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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Alice Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/24:
1: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (6,257)
2: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (5,774)
3: https://twitch.tv/nihmune (3,676)
4: https://twitch.tv/Asveeti (2,800)
5: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,483)
6: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,344) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,332) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/bao (1,784) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/LucyPyre (1,767) *Tie
10: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (1,637)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,760) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (4,021) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (1,942) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 23rd - Fallenshadow
July 24th - Yuniiho & Shxtou
August 5th - Shylily
August 6th - Tob
August 8th - Kitanya

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>81450641
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Alice toes in my mouth(she doesn't encourage foot guys but she makes an exception for me)
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Chuuba's you wanna hold like dis.
letting alice choke me to death with her tiny thighs
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-xx-xx]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Complete Hime Hajime [Starting at 2021-01-31 and running until 2024-XX-XX] and Bubivt Vod Archive: https://rentry.org/Hime_Bubi_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig


>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels: https://rentry.org/IRC_Stuff
Would you watch a Bat-Tenma collab?
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Happy Monday lig I blub my oshi!
clauvi go liv
*stomps the sleepyhead*
put 6 million sleepyheads in the gas chambers
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Pink cat good!
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can't wait to watch vei's stream
Grimmi kicking me in the balls
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Love my wolf wife
She's yapping before more fallout!
I love my cute, horny and bratty sex fox. I LOVE HER SO MUCH! Erm!
force feeding shondo through a tube like a duck and then surgically removing her inflated, fatty liver and feeding it to her on toast
I have mixed feelings about Silvervale. I have said a lot of cruel things about /here/ but if I met her I would fall to my knees apologizing with tears in my eyes and beg like a little bitch to touch her boobs.
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>no good streams
pink cat total annihilation
do you think these illiterate poorfags even know what you're talking about
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pink cat total anal annihilation
did they just have sex
It's so good to be able to watch Shondo streams again!
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/lig/ for this feel?
he's describing fall gras it's not complicated
I am watching bellaur beyumi tits (her tits are massive)
Kuutuber blue Powerade flavored feet in my mouth
letting alice just stab me and slurp my blood like a bat
me + Chromu mating ritual (I am Porky Pig from the hit motion picture Looney Tunes)
I think Layna is dirt. Her own actions catch up to her and she acts like she's been wronged. Shit sucks, but it's her fault in the end.
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we value your feedback
letting shondo tuck me in and kiss me goodnight
why does she have my picture?
She should get spitroasted by two donkeys in a apology video to make up for it.
did they just have sex
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vtubers for this feel?
I was banned for 3 days, what did Layna do. last I heard she posted a rambling but mostly incomprehensible voice memo suggesting that everybody is being mean to her. did she do something else
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farting is not cute
it is neither funny
nor fun
Go away. Move on with your life.
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
my penis ramming into shondos impossibly tight coinslot
its very fun and therefore funny which is cute if its a girl
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Pink cat is made for hugging, cuddling, and head pats!
that's rather presumptuous of you. Just answer the question.
I hope you have a better day than me, liggerman
Look at this goody two shoes waiting out bans
Go away
she's a 5 foot 8 white woman with buck teeth and a baby voice, you imbecile
Oli finally let me drink her enema water this morning!
I think not.
she's also 32 and cute
Black people stole his belongings.
this is a good post!
and other fantastic stories that never happened
I take things that never happened for 500
you couldn't even reach the top of her head to pat it
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Layna should consider killing herself.
inauthentic behaviour
my coping liggers are all offline
vods don't hit the same
Thanks akhi
If more of us were kind, considerate and upbeat like Raj, there would be few problems in the world.
manlet self report
Why are women making this kind of scenarios in their head constantly
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I forgot to mention that she's cute. Thanks for reminding me.
Nta, but im 5'10, so i could, if she wanted to, that is.
I'd prefer to pick her up and walk around with her, she's built like a matchstick
no u
can you not?
Delusional sentiment that could only be cooked up in the feeble mind of a woman
Yuzu constantly posts things that are way more unbelievable than this. I dunno why some of you are so incredulous about this.
