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>Contacting other agencies for auditions during her cooperation with NOA Talent.
listed as the gravest sin

The new rising corpo on the block is already proving to be black.
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Sayu is such a retard for joining them
Rule number one in business: Never trust chinks, especially mainland ones
>get fired by chingchong niji managers with a book of grudges
>join chingchongcorp
>1 month in a coworker gets fired with a book of grudges
How bizarre.
You'd think a corpo willing to hire Sayu of all people would be smarter than to terminate someone.
>i DiD mY ReSeArCh
what the fuck is wrong with her? Why can't she stop asskissing chinks for one fucking second?
She has woman brain
>I have never admitted to any guilt as implied in their statement
Where is this implied, it's certainly not in the last sentence of the statement which only says they mutually agreed to termination.
On this board every goddamn day, never heard of NOA talent
It's the guys in charge of connecting Holo and Mythic to Bilibili and allowing them to stream/market in china.
It's the corpo Sayu joined.
Weird, there was literally a general made at some point and the Manager came here and doxxed herself to kill rrats. Search the archives for a Noa general
the general was just made as a joke to keep jannies from deleting the threads talking about them.
Once it becomes official, we'll probably make a real one.
I'm fond of "/SSNOA/" because it implies a ship that sayu likes joking about (Titenic) and keeps /ss/ as the core.
I don't understand the problem. It makes sense to fire someone if you're looking to work somewhere else anyway
So did Bri end up joining after all?
Oh god, another war crime list enjoyer corpo. How does Sayu keep finding them?
this is a baitthread. retards in a discord want to farm you. they will samefag to make it look like there is lots going on but there isnt. if you dont reply to them they will samefag some more. they also falseflag as any fan under sun trying to pit people against each other. if the threads about to die they necrobump it. dont be farmed.
I think you should take your meds... I actually can't remember the name of that manager who didn't post tits.
What happened to this post? I don't see it on their twitter, did they delete it?
Nintendo of America has been garbage since Reggie left
They only posted it in Discord - the same one they constantly leak things (like recruiting Bri and Sayu, now some new girl) because they don't know how to hide channels.
so anyone who hire her won't be able to fire anyone anymore :D nice
it's strange that a corpo whose talent manager was browsing and posted a selfie here on /vt/ in threads discussing the drama about the company isn't better managed
Putting something like this as the first point is genuinely retarded. There are jurisdictions where an exclusivity clause for a contractor can work, but even there simply looking for future work (which can fall outside of notice period for current one) is likely permitted. If she is a civil law country this is self-admitted frivolous termination.
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I reached out to Lilian after she posted her thread, and she denies engaging in other agencies listed in the war crimes.
If it's true and proven, she would have an actual case against them, but I'm not a lawfag.
At least she knows she's a retard for joining another black company with the exact same managers.
Never trust the chinks.
It is implied that she agreed to the reasons listed.
It makes sense to fire them but for good PR you should still make it look like an amicable departure unless the employee was doing really egregious shit, or you have a reasonable suspicion that the talent will try to throw you under the bus for pity points.

In this case it could have been a smooth break but the mainland chink management went full retard face saving mode as they are wont to do.
Should R/kurosanji mobilize?
just a reminder for you personal army begging ass
IPs are logged :D
So if all of this is not true, why did she agree to leave the company?
>another war crime list enjoyer corpo
They have to.
People are fond of their chuubas, otherwise they won't be buying memberships and sending SCs, but because of that they'll always side with the chuuba, unless given a good reason. These lists are there to make the termination legitimate, otherwise you'll get a mob, with an extra dose of rrats going wild.
Jesus, they're like mini version of Nijisanji EN with this kind of overreaction.
Because there's no point staying if they want her out.
It's probably somewhat true, similarly how what doki or Sayu were accused of was somewhat true. Usually it's a matter of how it's framed.
