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>sucks homo cocks
>gets excluded from the fanbase
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>eats pagpag
>wastes catalog space
lol shes so disconnected from justice and the rest of hololive that fans forget she exists half the time.
Just let her if she wants to live outside of the box. I'm perfectly okay with how things are going.
what about the bois?
Are you trying to get the fanartists harassed? Kill yourself. Let this shit happen naturally.
Her homo collabs will get some good numbers but I can really see ERB being forgotten as an actual Holo member, she doesn't even spend time with her fans outside of Karaoke shit and SUPERCHAT $$$ involved
The more people forget about her existence the better for Justice. Hope that some day the others actually forget about her too and let her hangout with the boys. I can't stand watching any collab with her anymore.
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cant forget bout da bois
neva neva neva
It’s the same shit promise fags do with but at least that has somewhat of a reason. I expect for it to keep going tho, especially with her choosing the homo collab over the Spelling Bee invitation. Lots of fans won’t shit on the stars like people do here but they also don’t give a fuck about them. The more she chooses the dudes over the girl the more out of sight she will be. Of course that just means she will get drawn by the holostar artist ~
and yet you posted a fanart with her in it for this waste of a thread,
WTF would you harass them?
Hey this isn't a unique thing babe.
Myth experienced it, Council experienced it, Promise experienced it (heavily on IRyS), Advent experienced it.

You can't single out ERB for coincidences you only thought to seek out now
the sisters here have no limits and will do anything.
I love the hololive community <3
The sooner these homopusher whores realize they're not welcome the better
Don't tell this retard about some of the Council hardcore fans and IRyS from project Hope
>Says she hates bullies
>Hololive viewers bully her

How ironic.
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B-b-but what faggot? Idgaf about the red whore
It probably has more to do with her not fucking interacting with them outside of token collabs.
LMFAO holonigger are something else, pls next time makes her graduate or something, imagine their genmate morale LMFAO funniest shit ever, the most flop gen. I can't fucking wait.
>one “flop gen” member still mogs all of NijiEN, Phase, and other small groups
Pagpag thread
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I can fucking feel it, she's going to graduated and it's gonna be the most funniest shit YOU will ever see on history of HoloEN.
warms my heart
is ggcc the new amesame?
botting reddit posts is a new low
As funny as Elira's black screen where she defends her company driving Selen to suicide?
I can foresee NijiEN collapsing, Phase yabbing into oblivion, idol getting rug pulled by their owner, and /lig/gers eating each other before a homo pusher gets punished even once.
This might be the most fabricated drama I’ve ever seen on /vt/
Two more weeks
Nah, it’ll be rather soon.
>Promise experienced it (heavily on IRyS)
>Phase out of nowhere
Nah nothing tops that gigantic shitshow, but I'm talking about HoloEN first graduated member because of harassment from their own shitskins
>NijiEN, already collapsing
>Phase, literally didn't give a a shit
>Idol, literally didn't give a shit about a Jewish grifting corpo
>/lig/ers already backstabbing each other lmfao

