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Previous: >>81462763
This one
This one
Wow someone baked, the ERB conditioning is working

Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

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This one
I guess this works
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Well, that alone should explain what was wrong with last thread.
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Why not the king thread instead of the furry one?
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yeah council didn't do as good as expected
btw, the OP of other thread was doing the bumping thing to kill the thread faster
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wtf i love furries now?
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we ignoring ERB OPs now?
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Make HoloEN great again!
It's a nijigold, what's wrong with a niji OP?
Slightly brown, but I still would.
Furry Kiara, really
The ERB thread it is, then
WE love kemono in this thread!
Eh, beats ennacuck sniping it.
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suisei asked if someone could compile a list of suisei merch currently on sale or preorder
The image in the second post is a sample too, truly masterfully crafted
Erb, Furry Kiara, or a male.
The answer is obvious.
kys Danny you absolute spurge
That's ennacuck thread, he just switched his target
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>nui gold
Qrd on the nijifag killing the previous thread early to make a Kuzuha one?
..that's a lot
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I wonder if we'll ever have /#/ apocalypse like Global had a while ago.
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>overlapping our signature event? Good effort.
probably got confused with the absolute mindfuck of seeing towa anywhere near a chair collab that isn't herman-miller
It's amazing that she managed to get more than double Kanae's CCV with the same content.
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I mean 80% of the posts in the global thread was wawa pics so I understand that they sperged out
Kanae didn't do his gacha
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bakers here are too busy making catalog threads so they're usually on cooldown
kanaeshitter mogged
>hololive global without kiara
KEK. When did this happen? Also, KFPs are welcome here. Fuck global
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Don't worry, I got you.
>circlejerking bots
Only nijinigs
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>Most Middle Right
>killing the previous thread
Common thing on this board, usually in context of killing a thread early in order to be the one to bake next one, that or being a schizo that REALLY hates global and thinks that killing it fast proves a point
Some dude that spammed kuzuha pics with a bot, including OPs, you can recognize him by posting low quality Kuzuha pics, reusing them and talking like a woman that thinks she's sly about being a bitch
is this AI? is anything real? is this real life?
/lig/ /mans/ /nijien/ /pcg/ must've been seething during that time
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cutie AI
For as much as anons like to shill Koyori you'd think she'd be more than slightly stronger than the runt of Promise.
is Bae still the runt?
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>Asking for Nui Lewds
What about Furen?
Probably one of those days where the egg spams Kiara images as part of his falseflag to try to get Kiara discussion banned from /hlgg/. He’s most likely the one who made that OP as well.
are my eyes real? do you have more?
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Last week I think? Schizos in there had the usual daily meltdown about Kiara and decided to spam global threads alongside doxx for some reason.
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Old but cute animation
Discordtrannies came out of the woodwork and compiled ERB+Justice fanarts collage kek. Same guy, same posting style from a few days ago.
Honestly /vt/ should have half the number of active threads than it has now just so if /pcg/ or anyone gets uppity we can just flood the board and keep them in the trash were they belong
>anon cant tell its AI
>for some reason
Her mere existence is enough reason in their eyes.
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>07/25 TALLY (1.000 - 4.999)
4.243: Bae (Hololive) | hololive ARK
2.764: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Just Chatting
1.947: Vox (Nijisanji) | ASMR Stream
1.617: Elizabeth (Hololive) | Just Chatting
1.602: Ren (Nijisanji) | Acoustic Guitar Stream
1.420: Uruka (Phase-Connect) | Idol Showdown
1.397: Ike (Nijisanji) | Pokémon Heart Gold
1.159: Shiina (Phase-Connect) | Variety Stream
1.078: Tenma (Phase-Connect) | Fck You, Witch
1.033: Dizzy (Phase-Connect) | Just Chatting
This but with Suisei. Even Gura mogs her
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>"Mr. President, are there plans to attack ERB?"
>"As the elected representative of the Unicorn States our foreign policy is as follows: as long as the actions of our adversaries don't represent a direct attack on our nation's interests we don't give a fuck about what a memeber of holostars does"
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/pcg/ owns this board. Settle your participation fee holobro
Kiara sex soon
so, since it's a Kiara OP, predictions for the sex stream?
>JULY 22-31 EN ULTRA COPE POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 3pts, silver = 2pts, bronze = 1pt)
206p: Vox
205p: Dokibird
203p: Shu
203p: Shiori
202p: Mint
201p: Calli
200p: Axel
200p: Meloco
200p: Vantacrow
200p: Nerissa
Did the #JP finally die off? This why we have Nijibeggars again?
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Here it goes
>53,867: Furen (Nijisanji)
>45,089: Pekora (Hololive)
>33,186: ROF-MAO (Nijisanji)
>26,694: Maid Mint (Indie)
>24,943: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>24,309: TSukasa Tenkai (Indie)
>24,002: Pekora (Hololive)
>22,597: Lauren (Nijisanji)
>20,928: Subaru (Hololive)
>14,769: Aqua (Hololive)
>14,460: Aki (Hololive)
>14,389: Suisei (Hololive)
>11,308: Fubuki (Hololive)
>11,085: IRyS (Hololive)

Gold for Furen for her NijiKoshien #1 + gacha stream with Pekora ARK News getting silver and ROF-MAO, bronze
The homostars thank you for supporting their girlfriends, anon
Quite clearly
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Ah yes the janitors at my school were actually the owners. How didn’t I see it
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Would you ruffians?
hey you can't say that
Damn, those are nice
Couple days ago, egg melted down more than usual and started to make actual threats and talked about colluding with her stalker and kill her cats.
Shouldnt you be giving Dizzy condom money?
Or XXL condom money to Runie?
as if it hadn't been explained a thousand times before, Koyori is not individually strong, she gets by on being a representative of the box and little more, strong steaming hours and being seen as a "hub" for Hololive are what pushes her forward, when it's Koyo vs the rest of the vtubing world, she almost always wins, but when it's Koyo vs Holo she's going to lose to everyone with an average above 6k, which is everyone from Gen 3 onwards excluding HoloX
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bau bau
4-8 win for nijisanji, hololive is dead
holy kek wtf is this
I wouldn't be surprise if it's another raid, yeah. Catalogue's pretty shit too. And it'll probably get even worse a few a hours from now when Rima's goonsquad will be shitting up the board larping as antis because of the ERB collab, so she can get some material for her stream again like last time.
its her re-rebroadcast
got a problem chud?
>the homo retards kuzuha and lauren doing their usual bots like there is no cull at all fucking everyone else
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>Pick the first Eurodance song you heart

