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Reminder that Phase Connect lost and CC, Raora, Biboo, Shiori and Fauna won.
wtf is this angle
>out of place shiori
the usual
Reminder that your dramatuber oshi would throw you under the bus at the first opportunity and never think of you again.
Mori you have to eat less fiber
You're shitting up the place
>not obsessed btw
Phasefags doxx the shit out those in the OP to try and drag them down and the posts stay up for hours. Phase lost.
won the game?
I thought they couldn't dox shioir
>Shiori, Fauna, Raora
half of /pcg/ loves them and Mumei and nobody discusses any of the other ones
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but OP is CC...
are you confused?
What does a picture attached to a post have to do with OP's oshi? Do you think people can't post vtubers who aren't their oshis? Or do you think falseflags don't exist?
So what did we do recently to get the multi bait threads?
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Wait what did we do now?
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So you're telling me it's Niji lol? Nijisisters aren't as heavy-handed with doxxing, they just holo vs holo and endlessly seethe and are slowly leaving this place out of shame. Phasefags are getting too uppity with their dramafag janny.
Furzilia Immerpups and her gaseous cavern can not be contained
Wait is that why you are salty? Wasn't that 24 hours ago? You are still mad because you couldn't shit post enough. Sister get some help.
They're the Holos Phasefags like the most missing FWMC though so OP is trying to sow discord.
The resident schizo got btfo so he went back to the catalog
I rather watch phase than shitori thoughbeit.
>Everyone talks about the Holos. No one cares about who connect
>phase lost
Lost what? They are not relevant enough to be competing in anything. Are you delusional?
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>Nijisisters aren't as heavy-handed with doxxing
My dad works at phase connect.
>Nijisisters aren't as heavy-handed with doxxing
I saw it and I still don't get the point of this thread
Kys mass replying fag
Raora and bibs lost
U gud?
coffee lost
Nooo you must watch a retarded collab with girls you don'tcare about
Fucking retarded seanigger
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Extreme bump limit holo doxxing with phase doxxing getting deleted immediately itt is a phase hallmark at this point. Their talents follow/support/encourage known doxxshitters and dramaniggers.
>coffee lost
that's literally the joke, Phase is a coffee company, and team coffee lost. its not funny when you explain an in-joke and I cringed seeing all these catalogfags not get it while calling me a seanigger when they act more like one
Phasecucks aren't Holofriends, no matter how much you try to warp reality. You faggots ran a "respect my collab choices" campaign lasting months upon months. Your girls openly support or endorse assholes who dox (Pippa with Depressed Nousagi) and harass Holo talents (Panko, Shiina, etc. following BVTM). And there's a multitude of examples Phasefags falseflagging to harass Holo talents. You faggots are the closest thing to actual enemies we have, and you're far more vile than Nijis ever were.
and this cunt along with many more are out here trying to start a race war with fanbases while thinking he's not the most obvious falseflag ever
god fucking damn i hate these hours so much no one in NA would fall for this shit
>the most popular drink on planet hundreds of millions are literally addicted to is a meme phase owns
Not really
no one said anything about them owning coffee as a whole...
memes are supposed to be in-jokes in old internet culture. how fucking new are you?
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How does the success of Holomem affect whether Phase "lost" or "won"?
But then why did Biboo, Raora and Shiori won
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>on the worst holoEN's channel
I'm not subbed.
The fuck I watched it and was team soda in the end despite being a phasefag. There's more coke in my system than coffee.
What did they lose?
>I shit up the catalog with corpo vs. corpo drama again, now let me explain in detail why my unfunny joke was worth shitting up the catalog.
Do brapper liggers really?
Why do Phasechads live rent free in the head of Holocucks?
They won nothing
My girl Panko never harassed no one
Based fuck phasefags and flips
She browsed /vt/ multiple times on stream, she's as bad as the rest behind the scenes.
I want to beat up a phase faggot so much.
>Brown on brown violence
As I always say, Phase Connect needs to cull its community. Nijisisters are obviously hated by everyone, but with Niji dying, Phasekeks keep trying to start shit because IDK drama = relevancy or something
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I just want more holobraps desu
>crying about phase starting shit in a phase bait thread
Why are you like this?
Raora is on that list and whatever antis she has are 200% Nijisisters.
We saw the physique of the average Holofag at AX so i'm not very scared.
Just saying, man.
Holofags generally don’t like Phasefags and Phasefags probably aren’t watching Hololive much, I don’t know what you were expecting.
very subtle, sister
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lmao the crazy phase schizo is still at it. thats some advanced mental illness. samefagging like a total fucking retard, is if people couldnt tell. holy kek.
Get rid of Pippa, Panko, Shiina, Lia, Lumi, Uruka, and Muyu and all the dramacucks and /pol/cucks will disappear.
I watches panko and raora, I wish for a Italian harem like a roman emperor
>get rid of almost every single vtuber in a company and people will stop watching
you sir, won the faggot award
They still have plenty of members left who bring less drama and are more deserving of views, also the face of Phase should be Tenma not Pippa.