Where is oli
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Damn that's not nise at all. I hope your day imrpoves
you got a problem with Raj's sunny disposition?
i think what they are trying to say is
the guy stopped hitting her not because she is underage but because sHe iS a mAn
Come on, even I know that's a bullshit story.
What if your oshi got busted for having an illegal weed farm in the woods where she tapped into the local river for irrigation, and used massive amount of toxic pesticides that killed all the local wildlife
not post or not reach the top of her head
She posts them ironically
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Don't put words in my mouth you doublenigger. It's just a classic "and then the whole bus stood up and clapped" story
Uh oh, they're gonna turn on the bot again
good morning /lig/ I want to friggin’ off myself! (No I’m not Layna don’t say anything mean about her)
i would post an amusing react GIF from the movie "The Room" where the guy says "What a story, Mark!"
No, he's good. I have a problem with your take on it. Maybe you should have a sunny disposition, retard.
I want to punch her tummy really hard and make her cry
thank you liggerman, I hope so too
don't deny it, I know what you people are about.
do i understand it right that her gimmick is that she makes you think "shut the fuck up" every time she opens her mouth?
im dying of a gunshot wound who should i watch
Definitely Tob
your mom
Shut up you cunt. You have no idea how much I want Katie to fuck my ass
i went to go play a porn game and when i was done gobbing it's two and half hours later
i lost two and a half hours of my life pulling on my damn self
vtubers for this feel?
reach the top of her head. if you cant reach the top of a 5'8" girl's head that is actually impressive, your arms have such long reach how the fuck can you not even headpat her. you have to be a legal midget for that to make sense
just because a KKK member wants to rape a negress doesn't mean he's not racist
tch, damn brats... bold of you to assume i would lose a gun battle to mere street trash...
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yes, all liggermen are very short and fat and bald and ugly and they have never had sex, to an unusually high degree.
Where is oli
based Gaia rp thread online poster
lucy pyre
sanagi yuzu
Stop being a retard
>wake up
>look in the mirror
>still haven't been dismembered by a bug girl
West Coast, now stop asking for doxx
Stop being a nigger
I've been turned against Layna. Ligger for this feel?
Saruei tying me up and making me ejaculate with just her tongue
Stop replying to retards
im actually a gnome
what did she do this time
i love pretending to be retarded
Thanks bro, nice quads
Did she actually beat sh2?
the good ending
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my dick hurts a little who should i watch
I don't know who that is or what it implies for her
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
arty should rim me
gay niggers from outer space
You will never replace the OG Tenmaposter.
He's my cousin
You get just one warning. Try that again and see what happens.
Which liggers are the most likely to be suffering from undiagnosed diabetes that is slowly killing them and will drastically lower their quality of life when they get older?
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that doesn't count
What do you mean? Weird projection
there it is
This is my containement board.
mint castella
I Love Lucy
Don't interrupt, I am talking to my son.
Oh did the falseflagger finally turn the bot on?
he said undiagnosed you, retard, not just name the first fat person you can think of.
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far too early for this shit
Let's gooooooo
sex with your oshi's butt
Yep, there it is
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Low amount of images on this imageboard so here is a random one from my folder
you can be fat and undiagnosed
reading comprehension
hahahaha boooobs sex sex ass boooooobbbbsss
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sex with your butt
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pink cat ʳᵃᵖᵉ
This has happened every day for months. How is anyone not used to it by now?
what makes you think women like mint or Juni haven't figured out how to see a doctor?
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do you like it? the fact that you're here means you approve of it - nay, that you love it.
yea she can't shut the fuck up
why not :(
you being killed with a hammer
Generally fat people don't go to the doctor, because one of the first things they'll say is 'you need to lose weight'
is this the idiot who thinks "patting her head" would be rewarding in any way
More like he realized they were implants
the fuck happened to Lucy no one talks about her anymore, no one posts her except that one annoying avatarfag
I'm just not surprised anymore ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
neurotic people of all sizes go to the doctor all the friggin time, and they are able to find doctors that dont offend them
I hate this chuuba so much
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I consent
don't post nazi "comedy" here
*pings you*
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Shit mods drove people away, then she started aligning herself with the wrong people and pushed more away
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zenner in da liggy
AL-FOOS wrists, pale flesh exposing veins
Rape is wrong and a crime.
says who
That's a man !