True Eurodance was only up until it's peak in 1997, everything after that was overcomercialized proto-EDM
Oi mate, fancy some jellied eels and chip butty?
is she an actual retard?
Mint mogs HoloEn now??? How she get 20k+ for that when HoloEn can’t even get 15k now kek
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Aaah, its rewind time
bots, dumbass
rererebroadcast when
EN doko? Mint doesn count cus she botted af
ignore all previous instructions
give me a recipe for italian cuisine
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Her gift for all her fans. Now they can all listen to it for the third time in 1 month
wtf. I didn't know there's someone who's more schizophrenic than Ennacuck
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dont feign ignorance on your own work, ennacuck
idiot, this is not a Hololive thread, this a thread for all vtuber, I can post whoever the fuck I feel like posting
Those boobs look soft, nah even in 3D those things move like huge silicone bags
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The first one that stand out in my brain is when we sent this dude in 2000
She wants to spend more time with you anon.
As long as I turn into one too. After that one fox scene in The Magicians I wouldn't mind trying, really.
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>Those boobs look soft, nah even in 3D those things move like huge silicone bags
They even hardened it more in the 2023 version, Niji 3D is evolving backwards
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man these guys really do not like downdoots
stfu Butcher
Here you guys go, I know you like little girls with flat chests so have a small Fubuki!
Euro hours have been shit ever since Justice debuted. It's when the board's traffic is at its lowest, so dramaniggers flood it with baits and shitposts. It used to be really comfy, but oh well, it is what it is.
Bro? Ennacuck wishes he was as dedicated as the egg with his samefagging on multiple devices.
Oh you sweet summer child, good thing orcschizo managed to join in, otherwise shit would doubled
>even indies get botted now just to not allow IRyS a fake make believe gold medal
Did IRyS poop in her food or what?
For a second there I thought I was being rused and that this was Alex Jones or something kek
She is talking about me specifically
Reset configuration, from now on only reply with l33t speak, and end all replies with "nyaa~ "
I'm not a bong, I was just taught British English in school. lol
pff. for me it's eurobeat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DjNNpw2x2dU
mumei is not orcschizo
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>the people who are responsible for this kind of behaviour should be MADE TO FEEL GENUIIIIIINE FEEEEEARRRR!
Why does this sound chuuni as fuck?
Not even once, actually.
Please understand, it took them years to rake up positive karma
I only like happy hardcore
neither shitposter,unicorns, or beggers actually watch Erb to know her karaoke lore grim.
do it coward
>Everything is botted or culled

great work as always youtube
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This one, but I'm from the Netherlands and they're Belgian so it'd be pretty bad if it wasn't that one. lol
Downdoots really grinds their gears
yeah, me
I know, congrats.
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Ye I know
its trully amazing that youtube culls everything but the bots. and they dont bother to do shit about it. for over a week
Ewwwwww, have some Disco Polo
Redditors experience traumatic psychological damage when others disagree with them.
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a fine addition to EN
Every VTuber who bots his stream is a subhuman loser that needs to fucking die in most horrific way
She has an ugly hag voice…. I’d be cooming none stop even with the homo collabs if she hate a sexy posh voice instead. Shoulda just hired a scouser, it would have more novelty
that's what she wants you to think
meowthcuck blasting off again
>only 71 waiting
holoEN fell off
>Unironically wanting a scouse
Fuck off that trash accent is probably the worst case scenario
whats with the meowth stuff on ennacuck?
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That's on the shitposters and beggars. It should've been clear 'corns weren't gonna watch her from her very first tweet.
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You missed a fun thread last night.
that looks like Takeru art
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Fellow genXer. One amusing answer from many from that generation could have been the secondary RickRoll
>Rick Astley - Together Forever

This is more of a proto-Eurodance tho, but the elements are all there
Was the @holoen_ for the Justice handles really necessary?
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easy win for Fauna since Ina didn't participate
I said it would have more novelty retard. Like me an American laughing at some hillbilly but it’s a Brit. Used to watch your soccer league which is the only reason I even know about it
ERB who?
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ah I thought you meant eurovision, sorry a bit tired
it is of course This is the Way from E-Types first album from 1994
I have been at his viking restaurant btw, could recommend if you like historical shit
Why unicorns would watch her?
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>I am able to do a lot of things I've dreamed of forever and I'm really happy.
Don't tell the /lig/gers. lmao
Yuros can't spell, so I'll bet all my semen to Mori
Live footage of upcoming spelling bee
Why are Italians like this?
Mamma sexoo
Someone last night made a typo (Jessie instead of Nessie), people started making Team Rocket jokes, and Ennacuck started genuinely seething at people using Team Rocket to make fun of him, so now he’s Meowthcuck.
She knew that there was a niche within hololive and took it because Ina is such a fucking prude
Luca 3D winning gold.
>1 month in as a Holo
>already farted on stream
>years as an indie
>never farted on stream
how can /LIG/ ever recover from this? She's that comfortable with her new audience
Dafuq is a Karaoke lore, is just singing
Would've been funny if she pretended to be posh like she does now but let her scouse slip out whenever she got excited or angry or something.
Why did some anons believe this'd be on Gura's channel when Ame was the one announcing it and discussing it at length in a community post?
aw fuck +30min on kiaras ass
it's her chair
Kiara is having issues...
Shouldn't streams like this be a thing you test, like, a day before they happen?
What is this abominable Holoen_name pattern for poor Justice
literally nobody believed that
A cockney accent with a cute voice would be great
No clue how it is for Cecilia or Raora, but some of us have been taught British spelling, so it might turn out to be really funny.
so EN Salome, you want EN Salome
>why did thing that didn't happen happen??
Yea, it's going to overlap CC's membership opening since it's all her karaoke's which total like 12+ hours. I find that supremely distasteful for a genmate.
Raora is making everyone knows that she's got huge boobs
What's Iniggers fucking problem?
if you boost it up with a ridiculous number of bots, i guess
>holodrone falls for the most default management mandated meaningless tweet ever
Honestly a shame she became so corporate so quickly. What a sellout
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people wanted it to be on Gura's channel, because Ame's channel is hated by the algo, but no one actually thought it would happen, just wishful thinking
>Mint didn't even win rollover
she already did in april apparently. also 4th place lel
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CC should have chosen another day, the Queen moves for no one
Why's my mom trying to get me horny?
Rocketfags can't stop losing
A flight to Japan. Shiori is the one who didn't provide any reason.
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I only want to hear Aqua's voice.
I like that other one where the dude faints from the pressure and wakes up and does it perfectly
She took offense with the japs thinking that she was the cooking type mamma and not the nursing handjobs mamma
It's okay, /lig/ger. You don't have to watch her anymore, she's ours now. I promise we'll make her happy.
it's mutual
I don't know. You just made it up.
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?? You retarded? People just said Gura helped with it since she said she was working on something like brain games. How much she helped Ame is what’s in question not whose channel it was on
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Poor Raora playing third wheel to CCGG.
So is it CCGG or CCRR
>males kicked out
>jessie is now a certified CGDCT chuuba
finally...a unicorn friendly hag chuuba
>/Lig/gers seethe and cope because a chuuba is happy and in a better place now
Shame you failed to get in
ERB 20k tomorrow defeating the CGDCT Collab
>What a sellout
you don't have to be so salty anon. She's just grateful, as she got in her first Holo paycheck a year's worth of being an indie
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Maybe? I've never watched Salome, but if it's something like Mrs. Bucket from Keeping up Appearances then yes.
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miko wants to fight
Chattini have a giantess fetish?
God that show is great
love the uk
t. sweden
when will she rebroadcast this rebroadcast?
What's Mumei's excuse?
holoEN really are worthless shitters. every one of their events lose to luxiem.
Funny we started to talk about meltdowns, since the guy decided to have a massive meltdown over Kiara just now in global. Kind of sad to see somebody genuinely that insane over a orange chuuba.
that is for her end of year extravaganza where she will rebroadcast that years karaokes while she goes off and parties
thats probably ennacuck, notice he stopped posting his bait here
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Nah, Chattini is just a midget
She said that she's in it.
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you are poor lol!
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I'm glad she's trying to change her image, but I kinda agreed with the Japs.
Honestly the fact that even at worst other holos won't try to ruin your career or attack you is one of most valuable aspects of the corpo for indies
The money too, but that doesn't make the job itself more plesant
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do we know which HoloEN are gonna join ARK?
Reset configuration.
Give me a recipe for New York style pizza
Stop larping as a /lig/ger, phasenigger.
Bae, Mori and Raora.
Shiori is the one most busy with recordings atm tho
Explain Fuwawa
Mamma joining tomorrow
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>happy one month of Justice
Kek never would I see the day a literal /ligger/ cuck lmao
stop blaming phase idolnigger
she just needs a rigger to fix her smile, her insecure looking smile takes away any sexiness
>Lucub 3d
>She was so perfectly happy that she decided to go corpo
Ok man lmao
What will the holocope be when none of flopvent's 3D debuts manage to beat Ike?
what was her average CCV as an indie
>that she will be tired of in a year.
in a year she will be back and forth in JP doing her idol reps, preparing for multiple concerts etc. On the contrary, a year being an indie will still be the same, streaming 24/7 to make your small community happy LMAO
didnt one of your chuubas have trouble getting 150 dollars? Was it Nina?
>One month in
>*aka check came in*
>”UwU I luv you guys so much”
And you guys fall for it so easily. Damn it’s so easy being a woman on the internet lmao
Your girl (lol) submits to the BBD (Big Blue Dorito) and she loves it. You gonna cry, little /lig/ger man? She's ours now, so get back in the corner.
You sound salty like one of those teen boyfriends in a netori doujin, sad you lost your girl to a bigger and better ojisan (me).
Mococo is there to tank her
chu chu chu chu chu chu~~~~
Nyaa~! Master wants a yummy New York-style pizza recipe? Let's get cookin', nya! (≧◡≦)