"Provoking conflict between management and talents" could easily have a root in bad/toxic management, and her being the one to point it out.
In the end they are doing what nijisanji did to Sayu/Doki. Provide a one sided statement that solely blames the talent
Please hang yourself
>They have to.
No, they don't.
The biggest terminations are those with laundry list.
Nobody cares about vague ones.
At least to an asian audience. In the western view it is a breach of business ettiquette as it is an abuse of power.
Internal stuff needs to stay internal. If the company breaks that rule themselves they signal that the NDA is not a contract in the interest of keeping business secrets secret, but to silence and oppress.
Yugo termination was converted to graduation pretty late and still sounded awkward ("we have decided to have Yugo Asuma graduate"), but was a lot less contentious than Sayu's (let alone Doki's).
>a termination would not be public knowledge
What did she expect a "She is sick and cant stream anymore" type of graduation while breaking NDA? lmao
Meanwhile in the real world, Rushia and Mel got terminated without too many details except "NDA and we're sorry".
Don't pretend it's normal to air the dirty laundry. It's better to let people think you might be an asshole than not leaving any doubt.
When would they learn? Just fucking can your talents quietly, why do they have to do these public execution announcements or black screen farewell? they never ends well.
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but wait there's more. this whole agency is a shitshow
They caught her applying for vshojo? kek everyone is doing it even Idol girls.
Sincroknights were literally calling it from day one in /ss/, but they still tried to justify it anyway.
If she has any brains she'll get out, but that's not looking likely.
>NOA management will not cooperate with Surge_VT in any activities including rebranding or rejoining
What are they addressing here?
Doesn't say Metishon won't do that though...
he wanted to rebrand but had still some noa links and whatnot that he forgot.
And also Gamma, whose termination notice just made very vague allusions to some sort of misconduct. Not even a ghost of a hint as to what that misconduct might have been, just "it's become difficult to continue managing him as an employee, so we're firing him."
The only thing that can be ascertained is that he was NOT fired for violating his NDA, else they would have unambiguously said so in the white paper, as they did with Rushia and Mel.
Ok, so are people mad about him for rebranding and then because he accidentally left links to NOA, people are now mad at NOA? Sounds a bit retarded tbdesu
i dont know about mad. he got kicked. rebranded and forgot links.
>wait didnt you just kick him wtf? hes still with you? i dont know whats going on anymore.

"he will not rejoin or helped with his rebrand by us"
It's always a stupid idea done by naive managers who think "transparency" warrants a hit piece on an ex employee.
The idol corp one with riro seemed SORT OF justified, since her leaking the management relationship herself could have made things much worse, but even then they could have just addressed the manager situation separately and been civil with riro.
He had a new e-mail address in the noa.com domain. Might have been an oversight, but it looks very different than forgetting to delete some links.
Asian culture favours the company, you're the black sheep if you get fired

Western culture favours the individual
id like to see some screen of either statement.
If they wanted to put out something about the manager it should have been a notice terminating the manager. The way they did it made it look like they thought the chief talent manager having a relationship with a talent is more on the talent and not on the member of management.
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The screenshots were here, he probably just copy-pasted, changed the name and forgot about the domain. It's still the kind of thing that breeds rrats.
we'll never find out because the clipnigger known as sky rainpuff went and harassed her about it despite Sayu's explicit request NOT to do so.
thank you
God fucking dammit Sayu, 2/2 on shit picks. Good news here is that this is a talent agency and not a corpo, so leaving means nothing unless she fucked up and signed an awful contract again
and what, you'll send mossad assassins after a couple 4channers? lmao peak kike desperation, everyone knows (((you))) are the ones constantly agitproping against CHYNAH. no one cares.
>Verification not required.
She got fucked in divorce court and then had the Nijisanji termination. I'm confident she didn't sign anything she didn't want or didn't understand.
Her lawyer added the last revisions to the contract before they signed it. Sayu is safe.
>They have to.
