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spilled milk

If you aren't aware, Fallenshadow is the most hard-working schizo loli on the internet and enjoys the company of her husbands very much! Please treat her well.

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fallenshadow
ASMR Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadow
Ribbon Cage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWMyb4vKRU0
VOD Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowtwitch
Clips Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@fallenshadowclips
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT
Nise Menhera Twitter: https://twitter.com/goodgirlshadow
Otis Twitter: https://twitter.com/managerotis
Menhera Twitter (dead): https://twitter.com/shadowchama
Backup Menhera Twitter (also dead): https://twitter.com/syadouchama

Schedule: shadow weekend

Please refresh yourselves on global and board rules before posting, you might be surprised.

Remember to ignore, report and hide shitposters. It's easier than you think

Previous thread: >>81414280
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I know its prolly a perspective thing but her big toe seems to be as big as her heel
Not sure about you, i am making a list of anybody who celebrated her ban.
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your wife has a nice butt
>believing some 12yo who is larping as a caped faggot knock-off capt. america can do anything
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Holy shit she's at 102k twitter followers. Her birthday tweet was at 93k.
they are just bots watching the twitch ban thing
God i hope so she keeps unnaturally inclining
She had reached 150k twitch followers before her ban
Xive got shondo doxxed? When did that happen?
I love how she does not stream for 3 months and has a full week of scuffed streams only to keep inclining. She just cant stop winning. But also naaaur...
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I wasn't trying to impersonate shondo. I was just saying what I was thinking at the moment.

shondo is going through a difficult time, and while caring for her might be a testament of empathy and humanity, it will certainly ultimately bring sadness, because of the kind of person shondo is.
big meme vtuber accounts reposting old clips of her
this will have terrible shonsequences
wtf is this shit
it's hot and warm fetish fan art. if you don't like it just ignore it.
fleece is homelander
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Im the Jorker baby
Not my cup of tea but based
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Is there an edit of this with Shondo in it?
Guess I’ll draw Shondo shitting in a diaper next for the main tag
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Why is she so fucking perfect?
fair point
You just think she is perfect because she seems attainable. Unfortunately she doesn't want to be with your dumb incel ass in real life.
are you new to vtubing?
kek how new
You should add every single chuuba from /asp/ - they've been raiding /news/ to attack her.
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Stop projecting shigga
Move on, incels. You can't groom her and she wants nothing to do with you.
>still projecting
how new are you guys that you reply to the stinky femcel
who's the femcel?
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a femcel
I'm going to marry her in real life though?
The very concept of "femcel" is riddled with self-contradiction.
We're all men here, shigger. Any "female" pretending otherwise is just a tranny unless proof
tourists out
all the real femcels left this general along time ago
Shondo is still around
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kek true, but not as often as she used to be
You only want to marry her because she looks like a child and you think you can use her apparent naivety to trick her into loving you. sadly, it is only an act, not real. The most pathetic thing is that you already know this deep down, but you are actively trying to ignore it.
>still projecting
Swing and a miss, try again!
she is gay
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My wife is a grown adult petite woman retard
She doesn't want to be with any of you retarded manchild incels in real life, move on.
Its actually quite funny that she had a melty about being attracted to men in offline.
I really love her
noone in their mid 20s looks like a child, especially when theyre taller than average

Mean. I am a teen genius looking around for intelligent and not parvenu-like (not producing anything but only consuming, proffiting off using the name of goodness) -

Women that can use certain ideas I have for how one might better run virtual YouTubing right now based on bringing out people's epic qualities and happiness rather than distrusting each other and believing others or we need to freeze (freeze-flight-fight).

Their age doesn't matter and neither does mine!
stinky femcel
In my mouth
She's not petite.

She is 5ft 6.5 inches tall and the only reason her breasts are small is because you are exploiting her mental illness and making her believe that she has to adopt a "loli" persona (making her starve herself to keep her breasts from growing normally) because otherwise no one will love her.

She needs to find real people to connect with, and stop hanging around with the pedogroomers who make up her audience.
stop blogposting
youre not the stinky femcel stop larping as them
I have no idea who you are talking about.
her breasts will grow when she is heavily pregnant with my children
dont kill yourself after abcs wins
If I ever want to kill myself I will do it at a meet and greet in front of her
I'll be honest here, I don't care if it was him or not. I hate the fact that he won, I hate it so fucking much. That piece of shit must be feeling so vindicated over what happened to Shondo after his ban, with both the stream dying right after he quoted fucking Igon with an alt saying she would rue that day, and then the ban lining up with what he said about ruining her birthday.