Yeah I figured it was something nobody else would care about
Mint has a mental illness that makes her crazy about disease. I’m sure she’s fine
Common sense
but women love to be raped its one of their top fantasies to be raped
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who is "the wrong people"
common sense cant talk
which chuuba would take 3 hits off a temu spongebob cart and die?
When is Layna planning on killing herself?
Hey, rape is valid and I'm a rapesexual
Stop being a bigot
Imagine the smallness of her pp
what mental illness does that to you?
I'm in her chat and with only one monitor I don't want to tab over to live post cause then I'm missing stream
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one time i was at the doctor and i had to provide a sperm sample and i used this image to jerk off
The few times I look at her streams it's always mods spamming chat, huge turn off.
Apparently not crazy enough to eat a salad
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It's 5:41pm, time to wake up.
para miwa shondo
I would like to but all of her porn has too big
neurotic people are hypochondriacs, especially women
is she on today?
wish that dough were my balls
i would never
my laptop gets so hot when they do that, i wish they would stop, because it burns my lap
obsessive compulsive disorder. i love her but it’s very obvious from her personality she has it
>has *it too big
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Stop being a bigot, chud
go back to sleep. spam bot is shitting thread again
shut up fag
Nino y Chromu chikan kudasai
Nino y Chrumu chikan kudasai!
Shitty streamers that are bad people
The average man is not the subject of their rape fantasies. Unless you're at least a 9/10 do not attempt it.
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Zuma's delicious fat mound
Zuma's yummy FUPA...
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They want to be raped by ugly bastards
mint is so neurotic I genuinely worry for her a lot but also she’s a grown woman so she’s probably ok
para miwa shondo cunny jets transformer man face rtx kiki savehymn saru midget pussy nino beri rooftop koreans filian mako hags australia kitanya south africa retard virgin foreskin anglerfish
could you specify homeslice
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insane how many triggers there are
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i bet the man who plays zentreya is a fun guy, i would like to have a beer with him
womp womp
Picture of a knife
it's not a bot, it's a guy who does it manually, while he posts from his government job
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giant snake birthday cake large fries chocolate shake yay!
The fact that Rooftop Koreans is on there on a vtuber board always makes me laugh
now just a minute, I am not that trans sperg i just said i want to drink beer with zen
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Don't reply to trannyschizo please, it frightens him.
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this schizo loop died ages ago
Nobody cares, autist.
You really wanted someone to react that way so hard that you didn't realize it was the spammer that replied to you?
Pants down moment if I ever saw one.
>Mint poster posting the food part of the Fairly Oddparents lyrics
boobs way too big
did you even watch the video?
What a retarded comment
Would eat
para miwa shondo cunny jets transformer man face rtx kiki savehymn saru midget pussy nino beri rooftop koreans filian mako hags australia kitanya south africa retard virgin foreskin anglerfish chris >she >her zentreya
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You should care, it's the ultimate fate of all tranny e-celebs, including yours
it's not a vtuber, why would I watch it
why did she not secure the cutlets before she started
no im currently watching anime women and their saggy hag boobs
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you have one guess
whoreclan. he means whoreclan.
In honor of our friend I think we should post about chuubas that have cute penises. I like how small and feminine clauvio's is.
This is all I’m going to think when somebody thinks they can counter or activate the spam guy with that copypasta from now on, thanks
this proves Layna is shy and nice and cute, she just wanted to watch
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mega based
Layna pov
Rainhoe shit status?
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Naiyo in 800.
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The gold standard of chuuba pp
in her stummy
Tanked and impacted
let me try something...
Tenma is a man.
A transsexual if you will. He is trans.
