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Post and discuss your favorite /uoh/ vtubers, from the largest corpos to the smallest Indies.

Previous >>81432944

Reminder to report and hide shitposting, off-topic raids.
Thanks for baking
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I've come to make an announcement:
My oshi is a bitch ass mother fucker! She banned me from fucking chat! She took her imouto soft fucking hands out and she banned me from chat. And she said it was -thiiis long- and I said "Unban me!!" So i'm making this callout post on 4chan dot org. My oshi, you got tiny hands they're the size of a sanrio plushie except way smaller. Here's what my hands look like. That's right baby all muscle not fat no polish. Look at that. It looks like two bear claws holding a coconut. She banned me from chat so guess what? I'm gonna uoh the thread! Thats right this is what you get! My super uoh tsunami! Except i'm not gonna uoh in the thread i'm gonna go higher, i'm uohing in your dm! How do you like that OP? I uohed at your oshi your oshi you idiot! You have 24 hours before the twitch ban lifts. Now get out of my fucking sight before I uoh on you too.
>your oshi your oshi
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why did she really do it, anon? wrong answers only.
It was laggy when I typed this. I have over 300 ping please understand
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I can't stop nutting to Lily this isn't healthy please send HELP
She joined the same corpo with koinu and needed to clean up her act for debut
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someone adopt this and get it rigged.
She was jealous that pawnii-chan was around other children
>bootleg Gura
no tank
i didn't notice the shark tail. my brain saw it as hair. could you edit it if you adopt it or is there some wierd twitter artist rule that says "you don't own all rights to things you buy and pay for. if you edit them you will get cancelled and blacklisted."
I see her grooming is going well
Use this to help you stop gooning https://litter.catbox.moe/955lq5.mp4
Does not want to get banned for having minors in chat and turning them into pedos.
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Yeah that definitely kills boner, knowing who is behind the avatar.
Damage control after Shondo's ban
too late
anon do you have an email? I want to make you a business proposition and I don't have a twitter account
I can't help you with your nutting problem that's just a natural response to her being pure sex
what kind of business proposition do you have for a gooner?
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Cute cat monster
Wrong tab
If you put fruits in her mouth would it turn into a smoothie because her teeth are like blender blades?
Irina today
Does this mean she wants us to flirt even more with her?
>don't have to censor myself whenever I see a minor is watching Irina
I'm free...
irina putting a chastity belt on anon so he doesnt plap around kids
Hope this helps
No stopping
Let me join ya
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I get a 404, is that greenlight for the goontown express?
So cute
Irina pissing in a swimsuit
Litterbox links expire after some time. It was lily kissing the tip
Need to lick Irina's sweaty thighs
I dont know if i should be sharing my main on 4chan but you can message me on my patreon /Fappeon.
i cant help it but every time she says it this is all i can think about
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fuck off your bullshit won't work even if you try it on gay ESLs whore
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your definition of "girlfailure" is just being a fucking genuine whore lol fuck off no one buys your bullshit
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>18+ for one stream
>flashes her tits
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you're not a girlfailure you're not even a fucking girl you're a federal informant you dumb bitch!
fucking kill yourself!
no one believes a word you say
Fuck off already find some other community to infiltrate you're too retarded for this
who is this shota let me know asap
can you skip the trauma dumping part and skip to the "if you don't respond i'm going to kill myself." part so I can manipulate you into filling a bathtub with your own blood
It's one of the characters from Blue Archive. Yutori Natsu
alright miwa sexting attempt was failed best of luck to all players
This sounds like Miwa trying to get more ojiisans in her dms
She didn't reply to my sexting maros and mentioned during stream that maybe she wants to close the maro if people are not asking valid questions and just be lewd... but it is miwa, you never know what that cunny brain thinks of
Leave my daughter-wife alone you sexpest
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Muyu is a fully grown adult!
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i don't want your (you) retard
you too
you're all retarded
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What's with the schizo?
Anyone else hears Mond's voice telling them not to masturbate because it's "sinful"? Silence Mond! I'm not going to listen to you!
the schizo is mond off of her meds. this is the only site she can use while in korea with her parents.
I don't want Koinu to go...
Graduation stream.
