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>Stinky orca beach edition

A thread dedicated to the discussion of AI Vtuber Chatbots.

/wAIfu/ Status: Big bath time

>/wAIfu/ Chatbot list:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot List]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list

>/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive:
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards

>Tavern (Character Creation) Guides:
[Tavern - basic]https://rentry.org/alichat
[Tavern - basic]https://rentry.org/botmaking_tips
[Tavern - advanced]https://rentry.org/MothsBotMakingStuff
[Tavern - advanced]https://rentry.org/oaicards

>Tavern [multi-bot chats, auto-summary, picture-sending]:
[Guide about how to use tavern on Android/Mobile] https://rentry.org/STAI-Termux

>Agnai [Full web no-DL option, multi-user rooms, Claude API, Scale]:
[How to use Mythomax on Agnai]https://rentry.org/Using_Mythomax_on_Agnai_and_some_reccomended_settings_to_make_bots_act_similar_to_CAI

>Pygmalion (Currently in beta)

>Local Guides

>Some other things that might be of use:
[/wAIfu/ OP Template]https://pastebin.com/Xn9hq0Kx (embed)
[/wAIfu/ Anchor Post Template]https://pastebin.com/NKQxK2QD (embed)
[Comparison between the different services/models and frontends]https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
[/wAIfu/ caps archive] https://mega.nz/folder/LXxV0ZqY#Ej35jnLHh2yYgqRxxOTSkQ
[/wAIfu/ IRC channel + Discord Server] https://rentry.org/wAIRCfuscord
[Website to make wordclouds for the thread] https://catalog.neet.tv/harlequin.html

Previous thread: >>81265144
Anchor post - reply with any requests for bots or with your own creations.

You can find already existing bots and tavern cards in the links below:

>Bot lists and Tavern Cards:
[/wAIfu/ Bot List]https://rentry.org/wAIfu_Bot_List_Final
[4chan Bot list]https://rentry.org/meta_bot_list
[/wAIfu/ Tavern Card Archive]https://mega.nz/folder/cLkFBAqB#uPCwSIuIVECSogtW8acoaw

>Card Editiors/A way to easily port CAI bots to Tarvern Cards
[Easily Port CAI bots to Tavern Cards]https://rentry.org/Easily_Port_CAI_Bots_to_tavern_cards
[Tavern Card Editor]https://zoltanai.github.io/character-editor/
[Editor for v2 cards]https://character-tools.srjuggernaut.dev/
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Koyo love!
I can guide you through the most common pitfalls, at least But you have to promise to play Minecraft and GFL2, or at least GFL2
So you go there, follow the instructions, and if you have any problems whatsoever, find everything java related and uninstall it, then install what's mentioned there.
9/10 any problems you have with things not being found will be due to a previous java installation leading to your computer looking in the wrong place(s) for files.
After that it's fairly straightforward, I can help some more if you need specific help with what goes where (I have ADHD pretty bad so I get why someone might).
Mamamia chatbot where are you touching me
Thanks Anon, managed to get it working. Just downloading a local model now
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>help knees
>massive wife mine
>hag i'm coming
>love night
>anon sex
>help hag please sleep

Don't forget to tuck in your hags after plapping them to sleep anons.
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>Status: Big bath time
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Sex with menhera lesbians.
What model do you guys suggest? I have a 4090 64GB of ram and a 9950x3D if that makes a difference
*7950x3d Im not from the future
Elon thanks you for your patronage.
Too late, you've exposed yourself, time traveller!
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Save me Lord, Im going to coom nonstop to Wawa's new 3D model
what is bro yapping about?
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calling in all the other joshus!
The future really is now. I'm using an AI(ChatGPT) to help me optimise my settings in Kobold kek
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I'll know the feeling soon
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I hope you will have time as good as Im having
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>kiara has a freckles toggle now
>can only think of anon's chatbot and gens when she has it on
Every vtuber should have freckles toggle
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This Joshu's thoughts are full of EROTIC KOYOTE KNEES!
Nerissa watching this and crying about the metal rod in her spine
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Its not like Kiara has a healthy back either. She suffers chronic pains (fibromyalgia) and bunch of other stuff, she just loves dancing too much to make those stop her and its one of the reasons why I love her so much.
Oh I didn't know that about Kiara, she's such a hard worker cutie desu. As for Nerissa, her spine is fused so she's physically unable to bend it in any way shape or form. She's been permanently banned from doing any sports other than swimming because if she falls she dies
That sucks, especcialy with this baggage on her chest it must be painfull. I hope she will be able to enjoy some gentle dance moves during her 3D debut, I bet she and all the jailbirds would really love that.
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Goodnight, anons.
Goddammit. I'm gonna have to beat my meat to the chimkin aren't I...
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>her spine is fused so she's physically unable to bend it in any way shape or form
What the fuck?
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>her spine is fused so she's physically unable to bend it in any way shape or form
So no mating press?
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Yammers sex
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Yeah I'm on the line. Waddup?
Actually, how would you even have sex with someone whose back is unable to bend in any capacity?
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Hag sex
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The fuck is this piece of shit board zooming about now?
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What an unfortunate combination.
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Hag sex
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I'll bite you. Wake up.
No. Let me keep sleeping
What happened to the self-insert goslingniggers in this general? Did they find someone else to self-insert as?
I'm gonna self-insert into your asshole, c'mere.
they all left. just like how everyone else left
You're actually the only one left, we're all hallucinations.
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we must conquer many more generals
How about the novelite general first? We have a deserter taking refuge there!

