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Nu-Hololive fans
cute art.
Based unity.

Let there be chuubas for gfe
Let there be chuubas for unity
Both can exist.
Even ERB has a dorito chin now
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Kys retard I'll never donate or give her views
>twitter screencap thread
>ERB attracting all the homobeggars and unityfags so they ignore the other three
cute fanart
Nice that is a good art anon
exceedingly based
Can you fucking stop. Leave her alone already. I'm so fucking tired of ERB threads. When will this bullshit end??
Do you not realize how annoying it is to have to look at her shit every day. No wonder people hate her and you with her. Fuckin obnoxious.
Half the board is this, why are you even here if it bothers you?

Before and after
That's not how it works. Homobeggars are never content, if anything this will just embolden them to pester the other girls.
>Both can exist.
Both will never mesh and will always end up in eachothers throat, if you want unity just go watch a different corpo
Are you this incel by any chance? >>81466230
And the guy that keeps posting this same shit every hour not even day? xdd
Just don't cut yourself on the edge
>before and after
>t.drama tranny
Twitternigs like you should be banned on sight
>twttard spewing buzzwords
opinion discarded
damn I cant wait for the foursome fanart
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Can someone photoshop the dudes out? I just want the cute hag.
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>Are you this incel
I guess you are thinking of these people
me on the left
Jannies, do you understand that threads about random Twitter accounts with zero engagement is not something that should be encouraged?
I am still under the impression that it's 1 person but with multiple accounts. If it turns out to be ever true i am gonna cry a new river out of laughter, no way someone can be so miserable

But yea i was talking exactly about "those" people
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You're the one that looked for it, that title is for you.
Dilate, tranny.
When did holos end up at each other's throat?
Doesn't contradict what you replied to.
>When did holos end up at each other's throat?
Their fans did, and still do just look at the shit that's going on with the botted posts on reddit
Go back
You should go back retard it's literally happening here too, and on twitter and also on the red grifter's prechat
>redditor telling others to go back
>actively looking for fanart of vtubers you don't like just so you can get mad at it
The absolute state of unicorn faggots.
concession accepted
Btw those aren't "fans" OP, those are antis and nijisister, wanting to destroy hololive from the inside.
That's literally what he said. You can watch your braptuber and unitygods can watch ERB, there's no reason to deem one verboten.
BASED unityGODS win again
there is when one side is made out of falseflagging antis, thats unitychuds for you
You did that first, plebbitor
Even /v/ is better at this point
>doesn't even know what deflecting means
okay so you're just retarded got it
>t.assblasted redditor
I can't believe I'm going to watch this just because of the seethe it will generate /here/
this is bait. you are farmed by retards in a discord who consider you a lolcow.
Unironically you when you post this shit over and over again. A tweet with a whopping 90 views from a year ago. Kys faggot.
The other corpo that did mixed gender collabs is dead. Now people have to deal with the consequences of their monkey paw wish.
Sure, but noone was talking about the fans.
And they won't watch streams or donate money or buy membership or merch.
As long as you don't complain about the latter not getting views, sure
unironically thank max0r
he mentioned fauna and watame in his videos and the bandkids flocked to holo
NTA, but people never leave it at just that. I'd be fine with it, and I imagine many here would in theory if they're watching vtubers in the first place. People on /vt/ doesn't get uppity over bigger streamers like Kai Cenat mogging Hololive, so the same shouldn't happen over Hololive mogging Holostars or Holostar collabers. And yet it does, with ERB baitposts being made day after day after day after day with no signs of stopping anytime soon.
>Look up Holomem who wants to collab with homos
>Get holoxhomo art
I don't watch her but what did you expect? She promised this pre-debut
>Based unity.
>Let there be towns for Nazis
>Let there be towns for jews
>Both can exist
Who are the Nazi’s and who are the jews in your analogy?
>and unitygods can watch ERB
All 5 of you after you remove the bot views?
What is the point of this thread
holy terrible analogy
>ITT: /qa/ CIU optics
Also I hate it when beggars brought up people like Suisei as defense, there is a difference between people like her who does mixed gender collabs once in a while yet never bothered to address complains about it and then there are ones like Kronii who mixed gender collabs being the only thing people remembered about her, as homo collab heavy as ID branch are, they don't have homo collab being their entire schtick
It’s two sides that fundamentally cannot get along, no matter how much you close your eyes from the fact and sing kumbaya pretending it’s all sunshine and rainbows
>"When did holos end up at each other's throat?"
They didn't. Get off of Reddit, Twitter, & 4chan and the community is absolutely peaceful. This is just trolls falseflagging because liggers, sisters, & Phasefags can't stand that there's a chuba community that's yab-free.
this is a falseflag
>troon pfp

