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Wardrobe Malfunction Edition

Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.

Mouse is LIVE! And is playing Chained Together with the monkey. Never seen this game get played by only 2 people but that's what's happening. That's it for now so keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.

Image source: https://twitter.com/ExodamArtworks/status/1816038998680428890

VShojo is:
Froot - https://www.twitch.tv/apricot | https://www.youtube.com/@ApricotFroot
GEEGA - https://www.twitch.tv/geega | https://www.youtube.com/@GEEGA
Haruka - https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribu | https://www.youtube.com/@HarukaKaribu
Henya - https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegenius | https://www.youtube.com/@henyathegenius
Hime - https://www.twitch.tv/hajime | https://www.youtube.com/@himehajime1570
Kson - https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou | https://www.youtube.com/@ksonONAIR
Kuro - https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuro | https://www.youtube.com/@K9KURO
Mata - https://www.twitch.tv/matarakan | https://www.youtube.com/@MataraKan
Mel - https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelody | https://www.youtube.com/@projektmelody
Michi - https://www.twitch.tv/michimochievee | https://www.youtube.com/@MichiMochievee
Mouse - https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouse | https://www.youtube.com/@IronMouseParty
Zen - https://www.twitch.tv/zentreya | https://www.youtube.com/@zentreya

Official Channels - https://www.twitch.tv/vshojo | https://www.youtube.com/@VShojo

総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and former member discussion

Previous Thread: >>81455872
I love Michi so much.
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lmao i keep fucking up the first OP every day. This time I made sure to get the image link and previous thread right, and completely forgot to update the summary
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love my wolf wife
i think you forgot to change "currently live" section
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The Prodigy - Spitfire
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more ZZZ great. Thank you zen
Mel cosplay
Natural idea would be apricots but go outside the grain and make it baked beans on toast!
Forest pine
Legally distinct Reeses, so just chocolate and peanut butter
High school girl socks
Strawberry a la pink Starburst
Wet dog
Peony. She said she liked the flower
Indo Ramen
Gluten free pancakes and syrup
I like the cinnamon toast idea but also carne asada.

Some of these are real answers and some are not.
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Me too.
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found froot's scent
Would think mixing some wine into Mata's would make sense. And something tea-based for Froot over something fruit-based
Sinder, it's right there in the screenshot. Are you blind?
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sinder isn't a + at the moment (been too long since direct collab) and you might get deleted for it if a janny is sour, would you be willing to swap to raccoon wife snuffy since she renewed recently
Holy sex.
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i'll be watching Fraiki until another non slop content goes live
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mel's candle
please stop. you and the zenfag. or at least misspell a word so that you're not using the same wording. you're fucking with my data.
also, I'm not a mousefag, rarely watch her and only when she's collabing
It's always funny how you pivot, threadshitter. :)
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That's some good Mel cosplay.
+ status is not removable
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Start watching mouse NOW
Keep fucking with this >>81467894 autist's data, same goes to danifag. It's hilarious.
When's the Geega Mel video drop
wwa is in panic mode. KEK
>sinder isn't a + at the moment
She definitely is. Tweets at Vshojo members, mentions them in stream and sometimes raids them after hers is over.
Who else is likely to stream today?
Pivot deez nuts to your mouth, threadshiiter. :)
Also mata had an offcollab with her during AX but niggas don't watch stream to know.
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Love my wolf wife
She's live with more modded fallout!
that doesn't make a + though. I have nothing against sinder but if we used those criteria pretty much every large indie would be a +
he didn't post anything so far, so may be
>Tweets at Vshojo members
that's the worst attempt at grasping at straws i've ever seen
only zen and maybe geega i guess...
Today at 1PM EST.
I genuinely appreciate your dedication to this silly project, thank you
You have no idea how many of the posts you parrot were originally mine. :)
My nuts are so deep down your throat they're coming out your ass.
>>81468105 (me)
spoke too soon
Sinder ww always uses the same image, so just filter the hash
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are you going to 1v1 wwa in fortnite after you find him or what
thread is updating once every 5-10 seconds, so I didn't see his post. well, schizos have already started their threadshitting olympics, so...