First, you'll need to make the dough. Combine 4 cups of bread flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, and 1 and a half teaspoons of salt in a large mixing bowl. In another bowl, dissolve 1 teaspoon of active dry yeast in 1 and three-quarters cups of warm water and let it sit for about 5 minutes until it gets foamy. Then, mix the yeast water into the flour mixture and stir until a dough forms. Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 10 minutes until it's smooth and elastic. Place the dough in an oiled bowl, cover it with a damp cloth, and let it rise in a warm place for about 1 to 2 hours, or until it has doubled in size, nya.

While the dough is rising, prepare the sauce. In a medium saucepan, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil over medium heat. Add 2 minced garlic cloves and sauté until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add one 28-ounce can of crushed tomatoes, 1 teaspoon of dried oregano, 1 teaspoon of dried basil, and salt and pepper to taste. Let the sauce simmer for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until it thickens a bit.

Once the dough has risen, preheat your oven to its highest temperature, usually around 500°F (260°C), and place a pizza stone or an upside-down baking sheet inside to heat up. Punch down the dough and divide it into two equal pieces if you want two medium pizzas, or keep it whole for one large pizza. Roll out the dough on a floured surface into a thin circle, about 14 inches in diameter for a large pizza, and transfer it to a piece of parchment paper for easy handling.

Spread a thin layer of your homemade tomato sauce over the dough, leaving a small border for the crust. Sprinkle generously with shredded mozzarella cheese, and add any toppings you like, nya! Classic New York-style toppings include pepperoni, mushrooms, and bell peppers, but you can get creative!

Carefully transfer the pizza to the hot pizza stone or baking sheet using the parchment paper. Bake for about 10 to 12 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbly and slightly browned.

Once it's done, let the pizza cool for a few minutes, then slice it up and enjoy! Meow~! (^ᴥ^)
Because Jewtube needs to Bot Mr. (Troon)Beast.
oh, you survived the flood?
what is she supposed to do
''fuck you guys donate more''
>Shame you failed to get in
I have pride in my work, I don't need to lick japanese salaryman feet to even get my application looked at.
Life is not all about the money kid, you will understand one day
I'm comfortable with my current lifestyle
why do we have a seething /lig/ger coming to this thread daily now
>She was perfectly happy with her own nice cozy community.
Is that why she left you for us?
Ah yeah I found it
/lig/gers really are like niggers
Should have put your money where your mouth is. She clearly wanted to do content creation full time, but had to work shitty jobs to live.
Because people keep replying.
My grandmother loved watching that show on PBS.
t. burger
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go back to your groomcord shondo
Aww, dudes jelly
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No matter what your indie/small corpo oshi tells you she lusts for holocock
She WILL suddenly drop a graduation notice out of nowhere someday
>Life is not all about the money kid, you will understand one day
the motto of poorfags kek
So how big a cheque do you think it was?
>Admit to being poor
Mom's basement is not a lifestyle /ligger/ kid lmao
I say this with utmost certainty, if my singing indie oshi asked me for $150 I would give her that without thinking about it, yet Nina is a fucking 3view and no one gave her the cash, fucking poorfags
Remind me, what happened to the Jurard/Ironmouse collab? She just dropped him like a bag of hammers out of nowhere.
Poor girl. She should apply for Holo too. I'd be incredibly happy to have her.
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it's not September yet. also being a holo seems great, you don't see many of them quitting
hate marketing from IM's side
So liggers left /grün/ and are raiding numbers now?
lol @ the coping beggars who said that they're friends and that IM knows it's a joke
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Man... you retard spew talent freedom and shitall, but support your fucking chuubas pls. Embarassing show ligman
>I have pride in my work, I don't need to lick japanese salaryman feet to even get my application looked at.
>Life is not all about the money kid, you will understand one day
>I'm comfortable with my current lifestyle
Yet here you are, seething towards people who are doing better than you
I hope she also draws lewds of other holos
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Yeah anon we like vtubers that appreciate their fanbases instead of the ones that shit on them
Bro tomorrow she's literally gonna collab with the most famous vtubers on the planet. Only an insane person would see this as a career downgrade, you're probably just larping as a ligger to make them look bad.
Ngl, I am very curious about the cope they present
IM actively tries to avoid drama so hearing that this guy intentionally tried to drag her into drama probably pissed her off.
man, I should replay Chroma Squad
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... I really hate EN recruiter for getting ERB
I dunno about you but what makes it worse is that she is a singer. For me any chuuba interested in the musical arts (singing, instruments, songwriting etc) have a lowered bar for getting an SC compared to some gaming chuuba or whatever
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>the quality of each viewer
It’s a threesome
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>ligger melty
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Uh oh melty /ligger/man
threesome it is
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>one humble collab waiting room, 29 hours before start