Holo releases the bare minimum justification. Phase released literally no info on their one termination, people *still* don't know what the actual reason was 2 years later

classic chink corpo
Sayu... all you had to do was drink the coffee...
>have her income slashed in half
>have her IP stolen like Yuri
>have to downgrade her model to match corpo slop so the others don't get jealous
>be silenced on a moment's notice
>suffer phasecucks 24/7
not worth it. even Lisa rejected you fags.
Well now she better stay in line with whatever the chinks want if she doesn't want to get laundry listed as well. At least Yuri's termination worthy yab is still hidden.
Why would they put in a termination notice for the manager? Nobody is watching the manager. In any case, they terminated him anyway. Plus, let's not pretend that was the only thing she did.
>At least Yuri's termination worthy yab is still hidden.
if there was even a yab, and your shitty fish (who's also Chinese by the way) didn't just take an opportunity to rob a girl. knowing how rotten you phasecucks are, I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.
What's the guarantee her lawyer is good at the job?
if the lawyer wasn't good Niji could've attacked her for this document, and they didn't. no, I don't know if it's the same lawyer, but I'd guess so
yeah he was jealous of her model and wanted to steal it to use by himself
fucking faggot fish
Don't act like NijiEN. Hololive is a shining example of terminating without going all out being vindictive and petty.

They say that NijiEN is how JP corpos are, but I've been saying they act more like the Chinese.
This is hilarious
Ah yes. That's why he hasn't stolen from literally every other talent (nearly 30). Please continue the whore who is close friends with and openly collabs with people like Moonshine, bagsterd, Ken Ashcorp, Kirsche, and other dramafag grifters.
>even Lisa rejected you fags
You mean Sakana rejected Lisa. That's why she never got an offer. She was waiting for one.
Sakana was stalking and sexpesting Lisa lmao
>stalking and sexpesting Lisa
He isn't into brats who pretend to be pure. He's into lewd hags who tease.
Did that come to you in a dream? If he wanted Lisa so much, why did he hire Hina and Runie while Lisa was looking for a corpo to join? He has his cinnamon roll and chuuni talent now.
because Lisa didn't want to join Phase retard
Yeah, fortunately Sayu can leave NOA with her model so for her it's a lot less risky than Phase.
>Didn't want to join
>Still applied
>Most of her friends are in Phase
>Almost her entire audience are Phase
>Doesn't want to join???
>Hates phase???
I think you're retarded.
If she survived one laundry list she can survive another. In fact she's probably laundry list-proof at this point
>phasecucks still seething that the sheep chose the jews over them
>phasecucks still seething that Shondo called their precious ceo "some fish" on discord
>phasecucks also seething that Sayu chose the chinese over them
you just love to see it!
She never been laundry listed. PPP is a piece of shit but he had enough decency to not doxx or laundry out the people under him. Probably because he didn't want to be laundry himself.
You are the only one seething in this thread.
She never applied.
IDK where this rrat came to be that she got denied, Lisa was the most vocal out of any former tsun of hating poachbeggers,Fishman was constantly seen in her chat and twitter replies, and Fishman just so happens to show shade at idol on stream right before Encore got announced.

She obviously turned down an invaders or gen 3 offer.
that anon was talking about Sayu, retardchama. she got both laundry listed AND doxxed by niggersanji.
>IDK where this rrat came to be that she got denied
phasecucks worship the corpo as their god, and god can't be wrong, therefore it's everyone else's fault. see >>81514541 for example
Is this group even fully off the ground yet?
>Lisa was the most vocal out of any former tsun of hating poachbeggers
She said one thing one time the day Tsunderia closed down. The people in the screenshot you fags always use are two of her biggest fans and people she regularly interacts with still. You are genuinely schizophrenic, creating entire fantasies that did not happen.
>Fishman was constantly seen in her chat and twitter replies
No he wasn't. The only time he was frequently in Lisa's chat was when SHE created the Tsunderia vs Phase LoL tournament.