Was supposed to be 30 minutes ago. Classic Geega. Probably too busy 2nd life'ing gtarp
Cartoon character voice
to the anon that said that SEA hours are the most chill couple of threads back
if only you knew how right you are...
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yeah, one of that nicks is our guy and he is definitively scared now
it's the best thread, it even has recap anon post at that time
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>SEA hours are the most chill
6 months ago, yes. Now? Sometimes.
more than Mint does
i didn't stutter
if you mean wwa, look up a little bit
he doesn't care
he was deflecting really hard last thread. He cares
I don't, I've accepted my fate that anon will find him. I shall bake him a nice cake when he DMs me on twitch.
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Kek, mindbroken
Michi IS DIE
might save her throat
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wtf it'sreal
If you mean the posts near the end of the thread, those were me. If they were more than 30 minutes before then I dunno
>>81468964 (me)
I guess I should have specified, but I'm not him
everyone is just sick
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Your delusions are not my problem.
>2covid2stream electric boogaloo
I miss covid and 2021 western vtubing scene.
It was peak.
And that's a melty.
That was, perhaps, way too easy.
She quirked too close to the sun
I skimmed through the list of suspected users you posted last thread, and I found out there's one confirmed european, via their twitter (prophet970) and I believe there's another (rawrtherlion) that might be too because they made twitch clips of robcdee on EU daytime. The others are americans or I couldn't find any useful info about them.
This thread is a little bit better than the last one. Last one was pure cancer.
Love this drango
If you collectively all reported the same post none of this would continue happening. It's clearly evident that half the regular posters in this thread got accustomed to threadshitting their own place. Anons underestimate the amount of contrarian faggots in this place. This is the logical result of spending too much time /here/
If it was that easy, we would have gotten rid of wwa long ago.
She also might just stream anyway, she already had the fever yesterday and just powered through it. Though she did miss Mario Kart.
You think we haven't tried that?
People who do it get warned if not banned. The mods are protecting him.
Jannies could give two shits about reports, anon. Same goes to feedback. It's all useless.
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>this anon think jannies care about us
KEK, they are the ones enabling wwa my friend.
I'm just gonna say "lmao", you put too much faith into jannies.
the people that reported him got warning. Since the snuffy janny was fired no one is banning him. Snuffy janny gave 30 days to him.
you can't even get rid of schizo who thinks about trannies 24/7
they aren't regulars and aren't remotely as vehemently dedicated than wwa
Not only him, all silverspergs would've been nuked too.
he even posts dox and we can't get rid of him
>I wouldn't entertain this possibility because someone has to be insane to pull this off
no offense anon but look who's talking
If you post his European equivalent of SSN (doesn't matter if it's legit or not), you will be put out to pasture, figuratively speaking.
Back when Silver was still in Vshojo.
reports for off topics posts ITT only work if the janny doesn't like the post too
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>I wouldn't entertain this possibility because someone has to be insane to pull this off
Wasn't him the one that had a meltdown during the holidays and swear to anti mouse for the rest of his life or something like that(i should had capped it)?
>least sane silversperg
The archive is right there, man.
we talked about this already. 2 hours over 2 days versus 19!!!!!! hours each day since march 23
there's the archive, also I think he was banned for something in /lig/
you're telling me you anons don't have /vsj+/ on your phone opened and you check it when you're borded?
shit, I probably should stop using internet so much
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Zen looking pasty as fuck right now
>contrarian fag
give it a rest, for at least a few threads.
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I got banned for posting screenshot with Nyan in Silver's chat. I remember it clear as day. Matter of fact I risked 30 days just so Anons knew it wasn't me shitting on Mouse becasue I didn't want them to think I'm hating on the pink ratto.
Firstposting every thread for 18 hours/day purely to troll is a bit more than "checking /vsj+/ when you're bored".
fuck off
>wake up
>make coffe
>check thread
>go to work
I honestly thought more people did this
I'm not being contrarian, you retard. I'm just stating the obvious fact.