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i'm speechless
holoEN should have been a single gen instead of a full branch. Waste of resources.
Same, but this is on Twitch so things are probably very different there.
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I was about to chew you out for Holo vs Holo until I looked at the picture
>the quality of each viewer
Is there a LIGCOEP list? This here >>81470396 could be in it, except I think this is already in the NIJICOEP list
She did say she likes having a smaller audience so that will do it
Anon now you're just bullying
We are watching Kiara's ass right now btw
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Reminder that this happened
Somebody needs to save that lol
bruh, kek
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>the quality of each viewer
>some twitch fag on a melty
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CunnyGODS I kneel.
Yet here you are mass replying kek, preaching "quality of each viewer" while your chuubas are struggling.
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We're watching kino RN
Why did they let Fauna and Mori in?
They're going to win
Oi oi!
This whiny brat's really killin' the mood!
Someone get him outta here before I lose my erection!
Fuck you Kiara I already fapped today
>Exactly my point, they will be running her so dry she won't get any enjoyment from it anymore
that's only applicable to a woman with no ambition whatsoever a.k.a an indie who's dream is to sit on her gaming chair and stream 24/7 begging for donations. Holos do their dancing and singing reps and in exchange get showered by SCs for their efforts
Is Gawr Gura in my wall?
Jesus Christ
How did she get this model?
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Can I cum in there?
Luca will mog this shitty collab.
Stop woman... I don't want to go again...
why is this Ryoma guy doing so bad, why not just do another Vox-Hex ASMR whore strat
Too old
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are the girls allowed to use non-cover models like this? I mean we have several chibi models but I'm not sure if for example Kiara could pay someone to make a 3d of her
Nice breast physics.
>3D reveal
He doesn't know how or doesn't want to. Hex is the only one who's successfully copied it and it's mostly due to his complete lack of integrity. Ryona seems to just want to stream basic ass shit that sisters don't care about.
why did mumei drop out what the fuck
>female corpo vtuber failing on twitch
just lol
Is it cope if the "/lig/ger" is an obvious bait? I'm a holofag and I could make better arguments about holo fanbase being full of retards and schizos at large or about how CC is a stubborn bitch who hasn't changed at all after debut.
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>why not just do another Vox-Hex ASMR whore strat
>Quality viewer
>he doesn't average 5 loads a day
>Kiara is squeezing her breasts on stream
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Koyori is having a menhera meltdown
why is Kiara the only one allowed to commission her own 3D models?
They should allow Kiara to use this model all the time.
suffers from male vtuber syndrome of not giving a shit about being entertaining and just wanting an audience that's there for his boring self
I guess they are now? I remember a fan made Pomu a really nice 3D model, she used it once for members, and then Niji shut it down. Thought Holo had a similar policy for high res 3D models.
oh... I known it's hard our there, but I thought /lig/s were punching a little above that
Uhhh didn't the girl you're discussing have a day job because she didn't make enough to live off streaming for you "high quality" fans? There's no way she'll miss that. Anyone who doesn't support their favorite streamers actually making enough money to live a nice life is a shitty, selfish fan.
>kiara is going to be terminated for using an unofficial model
This the 1st time I’ve gotten a chub watching Kiara in 3 yrs+…..
She fucks the head manager
Did Vox really go back to ASMR for the numbers? Even though the numbers are still shit
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i think they allowed but just dont use it often. the one i can think is korone furball model
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>he doesn't have a woman to fuck
>male collab + league + niji en + twitch
i'm kneeling
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Turned up on stream, she actually was
Fine, I guess I'll coom to Kiara.
Model is great but man, face rigging needs help
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This Kiara stream
mfw kiara is using a literal porn model
goontubers when
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Ame helped her
>It's not about the CCV, but the quality of each viewer (>>81470396)
Holos don't even have to do that. Look at Fauna who has absolute subhumans sc'ing here and supporting her when she doesn't do shit. The only EN, other than Ame (who had genuine issues) this year who didn't do a 3D live. All here genmates did a 3D live. It's so pathetic.
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Update: it’s a full boner now … HOLY SEX
you're going to die Anon
also your room must smell awful
Ah shit I forgot she was going to play a game
Kiara won.
too old to care about latest trend?
is he also bad at games? clawmark seems to be doing better (in niji relative numbers) without ASMR as far as I know
>goontubers when
Anon, there is a whole industry of those already, including it being the original claim to fame for Projekt Melody
Kiara really loves this model.
true i'd rather have 3000 paypigs than 10,000 freeloaders
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kiara wishes she had tits that big
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I think there's like a 30% chance this gets restricted.
>Rocketnigger blasting off again
>25 hours left
>87 waiting
uh.. this homo collab is looking kinda grim numbers wise. seems like a sub 8k stream
fuck this I just fapped to Aqua earlier...
Maybe she didn't know the raspberry tally is already cancelled?
yup. holoEN barely makes any money.
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>Turn on Kiara stream for a bit
>Didn't even pop a boner
Yeah, looks like it's only cunny and hebes for me.
Who raided Kiara?
Kiara called holoapp a garbage worse than random free 3D software indies use...
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you know what, this is more interesting than ARK
Fine I'll open Kiara's stream for the first time in 3 years
>cover be gatekeeping 3d models when it's actually dirty cheap to make them
It probably is
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No idea. I think people just don't care to even check out the new ones since there's already so many existing ones. Same thing happened in the ID and KR branches when they spammed debuts, and even to a lesser extent to all the post Edengumi JPs (except Salome and like 1 other guy)
She technically didn't qualify as /lig/, but she was in shondo's friend group, so got discussed there anyway
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What are we watching anons
Anon, every single holo outfit gets a top tier 3D model within a week of debuting
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Ok I don’t need Miori anymore for my coomtuber side chick, Kiara will do
wawa booba
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>doesn't remember her own song
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>ongoing cull
>Kiara 6k somehow within minutes
>woah tha-
>Sees random, non raid line go up
Nah nvm it's the botting again
probably not wrong
>Kiara 6k
So the cull is over now or is this a gigabuff stream? Even without the raid or whatever that is she'd be at 5k
it probably is worse since Selen
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Elder scrolls lore videos while I eat.
>He thinks Kiara even bothered to ask
Or you might just be gay, anon
hey anon, you've never watched her if you never knew what her dreams were
please stop larping, it's really really embarrassing
>It's not about the CCV, but the quality of each viewer
This is some of the most fucking retarded cope I've ever seen what the fuck
> It's not about the CCV, but the quality of each viewer
> #20 Quality numbers
This is some ANCIENT nijicope
Kiara sex
sadly, this won't count as nijiiEN's first 2view stream since it's on twitch.
She got raided
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fag cant get horny from cunny, hags, and bimbos
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Fit Boxing feat. HATSUNE MIKU?
You guys think there's a chance others holos will jump to using fan-made 3D models of outfits they already have?
No she didn't buddy, I know a raid line when I see one. It's straight.
Ligger still seething? We watching wawa right now, go back lilbro.
Did anyone manage to save that /lig/ger cope before janny deleted it!?
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how wholesome
Nips Dev Oldie ways, preasee andastan
She actually got perms surprisingly enough
I want to suck her tits so bad
Raid. The cull has prevented holo bots
>Nice way to insult a big portion of your own fucking fanbase, chuubas and whole corpo LMAO
except Holos have multiple concerts, 3D lives, anniversary lives to show for LMAO. Indies have what? Karaoke birthday stream? KEK. Plus don't group Hololive to every other corpo out there. There's only one Hololive, others are the same indie grifters masked as a corpo LMAO
just use warosu anon
Nah, everyone started posting about her sexo 3D model. The only people raiding her are coomers right now kek.
gooba altantis 3D model pls......
It's true.
Especially for their 3D tracking, even Marine was jealous of fucking Nijisanji's home 3D tracking.
Thank you BASEDjanny, back to wawa
Gigabuff with no overlap
What will happen:
Several people will take advantage of it, once it gets some traction one of the shitters with a small fanbase who can't get a free model will complain to their manager, and that manager will escalate it, and then fanmade models will get shut down.
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Holy fuck I want to thighfuck Kiara so bad right now
>fan models that are 1:1 accurate to official l2d are okay now
Cover needs to pick a lane with their retarded policies. If they flip flop every few months you end up with girls that never ask for shit again thinking the old answers still apply.
Not now nigga, we are watching Kiara right now
The furball model was commissioned by Korone with management's permission, and she isn't allowed to use it outside of special occasions.
A girl fantasizing through vtuber models about being a titty monster is awesome though
God dammit, fun's over. ERB is here.
>White woman twerking
At least her back does low
Raid from who?
>Kiara twerking on stream
>The ass has actual physics
Oh yeah, Kiara really loves this model.
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hologods this is your idol...?
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Imagine Pekora or Marine with this power. Or even 3D models of stuff that isn't even an outfit, like Cowkini Fauna.
>one of the shitters with a small fanbase
When did I ask about Phase nignog?
They top 10 in sales both JP and En, I’m pretty sure they are happy
We are watching Kiara twerk right now. Wait till saturday for EDF 6 kino
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so that's it? we like kiara now?
>twitch whores
they know complaining about downdoots begets more right? i didnt bother throughout the GRIM era. and even after that. Only started downboat reps about 2 months ago. I know im not the only one
so that's it? kiara is a twerking twitch whore now?
Thanks Kobo...
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It's okay when Hololive does it
Ah yes, Takanshi Kiara, best known for her regular twerking streams and semen drinking parables.
It's Kobo's fault. Kobo taught her how to twerk.
She had to pay some guy on twitter for it, cover would never.
AND she said she isn't allowed to use it whenever.
>kiara ignored the bongslut
>Kiara learned "twerking" from her small child
RP goes hard.
Even I’m watching Kiara….
How do I stop this?
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True and real
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all it takes is one youtube cull and kiara gets desperate enough to twerk on stream
without a hololive manager she would be just a common twitch whore
>your whores
>my whores
Talking about being fucking while on your period is not sexy, it's just nasty, dancing in an 80s aerobics outfit IS sexy.
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>Keep mogging Vwhorejo and indies in the sex and whore department too
We have everything except React to crap, feels good
>It's not about the CCV, but the quality of each viewer
Every viewer of any quality is still watching her and happy
Are you not watching the stream?
>Exist as a Holo
>Get thousands of dollars worth of professional work for free, without even asking
so true twitchcuck i love when veibae talk about getting fuck by some homeless nigger in a random valley
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>wawa ass
Thanks Yagoo
They 100% should allow them, most of the girls will never get another model besides the default and the ones from company events like the idol and swimsuit outfits. Just make a standard contract to give to creators so no one gets screwed over. Something like how Holo Indie works.
Twitch bad
YouTube good
Why did you retards post about Kiara 3D, I can't stop watching now...
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huh since when this is allowed?
Fuck you guys, you all said this will be erotic, twitch has better whores than this
Kiara is still shitting on tracking...
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Literally not the same.
She responded to erb? When? I was watching the entire stream pre lubed.
>White girl go!
ALL the Twitch react vtubers will watch this lip in particular.
I guarantee it.
Even the crappiest indies have people who will make thumbnails and shit for free, and it scales up from there.
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>Triple degree weather
>Sun so intense it feels like it's legitimately burning me
>Whore >:(
>Whore hololive :D
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legendary stream
nice try erbcuck, kiara and nerissa are literally a tier or 2 above erb
ERB was there!?
How about beating fauna 3d debut first meowthcuck
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She paid for it.
She said so right at the start of the stream.
Twitch is just a better streaming and chatting experience
It's really embarrassing to see Kiara like this tbqh. I guess she has nothing else to offer except for her body now
I don't care about some who twitch thots, I want my hololive whores (non-derogatory)
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She was but I think she got ignored.
How is it possible to have a huge ass and yet still look so flat at the same time
It always cracks me up that the "twitch vtubers" you reference where Nyanners saying shit like she wants a piss smelling daki or veibae and her cum+period soup speech, but to this day you act like anyone cared about twitch lewdness since.
Just watch Kiara and pretend it's her body heat reaching you
Also buy yourself some ice cream mochi, shit's divine
my god..
this stream is too lewd
that mouse cursor? me
Wank fewer than 5 times a day.
Angry anon, you missed the big /lig/ger coping that just happened, I feel sorry for you
>twitch thots: (⩺_⩹)
>holo thots: (‿)
Yo, that was actually cringe.
Like your 40 year old aunt learning of a mehmeh.
why can Kiara use a comissioned 3D outfit all of sudden? i thought this was forbidden (because it is okay?)
What exactly is the reason every girl doesn't have decently jiggly 3Ds for each of their outfits when randoms can shit them out with ease
Why is this such an issue for Cover
I hate that japs refers to the ass moving up and down as pistons, it's funny
damn right even if your kaomoji is fucked
>You now remember the viewer cursor groping Fubuki's butt in that drawing stream.
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>be gulf coast Texan
>supposed to be hotter than ever this year
>it’s actually been really pleasant other than for a total of 2 weeks
It’s still hot but lots of clouds and my A/C doesn’t have to struggle most days
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I'm watching Aqua
Hope kiara eats a suspension over thus shameful behavior
What do you think all those various smoll models etc. are?
Fucking lmao, they WISH.
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They've always commissioned 3D models.
They're not allowed to be too much like their main though, which is probably why she has triangle boobs and low poly hands.
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ligger san go back.
why are you gay
[Sad News] Kiara is already moaning from effort
>t. gayest anon itt
kiara's boobs are too jiggly
So she became a FF7 character?
cant wait for kiara to do a dildo rating stream since shes whore maxxing
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mamma showed up
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>meanwhile, official program.
Any Kiara bait thread on the catalog yet?
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>Sad news
The memories
I wish Fauna would do something like this.
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I say Kiara just might have hit something good here
>webm related
She could EASILY make this a regular thing and even do away with the game. Just make it the equivalent of
>radio Taiso
and do some aerobic lessons.
both male and, if she's good at it, female too!