>Fishman just so happens to show shade at idol on stream right before Encore got announced
Take your meds schizo.
>She obviously turned down an invaders or gen 3 offer.
So why did Lisa, herself, say she never received an offer? Are you calling Lisa a liar now? You think she's more happy to say she was accepted and rejected Nijisanji, during the height of their black company crap, than say she was accepted but rejected Phase Connect? A company with many of her friends and fans? If Lisa hated Sakana so much, why did she get in his car and spend so much time with Phase Connect at AX? After Tsunderia died?
Take your meds schizo.
You clearly don't watch Lisa and aren't a real fan of hers. You fags keep projecting your own hatred of Phase Connect onto Lisa but anyone that actually watches her knows that Lisa does not share the same hatred of Sakana/Phase/Phasefags.
KYS for trying to use an innocent girl as your proxy martyr.
Every fucking thread about an indie, you fags derail into Lisa vs Phase. Neck yourself niggers.
I got no hatred for phase at all, just saying she never applied for phase like anons are trying to claim.
No one knows if she applied or not. Either Lisa didn't apply and was expecting an offer to appear in her DMs or she did apply but never received an offer. Lisa said she never received an offer so we know two things
>Lisa would have considered joining Phase if they offered something good
>Sakana didn't give her an offer for some reason
Everything else is schizophrenia.
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Phasefags have a nasty habit of raiding small corpo threads and making it all about them, especially graduation ones.

And they wonder why nobody likes them on this board.
is this even a corpo? isn't just a Chinese mythic talent
>Phasefags have a nasty habit of raiding small corpo threads
You anti Phasefags are the ones who derailed this thread. You were the ones who brought up Lisa and tried taking a shit on Phase when they were barely mentioned.
>You anti Phasefags are the ones who derailed this thread.
you're a lying niggerfaggot >>81496217
>you're a lying niggerfaggot >>81496217
>barely mentioned
You took the smallest of baits and decided to seethe and piss yourself. Fuck you for shitting up the thread and making it about how much you hate Phase. You fags are as bad as the phasefags.
Do you get triggered every time you see coffee irl? Do you cry and curl up into a ball whenever you smell those roasted beans?
is't she a flavor of chink, what do you expect?
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I've been here long enough to know what your kind do.
For the last 2 years I've seen /pcg/fags derail corpo shutdown, major indie yab, or graduation threads to spam about having them join your corpo over and over. It was obnoxious then and it's obnoxious now.
You fuckers even raid small corpo generals to start shit with them, just like nijisisters do to /hlgg/.
Maybe have some self awareness and realize that not everyone wants to have phase discussion in every single unrelated thread on the board.
>muh bait
goal post move acknowledged and concession accepted. and yes, this behavior is why everyone else hates you.
she's pure Japanese, actually.
Yeah, let's use /SSNOA/. Fits.
>"Sakana was stalking and sexpesting Lisa lmao"
Most foul fan-fic I have seen on this board. Fishman has at least enough IQ to know to not try to approach her talents in that way knowing that's a guaranted any% speedrun into corpo collapse.
I'm not gonna bother posting or even quoting the image with the proof, your pocket j-word will 3-day me for "trolling" if I do.
Gavin, just give it up already.
Why are you guys not using "blacklisted"?, you know that you either outed each other as tourists trying to rile up people or as a samefag with no awareness, right?
She's 100% Japanese, it is also why the rrat about TheCliqueâ„¢ conspiring to slander her post and pre-termination gained so much strenght after the whole cascade of revelations and fuckups happened a few months back. She could skip the middle man, she's a native JP speaker, she went straight to JP management when complaining about EN instead of passing it up to Elira/EN manager.
Back to topic.
The thng is... Sayu is not very smart.
I'm not that fag who replied to me above.
Who in the flying fuck is Gavin?