Are you new to this board? Harassing innocent twitter users is this board's specialty and they'll just call you a nijinig if you speak up about it
see, a phase fan was already here shitposting.
Why would anyone call you a nijinig for harassing twitter users? Didn't they just harass Rosemi over a tweet?
Reading comprehension reps
More like spelling reps. I meant to type "Why would anyone call you a nijinig for speaking up about harassing twitter users"
Until this continues for another 3-6 months, it’s really a nothingburger.
Okay let's go through them left to right
>Reference to Rock Paper Scissors those 3 did when they waited for ERB from first all Justice collab with joke punchline
>Reference to twitter conversation those 3 had (ERB didn't join it)
>Best example here, but it's more of guy not commissioning something for discord server he won't ever use.
>she doesn't even spend time with her fans outside of Karaoke shit and SUPERCHAT $$$ involved
She doesn't spend times with her fans except in the activities that focuses more in her fans.
from what i have gathered im pretty sure the feelings felt by fans is that ERB is the first female homostar and not a member of hololive justice
Fucking wasted of slot, who the fuck recruit her? She's so fucking LOST
>b-but she can sing
she fucking can't, a lifeless sexdoll is literally better than her
Unicorns should face the wall already
People are free to like who they like as long as they don't harass the ones they don't like
sums up my post perfectly >>81465185
While moving the goal past the sister keeps screeching until she turns into a corn knob.
what kind of ESL drivel is this?
it's grammatically fine; a typo is not ESL, seething sister
can't blame those artists, why would they spend hours drawing someone who's clearly hungry for a dic
I'm more upset the keep including the pink woman, ERB is naive and in the wrong medium, pink is actively lying
go to sleep jakartabro
raora has no male collabs scheduled.
Just not on stream
c'mon sister, i know you're itching to post it. you probably really miss nyfco.
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If I commissioned the artist on the right I'd be pissed. My oshi has some genmates I can't stand so when I've commissioned group art I've excluded them deliberately.
>second point
nuh uh
ENfags were a mistake
Anon read the text he payed for the 3 but the artist threw her in because they thought it was weird not to have the whole gen.
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That Mpien drawing is from a month ago. He made a piece of Nerissa and ERB last week. Synergy made a post about Gamma's termination. Moon is calling out the commisioner for not asking for ERB
Are there even any genuine Homofans at this point?
I get the impression they're all just thinly-veiled dramatubers who'd be at home in Nijisanji.
Karaokes are literally the worst type of stream to actually interact with your fanbase, + only having talks with your fans when money is involved is kinda shitty
Lose some weight
>Moon is calling out the commisioner for not asking for ERB
imagine being so fucking retarded to think that your customer should pay for something that they dont want
Troll thread
Love how you ignored the other two facts because it doesn't suit your narrative anymore
But my narrative...
and yet here is a board full of retards trying to get Liz fired by spamming reports to Cover and Youtube false flagging her activates.
Why should he address them when his main point was to call out an obviously retarded statement
NTA but how is the 2 other facts have anything to do with the artist calling out the customer for not commissioning ERB to?
this is a baitthread. you are being farmed.
Epic Rap Battle?
she's like inverse aloe
>Uses the pagpag queen as a gotcha
You're no better than these subhumans.
>Make it crystal clear you want to collab with the homos
>people surprised when she's only associated with them
Odd. I think YAGOO should just push her into a separate gen for the homos to play with. It would have her, Ame, Mori, Kronii, Bae, and Nerissa.
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>Look up the post
>Comments shitting on OP for starting drama, saying he never posted in the subreddit before
>Accusing him of botting his own post to get upvotes
Even reddit hates you, Little_Inkling.
Thanks migo, the pillar of hololive and /vt/
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This thread is funny to me because if you actually look at the fanart being made, ERB's is by far the highest quality and has the most use cases.
I see more people posting stream captures of Gigi, and for CC & Raora it's mostly soundposts.
Thread really should’ve ended here
do us a favor and come back to reality
I don't understand antis. Don't get me wrong, I don't watch ERB, I don't watch anyone besides my oshi, but that for me means that I don't give a shit about the rest and what they are doing.
I just can't imagine spending my free time seething about girls I don't like instead of using it to enjoy the ones I do like.
as it should be
Maybe, but she actually yaps a lot in her karaoke streams.
Isn't it strange how these mentally ill freaks have to bot to create the beggar menace they say they're trying to prevent?
I don't think the redditor cared either way. He just wants to stir shit here and on reddit.
At least reddit is smart enough to tell him to fuck off
>bumping the baitthread.
point at the samefag and laugh.
*samefag reply*
Cry more homotroon
>Her homo collabs will get some good numbers
>homo collabs
>good number
KEK whos gonna tell this clueless rertaded anon chama?
She...gets art for collabs she's actually in? How is this a problem again?
guy should do a chargeback for that. Imagine shitting on your customer's commission choices. Just refuse the commission retard.
Can anyone remember this shit? It turns out that antis, homocollabers and sisters also know how to draw.
And they will not hesitate to create their own propaganda to feed their narratives.
Bummer, I guess?
You can't convince me ERB is not grifting at this point.

>mostly does karaoke streams that she can easily replay, no extra effort required
>super long superchat readings to collect that sweet dosh
>pays more attention to a whole separate branch instead of her coworkers
>skips big branch collab in favor of male collabs, the biggest taboo

I really don't know what's her plan in the long run. Maybe attempting the Nijisanji meta but with Hololive, I don't know.
tbf the drawings are individual kinda reaction images. if it was some sort of group or pairing art and they just decided to add more people, then that would be bad.
idk if moon is "calling out" the commissioner, assuming that each of the drawings are individually priced, if I was them I would only commission the people I care about, as why would you pay for art for someone you dont like. so moon just threw in ERB as a special discount or something.
>commissions art without Liz
>gets Liz
define "good numbers" I don't really see the hype outside of some hardcore beggars ERB is just extremely bland and not in a cutesy way like Ina.
rosarians have no problem with this. they hate the rest of justice as much as ERB does.
Be a real shame if someone started shopping ERB out of these fanarts
based migo
This is incorrect by the way and is against the principles of gatekeeping. She should be exorcised back to the Niji hell she spiritually came from. Hololive is better than that.
kill yourself
Only God decides when I enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
The gate is closed, now go back
It's too late 85. I am 44. God loves me more than you.
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Imagine commissioning just three of them so you can astroturf your vendetta on 4chan and then the artist adds ERB anyway.

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