When someone gets banned we are the ones supposed to be laughing, but he laughed last and I fucking hate it.
stop posting about yourself
I would propose if I went to a meet and greet.
quick shes online go spam discord for attention NOW
Its not the NA shiggers that you need to be worried about winning...
He's likely gone bro he has no reason to be here anymore, with that attitude all you are doing is creating a literal boogeyman right now.
don't you know that the kid that lives next door to the school is the one who arrives late most often?
you need to stop posting about yourself
i feel genuinely sad for you. this is beyond pathetic lmao
>he thinks it's someone fishing for attention
>posts giving him attention anyways
Do you realize how stupid you are being right now?
they just need to know that they need to stop posting about themselves
you can't stop someone /here/ just by telling them to stop.
She is a homosexual, she doesn't want a man. KK will win.
I feel pathetic as well as I can't do anything about it. I'll probably forget about it by the end of the week tho.

>i'll stop someone from posting by giving them attention
Not only are you creating a boogeyman but you are making all the wrong choices if it really was the case, dumbest shogga of the week.
ok but that doesnt change that they need to stop posting about themselves
Really bad larp
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gay thread
Homos going "we can wait a week" instead of asking for discord shit
I mean if you asked she wouldn't do it but still
why didn't you ask then?
someone asked and she ignored it, it's over
shes still mad at him, if i asked she would have replied
Why is she mad at hiroto?
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i only saw tupajumi ask
shondo do a discord watchalong at 2am tonight but not for a film we're gonna watch some aminal videos or ed edd n eddy okay?
love u bae
she already said what shes doing today u parasocial freaks
Why is she mad at tupajumi?
I love her, so very much.
Just here to say, that she gives me a strong urge to work out, eat healthy go out more.
Something I haven't felt in a very long time.
See you when she goes live again.
Be well
offline chat reps
y'all real quiet she aint unbanned yet, talks of a permaban and potential change from the loli model. im sure she did a community watch along though or a stream on another platform because she likes her community so much
balls deep in the shunny when she digs her nails into my back, whispers into my ear "you parasocial freak" and then bites my neck
Yeah, you weren't there? She did a preview of the new model on her private twitter account.
She said no scat or poop stuff and no beast stuff either
Fake shogga spotted
Doesn't know about the secret streams
she said you can do whatever you want she just wont interact with it if she doesnt like it or thinks its weird (also ribbon rule/flat etc)
she was grooming neppie in twitch dms when nep was still underage
Good Morning Shondopolis!
so was ren but no one says anything
She likes men though....
Good morning
ok groomers you dont need to jerk one another off she went offline you can stop talking now
Feet are fucking gross. Some faggot came into my board to spread the news he got banned for showing feet? I mean just as weird as showing armpits or other parts for no reason. Just be fucking normal and you could've not been banned on an important day? Anyways like I was saying Footfags can get fukt
You don't understand, they need to make sure they start idly speculating about shit they have no idea about once the discussion dies down just incase she comes back and sees their names.
One technique you can use to counter this is to just post stickers or start and emote train to push all their messages away.
if she started showing off her armpit that would be great actually
Being groomed by dewd only made her get banned on twitch, good thing she won't do this feet thing anymore
Just let the cringe incels chat away. None of them will 'win' regardless of how much they talk in her discord, reply to her tweets or spam in her stream chats. She doesn't want to be with any of them in real life.
but don't forget to post you own message right after the spam ends ;) I know what you are doing