Which is worse, this or Niji's
blacklisted and "laundry listed" don't mean the same thing, retardchama. the latter refers to the termination notices of Zaion, Selen and Riro, where the corpos listed a ton of "reasons" for their firings.
>she's a native JP speaker
that one isn't true, her first language is English, she just put in the effort to learn it.
fishman defense force has no reason to seethe, theyre getting paid to do this
Niji because they blacklist you from the JP industry if they feel like fucking with you extra harder than usual after termination.
Like, to this day that one multi-page termination notifce is up there with notWACTOR's usual bullshit.
>fishman defense force
That shit doesn't exist.
they're only paid in pag2 rations
and here's a good soldier doing as he was instructed!
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>fishman defense force
I've been here long enough to know the people you claim do this tend to be Phase antis but please keep having a fit about some retarded coffee company.
Going by the termination announcement alone? Niji's. This is dumb in the sense that they shouldn't need to elaborate that much in public, but their bullet points, if true, would be relatively reasonable. Niji's were just dumb and petty
The majority are just Pippa antis who then default to anti Phase just out of correlation.
Eitherways, they are obnoxious as fuck and when you ask them why, they don't give any reasons besides massive schizo ramblings or /pol/ level posts. Some just hate it because their Oshi, indie or smaller corpo aren't as "succesful" as Phase.
There are plenty of ways to make a completely neutral statement that doesn't slander the exiting member.
"Blah Blah, Management and Nolie have both agreed to a termination of our work together, we wish her the best in her future, Blah Blah"
Hell, take a look at Hololive termination notices. At most they will say there was a "breach of contract" when it's true, and nothing else.
The statement in the OP is the same shit Anycolor did to Sayu, just less extreme.
>Some just hate it because their Oshi, indie or smaller corpo aren't as "succesful" as Phase.
Imagine being jealous of Phase of all corpos lmao.
>schizo ramblings
bvtm is a phasefag
doxxagi is a phasefag
their followings are almost entirely phasefags
phase talents endorse and engage with them
phase talents parrot shit they read on /vt/ on stream
like 90% of the time you see a containment breaker dramafag on any other site it's a phasefag
acting like a bvtm nigger in phase talents' chats does not earn you a ban, it just makes everyone agree with you
this is why literally every other fanbase hates you underage thirdies
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no, retard, we hate you phasecucks because you're insufferable faggots who keep harassing both indies and small corpos, so now your corpo is under a microscope and we'll point out whenever you fuck something up, until either you fags reign yourselves in or until ph*se dies. your choice.
>Acting like Capipis care about anyone other than Pippa
I don't care if you dislike Phase, I care when you start antiing the other girls/fanbases that have nothing to do with it.
i do not care which flavor of monkey you are
sort your own community out or this will continue
what other fanbases, retard?
Why are you so miserable?
There is no other fanbase. No Pippa means no phase
because your community of underage third world homosexuals keep harassing and lying about the vtubers i like
because you phasecucks can't leave us alone, it's really that simple. leave us and our chuubas alone!
You're doing exactly what you claim Phasefans do.
as much as I dont like chinks I kinda blame her on this one. You signed a contract and gave away company secrets and applied to vshojo
never once chatted, commented, @'d or talked to any of the phase chicks, not even when they collabed with Sayu. I won't mention the others because then you'll just harass them out of spite.
not really
Niji ran a smear campaign against her and it blew up in their faces when Pomu left in disgust and Selen got terminated
NOA however looks delusional as shit here
They're not even Brave tier yet they act like they're a major corpo
Ok and I'm a terminal lurker that only comments on 4chan. Why should I be considered the worse thing to ever exist for simply liking a company?
Based vshojo exposing black corpos just by existing.
>that only comments on 4chan
so not denying the harassment part, that's a start. stick to your own turf and leave our generals alone.
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Christ anon at least try to use your brain.