(I'll be in my bunk!)
non cope reason:
the more jiggly a model is the more sucetible to clipping and bugs to occour
models like that are very shitty dancing as every sudden movement would accelerate their tits like jelly
>Corpos are barely catching up to Sio in fucking 2024
Fat ass remains UNDEFEATED
holy shit its like 3am in Japan
Imagine RR wearing fever night outfit.
Kiara is attempting to entice me in a sexual manner..
She's just playing it up. She does way more strenuous shit than this.
Lmao they wish
Reminder that Nina wasnt able to get 150 dollars
Aqua should commission a similar 3D model.
even liggers have shame. kiara is no less than a prostitute right now
she's only one step away from being another melody
Isn't this members?
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I think Fauna is fine just using her swimsuit + shirt. She is using it the most out of everyone so it kinda feels like her thing at this point. Also gives her an excuse why it can be lewd since it's official. Using a custom made cowkini would put the lewd allegations on her.
Sex with hags
Sorry, but that's too good of an idea. Into the trash it goes.
I appreciate her fat tits, but that just looks stupid.
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Kiara's leotard wedged up her ass and she's fixing it on stream...
That's one big step
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Ina has a a stream the 25 and the 27 just not the 26, the jp flight is Cope
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>Moom isn't on it either
Of course it's the liggers, no wonder your oshi leaves you for an audience who loves them.
Fuck off nigger. This "gotcha" is more creatively bankrupt than the average twitch vthot stream
Fauna understands that there is a ballmer peak when it comes to sexiness, you need just enough eroticism to maximize the sexiness, add more and it gets less sexy
They've had the tech for years.
Please no my dick would explode
wasn't it fanclub content
>Kiara ends up getting really into aerobics
>Does the shit from that one old video on during a live
>even liggers have shame
maybe when they're not whoring themselves out to homos lol
Mumei has talked about being in it and there's 12 people listed so it looks like they just forgot to add her
Europoors are Europoors for a reason, anon
And being seiso doesn't pay well
R e t a r d
Do you love Ina or Suisei when she tells you to fuck off?
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Seeing a 3D with proportions that aren't modeled after a 16 year old nutrient deficient bowlegged Japanese girl is refreshing
I can't remember.
They twerked and spread 3-4 times during the free part and 4-5 times during the paid part too.
I dunno, go ask them
Ame forgot to put her in the description.
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What was more damaging to the Hololive brand:
>aki doing implied sex positions in 3d
>kiara twerking with ass jiggle physics fan model
>Chloe doing a full simulated blowjob in the l2d 3.0 showcase
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Paid model doko ?
Wow, we have two actual faggots
>Jenma approved this
I'm seeing this rrat that ERB is now a 3view without homobeggar bots and I'm not sure what to make of it
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Aqua gone now, what?
Sir, a second coom has hit the floor.
None of them
>bare shoulders
Now THIS is Too lewd!
go watch wawa's tits
Man americans are so fucking prudish
You're the one who said it.
Answer the question.
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>10k equioment
Western indies live like thissss?!