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Good bedge cute spedgie
I like penises so much that it angers me when people get theirs cut off
not trying hard enough, the word is "tranny" or "troon"
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800 what?
Use units
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Good sleep
What if your oshi got tilted from playing games designed for children?
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Sarus doctor visits continue
yeah i know but i live in one oh *those* countries where no no words land you in jail
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A baku will devour your nightmares today.
most children who post here don't understand that most trannies don't even bother, it's expensive and it hurts.
Obviously 800 units, can you read?
strange way to type Yuzu's
okay first test was successful. let me make it even less plausible.
Silvervale is actually a man.
You might say he is a... tranny.
Civilized? Developed?
Vei please go live and save us.
not true, you've been gaslit by troons
i'm pretty sure your country has vocal TERFs and nothing's done to them
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yeah but transformers are cooler
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Need this but for liggers
Shame that nothing since has been as cool as these old animations
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Nothing can save us
but what if i say something like,
I support trans women and trans men, as well as trans nonbinary people, and I dislike the use of the word "Tranny"
lmao what
how does >>81461500 trigger the bot but >>81461317 doesnt
it has to be a guy doing it manually
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Fockin finally.
I don't think there is a country that will throw you in jail if you say a tranny vtuber is a tranny
hmmm, this one didn't seem to work. interesting. i think it is a guy doing it manually.
Do you actually think the spammer supports them? lol, lmao it's the same trannyschizo just false flagging.
Lucy said she's updating her mouth tracking with vbridger. Is it any good? Any /lig/gers currently using it?
How bout a para deez nuts
ON 4CHAN on top of that
he used transformer instead of tranny or troon
try posting that again but with those words included
I am not remotely interested in what he believes or feels, only in how he behaves. and he seems to be behaving manually.
uh oh shes fat
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Do you like Tanya?
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It would just be 1 box.
>Do you wanna switch Oshi?
and both yes and no would point to HeavenlyFather
trigger words applies only to a new post, not a reply chain. The latter gets spammed based on a first post.
If you want someone currently live, beyumi uses it. Vei also uses it. The biggest difference is that they can chew with their mouth closed
read, nigger
need her to bite me
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I like Tanya!
It is a mentally ill tra*ny who manually replies to people. That's just how ill he is.
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wife wife wife where ware wyou?
the replies are automated but it's activated manually by a sperg who is always here chatting among us
explain this one:
Does it count as trans if I want to transition into someone funny and likeable?
Trannyschizo here, I reject these accusations. And while I can't speak for other trannyschizos, that's not consistent with his behaviour so far
this is the most chilling thought of all.
and sometimes he says normal, reasonable shit, and you reply to him as if he's normal.
Could you turn your bot off? Tia
I think her model is cute, but I have never watched her so far
she has uwu voice. I don't like uwu voices
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You just missed her, she was collabing on someone elses channel a bit ago
From the looks of it, the demented transformer manually replies to people. Not botting.
me and who
Nobody is buying your falseflag anon
Thank you
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Your claim is disproven by the post below. He reacted to transformer in my post but not in the other posts. That means he is reading all of them.
Katie and her girlfriend look related. I mean, that doesn't stop me from cranking it to the videos they've made. But I feel the need to tell someone that.
I hate this spam just as much as you do
i dont know man, multiple bots have been unleashed on the thread at the same time and one of them was this transformer one. sometimes he does spam manually and he even pauses just to reply retard to one post and then continues, its kinda funny
my best friends is trans, and I am considering dating a trans women and I would greatly appreciate it if you stopped using offensive slang terms like tranny or troon.
This is only a test, it is not bait, in the conventional sense, or a sincere statement.
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Will it ever stop?
can schizophrenia be cured?
You know I wasn't talking about that anon
If it was a bot then the key words would trigger his replies. But I used transformer in a way he didn't like therefore he's chimping out on my posts too. He didn't reply to the other posters saying transformers.