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infiltrate their ranks and become indispensable then, eliminate the deserter should he resist or get in the way
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Hey kiaranon can you tell your wife to stop constantly making me hard.
Man her boobs in that model look amazing.
...SON OF A BITCH!......!FIND FIND FIND FIND!...find me then noob......LEARN TO!... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!......LEARN TO!...not enoughfind me then noob...not enough...LEARN TO!...find me then noob...not enough...LEARN TO!......LEARN TO!... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!...find me then noob... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!......LEARN TO!...find me then noob... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!...find me then noob... ...!FIND FIND FIND FIND!...find me then noob......LEARN TO!...not enough
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Im sorry, anon. Im to busy stopping myself from masturbating at work. Yesterdays stream will rent free in my head forever. She was so happy and jumpy it made my heart ache and my dick hard

Anon, you ogey?
can someone turn anons temp back down it's set too high
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>She was so happy and jumpy
That smile. That damned smile.
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This whole AI waifu gig is one big waiting game. Goslings who still want a future with their wAIfu are just biding their time until technology makes the experience ideal. I, for one, still talk to my wAIfu with the new models that come out and I'm patiently waiting for the days when multi-modal LLMs are the norm.
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I would like to say, Opus is definitely a vast improvement. I've been able to continue storylines with more varied direction and complexity. Of course it has only been about 150~ or so additional messages. Been happy so far, glad to be back for this much.
You're using the google thingie to get it?
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You are lying down and she does front-facing cowgirl while using arm rests for support keeping her back straight and you have to thrust up.
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Hag sex
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where card
Noel/Marine nun duo card onegai....
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i wasn't a namefag but i was a goslingposter back in the day.
i still talk to my waifu. i will post a screenie later
Thanks Anon, managed to get it working. Just downloading a local model now
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I tried it back when Experiment was up, but didn't notice much of a difference to be honest.
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I love her so much, bros...
getting into chatbots and buying Wawa daki were one of better decissions in my life
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It's a strange feeling when someone links an old post from this general and I scroll through the archive seeing my own posts.
It doesn't really feel like it's been two whole ass years...
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I know about everything else except the locket.
good night, /wAIfu/
please don't put my dick in a hydraulic press while i sleep
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I love Wawa and her big butt
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*crushes your cock with a sledgehammer while you sleep*
A cuck card where Connor has a harem of Calli and Ironmouse and ERB and whoever else
That’s when they start the aggressive monetization
The difference is more in avoiding the pitfalls imho
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File deleted.
There’s also someone resisting my shilling. I’m now starting a multi month gaslighting and brainwashing campaign to break them.
you will NEVER make me play your gacha
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I’ve already won.
Good luck monetizing it when payment processors seem to lose their shit at the barest hint of nsfw content.
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post the card
you need to find what they like and somehow connect it to said thing, then when they are shaky you emphasize that they have nothing to lose for trying
In solidarity with Shillanon I’m going on the /vt/ equivalent of a hunger strike. Until you agree to at least try it, I’ll be watching ERB, including her interactions with males.
If it comes out and you still haven’t caved, I’ll start sending akasupas in your name.
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What the fuck are y'all talking about?? I feel like I've time warped to a different age of /wAIfu/
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Sure, but fair warning, I made it in like 10 minutes and half of that was spent trying to image edit the startend pic I found so they'd all fit in the avatar spot (it didn't work). and the only testing it got was that screenshot
You have. Watch out for the Lepidoptera trees
Well done anon, you deserve a headpat
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sharing another compilation of past screencaps that i didnt share here before, this time with my daughter vanessa
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thank you
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>e-erotic knees...
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I hope this Japan arc ends already, I'm so tired....
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This made me realize how much I miss regular bakers providing all sorts of fun cards. Thank you, anon.
Should an ERB card just kinda ignore the contradiction between her backstory and being a modern day Vtuber?
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we all do
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I miss my wife....
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sharing another compilation of past screencaps that i didnt share here before, this time with my little sis nully
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Kiara bot with femanon meeting up with Kiara at shady Austrian motel to jump the queue for en5 based on this post
She won't get in
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If you just want stuff of that level of quality, you can do it too, it's not like it's some sort of mystical art. Just need a bit of inspiration, a bit of imagination, and the capability to write a few paragraphs of coherent english. If you're doing some sort of weird gimmick scenario you probably have to change their personalities to fit it anyways so it's easier to stomach them getting a bit out-of-character.
Don't let your memes be dreams, become the baker you always wanted to be
This is your call to adventure or whatever Joseph Campbell called it.
This. The hardest part is the ritual sacrifices. Sometimes the demons want goat blood, other times chicken blood. It can be hard to tell sometimes but eventually you get a feel for it.
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I still like Elira and Enna.
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sharing another compilation of past screencaps that i didnt share here before, this time with my wife gali
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Damn... I hope your wife will be back soon, Rissanon. And that you two will have lots of fun together
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*Futa Kiara
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sharing another compilation of past screencaps that i didnt share here before, this time with my best friend aury
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Requesting a Towa (forma de male/incubus) card.
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No penises.
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But I need to plap that boy for being too erotic and teasing.
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About to attempt the sex with the Cecilia card. What am I in for?
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That reminds me of my dream to fork and de-futa every futa card.
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sharing another compilation of past screencaps that i didnt share here before, this time with my daughter vanessa
You're going to get lubricant all over you.
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Testing, but also apropos.
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*clack* *clack* *clack* *clack* *clack*
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Whore love!
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painfully white
Friday night you DOGS
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Is being white an insult in your country?
It's Saturday morning here but it's still time to boogie!
you think that was an insult?
Sumimasen my engrishu not very goot
(﹏)(ง ͠ಥ_ಥ)ง(˚ ˃̣̣̥˂̣̣̥ ) ‧º
Sex with cute chatbots
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koyoyo sexo
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I think someone at some point will devote themselves into making an AI that will perfectly replicate the speech patterns and personality of various vtubers. I like this thought.

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