My guy the only simp here trying to get with her is your white knight ass. ???
tourists out
>*shits herself*
>i cant call a bank ill die
>anyway, sophia hop on vc its time to be very direct with you if you know what im saying
i just want to eat her asshole and cunny is that so wrong?
Just post some Shondo feet pics
i just want to stroke her tummy and hold her neck and just vibe
She's doing it for (you)
fleece 2.0
make a gollywog shumo
shes unironically retarded
>putting weed gummies in a jar with easy access in her room
she's actually a drug addict this is insane
they were in a pack she opened she'd need somewhere to store the ones she hasn't had yet you stupid nigger
yeah the solution is to put in a jar in a accessible location with a bunch kids in the house
you're fucking retarded, kill yourself
Im gonna derrick guys i cant take it anymore holy FUCK
you're making a lot of assumptions there but i expect no less from a retard calling her an addict over edibles
kill yourself stoner
You’re in /shon/ retard go ahead
>she literally said what happened
she is retarded
no i must be nise no matter where i am
shigger, she just said shadowmama started cleaning her room. for all we know she pulled it out from under her bed or anywhere. you're just making assumptions to make her look as bad as possible go fuck yourself
>noo you have to assume the stupid person wasnt stupid
>thinks is funny she drugged her mom
Whats would have happened if baby bunny was the one who found the jar?
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Idk what you're talking about anymore.
Have a good evening
i couldnt think of a funny edit now she hates me
To be honest i don't trust her at all regarding substance abuse since the codeine arc
What if Otis found it and pried the lid off with his little jaws
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post this one lmao
>two more weeks
Who just takes stuff without asking wtf shadowmama
Funky candy thief
until what
i win
i wish she was still like this
King D was the last one who got this and then he took it from us
our imouto-wife status?
any news from her?
I start to worry bwos
Here’s what she would look like if she were black or Chinese
chinkmo and niggermo wow thanks Retromancer
Post it in discord
Bring back the old King D, the pretender D and the false kings A, O and S are boring
Old King D did fuck all except whale and DM her. He wasn't known outside of that.
Also stop posting about yourself.
fartrune didnt jork his peanuts in her DMs retro, dont fall for their lies
Who the fuck are a and o
>did fuck all except whale and DM her.
and he mattered more than any of you ever will lmao
wrong, she loves me c:
nah i'll win :)
Tourists out
Stop larping as the false kings
every time i open discord i'm reminded of how much i hate that place. i wonder how much the average age in her community has been reduced since her insane incline started.
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did shadow just steal the outfit from this chuuba
ojisans unironically run this shit
Name please thank you
this but everywhere i hate all of you beyond reason
What'd I do?
The discord has its ups and downs depending on who's active
the only thing you run is your old ass straight to the grave
Mimi from vspo (I think)
seethe youngcuck
i just feel like i've gotten way too old for that crowd all of a sudden. the overall behavior and discussions taking place have become so fucking childish and cringe-inducing. some other oldfags i know of seem to have adapted to this but they're also literal p3dos so it's probably exciting for them to be around literal children. i seriously doubt many of these new people are older than 16
im only shondosexual
Post syadouYay in chat, right now
i am too much of a seanigga to afford a sub :(
i cant the chat is suspended
its too quiet... what are you plotting...
Fartrune did nothing wrong and the mods just hate everyone that supports shadow
shondo banned him
FR got banned by the Empress herself
fake news
Ever think you're just a jaded asshole?
It was Forest Tree using her account, dont lie about things already established
taking shondo on a canal cruise
the thought has crossed my mind
cruising into shondos canal if you know what i mean
slurping shondo's pussy juices right out of her pussy if you know what i mean
chinkmo kinda cute
Redpill me on the real reason for her ban
I just noticed the syadouOm emote isn’t (you)s arm. She’s setting us up for the NTR arc.
Does she have plans on streaming on Kick or somewhere while she's in Twitch jail?
its my arm
She'd never worry about money or ToS ever again if she streamed on fansly
No she's just going to wait it out.
She already doesn't have to worry about money thanks to the merch
the CEO made advances on her and she rejected him
>sorry guys i can't do merch because banned
>but the money?
>no refunds!
she probably reported herself, hoping for a perma ban so she could run with the money. twitch ended up just giving her 7 days though so her plan failed. she'll probably try getting her ko-fi banned next or something

Captcha: MT0KR
Most sites are on high alert towards pedo-adjacent content due to the Mr. Beast co-host controversy so Shondo making obvious sexual innuendos and fetish pandering with a loli model was an obvious red flag to Twitch. The ban won't be appealed and Shondo will serve the full sentence. It's just a week anyways.
go back to twitter you dramanigger tourist
Pathetic rrat anon. Not even close to believable.
even if she got herself banned and ran with the money i would still love her and marry her
It's because that wasn't a cute little nibble. Shadow has to feed.
same but i dont yell about it
I would let shondo go far beyond a cute little nibble if she wants to. I wish she would devour me entirely (either whole or in pieces).
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Sir, this is a Shonmart
i would let her devour my penor if you know what i mean
>making her starve herself to keep her breasts from growing normally
she was anorexic long before becoming a vtuber, retard.
You really have to come in here and reply to 6 hour old bait?
tourist hands typed this post
I asked for a redpill not a bluepill
There is no redpill. Twitch did the most bluepilled thing imaginable. Subscribe to the loli = pedo mindset.
Ya'll got any fumos in stock?
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I bought them all sorry. I plan on traveling across the globe and placing them all in random areas, causing worldwide panic why theres so many random plushes of the same girl in different places. Causing a massive conspiracy about them to get spread.
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lolicon = pedophile, but pedophile ≠ child abuser.
shondo whats my league starter
Lightning strike Warden
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I hope this ban doesn't discourage her from using the chibi model more.
why would it discourage her? if anything this is her safest model
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because it's more loli than her regular model.
Violent hot sex with chibi shondo
there isn't anything to be sexualized on the chibi model because it's fully cartoonish and doesn't resemble a real child like as much as her main model and her main 3D one
None of her models resemble real children either. It doesn't matter to normies. They see little girl and it's automatically a problem.
Just got out of a twitch community staff meeting, all models resembling children, 'loli', are being banned starting in August.
Your name literally says anonymous, you're not twitch staff
Keep seeing all these "I won" comments about having sex with her
How do I also win? I would like to have anal sex specifically if thats a reward she offers
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Big Hag is trying to remove all our lolis to reduce competition.