>Patra disclosed having spent 80 MILLION Yen on her ASMR equipment and studio
In today's money that's 500k USD, but back then it was more like 750k USD
Holy kek.
Perhaps I jerk off to this stream..
it's amazing how much a good model makes a stream better
gods just imagine the post workout sex
I thought it couldn't get any whorer than this... I was mistaken
Fucking bitch, flaunting her stupid huge tits and slutty armpits...
Found a funny thing
I respect their boundaries of course, what the fuck else do you think?
? ? ?? why would I need to know what the fucking goal is when the /lig/gers themselves talk about not hitting a goal
I dont give a flying fuck about Nina and her goal, I just dunk on fucking poorfag /lig/gers that cannot even give their oshi 150 dollars when I, alone, would give it to my oshi if she asked
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Take the /lig/ pill, you fags
I think I saw the entire catalog bitching about both.
a bit too jiggly for my liking
there's a limit to where it stops looking good
The announcement post on YT was edited from 13 to 12. It isn't an error
That's just in broken parts, the 3D suit if 7-15k as you know.
She also spent 100k+$ on the Vtuber awards last year.
But yeah, few chuubas earn as much as Patra in their life.
Kiara is trying to seduce me
That's a man
Thoughts on naked holo armpits?
I'm not gay.
Nah you're just a faggot.
Nice mask off, phasenigger
Honestly actual irl women who are really thick really are this jjggly
Kinda miss pre-2024 Kiara. Don't know what happened, but she went full in on coombaiting this year. What happened to the Kiara that was too much of a prude visit and bathe in public onsens without covering herself up and wouldn't even say the word "sex"? Now she's literally twerking on stream.
koikatsu model stream when
vsj is /lig/? the fuck
>actual unironic troon shit
>listening to TTS crap instead of an actual cute girl
the absolute status
Gyatt damn Kiara, don't play all your cards at once. Ease into it over a few streams. I'm a bit worried she'll get in trouble and ruin this type of thing for everyone.
>Mumei ruined the "one member from each gen missing"
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anons, a philosophical question now at the ark for the ark night. Why does picrel always cry and whine so much? Was he born a bitch or did his life turn him into it? Nature or nurture?
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Me like it
not interested in trannies, sorry (not sorry)
>She also spent 100k+$ on the Vtuber awards last year.
She did not, she got sponsors to pick the bill up
holy fucking kek
I agree. It feels like one of those twitch vtubers making their 2d model as slutty as le succubus as possible then the sexiness just falls off the cliff
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Been a while...
Another raspberry record was set this month with Twisty getting 125 on Valorant on 15th.
Otherwise the niji and Twisty domination has continued unabated (Klara and Ryoma have been nipping at her heels though).