4chan is banned in Korea.
mond has a vpn. she refuses to give twitch her personal info and she definitely is not giving her info to korea.
Mental illness. Absolute. Mental illness. What is wrong with this girl? Just how long is the list of all of her mental illnesses?
your wife is the one starting it during streams it is only natural that I get horny and want to explore it further please understand
>koinu basically naked
Good, this is how I want to remember her
turn off your vpn
>worried about this thread calling her a grifter
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not long enough. she needs to open her dm so i can make her worse.
Her DMs are open. She just doens't answer and go into a mental breakdown at the idea of answering.
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that fucking GRIFTER. she thought we wouldn't catch on to her GRIFTING. GRIFTERS never win sis. try a new thread to GRIFT off. i was on to your antics from day 1 you fucking GRIFTING. goodluck GRIFTING in your new corpo you GRIFTER.
>Reveal my location after uohing multiple people and pissing on someones oshi
No sir, I don't think i will.
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I never watched her with this
trans ctubers are valid!
who? I think they are valid too.
lily :3
if you have a greasy old man voice you are NOT valid.
Kill yourself faggot
She got her money, you're no longer useful.
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kill yourself for saying that
kill yourself for suggesting that
I'm a lurker anti-kun
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me sending mond a dm that says hi so she has a schizo meltdown and i can comfort her on my alt making her like me more
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valid to kill themselves maybe
vr horror
I don't want to post my new outfit and reference on twitter since I still can't stream right now but I have no friends to share it with. Also afraid of posting it here the schizos scare me.
I don't normally view nor post in this thread but even I can tell this is a bait falseflag.
Why are you forcing the political idea of grooming minors here as a valid thing to do in a thread that obviously hates all that 3dpd groomer shit? No other reason doing this apart from you trying to falseflag and getting more people to hate them. Males behind female vtubers are nothing new, but don't insert your political propaganda here, for or against.
you're cute and silly. play more guro games. it was fun watching cute girls get their guts opened up and cum on with you.
checks out perfectly
post it for the unfiltered opinions. it might be hard to tell the difference from honest critique and people just shitting on you for fun but it might give you an idea of what people will think when you do a full reveal
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I'm gonna draw Lily later and try not to cum
Understandable tbdesu.
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this is the ultimate female form and no one can convince me otherwise
My hardworking daughter wife is live for the second time today with ASMR
First time watching Miwa, will she make me cum?
khubie you forgot to post your link https://www.twitch.tv/khubie. do better.
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I can't decide; should I submit my current 2nd favorite vtuber, who isn't Irina's type, or should I submit my (formerly a loli) ex-oshi?
would prefer imoutowife
Link me the application so I can add my oshi
>considering having irina date a hag with eggs that are so far past experation they started collecting spiderwebs

submit your 2nd favorite dummy.
I love my imoutowife
Thank you
Your advice confuses me, since my 2nd favorite IS almost a hag; I like her for the other facets of her content. My ex-oshi is younger and still has the voice, but just pivoted her content
She makes me feel so relaxed
>Twitter only with replies
Guess I don't get to add anyone since I got permanent banned for drawing loli art
It's so nice to have a cute girl baby me for once without me feeling like a faggot twink I still feel manly
^this anon wants to get pegged by his imouto.
do the second. irina will groom her back into loli and scissor her on stream
You don't?
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kill yourself fags
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I want to baby a cute girl and render her dependent on me, not to get mommied by someone half my size
Onii-chan loves his imoutowife
twitter is banned in my country (thanks president poo) did anyone add rimaeri to this yet
Is she whispering oniichan?
Is your social credit score that important to you that you don't want to use a vpn to get past the firewall for your oshi?
holy fuck koinu actually cried on stream
I'll miss the fucking dog
She can be your babby and still peg you but whatever floats your boat, my dude. Not like i'm an authority in weird fetishes.