I will not let anons think I hate Mouse, simple as.
you deserve rest champion. put the shitflinging gun down and take a shower.
we all know you do
he had a meltdown around Christmas when he posted his recap. anons were making fun of him because silver wasn't his number 1. he even got so angry that he forgot to attach an image. the whole situation really got under his skin. that's the reason I believe that he'll never post without an image and all those anons accusing him of being different thread shitters are fighting ghosts
at least I'm not a mousefag
in the context of being a false flagger. who would keep the charade going for so long only to fuck with some random internet strangers except that enna guy who's willing to spend real money to disprove some number chimps
yep during the time wwa (so (you), prob, who knows?) didn't even know why he got banned and I couldn't find anything either. But it just so happens that every time wwa ritual post gets deleted, p** s***** is posting full cock and balls on main. so my head canon is that jannies usually don't give a fuck, only come here to delete the pictures of his penis and, because they're itt already, look at some reports and delete his ritual post
One day they will put their differences behind and collab (on stream) again and you will see me making happy posts. Mark my words.
No, I don't.
>I risked 30 days
what do you mean? "risked"? you actually got banned for 30 days.
if you want to make people happy you can fuck off already
that dono is right tho zen, it sucks when the streamers has the game screen really small and surrounded by an overlay
eh, it depends
Remember that there's (at least) two of them. I would have to look at the posts to see whose writing style it matches but the other guy (the one who spams "uh oh melty" etc.) is way more aggro and never uses images, so he may have been the one who had the meltdown.
I don't believe that it's WWA's posts, to be honest. And I'm neutral towards him and his ritualposting.
how? it's objectively worse
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it is me
are those "we" in the same room with you, I presume?
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Mei and Sushi make happy. I hope for sake of there's they join vshojo.
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It's sad that he singlehandedly made an entire thread go out of their way to not post anything related to her. He really made anons avoid his oshi. I see posts vei, pink cat, nazooner or even ligger memes in /vsj+/. In fact he's her number one anti.
>he even got so angry that he forgot to attach an image.
Funny thing you mentioned here. Sunday he was so mad that he forgot how to reply anons and was only writing the numbers. I wonder if it's a trait of his mental illness.
I've reported the trannyschizo many of times he only gets banned when he posts doxx. Than he just ban evades anyways.
That's why he's doing it.
I don't even know if they ban him. Posting doxx is a warning sometimes.
the tranny schzio is reactive not proactive. youi keep mentioning him now but he's nothing compared to this omega schizo that is wwa
that's not what I'm talking about tho
True I just started ignoring him whenever I post Mei or Katie.
he's the first post i nthe thread for his ritual post most of the time. he spends time f5ing catalog like tard. or could be falsflaggers but i doubt it
>Than he just ban evades anyways.
He ban evades immediately. Literally, yesterday, his posts just got nuked and less than 1 minute after he's back.
did you hear anon sushi and mei's plans? mei was talking how sushi bought a gift for her and will give it to her when sushi and mei grow big and go to a con someday. they are so cute.
I only manage to post first if thread is slow and it's on page 10.
he gets so many first posts that i actually believed it was a bot once. He camps here all day waiting his time to shit the thread. He gets even more annoying when silver is streaming. He keeps sharing infos no one cares about like the flavor or what she will be doing.
that's what a schizo would say
in this cases only ban rage on banning the vpn to kill him
Pretty sure he got banned after a single post last night. At least that's the only one I saw
That is so cute holy shit Gunrun please bring them /in/.
he even shills merch unironically
you just don't like me anon
that's lit what a schizo would answer
nobody does
what's there to like?
at this point i don't know if he is an anti or an autist. I do love the theory it's just mamavale hyping her daughter KEK
Sex with both of them.
he's worse than wwa. wwa is ritualposting in only 2 threads (this one and /lig/), on just this board (and blogposts only when silver is streaming), trannyschizo is spamming his shit everywhere(!) he can, not just itt.
that's really cute
They're both garbage but the silverfags are absolutely worse because they take over the thread more consistently. I don't care what Draco does in other threads.
out of curiosity, is geega still friends with nina?
no he isn't worse. and half of the trannyschizo posts are troll post not from schizo. there is no one worse than wwa because he knows exactly his post is a thread shitting enabler for contrarians and antis here
Facts pphead
Yes. She just collabed with her in Splatoon like a week ago
why wouldn't she?
