate to make the trip
I want shinri to do his tiktok dances there
Well I wouldn't bother traveling across the country either even if meant meeting a friend, not because of money but just lazyness.
That's why bettel is constantly begging for bettel 2
I'll never forget Tavi making him do the Spaghetti dance that was the craze back in 2003 when I was still in 4th grade
sadly I don't think that'll happen, he almost got bonked for doing those dances even without the music
I want them to do some empty streams (or rebroadcast old VODs idk) on Twitch just so people can accumulate points that can later be used in cool streams, specially if they're gonna use 3D, there are quite a few APIs or just simple rewards that could make the streams more interactive... I hate twitch but when it comes to APIs and what you can do with them they're just miles ahead of YouTube
I remember him doing the pokedance in silence meanwhile some jp talents were doing the same with the music and everything. I don’t get it.
I wonder how easy would it be to convince Hakka to start counting his poops and update us every month with the number
>meeting a friend
EN management is extra autistic, Axel couldn't even PLAY apex on stream (though he was playing it off stream) because management was scared of a hacker, meanwhile everyone in Japan was playing it no problem.
I think they're extra cautious because they have to respond to some jap above them, idk
even the jp talents were told not to stream it until recently
Why does Ruze's intro BGM sound like a Nihon Falcom song
Hacker is an understatement, management was worried about the one that was hacking pro players during the tournament and could control their accounts because they didn't know how much access they had to their PC. I don't even know if Respawn fixed it, that developer team is so shit.
You can find VODs from holopro throughout the months of June and July, Axel could only play it again because of the tournament.
Nostalgia goggles. Comparing him to Ruze who also jumps into other’s streams all the time the contrast is huge. Ruze has own annoying quirks in vc but he’s pretty good at complementing whatever the other guys are doing instead of centering himself.
wonder why they never tried that so they can farm watch hours on twitch
What do you think "recently" means? Go look for Apex VODs from HoloPro talents between mid-April to mid-Jun that aren't privated
Archive of Axel's ASGS scrims from today:
He also reprivated his first vod, which has been archived here by Takobro >>80907528
pretty sure it's from him anyway, same format as the karaokes
That impromptu overlap stream was a breath of fresh air, I'll tell you.
My point stands, EN took way longer to lift the ban on Apex than the JP branch. So, as I said, they're extra cautions.
Do I have to draw it with crayons in order for you to understand?
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Altventurers are slimes. Machiroons are also slimes, albeit with a different appearance. If 2 slimes can combine into a larger one, would an Alt-roon fusion dance be able to say nigger?
machiroons have the pass so they'd basically be sharing it with the altventurers
you can't be trusted with crayons cause you'd just stuff them up your nose like the retarded child you are
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Wait can mixed blacks say nigger? Would machiroons give the pass to altventurers or would the altventurers revoke the machiroon's pass?
Pretty sure they can yeah. Adding onto this question, does the 1 drop rule work for this? Like what if there's only a little bit of roon in this big ass slime?
>t.assblasted anon
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Nta but I wish I could blast Gavis Bettel's ass.
The problem is Tavi is a born and bred JRPGfag and that's his primary tie to weebdom, but jrpgs aren't very good for stream purposes
if you're black in any way that's visibly black you can say it
Might as well assblast Jerry while you're at it, would feel just as bony
I had the most fun watching Octavio (not a very high bar mind you) when he was playing games that allowed him to make super weird narratives, playing long ass games with obnoxiously long cutscenes is just not good for him.
As the other anon said, Blockbuster Inc. was kinda fun even if the game is alright at best. He should transition more into these Sim games or play a Bethesda's game and roleplay a super weird character with a detailed background
Okay so the 1 drop doesn't work for pass purposes. Niggosity must be visible. Shit I wish I was at my computer so I could overlay the Altventurer blue and machiroon black together in varying amounts. Maybe have a little poll or whatever to determine what's the least roony mixture that can say it
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But Jerry doesn't scream when its put in
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He managed to make that floating duck "game" funny by turning it into a schizo soap opera featuring aliens and Texas. Anything that lets him go wild would be great for him.
gb schizo was a poopette all along...
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thanks for the material aniki
I want it to be Shinri, but probably Flayon since he lives the closest.
Yeah, Magni is the "jumps in VC and diverts everything into being about him" guy. Ruze is the actual "jumps in VC just to shoot the shit with you" guy.
Pretty much, every time magni jumped into vc it was always a version of “you would not believe what happened/what I did today” while Ruze can be cringy sometimes usually goes “how’s it goin” “whatcha doin in *game streamer is currently playing*” genuinely him coming onto axels Elden ring streams were the best
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>content warning thumbnail
Good god
Why is Ruze dummy thicc
made by the same person who drew the Content Warning thumbnail for that collab Bettel ended up ditching at the last second, wonder if it'll happen twice
and whores.
Love lore.
I like Hakka
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I enjoy Regis Altare
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I appeciate Machina x Flayon
oh nice, I thought this stream was for today but it's actually tomorrow. now I can watch it
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Me too!
well i like him more.
I masturbate mama
i find axel delightful and whimsical
Stinky bird love!
Scammer dingo love!
Axel is literally the least whimsical StarsEN boy, he has the same aura as a rock
i happen to like rocks and if axel is a rock then he is the one a penguin will use to propose
axel "the rock" syrios or axel the rock?

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