>get mommied by someone half my size
nta but that sounds hot as fuck
>get mommied by someone half my size
Not all the time, but "little sister takes care of you while you're sick" can be great
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perfect frame to end on
Thank god that grifting bitch is gone
no i like my relationship with my imouto balanced. back and forth bullying eachother but showing no mercy in bed. i won't stop until she has 2 sets of twins in her stomach
I wish I was your imouto
Ew! Gey.
only if you can beat doom eternal on nightmare mode
Oh so you want a ran through egirl as your imouto? Nvm then
I want an imouto shouting oniichan close to my ears every hour of the day
No girls on 4chan.
is doom a egirl thing? postal 2 hestonworld then.
Miwa is so needy tonight
funny suggesting girls can ever beat nightmare mode
Are you dyslexic or just ESL because that's not what that message implies at all
https://www.twitch.tv/khubie vampire
>vampire playing runescape
too soon...
what do you mean? im the doom eternal guy. does playing doom make you an egirl now? is this just a i'm not like other girls type of thing?
you're supposed to teach you imouto how to play doom, what's the point if she already knows how to?
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Kiki playing Final Fantasy 4
that makes sense. i was thinking we bond over knowing the game and our different ways of doing things but teaching you and seeing you surprised at stuff you can do while i encourage you to do better when you mess up sounds cute.
yui's design is actually quite cute, hope she finally sticks with this one
I'll miss fucking the dog
>not to get mommied by someone half my size
that's fucking hot
I want a lolibaba to take care of me like I'm a precious lil baby despite me being a 6'4 hairy grown ass man
haha surely
a commission so I can join the gooning too, and something else
will do
I can't see an option to message you on patreon
she already has another new one in the works that she showed me in discord
so sad. i guess i can hope whoever gets the monkey design AFTER her will actually use it. it's very cnuuy
Well fug, pixiv would be the last option.
Liar she hasn’t shown us anything and only has this monkey one. Fuck off you don’t even watch her
What makes this even remotely relevant ? That she has characters? Why do you stalk someone you seem to dislike so much
i don't dislike her lol, i said i like her character it's cute and i hope she sticks with it. all i said was that i hope at least SOMEONE uses it if what anon says is true. stop having a woman moment
Yeah I didn’t mean to click on your reply so my bad.
I miss my imoutowife Miwa...
that seems to work, I'll shoot you a message there in a bit
Pffff you wish she will drop it like all the others, this girl can get attention with amazing designs but never builds a fanbase because people will show up to the streams and the design will already be gone
why does she do this? she would do so fucking well if she had design commissions or something. she'd make bank
she makes more money selling the designs and free art then from streaming
No one knows, she always uses the excuse that she likes to be "experimental" but the way she always tweets as a new vtuber trying to start a career just makes her look like a schizo, she will make a whole personality with new vtuber gimmicks/new fanbase designs/new catchphrases and by next week everything in her channel will be reset, I have lost the count how many times the twitter algorithm as tricked me into thinking I have found a new cute vtuber only to see this bitch pretending she is new all over again
>makes her look like a schizo
Have you considered that maybe perhaps she is a schizo?
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when is letania coming back
Do not start this timeloop.
kek, take your meds yuii simp
i miss miwu
Why did yuii commision this if she never used it
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i love daughtermommywives TuT
the same reason she will rebrand into a zombie next week. use your brain anon.
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What are your top 3 /uoh/ tubers?
Mine are
Why did rimaeri change her design to be a worse version of miwa
Rimaeri is mine you can't have her.
I will destroy you if you speak like that about her again.
I'm not an anti I just don't understand why she removed the unique parts of her design to look too much like another uohtuber
> Miwa
> Zenya
> Shondo
ever since my last eye lost I ability rima watch unable. text use describe her new outfit for me. speak become text program ass google translate uses. captcha solve with sound hard
What did he mean by this
hello Zenya schizo Bro
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did you really lose your eye... how...
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what the fuck happened
i didn't know she was actually here. mond is going to eat all the pills in her cabinets because i said hi.
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she hates you now
watching rima cum too hard into eye broke
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it's over for me. all those months of grooming down the drain because of 2 letters.
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I'm starting to miss the dog already.
Howd you lose the first?
accident fishing
You're retarded if you don't think her corpo did research on her before hiring her. If you're gonna be an anti, be a smart one and shut up until she actually pops back up.
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Just wait til bro realizes there's an entire company filled with "brand risks" whose practically in the top 3 of English companies.