>you sir, won the faggot award
Why do you type like a redditor?
You don’t watch them anyways, why do you think a threadreaders opinion matters?
>let get rids of all our top earners
nice try nijisister
get back to pumping water out of your submerged house
i type like someone who thinks that you are a faggot

the fact alone that you listed Uruka says a lot about how you dont watch any of them anyways, why would your opinion matter
I used to watch them, that's why I can tell which ones need to leave, the drama hungry falseflaggers that they attract will only keep creating more tension with Holofans and worsen the vtubing scene for everyone.

views =! donos
>tension with Holofans
just say you are a sister
Because they stream on the same platform, that's why Phaseroaches keep begging for collabs so their whores can leech from Holomems, they wouldn't care about Holo if they didn't have big numbers.
What happened to niji this time for sisters to sperg out holo vs phase threads?
Phasefags don't watch if pol stuff is not involved.
Nijisisters' new angle is to try to pawn all their retardation off on Phasefags, forgetting that all the Phase talents and most phasefags are also holofans.
Holocucks are mad because ERB is going to stream with males, it ruins their "walled garden" narrative.
>You faggots ran a "respect my collab choices" campaign lasting months upon months.
That was holo troonicorns, anon.
>far more vile than Nijis ever were.
So true, sister
bvtm is a unicorn?
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man, every time a phase girl streams to more viewers than a niji these threads keep shooting out the ground
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>thread is about a joke stream
>phasecucks are so scared and defensive they turn it into holo v phase
I thought you guys were Holo fans did you miss the stream or something?
Unicorns immdiately start deflecting and accusing others of falseflagging once their shenanigans start making them look bad.
Sorry, so sorry. lost what, exactly?
Small dog syndrome.
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>That was holo troonicorns, anon.
Nah, it was 100% you and your phasenig army, you flip mongrel. Unicorns were the ones posting "two more weeks."
Nothing is ever more vile than the Nijiniggers and their kpop stans retard
Thinskinned little fucks can only give it, not take it. Utter fucking weaklings burst out into tears whenever you "funpost" back.
holy shit lol we've got tons of nijiseethe jealous that phase is overtaking them
Phase fans don't watch streams they watch drama channels.
Can someone gimme a qrd on what happened to niji this time?
A lot of unicorns are also Phasefags, that's why they both spout the same /pol/ talking points, especially when it comes to women.
Even if it may sound hypocritical now, I got your joke man. Should have made this thread not on SEA hours though since the average IQ is 2.
>lot of unicorns are also Phasefags
>same /pol/ talking points, especially when it comes to women
Go back.
A single Niji JP talent mogs the entirety of Phase.
>in Phase.
You have no fucking clue what you're talking about. I avoid that corp like the fucking plague.
no one cares about JP, we're talking EN here
I hate phaseniggers so much that it's unreal, please reopen kiwifarms to make them leave.
>Nijinigger can't even use EN branch to brag anymore
It is open but they are using it to slander Pippa after she dropped the pol pandering.
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kiwifarms is always open, you should reconsider where the faggotry actually comes from
No you have no fucking clue what you are talking about
They don't care if they get cucked as long as they think they can still get their turn.
the stench of sister in this thread is unbearable
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Nah, I'm pretty sure I do and you don't.
Trying a little too hard there.
just bend over and get fucked by him sisters, you already know the drill by now
OP I am sorry for the SEAcreatures unable to grasp a single joke.
Yeah he collabed with 2 (the least unicorn friendly too) out of 28 girls
He truly ran a train over the entire company
this is the equivalent of saying "holomen collabed witth an holostars therefore Hoololive has zero unicorns"
This thread is just a bunch of schizos fighting ghosts, if you think one group is responsible for all the shit on this board you’re incredibly retarded
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I love unity
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I'm not sure what you two are trying to pull, but you phasecucks yourself have constantly been claiming no talent in Phase is unicorn friendly. And from what little I've seen that may very well be true. Your premier unicorn friendly GFE parade horse was in the Wrestletuber thing with the homostars ffs.
What the fuck is wrong with his hand?
>, but you phasecucks yourself have constantly been claiming no talent in Phase is unicorn friendly
lol what? the grand majority of phase girls doesn't acknowledge male vtubers at all
the answer to all corpo vs corpo posts will always be sisters because they are usually at the losing end
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Nothing, it's just how phasecuck hands normally look.
Another L for tribalcucks.
>A lot of unicorns are also Phasefags
Flayon made sure that's wasn't the case anymore.
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Funny 'cause I've had multiple discussions with Phasekeks wherein they'd agree with me.
Is this the schizo thread?
unity gang can't stop winning
Eh just for naught not counting the JPs
Lia male collabed
Pippa male collabed
Tenma male collabed
Uruka male collabed
Lumi male collabed
Remi male collabed but she apologized
Airi male collabed
Shiina lmao
Rie male collabed
Erina I don't remember there was something on Filian channel but it was too long ago
Saya male collabed