No. She did not collab with her in Splatoon like a week ago
Honestly I think both of them would be great pics. Sushi is cute, draws a lot of neat stuff for VShojo and is very talented. I wasn't sure about Mei at first, but she's pretty talented as well her tech stuff impressed me and the fact that she streams a lot and long hours and yaps like Michi won me over.
He's slippery. Lucky he doesn't post Geega porn.
Didn't they collab like a week ago?
GOOD! I want her in, i had never watched her until some weeks ago but i love her voice now.
they hate each other
I falseflagged as him once or twice for the laughs, though it was a long time ago.
Geega loves Nina. Nina was showing off the vsj merch on twitter
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Girls FC is dead and Geega killed it because now she's too busy partying with Vshojo girls to pay attention to her small indie friends. Yes, she hates Nina and wants her to fail. Please tell /nina/ and /lig/ that Geega said "Nina Saotome? I don't really like her and actively avoid collabing with her."
what is here to take over lmao
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speaking of which, will Geega participate on GirlsFC collab tomorrow?
that the reason in lore why bubi doesn't stream
nah mei isn't a good streamer
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Remember when Mouse was genuinely crying in Disneyland. Everyone was having an emotional moment in the thread and wwa started unsolicited silverbait posts? That tells you enough how he feels about her. He would never stop even if she was in her death bed. That how vile he is.
Running Hell
because you're /here/, wanna say something about the theories concerning you? how long have you been posting itt, what caused your ritual posting, are you amongst the 17 users named in the last thread?
nope. mamavale sent 1541 individual chats. vei 36, veibae 8 and a guy named veingang sent 77. nyanners sent 10
>she's too busy partying with Vshojo girls
anon posting of earth-6 kek
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How long would you last
Remember Mata's Comfy Debut Silverposting? Pepperidge farm remembers
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bruh. look up there which posts got deleted (and warned for) and tell me that they were less on topic than anything that's been posted in the last ten minutes. there's absolutely someone that wants to fuck with the vshojo thread just because they can. I don't know if they dislike vshojo as a whole or something or if they're specifically a froot or mouse anti?
don't even bother reporting anything it doesn't fucking matter. if this is what the thread is reduced to I'm going to look into other options long term. it's so frustrating, I just want to talk about vshojo man that's it. I have no interest in trolling other generals or the catalog or whatever, just let me talk about my interests
I am jerking off to projekt melody at this very moment
Bat will dissappear like when Nina asked Moriko to hang out in Japan.
If you leave out the silverfags and people fighting with them, it's actually a pretty normal thread. They are also the biggest Mouse antis which is the other main annoying thing itt.
Stop fucking lying. All he did was his usual ritualpost and then schizos went crying their dicks off "weehh, there he is again, make it about himself and his oshi, weeeh".
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You guys need to take a smoke and chill
Or they just didn't ban him.
Same thing >>81472896 happened in this case too. Some of you are way too desperate in your desire to feel like you are victims when you are clearly not, I swear to Christ and everything that is holy.
this anon blazed
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I like anons and this thread. I've been posting for so long in /vsj+/ that switching to /lig/ seemed weird. I thought Anons wouldn't care since I make like 1-2 posts per thread with Silver, rest of my posts you couldn't tell it's me.
> theories concerning you
I never reply to bait. Each time I make my post and those few anons reply with Sinder, that one comic or Dani I don't reply. It's some other Anon that for some reason fights them. I don't watching anime girls so seriously that I unironically fight people on the internet.
Same goes for (you) for being a contrarian faggot every time any semblance of order is solicited. I've been here long enough to recognize what makes you wiener tingle.
I just ignore those messages. There are random anti mouse and silver posts out of nowhere sometimes during chill streams. its clearly bait.
Nah I just fucking hate that faggot. Not that deep. Don't defend thread shitters that easy.
Two posts from the turbo autist got nuked. So what?
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Zen has acquired her wolf husband, pray for the stream
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10 seconds tops
the one deleting our thread was a niji janny that got fired. I speculate the phase janny likes to come here and shitposting after that henya collab months ago, all his bans are sniping people complaining about spergs or him.