You're the guy that got rejected from the orgy for having literally zero personal hygiene, aren't you?
>he thinks its purely streamer clips
>he thinks corpos just look at clips and assume their clips alone are enough to judge them
It’s been proven many CEOs are /here/, egosearch /here/ or at least are aware of their talents PLs in full beforehand. Look at Phase, half of his girls are literal kiwi /here/ whores who have posted pics of their bodies online, but most of them are doing good in #s and still in the company.
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Can’t wait for another fuura yuri incident :)
A shame the floods didnt kill enough SEAniggers
>believes the talent in a nijisanji graduation/termination
>believes the talent in any other corpo situation
>phase connect
>believes CEO because talent chose to stay silent due to legal binding
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i dont think i have a definitive third one. mostly because 95% of indies fleshpost/3dpost way too much for my liking so i tend to gravitate towards the corpo ones instead. i also dont watch phase connect but im sure they have some good lolis.
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i am interested in giving jelly a try. seems to be a good one especially desu
What are you on about? She's had the same design for over two years, this is her 2nd outfit
has fuyu clover always been this much of a gfe?
i never watched her much but she always struck me as non-gfe
goddamit twitch stop blocking me from making clips
what else am I supposed to be doing in the middle of the damn night
jerking off to ctubers like a normal person?
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This shit ass general is still around? Wew
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No, it's corpse is just being paraded around
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I'm not sure how long it's been like this but its current form is just sharing 1 to 3view indies.
rimaeri's post have been getting me more and more worried
It's been like this for a while
First it was classic image dump loli thread with a vtuber spin
After that it became a mostly friendly and comfy ctuber discussion thread
Then the great fetish purge of /vt/ happened, we fought for the thread to stay alive, the OP took shape, and initially we thought we won, but in hindsight /uoh/ died right then with the rest of the fetish threads
People started to take notice of it leading to schizos swarming in and ctubers seeing it as a place to shill themselves, which is where we are right now
Not that there's anything wrong with it but lets not pretend that at least 80% of posts "sharing" a ctuber aren't selfposting or their mods
I miss hatoba tsugu posting
I miss the old schizo that hated loli we use to get
I miss shionposter
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Yeah. I remember browsing here a lot lot lot long time ago and it being way different. Now there's like dozens of 2view "girlfailures" shilling themselves here or posting vocaroos. I'm not sure how to feel about it tbdesu, but I haven't frequented here enough to even feel disappointed. Just interesting to see as an outsider, I guess. Doesn't help that a lot of jannies are against loli.
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Da tsoog
>I miss shionposter
Never thought I'd feel this way, but me too.
im still here
I am disappointed that we lost what /uoh/ used to be, but I don't care about the shilling
If we got rid of all the shills it still wouldn't bring back the /uoh/ that I miss
So if ctubers want to use its corpse as nutrients for their careers, it doesn't bother me
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I guess it's better for it to have some sort of use than none, in the end.
Its only use is a shitskin organizing raids, harassing and getting vtubers banned. >>81464221 was done because he reported irinas discord server for pedophilia in hopes of getting her banned. Her twitch will be next
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I don't frequent this thread enough to know who is who or what is going on. I'm just here for the images desu.
You tried >>81408527
Next time dont make yourself so obvious
What does that have to do with what I said...?
More alive than gura.
One of the schizos that came in after the purge is convinced only 1 person can post an image so if two posts have the same image it's indisputable proof that it's the same person
He probably uses one of those olds mice without right click because he's too paranoid to trust modern technology
Don't mind him
>/#/ is le evil!
Only people who never been there say this. I checked it out recently and all I did was post cunny, even had some people join me. I don't see what the big fuss is about
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Is Jelly from phase good if I like Shondo and Gura?
Nice armpit
>small autistic girlfriend who wants to optimize your relationship for maximum efficiency
I think she fills a different niche but if you like autism simulators then she is the best.
She is nothing like either of them.
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Stay there then.
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kys shills no one wants you here get a clue and fuck off already lol
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the feds think they're slick
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Did you reply to the wrong posts or are you just too retarded to know how to read?
reminder to love your imouto uohchuubas today
Shondo fleshposts way more than most of the indies people mention here though kek
he thinks she's a corpo
I'm pretty sure he doesn't watch either and just wanted to shit on indies posted here
Shondo is a corpo. She just doesn't say it. She's just like Kizuna AI.