>the little ah~ at the end
this woman NEEDS my seed
I jerk off to traps and trannies
is it any different than playing a video game, or "griefing" people in an MMO
Sometimes this thread sucks total ass thank you to the people who continue to post normally in the whirlwind
Only sometimes?
Sweet dreams spedge bro
>people who continue to post normally in the whirlwind
ah, yes, those people. I call them "enablers".
If you had any backbone, you would boycott this thread.
Death comes for us all
We need more morning streamers
That's what he wants retard
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I refuse to let schizos feel like they'd be winning.
suspicious post
amogus even
no, "retard," he wants an audience, and he has one in (You)
This is backwards ass logic that can only come from someone discounting the possibility of being wrong.
The spammer tranny chimps out on anything he deems "edgy", it's not just a one off falseflag. It's been known here since from a long time now.
i jerk off to troons and femboys but im straight and they disgust me in person
fetishchads rise up
Nobody believes your falseflag anon
she's been sick since AX, there hasn't been enough going on with her for people to schizo about.
after seeing how the act here, it's best they get raped and killed or killed then raped, in whichever order
I'm sorry you're wrong
I like Kitanya a whole lot! She’s very nice!
1 minute apart
KEKW is you looney troon manually replying now
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I hate trannies but I'd still fuck the passing ones
Why are SEAsians like this
I hope someone is reporting
you have mental illness, take your meds
I don't like the meds though
I'm the mentally ill one am I? Kek
none of this would be happening if Layna gave enough real things to sperg about
It's okay, you can take them with a sweet drink :)
Yeah. I have a mostly positive view of this thread when it’s not like this.
never mix fantasy with reality
Does he have a 4chan pass or does he just ban evade or does he not get banned at all?
I look forward to the day (next week) when fallenshadow is permabanned, just thinking of all the melties makes me wet
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if she gets permabanned then i will just marry her in real life
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Why don't all clipfags get nuked by this policy?
How did this get deleted lmao
I assume both, but it takes a ridiculous amount of trolling to get banned with a pass.
glowies are so gonna have a field day with how many potential terrorists they can easily indoctrinate into bombing or assassinations
if twitch HQ gets bombed for it, i don't mind, they deserve it
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A pass only lets you skip the captcha you can still get banned.
well yeah anything and everything is a trigger now. i havent been here for a while but this is definitely a different trannyschizo though. og trannyschizo would just bring them up unprompted with longer angrier rants about them.
do you guys watch multiple chuubas or do you just watch your oshi. A while ago people talked about how it’s “cheating” to watch someone other than your oshi but that seems really silly. Is that just a joke?
>you can still get banned.
they let you get away with way more shit.
Kind of true
NTA it's always one guy
Unironically I think I would go schizo
Ooh look at me I'm rich and cute and helpful and I post the good cat
>A pass only lets you skip the captcha you can still get banned.
>paying just to skip a captcha
why the fuck would anyone do that
prove it, post best r34 you have
he gets banned, but he just evades. then he gets another 30 day ban for evading, which, of course, he also evades. I feel like this process hasn't been thought through.
its actually funny because the reverse happens as well where because of clip channels the actual content creator can have their vods nuked, it happened to shondo
Technically can, but it takes a loooot for it to happen
It's not a trannyschizo at all, if you ask me t. another trannyschizo
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Sometimes it's good just to support the things you enjoy
he just has to run out of data at some point!!!! this bastard...
mostly a joke. I watch some others, but close all other tabs once my oshi goes live.
where are you from?
This is also true
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Ngl feeling like this dude rn
Germany. 5$ are like 400 european pesos
$5 can feed my entire village
it makes a few vtubers sad but otherwise its mostly just a joke. with shondo she gets sad if you call other girls your wife after watching her
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I like Beri.
me on the left
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is it really only 5$ for a pass? damn i love this place i gotta hop on that
she should breastfeed me
Does it? I never shitpost so i wouldn't know. I did intentionally post porn once and did get banned for it.
I mostly did it as the captcha update in 2022 broke the app i was using for phoneposting. Its fixed now, but i got used to having no captcha.
Its 20$ per year, actually.