I even remember when you fucknuggets kept raiding /999/ last year, collab begging for weeks on end.
>It makes sense to fire someone if you're looking to work somewhere else anyway
Anon, it is LITERALLY illegal to do that in a ton of places, you hairpin-IQ'd morons.
I don't even know what /999/ is
yeah, I don't believe you.
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So after niji en disappears from the radar, the board main antagonist shitting the threads will be phase fans?

What was the confidential information?
Point 2 smells like lack of tard wrangling.
>phase fans?
*Phase antis masquerading as fans
>So after niji en disappears from the radar, the board main antagonist shitting the threads will be phase fans?
numberniggers have already been pushing this for months now
how convenient.
I didn't expect the #fags to be right about something for once.
Get help
Anon, I don't know how to tell you this but... Sakana REALLY likes hags with massive titters. His oshi is Marine, like, come on now.
Wait, really? Which ones?
not me I have all your generals filtered but I 100% agree with them.
It was one of the bilingual ES girls, Ruby if I remember correctly.
Name which of the 2views in phase is your oshi. Without looking their names up.
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They've been raiding /vt/ for years now. And we have proof from the bvtm raidcord of them organizing attacks on other corpos/vtubers by spamming threads so he can screencap it
Didn't realize Nintendo of America was getting into vtubing
NYFCO was slain, time to slay SJ, KF and TVA, too.
What the fuck is /999/?
t. /pcg/ resident of 3 years
I really like Lumi and Jelly is very comfy, I think Tenma is pretty cool and funny :3
>suddenly pretending Henya doesn't exist
funny how I'm always, without exception, right about you phase vermins.
>beg endlessly
>get rebuffed
>lash out
>pretend it never happened
every fucking time.
Oh, it's a Henya thread? Phase is pro-Henya, always has been
They ain't raiding shit bro, take your meds
don't forget that they pull out the pictures of non-pippa girls when they do their oblivious/wholesome act
>Phase is pro-Henya
i remember when bvtm threatened to burn her alive
Their next post will be "We actually hate bvtm"
Cool story, don't know if it's true and don't care either way, we threaten to burn that retard alive every time he tries to shill himself in the thread
like clockwork
they dont hate him when he spends months shilling pippa and phase by the way
you might be pro-Henya, you're still insufferable begging faggots. you did it in her general, you did it in /vsj+/, /ss/, /shon/ and others I'm not gonna list because it'd just give them increased negative attention from you fags.
yeah, I noticed that, too.
there are retards on discod trying to farm you. dont feed them.
Anon, >>81519353 asked ITT
>Name which of the 2views in phase is your oshi. Without looking their names up.
and they were answered by >>81520034
Are you expecting Phasefags to not have pics of their oshi when asked? Are you fucking retarded? Or perhaps baiting and doing the exact thing you accuse Phasefags of doing?
the romanian whore is a 2view now?
>trusting zhangs to honor contracts
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>doxxagi is a phasefag
Ehhh not really
No but interestingly her viewers did drop by about 70% with the latest bot cull
>you did it in /vsj+/
Do you need someone to help you take your meds? Ain't no single poster who's primarily a fan of Phase posting in /vsj+/ for any reason outside Divegrass, at best you got a vshojofag or ligger who also likes one or two Phase girls on the side
At least with /ss/ or /shon/ there's a substantial amount of knights & whatever Shondo's fans are called who are regulars in the Phase threads that you could pretend to blame
do your archive reps, image name was pippahang
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I was wondering what prompted that totally random schizoid tirade.
Guess it was from here.
Oh, you're like fr schizophrenic not just haha funny schizo
Shit man, hope you find some meds that actually help one day, I hear that shits rough
>can't use archive sites
fishnigger ain't sending his best kekw
Fuck of Phasecucks, this thread isn't about you.
This is why everybody hates you.
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>Fuck of
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So they basically pulled a riro... but on talents who haven't even debuted yet? Hope Sayu takes this as a sign and gets the hell away before she's burned too.