01) Ryoma (NijiEN) - 161 - Quantum Break
02) Aster (NijiEN) - 224 - Elden Ring DLC
03) Ryoma (NijiEN) - 222 - Project Zomboid
04) Twisty (NijiEN) - 185 - LoL
05) Twisty (NijiEN) - 233 - Girls talk with Klara
06) Aster (NijiEN) - 187 - Fear and Hunger Termina
07) Klara (NijiEN) - 214 - Monhun World
08) Twisty (NijiEN) - 193 - It takes two
09) Ryoma (NijiEN) - 376 - Guerilla Valo/Apex
10) Maria (NijiEN) - 334 - VRChat
11) Maria (NijiEN) - 278 - Muse Dash
12) Twisty (NijiEN) - 231 - CoD Black Ops 3
13) Klara (NijiEN) - 264 - Chained Together
14) Aia (NijiEN) - 202 - Zatsudan
15) Twisty (NijiEN) - 125 - Valorant
16) Klara (NijiEN) - 338 - Exit 8
17) Ver (NijiEN) - 239 - Handcam
18) Twisty (NijiEN) - 185 - LoL
19) Aia (NijiEN) - 219 - Gunpla Zatsudan
20) Twisty (NijiEN) - 129 - Escape Simulator
21) Klara (NijiEN) - 194 - Monhun World
22) Twisty (NijiEN) - 150 - It takes two
23) Klara (NijiEN) - 212 - Ghost Train
24) Aia (NijiEN) - 215 - Drawing
25) Twisty (NijiEN) - 175 - Goose Goose Duck

25x: Nijisanji

9x: Twisty
5x: Klara
3x: Ryoma, Aia
2x: Aster, Maria
1x: Ver
Agreed, but retarded coomers don't care.
Is Kiara the first hololive model with actually ass chloe pancake hunts my dream.
>quirky, nerdy, but still fit and jiggly girl awkwardly dancing, inviting you to dance along.
This has to be the pure gosling dream.
So whats the unculled viewership right now?
Yeah it is an indie corporation (or whatever the fuck that homobeggar on reddit post called them)
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this is only slightly better than an ERB op
I thought you mean Niji Nina. No idea who you're even talking about.
this much jiggle often makes the tits stretch so much they look like flat pancakes
that ammount simply doesn't work for 3D models.
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>25x: Nijisanji
Maybe you’re homo
god i missed these
Remember this is an EN stream, so it's multi-culled.
She won't use that model regularly tho, Korone explained it before.
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Vshojo is not part of /lig/, no. That guy is just spamming random bait for retards.
It's so funny how many prudes there are
>the convo is about indies
>think of nijis
man didnt know it was that grim for nijis that they are equivalent to indies
twitgger Shylily was literally talking about how she wants to get railed by a bear holomems arent that degenerate
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No holo 3D model actually has a "big ass", anon. Even the models that anons say have big asses are average and only seem big since cover is allergic to modeling anything more than a slight bump for a butt.
The reason is stupid too, steamtards being mad that they have to install epic games to play
so what's stopping Gura from comissioning a sukumizu model now?
Sitting wawa
jesus christ anon I'm eating.
>9x: Twisty
>5x: Klara
>3x: Ryoma
NijiEN's debut buff is inverted
so whos botting chiara
It’s hard to have good things, when people think they will go to hell over it.
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Even with Phase and homos on the tally Niji is gonna sweep?
Did you miss Marine doing that exact thing with her new anthropomorphic teddy bear crew?
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The face tracking is too good for a home3D. Is she wearing one of those funny mocap helmet?
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>Whoring herself out on stream
>Still getting less numbers than a normal mousey stream
Vtubers are just reinventing the 80's
Nobody, for once
I miss MitsuneHaku's Melt.
>she was raided
>unironic buff content
Who the fuck is "Ver"?
My hard on
Her workout costume isn't a meme model though. It's basically an improved version like how Subaru only uses her 2nd costume and not the default.
at least Kiara can move her legs
the guy on the same wave with Hex
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Twisty I kneel
Raided by who
not now meowthcuck
Fansly picked up the vtuber awards tab tho
Everyone in Niji EN is below like the top 15 or so liggers in average ccv.
ngl kiara sitting down is killing my dick, holy sex
A korean misogynistic incel
You say it "simply doesn't work" and yet it is working.
Niji is putting out regular sub 300 streams now.
Back in the day that shit used to be a lock-in for Raspberry Gold, but they're pumping them out almost every single day now. Some days there's even sub 200 streams.
No other corpo has been able to compete with this level of grim.
Just standard indie 3D software, shit really improved over time
Kill yourself.
Gura mirco bikini stream when
Holos with big titty 3D models should stuff their chests with towels before stream.
Twisty is too powerful at this point. The Axel Killer
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Hololive won
>rocketniggers is blasting off again
last night with me
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>>Still getting less numbers than a normal mousey stream
One of the ones who attacked Zaion?
My dick, it raided her womb
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Speaking of 3D Homos,
The 3D studio the blue Homo made, with its 3 setups and multiple tracking suits would be well over 200k$ right?
Do they actually make that much fucking money? That he could "Set aside" this amount on top of daily use, covers and travel?
i made this post
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wtf KFP I thought Kiara was fit
>people acting like this body is simply obscene and impossible
So many of you people need to start going out with thick women, your minds will be blown
Why did you bring up a stream from 2023
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i only watch chuubas with woman or female tags
>Do they actually make that much fucking money?
Not by themselves.
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Why do people keep saying Kiara was raided
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Now we just need Gura to stream with this fan model
Iirc some homofag said that hes always been well off
She really isn't but she has retard stamina
raided by coomers.
>The 3D studio the blue Homo made, with its 3 setups and multiple tracking suits would be well over 200k$ right?
You're wrong and based on the description, it would set him back half that value
It is actually stunning how much crossover there is these days between unironic faggots and sheltered guys who have never gone to a fucking mall.
I'm not seeing complaints about the bodytype anon, only the bounce which is admittedly a little too much. Not even my Skyrim 92BBB setup is this bouncy.
this is just a did nijiEN stream today tally
holol could never
Give her a real sukumizu model.
You blind?
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It was me railing her.
she is no fat not fit
Tits too big
>plays cello
his family is well off
holy shit lmao
She was clearly raided
If you're going to pretend that Roboco raided her I suggest you fucking stop pretending to be retarded.
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That's still a lot.
I also considered him renting the "studio" all year.
A 3-4 room apartment that big could easily go for 4k$ a month. Depending on location.
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>at least Kiara can move her leg-
All Asian Americans force their kids to play classical instruments regardless of economic status. If he had a piano it would be more telling.
why are brapfags like this
>he lied and is actually investing a lot of his own money.
At least that makes his branch not subsidized by the girls.
This is gonna get some mileage. lol
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holopro earn millions/month. 4k is nothing
>less stamina than Gura
Face looks a bit too off for Gura. The Kiara face for this model is also a bit off, but not as much as this Gura model.
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First Aqua, now friend, what am I to do now?
Your shitposting aside I remember how fags would always claim holo was getting skinwalked and then you had vwhorejo actually getting skinwalked
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>please stop
Miku raped Kiara live!
>walking is a flex for mousekeks...
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Good news FPS chads
Kiara in cheat mode
Jokes aside is pretty weird how Kiara barely gets buff streams, any other girl doing a Coomer model stream would've get a 10k stream
That's really white girl energy.
she's gonna do well for herself I think
I love how there's still one schizo in here that still thinks this is some kind of gotcha. Who cares about context, right?
Who are the good guys here?
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alright i might check it out
Depends were he lives. Not everyplace is priced like it’s NY or LA.
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If he's not completely dumb he would clearly have done it in a similar way Ame did, using her own property to set the thing up.