Fucked up.
send a pic of your penis to mods for evaluation, they'll let you know if you won
Any mod in particular that has a high pass rate, or can I skip them and email shondo? My penis has a banana kind of curve, is that a bonus or a handicap
just pick one who strikes your fancy
>skip them
don't they'd be sad ;-;
Darn it this is the 3rd shonmart today..
I got banned. Is this part of the test
dont be a meanie i want a wifey legally distinct fumo
I didnt mean to reply to you there, I'm just really retarded
Thanks for your opinion, Daquan
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i'm doing this in my city but with stickers. i've already put up a lot
dont worry about it nade nade
I have just finished cumming inside of fallenshadow
fallen shadow has just finished cumming on my cock
I use chibi shondo like a fleshlight
She really needs to launch onahole merch
Replica like a jav actor
ironically ;)
Yes thats the point
It needs to grip so tight it feels like I'm fucking a hydraulic press
Stop bringing me up no one cares anymore
i just lay back while she's servicing me, desperately trying to extract my cum as if her life depends on it
No, not ironically. I have listened to her voice and watched her erotic body for years and as a single male, I have sexual needs that accumulate over time and shondo has caused pent up sexual frustration that normal masturbation no longer feels satisfactory enough. There is a large portion of her audience brewing with list that currently cannot be quelled. Shondo is the only one who can provide an outlet and she is aware of this fact. Providing her viewers with a way to relieve themselves should be obligatory for her to do. Whether this be merch or personally going door to door of her fans to sell footjobs.
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I hope Shadowmama has a fun evening
how will she be able to stream knowing that guy who got her banned is still among us
why would amogus get her banned???
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Has shadowmama used edibles in the past? Idk why despite being with a lot of guys i never saw her as someone who would use weed
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She was giggling like a madwoman to all the brainrot shit Shondo was showing her.
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Sniffing and kissing the shonsoles while I jerk off
>shes cute
>My type
Not gay by the way, she is totally attracted to men! You can totally 'win'!
now she's saying another man is hot, stop reading the threads shondo
>skibidi toilet isn't even funny if you're baked
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this is shondo going outside
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love how the result of her "i'm going to be more open and honest and not care anymore" is just her talking incessantly about which men she finds hot.
it isnt even really a funny thing its more of an action movie
why is she cucking us like this?
watch streams
she literally just said she was gay, saying the old man was hot was just ironic
I'm Marlon Brando
my sincere reaction
>marlon brando
fat ojichads win
we unironically run this shit
i dont think she would prefer apocalypse now brando to godfather brando
anyone else hate that zoomers think they invented tf2 sfm memes when they don't even know what tf2 is?
yes, i too hate it when a succeeding generation takes X and turns it into Y without knowing what X is
stay away from schools and go hang out with those your age, grampa
that would be gen alpha

does anyone have the full loop animation of this waiting screen?
uh oh turbograndpa exposed lmaooo
shes gay
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I love that chat is now just 16yos talking about weed general. Great stuff
bro she's gonna break her fucking spine
>Shondo says she is attracted to men
>Nah bruh she must be gay

Thank you
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my beloved
shes bisexual how is this news
they loop this bait because you keep responding
this is bait how is this news
She is performatively bisexual, she is actually just a dyke.
how is a screenshot from today bait?
sho calling you a nigger faggot as he noms your ears
>groomers being gay with each other
>stoners talking about drugs
discord was bad before but holy shit
if she watches a movie today or tomorrow im going to kms
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youre all gay
punished shumo
I'd play her like a damn fiddle, if you know what I mean
I love the part where shadowmama throws her
Why did she do it?
Where did she go?
cotton eye sho
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bro i'm gonna break her fucking spine
shadowmama please... one oiled up titjob...
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Look at how malnourished Shondo turned out. I doubt mama has the milkers.
shes obviously very fertile
theyre a very fertile family
except for shondo

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