Gen 3 is the only unicorn friendly gen
>inb4 why you didn't count the JP
The JP male collab ratio is higher than the EN girls
>A lot of unicorns are also Phasefags
This is the silliest delusion I've seen in a while.
b-b-b-based. ill buy some of her coffee just for that.
>Run an unfunny coffee joke to the ground.
>Gets angry and tribalfag when faced with a coffee joke
Phasefags are odd.
Phase has more saviourfags as opposed to unicorns, people really like the sadgirl schtick
niji girls and boys are far more sad, by that logic people would saviorfag them instead
They do, it's just that to do that properly you have to get them out of that company first.
Its not nice to make fun of the mentally disabled anon. Their owner bvtm just got 3 of his accounts banned a couple days ago, along with his main account
Phase hires sadgirls. Niji makes girls sad. Very different things.
this may work for those that dont have shitty personalities, youd need half a hand to count them
People do saviourfag them by begging them to escape their dogshit company so they can morally justify donating.
anon this is terrible, that makes fishman seem like a saint
Everyone seems like a saint compared to Riku
>holos give a shit about anything that isn't holo
>holos give enough of a shit about phase to behave like this

fucking please, take this weaksauce bait elsewhere
>weaksauce bait
>140 replies
this doesnt make sense
>single digit IP thread of impaired (you)s bickering
i bet half the replies in here is the retard samefagging.
the angle is throw tons of shit at the wall and see what sticks, the niji corporate policy
>this whole thread
what this isn't a shitpost thread?
>Holo Tea vs Coffee stream
>Tea wins
>Phase lost because they are the coffee company
It's jork
She never browsed shit on stream, she hates drama and always stays away from it. Your 4chan brainrot is terminal, sorry you had to know this way!
>giving a shit about op
Hello it is me the coffee man BVTM. Thank you for watching.
Those are the oldest, brownest hands I have ever seen. And I'm a mechanic
Fauna, Nerissa, cc were the only winners retard. RR and beebob were team coffee. Shiori was a fucking judge. Watch streams.
Raora and biboo liked tea and coffee though, and Shiori too.
But those weren't the fucking teams!
In what stream she farted?
The Fauna farts…

Go back to r*ddit, faggot.
Kys bumpfaggot
That sucks

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