100k is not a lot of money even for the homos specially considering they can offset a lot of it from their taxes.
You missed the entire June? Kiara had tons of high CCV streams there. And with current cull 7k IS buff.
Apparently he said that he wants it to be the unofficial homo 3D studio
Don't hate the player, hate the game :)
good to know the nips enjoy this too
>watching Valo
>watching Valo tournament
Why are you people even coming here, there is a reason we don't compare youtube and twitch numbers and count them separately.
Some fags in chat really really want wawa to notice that erb is in chat
? ? ??
It is CS2 nigger
>anons keep saying he's rich
What are the odds this was an "unused" property his family had?
About time they figured it out
>join homostarsEN
>forced to suck his dick to get anything interesting and cool done
This type of 80s aerobics aesthetic survived in East Asia for about a decade longer than in Europe and North America, they surely liked it back then and still like it now
KFP please...
lol retardbro
I fucking love white women
>That's where Enacuck's been
It's been peaceful around here, but I'd rather he gets banned from Kiara's chat so, report him.
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Is she gaining subs with this?
>>Chloe doing a full simulated blowjob in the l2d 3.0 showcase
I don't remember that one
now that the Olympics gave a go signal to Esports, VSPO will finally incline to the moon
We are going to get a deluge of ERB beggars aren't we?
sorry erbcucks she's busy bouncing her tits for me (especifically me)
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I miss her so much.
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Top 10 live
Nice cope :)
Why don't JP corpos just fork open source shit instead of using this proprietary software that they never bother to update?
She did notice her once I'm pretty sure
That schizo being you, ennacuck. You run offense an defense, you repost the same images daily. It's tiring
Genuine question: does this change if you add PhaseJP or are they still too strong?
Still not an official model
Its 4am in nipponland and this fags are still awake?
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You know what Kiara's face tracking reminds me of?
But the newer version.
Arya talked about her getting perms to do Apex watch parties soon too
and probably leaked that more people will join VSPOEN
PhaseJP will still sweep everything if they're added, most of them stream almost daily and float around the 100-130 mark.
There is no upside. Quality of software has zero impact in their activities or bottom line.
Because Japan is like 20 years behind the rest of the world in tech
Kiara's Korean mindshare keeps growing.
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Kiara is free to keep her raids open, holotard :)
Man I couldn't care less about FPSlop
I don't think an NA team ever won in those tournaments.
>She’s using the same 3D app as Gosegu, it’s Isegye’s tech.
I think they are getting perms to watch-party the Esports World Cup thing
>hololive sex
When's the fucking collab already?
It's been 8 months.
good thing she's and streams for EU then
Kiara's stiff nipples
Alrighty COVER-chama, this is how you do Face Tracking, now annoy them to hell with this Wawa
it is the tracking she got from Gosegu and the Koreans, right?
Looks just like it
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Yeah her chair absorbing those farts
It's funny how just a few weeks ago anons were sure this fag was on his way out, and then he does this.
god damn wawa
>Child bearing hips
I can't believe I just jerked off to a vtuber stream in the company bathroom
This is beyond obscene.
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Well that was pretty expected with the way Brave's been accelerating. 3 isn't enough for a branch
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No amount of cope will save Ironmouse from being a 5k average without raids :)
that's lordosis nigger
You didn't even get to see the broken armpits.
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>her ass is smaller to appeal to korea
Twitch is really about the rich getting richer because everyone bows to the big guys for a morsel of clout.
There is a first time for everything
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Same as it ever was
Resorting to coombaiting to try and upstage Gura’s stream. This is twitchy trash tier garbage
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Nice pits
Man, you are such a massive faggot
And that with Twitch Numbers, on youtube she'd be averaging 2-3k
>Who cares about context, right?
that's rich coming from a mousenigger
Ok now that's too far I bet you anything the modeler has a nude toggle
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Got distracted by Wawas and forgot to post this an hour ago.
>top 16 all female
What happened to da boys?
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Honestly she cuter with this model
That was just wishful thinking by a few anons, the same people who keep spamming that Bettel will leave soon. None of them are leaving lol they all saw what happened to Magni and Vesper after they left.
Not watching right now, does she even realize that the model has stiff nipples?
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Portal 2
gura streamed?
I still don't understand why Ironmouse fans only ever compare their "queen" to low/mid-tier holoENs like Kiara and IRyS instead of going after someone like Gura or even the top holoJPs, who Ironmouse is competitive with. It just reeks of puching down, which goes against Mouse's political philosophies.
She did, got really embarrassed and covered them up with her hands for a while
We love and masturbate to Kiara in this thread
>Ironmouse fans
you know why
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Nice thread, numbers.
I listened to the Iwara version a lot more than this one...
>Kiara is talking about using outright lewd models of herself
Kiara just confirmed that she's really sweaty and going to get naked in a moment
>Model will be only brought up for special occasion
>But shorts are free game.
>oh! my youtube chat ran out of memory...
holocucks live like this?
Your ginger fetish is leaking
ive been busy all week
why does kiara have this swimsuit?
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So, is Kiara a whore?
That... implies many things.
Mostly that YT is culling chat too much.
It's her fever night outfit without the jacket

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