I think it was funny when meat absent mindedly said "knock yourself up" last night. Always have had this joke floating around in my mind before that
I have to use a pass to post, since I'm usually not using a home network
i would like beri more if she wasnt such a dark skinned gook, she looks like she has jaundice
I reject this claim vociferously
I only watch Lucy
kinda hot
>Does it?
absolutely. the mods ignore ban requests way more often with a pass.
You're a NEET. My time is valuable. I must post, in high volumes. Cooldown period is much shorter and the time spent solving "puzzles" adds up over time, freeing up my time for lucrative activities
800 bongs
beri is such a dark yellow gook you could lose her in a pool of dehydrated piss
goonette love
Good morning, MacArthur.
i dislike this entire post just the whole thing
me on the telly
That's my name IRL and I about had a heart attack
Chuubas will be fine with you watching others, unless they are insane and 100 on the parasocial scale. However do NOT tell more than one chuuba that she is your oshi. That is when you will get into trouble.
why would you live your life like that, man. what’s the point?
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idk who that is
really? i laughed writing it
just imagine a girl that yellow...
I know, Douglas. That's why I called you that.
Do you know what foie gras is?
It's not a big deal, don't worry about it
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she is NOT an incestuber
My name is Kevin, not Douglas
moriko when piss is mentioned
Did I mention Moriko and Tenma are now friends?
Most people watch multiple chuubas.
You can have multiple oshis if you are a whore, but only one kamioshi.
i took a college level culinary class in highschool and am fond of the morbid, of course
its when you feed a duck a bunch of certain foods (i forget) to make its liver fatty and then cook it
i would eat it
honestly I don’t even type in chat or interact with my oshi at all I just post about her /here/
It's pretty good, I like it
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DID THEY COLLAB? I love them
>Nekrolina could supplex most other vtubers
you actually stick a pipe down their throat and pump them full of corn

Bat has the VOD on youtube
Doesn't hurt them at all, I swear!
need lina underboob sweat
cuuute I will watch
can you send me some i want to try it
thats awesome, i hate birds so much i want to pick up an adult goose by its neck and swing it into a rock until it dies
anotha one
There is goose foie gras and duck foie gras, but I think duck is more common
tanya tanya my cute sisterwife
tanya my bratty little onahole (pregnant)
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>theres goose foie gras
youre telling me i could literally torture geese as a career?
holy shit... my life has finally begun... my real life
stop it
removing everything that triggers the bot I assume
The original foie gras from France is from geese
That's kinda hot
It's too late I'm taking responsibility
do you think Zuma would force me to get a boibortion after she got me boipreggers from all the pegging?
One of the good ones
Spammer's been real quiet since we started talking about foie gras
Zuma ego searches. Try to say something cool, not this
foie gras global
How does it feel knowing that whenever you type Zuma's name she is probably going to read it? Do you think she resents appearing on the list of "poop" vtubers?
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Hi Zuma. It was cool that you volunteered to eat Toboso's snot.
oh okay
um... um.... shooting huge guns at the gun range with zuma?
piloting a huge robot with zuma
smoking a cig in a pimped out Subaru S5 WRC in Poland with zuma
robbing a liquor store at gunpoint with zuma
meeting bruce willis with zuma
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I can bake if needed.
seems like shonbaker died
I think she would like it
Would you find Zuma more attractive if she stopped doing and saying disgusting things?
Bruce Willis.... no...
Thank god
like many shondos
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I'm getting a big erection while driving by the thought of how tight Yenkoes' pussy would be while I insert her on my penis on the reverse cowgirl position while she says that it hurts a bit, but then she moans later when it's fully inside.
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Lady love
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Not really.
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Shonbaker was based
I like Zuma's outfit, I want to grope her
what about riding a badass motorcycle with zuma
less attractive, the disgusting shit is part of her homely charm


Yeah, i thought they were around this time, usually
That Chikawa? Me.
*At this time
But yeah, i guess others have to bake then. Idk how we usually only have one or two people making new threads.
anon PLEASE post the rest

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