>They are also the biggest Mouse antis
That's whole lotta bullshit and you know it.
He's trying really hard.
>Openly admitting he's a threadshitting enabler
If you ever needed a valid reason to see this schizo true colors
Fun fact. I was banned for trolling the
anon and he was not banned he's definetly a janny.
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only the big one was his and again both were just as off topic as most of this godforsaken thread
that wouldn't surprise me
That also possible.
TL;DR this thread need it's own janny.
This is cute and all, but realistically I don't think Mei has a shot at getting /in/. She's a good streamer but I don't think she has enough to offer compared to Grimmi, or Yuzu.
You're (and not only you, same goes even to me in some cases) taking this thread (and wwa ritualpost(s), especially) way too seriously.
every single person who posts here in good faith would agree with this
Yuzu is applying?
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zens getting bullied by her own chat because she's a furfag, save her /vsj+/!
This thread is too far gone to have it's own janny.
I do, retard. Other people still reply to them.
The reality is that if you flood a thread with garbage 24/7 people will reply, and even if a hundred people all simultaneously refuse to bite, they'll just samefag. That's considerably worse than one schizo screaming about troons.
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we used to have a Snuffy janny but god knows what happened to him
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While all of you guys argue about whatever I've been watching Fraiki play Minecraft and this reminds me that all of the VShojos need to get more people onto the server what the fuck. Basically everyone there but Mei, Camila, and Saiiren were invited by Zen. Maybe Katie, was invited by Froot, but I'm not even sure about that she might've been invited by Zen too. Froot needs to get those EU friends she made at Twitchcon EU invites. Fufu, Fraiki, Dya, Teru, and Bipsy. Mouse needs to extend invites to all of VChiban. Mata needs to contact Bricky and whore clan. Mel needs to get Dust and I don't fucking know I'm sure she has friends I'm blanking on that weren't already mentioned. FILL UP THE SERVER
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zen got another ball, expect the whiskey to come out
>t. threadshitter
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it's going to be a nutritional fruit vtuber agency with apricot, lime, yuzu and annoying orange
he said he was a janny and was fired. o7
Oops that was not supposed to be a reply lmao But it's true nevertheless.

Get more people on the server VShojos. I know at least one of you is maybe possibly here right now
Actually Mei has a very great shot. I'm calling it but the 3 view hires will be Grape, Mei, and Sushi. Everything else I have no good clue on. My reasoning for this is because Grape, and Mei are close with the girls, funny, entertaining and also recently started taking streaming seriously. Mei also has some really cool tech stuff.
you would need somebody that sits here 24/7 so they understand what's going on
is there even such a person
Godforbid we go through with this t'ill the end. Imagine having a thread with one less schizo. The Horror.
But if only Saii, Mei, Sushi, Henya, and IronMouse play what's the point?
I think Grape's the one with less to offer. She's a rigger and I think an artist but those strengths aren't really shown on stream or require much in the way of investment to get the most out of.
nah, after midnight most of spergs leave and the place gets bearable for a while. Ironic
Part of having niche interests is getting relentlessly bullied for it for the rest of your life and Zen must learn this
>bearable for a while
That's peak Laotian trannyschizo hours
Because some of those other people might also join that list of people who play it regularly? I made the post because Fraiki's playing right now by herself lmao. Also since people are talking about auditions, a good way to introduce potential hires to the current members in a friendly setting is via a Minecraft server
I'm going to apply next go round and I encourage anyone with a clean rap sheet to do the same.
I don't think you know what this word means.
Coomed too hard. Also all the snuffy poster probably left. This place use to be filled with snuff.
Zen giving Bao a run for her money
>a literal Bear
I would have applied if I wasn't busy irl. This thread really got the nicest blokes compared to others.
Not really, you just need someone who's not retarded that can see when someone is trolling.
Trannyschizo is just a gay fighting against his nature. Soon or later we will break him.
That's what a typical contrarian would say.
why do Sushi, Mei, and Grape get brought up so often here?