Also why are all these phase images being spammed?
Are they involved too?
>Are they involved too?
they made themselves involved because Sayu dared to say no to their joke of an offer.
>Are they involved too?
The schizo in the thread raided /pcg/ to get more bites, see >>81519016
Just some like some typical shitstirrer raiding, not sure what that has to do with NOA and the OP topic.
Well you see >>81521938, >>81496217 made a funny coffee joke and schizos started rambling. When they couldn't control themselves anymore, they went into /pcg/ and went even further beyond by posting >>81518130.
It doesn't really, shitstirrer was falseflagging as a Syncroknight and this was the only Sayu adjacent thread up at the time. They probably wanted to see what the cause of the meltdown was
Still doesn't justify why you brought your general beef to an unrelated thread. Just report them and move on.
What's really funny is how much the average catalog inhabitant seethes by a mention, or even just reference to Phase. God only knows what kind of trauma caused them to become that deeply triggered by a silly small corp.
just scroll up, I already explained.
Nta but they started it by shitting up catalogs constantly trying to promote Pippa early on. Anons got sick of their shit and realized they they could get everyone /here/ to hate Phasefags by larping as one themselves and out Phasefagging the Phasefags. And as long as anons reply to their bait it'll keep going until the threads are completely ignored because they consider no one caring about PC at all is a win.
Godamn that dude just let out all his inner demons in that reply chain.
>similarly how what doki or Sayu were accused of was somewhat true
People always gloss over this or don't know due to the sheer amount of disinfo around it but doki did a lot of shady shit and shouldn't come out of it smelling of roses. She's very unprofessional and weird.
>teehee we are just le silly small corp please ignore that bvtm and azehara exist and are basically on zhangfish's payroll
>teehee funny coffee corp i saw an asuka cosplayer wrestling once wink wink hehe
>sad girls company amirite did you know vshojo takes 100% of the merch profit? pippa said so on stream what a silly little coffee sad girl
>but doki did a lot of shady shit
examples doko?
I hear Doki farted into her chair at least once while streaming.
What proof? The image of him responding to a several month old tweet? Fuck off your disengenous cunt. If there was actual proof that Sakana was stalking and sexpesting anyone, but especially Lisa, phase wouldn't exist any longer. With all of the dramafag content creators who love Lisa and hate Phase, Sakana would be done. You're just making shit up now.
>The image of him responding to a several month old tweet?
yes, that counts as stalking in the western world.
NTA but he literally replied to her months old at the time tweets on 2 separate occasions that's pretty weird.
That was him being a fucking retard lurking in /pcg/ when someone linked a Lisa tweet, and him being a fucking retard he replied to it because he is a fucking retard
>yes, that counts as stalking in the western world.
Then the majority of twitter are stalkers because that shit happens all the time. Fucking disengenuous cunt.
Because twitter is a piece of shit. Still doesn't constitute stalking and is nowhere near sexpest. If this was so serious a crime, why did Lisa feel comfortable spending so much irl time with him?
the method doesn't count, he's still a creep.
>comfortable spending so much irl time with him?
oh, I smell a #metoo in the future. go for it, Lisa!
Not an excuse, still weird as hell.
And it's not the first time either, half the current talents in his company were 2views he'd very awkwardly groom on their streams prior. I remember seeing him in my former oshi's chat just screaming for attention.
To think I csused that by pointing out how retarded his claims were. Anti phasefags are weak and easily trolled.
>time to slay KF
I don't know if you realize how much of clown you sound like saying that.
weaponized autism hasn't been tried yet. I'm aware of all the previous attempts
she knows a lot more than we do.
Kill yourself. I know you won't stop shitposting so I'm not asking for that. All phasefags do is shit up threads.
You fags shit up threads more. You get triggered over light shitposting and bait on 4chan. Kill yourself redditor.

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