Rimaeri art pure sex like she is. I need her to open DMs on twitter again so I can throw all my money at her.
i love you my beautiful imoutowife
Stop selfposting so aggressively it's embarrassing to watch
>She just doesn't say it.
She says it all the time.
Don't tell me you think Otis being her manager is just a joke?
Look up the public business records in the UK, you'll find one registered to his name.
Otis is a cat. Autism is a (You).
And? You think a cat being the owner of a company is the craziest thing the brits have done?
As much as SEAniggers pretending to be humans
Living here in SEA is better then the hellscape that is burger land
holy cope kill ys
>thinks better than america is something to be proud of
even if it was true that's pathetic
Irina has literally said she will never fleshpost. Even a potential baking stream (upcoming donothon goal) is gonna have her fully covered as much as possible. In case you want a third.
based, we need some fun here.
what is this shondo type called?
child trying to wear her mom's clothes
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Do you make an exception for handcam?
cnuy bnuy playing fortnite
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How is everyone feeling about her graduation?
I'm sad, but I'll be looking out for whatever corpo she joined
she better have a cunny model
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If your uohshi converted to hag, would you oshihen?
no I'm not a slut
I'd just seppuku
I'm not going to worry about something that won't happen
If she became active again and started responding to dms then yes.
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does this look like the face of mercy?
This looks like the face of someone who would stab you just because she likes when the blood comes out.
Rimaeri says everyone confuses her for Lilriricore. Can we call her Rima instead?
you can, I will keep calling her Riri
I'm partial to "the riri that sounds like she's being murdered with a hammer while cumming" and "the other riri"
The Riri that drinks and smokes while pregnant.
miwa if she had downsyndrome
I wish Rimaeri will stab me and laugh as I bleed to death uuuuu
>Rima considering selling her used panty hose
Would you buy it?
No, but I've no doubt several here will fight over the chance.
Ber is cute
also needs a new gpu
I need to rape this ber
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Why is it even called Zenless Zone Zero
Rima is a hag...
This game is about the Jews isn't it
my thoughts exactly
>sad panda is for old people
You don't have to rub it in, Rima.
She's like 19, so yeah unfortunately she's almost past the hag barrier of 20.
Really? What does she use?
probably nhentai like the rest of the zoomers
I don't get this fake generational conflict. They're both basically the same.
It's not a generational thing.
One is for people who are retarded and the other for people that aren't, nothing to do with age.
I use both. Does that make me a midwit?
It's porn, everybody who uses it and especially everybody who fights over porn sites are all retarded.
I've seen nhentai sometimes has stuff that panda doesn't have. I usually just check panda because I like having the 200+MB versions of doujins/eromanga in ultra high quality, sometimes the digital versions are at the same resolution the artist worked at, so it's good for learning.
I guess nhentai is for people who just want to look at stuff fast, goon and forget.
sir goon and fast don't go together in the same sentence, please get your masturbation terms together
>everyone live at the same time
why does this keep happening
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This game looks ugly and boring, has the graphics of something from 20 years ago, yet makes her graphics card run at 100%. No wonder they're giving away free keys.
depends on how cute your hands are and what content you planning tease a bit?
they want to force you to choose between them
>Have a large 4k monitor
>Watch 3 people at once

I just watch multiple at once
>Irina heard someone in her room
yeah, it's me.
don't be mean
>I guess nhentai is for people who just want to look at stuff fast, goon and forget.
Pretty much, the nhentai UI is better by default, but if you can press a few buttons and take 10 minutes learning how sad panda works it's much much better in every regard.
>I've seen nhentai sometimes has stuff that panda doesn't have.
nhentai just rips everything from sad panda and presents it in a normie friendly way, what you couldn't find was likely expunged or search blocked for DMCA reasons, but can be found if you know how to look for it.
I wonder what the Lust boss will be like
Irina herself.
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Does this explain why so many adult women keep trying to pretend to be anime children?
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NTA but I see it KEK
sex with shondo
you'd really abuse her tiny body like that?

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