Kinda gay Ngl
shills be shilling
Most active +'s it's that simple nothing deep. Also I like peepeehead
friendly, cute, funny, good streamers, friends with the girls and aren't just leeching?
can't we all be friends and get along and talk about our favorite vtubers
yeah, i remember how snuffy was part of this thread but people slowly stopped talk about her. People is even forgetting the "snuffy" meme when they see a raccoon .
>next round
there havent been any openings for over two years
If schizos will just ignore wwa instead of getting assblasted because of his ritualposting every time, this thread will have even less schizos.
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i literally just talk about zen here
some anons or anon really like them
That's what a nice fella would typically reply to a compliment.
+ in VShojo+. Mei'ssuper closer to Geega and has joined Zen's regular collab crew with Ari and Froggy and Heavenly. Sushi finally got some VShojo collabs thanks to the Minecraft server and is now a + who applied for VShojo on the JP side. Grape is more recently finding her way into Zen's circle thanks to FF14.

Also they're all very hot and I want to see their feet
The favored + rotation needs to be studied it rotates about 4+'s after discover a new streamer via collabs
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i post Sushiちゃん and Meiちゃん really cause like watch them. Cute together. but I do one post per thread hope nobody mind.
Nice self-report.
Nope, wwa is still here
I was watching Mei last night and kept laughing when she was kicking Gura in the balls. It never got old
>Mei and Grape
Geega paid shills
Daisy paid shills
>shoulda, coulda, woulda
I prefer concrete short term solutions.
I wish it was possible, but silverspergs are still here.
anon that is not the problem
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I like Grape and she's sexy
sushi and mei i watch and talk about i think they have a good shot at vsho and i watch there streams peeps gotta take a fat smoke and chill out sometimes man this place is awesome love this thread I'm eating a bag of bbq lays while i jerk it to zentreya nsfw
This anon is living the dream
W-what does that mean?
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There is a long time since we posted a + in op... Geega was the last one hm?
sushi is getting groomed
not until his ritual thread shitting enabler posts are deleted
Vsj+ has talked about people close to vshojo for 2-3 years now.
No amount of deflection will change my focus against wwa. You can try.
Apparently the mobile version of character.ai added a new feature wherein you can call characters to have voice conversations with them. Mei started calling Goku and kicking him in the balls over and over, then thought it would be funny if she did it to Gura. And hearing a Gura AI voice talk about how much getting hit in the balls hurt was funny.
Where's the video Geega you slut
She was messing around with an AI chatbot. I don't think I saw the Gura part, but I did catch the part where she was kicking a Goku AI in the balls to the point that it died.
i assure you we are on the same side on that one
Bro is fucking desperate
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>she cute
>she sexy
the ultimate combo
no we aren't.
twitch vtubing sometimes is funny ngl. thought about it after chibi did her 24 hour stream to hit 500k followers and remembered when snuffy tried the same thing over days but failed. she used to be such an important part of vsj amd twitch vtubing as a whole but distanced herself and now she's slowly coming back. also snuffy used to hang out with limes a lot but doesn't anymore. or when tobs and coqui were doing stuff with mouse and now aren't. or how coqui was part of nyan's background and now nyan is otk+. observing these relationships change and the ups and downs of streamers is fascinating, like watching ants
Giri use to be posted. As always some retards sperged all the time.
You're so full of shit your skin has turned brown. We can easily use every image you've posted to track your comments and not only do you reply to bait you bait yourself. So fuck off with the innocent crap.
Obsession. Call a spade a spade.
yet you felt obliged to answer this post
Love the cat. simple as
I posted about Giri all the time. Then she moved and her stream time changed so I stopped since I couldn't catch her 99% of the time anymore.
She kicked him in the balls until he died. Then she brought him back to life with the dragon balls and kicked him again. She also kicked Chichi in the balls on Goku's wedding day, before kicking Goku in the balls yet again. There was a lot of ball kicking
I just corrected him, that's all.
I'm putting my soul on the line when I say I never baited or replied to myself to bait, you just don't want to believe me Anon becasue it's easier to assume I'm the reason for your discontent
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sex oni will be drawing Froot soon
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yeah we are
Our own Vtuber for femdom freaks
i worry my bad punctuation will one day give away who i am
Kuro colored his hair
I thought he would go for blonde dye
>she was kicking a Goku AI in the balls to the point that it died.
based on this feat, how does Mei rank in the vshojo lore power ranking
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nah i'm still here. I don't watch her as much now but she's still my oshi, i just have a hard time catching her streams.