Why they always attract the sister fanbase.
>conveniently forgets the shit rosarians said about the other hologirls in ERBs prechat
surely it's just those places that are conflicting with eachother yeah
Please someone just draw art of ERB and Bettel ryona already
qa lost
people really act as if Suisei doesn't have any other skills that keep people watching her such as her hardworking nature, amazing music, and great gaming skills (those Tetris streams were some of the best content I've watched in vtubing in a long time).
Very easy to excuse homo collabing if the vtubers other content more than makes up for it. Also Suisei doesn't make homos her entire personality or brand.
Why are /vt/ anons obsessed with rando Twitter accounts all the time
I was deriding the unicorns in that post, not the beggars, though both are awful for the same reasons. The "leech" shit is the most annoying thing there is. I'm not complaining that Octopath Traveller isn't doing as well as Final Fantasy 16 despite playing the former but having no interest in the latter, yet the former wouldn't exist without the support from the latter series. Numbermonkeys are the worst in every single field.
That could very well be a fair point if not for the same amount of unikeks actively dissing the guys even when they are minding their own business... Both groups are obsessed with what they hate.
>"You're a falseflagger."
No, I just actually watch streams & hang out in chat.
True, and it’s a difference between the professional way Suisei, Sora and others went about it and the sheer hostility by the likes of Kronii, Ame, and Mori that seems to be solely out of spite like an angry teenage girl
OP wants his fellow holofans to dogpile and harass the artist.
where's mori and kronii,
we need to punish them for lying about unity
what should the sisters do?
watch them?
And where has this happened? Don't tell me the beggers will start pestering the girls in...
>two more weeks
Again, the topic was holos. Not their fans.
There's no "civil war" all the girls still collab with each other, holostar collabers and the ones that pretend that the whole branch doesn't even exist. The "cannot get along" thing is a rrat perpetuated by falseflaggers on this board.
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here you go, anon.
Was I giving the impression that I'm referring to the streamers? I'm talking about the fans, halfwit
>10 pages of threads
>me click dis one arrrggg me angry
Go huff paint and make a better thread, itll at least be better than this one
wrong, they absolutely don't get along. Ollie wanted to convince the others to collab with males. Erb is protesting the spelling bee for not having males. back in the day, Mori was trying to push Trash Taste on the others. And management will shove homostars in the girls' faces.
They don't get along. Because homobeggars are evil.
Fantasy land
Hey So basically I'm just gonna not watch ERB I Know..... UGH I know... It's just that I'm not gonna watch it is all HAHAHAHAHRHAHAHA HARAHARHARH
>that 2 digit iq reading comprehension
>that slurred speech because theres a dick in your mouth
lmao, ticking all the boxes.

Fuck homobeggars.
At least unicorns keep to themselves.
There are about 200x more complaints about unicorns, than complaining unicorns.
Unicorns just dont watch, and that makes people seethe. When really, its just them not watching something. If you want to watch your oshi, watch your fucking oshi.
Where? literally half the catalog for the past 2 years has been people talking about how much they hate the homos or the girls that collab with them.
Another retard making shit up.
You guys know people can just check the archives and see you're full of bullshit, right? None of the people mad about trash taste were mad because males, it was about collabing with ironic weeb non-vtuber e-celebs, and how it was going to attract their audience to hololive. Unlike you I was there.
The walled garden has been breached! Onward, brave unitygods! There is no rest until our banner flies high atop the corpses of the unicorn defenders inside.
You react to insults but ignore problems in your own group. You should address your group’s issues and, if necessary, blame others while defending against what makes your group look bad. Consider the causes and intentions behind attacks on others.
You mean hololive antis. These kinds of people need to be gatekept the fuck away but ERB just gave them a free entry point. I'm unironically convinced that Cover hired her specifically to shill the guys because she has had more holostar interactions than any other holo member COMBINED from both JP and EN. She has interacted way more with them than with other holo members and it's borderline comical now. It's her job to shill them.
I won't watch Cecilia because I don't think she's especially entertaining. You won't watch ERB because of your weird agenda. We are not the same.
They're mind broken by red woman. It's not about views or any other cope they can think of
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>I'm unironically convinced that Cover hired her specifically to shill the guys
Bribing Dokibird and underwriting her unity events probably was getting expensive.
They're holostars' members, not fans. How new can you be?
considering that fanart of male and female cover talents isnt anything new i can only imagine nu hololive fans refers to OP and those who share his thinking
So is there water in your house all year round or that just a monsoon season thing?

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