I pretend to not see
Is she a fucking psychopath?
Speaking of schizos.
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Michi just retweeted the most cursed image I've ever seen.
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Saruei unicorns about to mean mug Kuro
Does she still have beef with Saruei
>saruei immediately in the replies
What the
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The Bat will bring unity
I mean she went to the future to visit Goku on his death bed and kick him in the balls again, so maybe.
Quite literally everyone in Girls FC is more capable of bringing unity than Bat.
Its so over
If bat joins vshojo it will be a 9/11 event in lig. I love moriko so I hope she joins with all my heart.
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I welcome this side of hers with open arms.
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I want to cum in Mel's asshole so much, it's driving me crazy.
Schizos are already have their own imaginary world (which they take for reality) where you are the main villain and the reason of every bad thing that already happened and will happen in the future. It's useless to reason them. They are comfortable in their own echo chamber to even listen to your words.
She, Mei, and Grape. Bat told Mei to kill herself Infront of Ironmouse that one time.
god i hate this voice so much...
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I still come here occasionally.
Speaking of schizos (yet again).
are you larping because other anon said that wwa would forget how to reply?
are you a masochist?
Unironic bitch.
i love how she deleted this vod, clips and put take down in almost all channels that saved clips of it. Talk about damage control.
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Every time I see these clips I'm reminded of this bitch
Your ritual post enables shitposters and you willingly do it without skipping a beat. You're a text book dedicated professional anti.
meds, retard, as soon as possible
>long time since i watched her
>open clip
>annoying voice
Closes it.
frogposter(s) in /lig/ is/are one of my favorites. dude is so sad if you mention m*les or cheating, especially involving darker skinned individuala
i stopped watching vtubers when it looked like vshojo was gonna die and just never came back to snuffy. i think i just watch too much vsj nowadays.
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I need my Henyium
looks like you hit the nail on the head
You just moved your goalpost there Anon
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Amalee is now /out/
>i love how
>making shit up
Be less obvious.
Viewer like oshi
you forgot
>cries up a post about it
Full VOD link? Also while you're at it, you should link full VODs of streams that were nuked when she went number menhera in 2022.
She wanted to do most of the damage to the company and the girls before she leaves. She is as petty and sore loser as wwa. No grace and no dignity at all.
Reminder that we know the silverfags are responsible for the Mouse anti posts because one of them got nuked once and it revealed both pro-silver and anti-mouse posts. I believe that was, in fact, WWA, though it's been a few months and might have been amnesia silverfag.
Yeah, though I don't want to know what the oshi of this >>81475950 retard is.
zen wants to get knotted
Keep trying.
same guy lmao
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she's drawing Froot's new outfit, i guess we'll see the debut within the next month
Swing and a miss.
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If I said I will stop posting would you believe me Anon?
What if some guy takes my pics and starts falesflagging with them as me.
do you guys think sushi and mei are gonna end up joining that would be so cute
stop posting, only do it in /lig/ and find out
Just got done jerking it to zentre still smoking weed and stroking my chub but let me tell you I love them and they will join vshojo man people just gotta jerk it more so what if I stick my whole hand up my crack and itch my bum if it feels good than it's fucking right man
here he goes posting in delay like no one is noticing.
The images are easily traceable and even if they weren't no one is as stupidly dedicated as wwa but he will never do it.
I wish Froot had better judgement and didn't forgive Who
Will never work without a janny to delete troll posts
read this again
They will not believe you even if you will stop yor ritualposting for 3 or more days (they'll make a rrat that you got banned and will celebrate their yet another fake victory).
I'd believe it when I see it.
It went on for a LONG time lmao. Here's a timestamp of hitting Gura in the balls though https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2206762484?t=01h39m09s
After some skipping around it started COMPLETELY here https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2206762484?t=00h34m42s when she accidentally butt dialed Character AI and was having a conversation with Gilbert Gottfried. This turned into mutilating Hatsune Miku, flirting with Freddy Fazbear, kicking Kermit in the balls, and then the Goku torture starts.
She's more in than ever

>what do you want to do in Vshojo?
>i will kill the zentreya on stream in front of thousands of viewers
This strategy has gotten at least three people hired
I recognize some of this word salad
I don't remember that Dani ever interacted with her.
I didn't realize Mei was chill like this.
Lads, what's the current vshojo meta? Been away for a while.

It is weird that the super ardent silverspergspergs will also vehemently argue that there are no mousespergs
why do you keep pairing sushi and mei they aren't married.
being sick
( ̄~ ̄;) I don't have a Vtuber to watch anymore... its depressing
Run away from here, as fast as you can.
uhh ff14?
you should had watched streams
i love her
Be less obvious, holy fucking shit.
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Glad I've not missed much then.
lol, actually lmao even
Hardly going to be worse here these days than during the Nyan gosling days
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Reminder that this anon is lying and the Mouse anti posts were exposed as coming from /#/fags.
Anon have you seen the two of them Collab? It's like watching porn.
>Geega has researched and A/B tested how to make viewers parasocial for her
>to actively avoid those methods
She's perfect
I only watch them when they collab with vshojo members
Froot - The First Descendant
Geega - GTA
Zen - FF14
Mata - Factorio
Michi, Henya, Kson - Sick

Everyone else is in no discernible arc beyond typical fotm or whatever.
I hate her
Dunno, there were a few schizos around who simped her pretty hard
lubing up and fucking numi's fat fucking tits and cumming all over her face with only the very tip of my cock peaking out between from between her breasts
i dont remember posting this but yes, i do with all my soul. and i am glad she is having such a great time at fallout. also the figures finally getting shipped.
Except he's right.
>Froot - The First Descendant
>Geega - GTA
>Zen - FF14
Zen pls...
>Mata - Factorio
>Michi, Henya, Kson - Sick
Who the fuck is Michi?
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Froot's recent streams
>>81477382 (me)
I mean the anon in the pic.
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>Who the fuck is Michi?
>Who the fuck is Michi?
You really have been away for a while kek. Michi is the most recent Vshojo hire.
>who the fuck is michi
bro how long have you been gone?
most sane /vsj/ poster
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>Who the fuck is Michi?
No clue
Here's a totally random Niji though
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>Who the fuck is Michi?
Kuro is not on the list (  ̄- ̄)???
What's that?
You actually believed that guy?
That's obviously one of the silverfags, probably this one >>81475684
Geega has also been playing some more Variety while GTA's updates have slowed
Zen has plenty of other shit like ER and Darksouls 1
Michi is my daughter and my god you missed a bunch.
Oh the ex indo niji
dunno, 6 months or so probably, went full chuuba-anti-schizo
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No way she isn't a future SOTD guest.
>Geega has also been playing some more Variety
Glad to hear, always liked Geega's variety shit, was comfymaxxing.
>Zen DS1
is this the cuck general?
SOTD has no future.
I remember some anon built a psychological portrait of a typical silversperg (throwing accusations were there, though it was paraphrased). I could've find it, but I'm too lazy to do that.
Almost, I think you meant to click on
holofags hate her guts
No, Hololive Global is somewhere down the hall
oh, thanks for your guidance, i will go there right away.
we love ERB here
Fuck off sperg
No that's the catalog
my autistic bat wife will NEVER besully herself with the plebeian trash that is beshowjoe
We're on the catalog too, you cuck
says the actual sperg
fuck off
This but unironically.
Yes. It's a cuck board. Cuck site. Cuck world bro.
new thread
ヽ(・ω・´)ノ hi
get in the chair
(*°▽°*) Hi!
Good, now you can fuck off.
Ironic that what's shown in the pic is precisely what happens to mousefags kek
hi (._.)7
Uh oh sperg melty
You Know some nice words would be encouraging
I know you're having a melty, you don't have to announce it.
We all sit in chairs.
I use a standing desk.
Fuck you
I feel cursed now
Maybe sonch should invite her 2-view friend from that corpo that went bust. That blue haired girl.
Oh great now the catalog tourists are here.

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