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Hag Valkyrie LOVE Edition.

Welcome to V&U + Korean VTubers General, a thread for discussion of Virtual & Universe, as well as other Korean VTubers.

>V&U Website: https://vnuentertain.com/
>V&U Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/VNUofficial
>V&U Official Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@VNUEntertain
>V&U Schedules:

Symphoria Original Song "Crown US":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2zBTSD__c-k [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Solstice Original Song "Wild Things":
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuaHq2HmzKk [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
Song Cover Playlist:

>What does V&U stand for?:
V&U stands for "Virtual and Universe." It also means "VTuber and You." V&U is an agency that operates in South Korea, but their talents are encouraged to speak English. They are not limited to speaking Korean and Japanese.
>V&U Members and links: https://pastebin.com/qt2RxQxu
>V&U Fanfics, Fan websites, and other fun stuff: https://pastebin.com/Uc1KjwW8

>Info about Korean Vtubers, English-speaking KR Vtubers, Korean language learning materials (Edit Code: kr): https://rentry.org/kr_general
>Twitch Korean VTuber Tag Search:
>Afreeca VTuber Tag Search:

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Previous thread: >>81344180
I Love Echo Lyne
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Kokone's huge kokones...
Anon... The subject field...
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My bad, I forgot about it.
It's ok my love for Liora was enough to lead me here
Liora I love you.
Based Palkyrie.
this one?
t-totally saw this thread before making one...

Upcoming streams
Liora and Lottie VSMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3crqxJy_afA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKjPSY7N6Wo
Maeve Elden Ring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HP5gUHrNroY
Echo VSMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0bSIjNIdjc

Meeta and Chio Phasmo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0NWAP5AwBk
Zeli Blue Archive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bCSF-JL5ZI
Mivi Elden Ring https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MC7aMrxhFmU
Kokone drawing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zVaGcn0V6UY
Tomomi 2hu Izakaya https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-ud4J5d8o4
We could let this one go
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we commit
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>Liora and Lottie VSMP
oh wait that's Lottie's
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Hag initiated
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Yeah me
DK being racist to Liora
Pistons are pretty lewd
I want Liora to mount me
>Liora withered away
I know she's old but I didn't think she was that old
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The years catch up quick
My cum will rejuvenate her
DK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo60ZurUMYE
>Gen 1 actually had pre-debut talents that dropped out
No, I love Echo Lyne!
VSMP now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0bSIjNIdjc
I vaguely recall this being mentioned before
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>Thought picrel was Minecraft
Dementia's already kicking in
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5hours might be generous
>DK and Echo comparing chest size
They should just let me be the judge it'd be a lot easier
Boss eats boogers..
Whose is bigger
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Liora, please let me rob your dry and dusty cave
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DK is psychologically torturing Echo
She's lucky Pillow's not on
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DK steals your girl and takes her on a romantic rowboat ride
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and she makes them row
>Drive-by creeper shows up and kills Echo's parrot
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I love Cerenity and I wish she was my girlfriend
This but with Rowa too
meeta has been on this dinosaur's stream
Kokone nihongo jouzu
reminder that gen 2 had 5 member
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Bros I haven't stopped thinking about Suri since I found her what do I do
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Nothing, it's over.
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Zebi https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bCSF-JL5ZI
Tomo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-ud4J5d8o4
Cicci https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWeteyAiJwg
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Nvm, just the slime
Ciccino might guerilla later
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It'd be funny if Liora ends up fostering more cats
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Japanese woman joined Kokone
I hope they collab again.
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Maeve just discovered ashes of war
Nopi a cute
I'm surprised Zeli never played much cunny archive until now but she seems to be enjoying it
i stuck my finger in amoria's vagina while she slept
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Hey that's pretty good
what was that like?
Anon doesn't know
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bbl DK
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I wish I were a cute girl so that Cyon would rape me
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I want to wrassle Suri
Hi, vsmp tourist here, I was making a listing of everyone involved in vsmp and their socials and your pastebin triggered my OCD. I don't mean to change it or anything but here's with @User https://pastebin.com/8uVBJVfT
Sorry for the intrusion, have a nice day.
that's ok, the pastebin probably appreciates the attention
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>zeli plays more cunny archive
I might start watching Zeli more holy shit
I love cunny
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love this bunny girl
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He probably lost his finger because of how tight it is
It was done intentionally for some reason >>62438001
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That’s why you can only do butt stuff with a girl who has vaginismus
I would do my best to fix it
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I'd do butt stuff with her regardless
isn't amoria into some weird stuff? i'd watch out if i were you
Post the soundpost (you know the one).
Spectra VSMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyaRJXRLpxM
>35% of Spectra's chat has worn thigh-highs before
34% can't read
Maeve zatsu
I'd believe it
>Maeve in her tradwife period minus the wife part
I can change that
Granny would be jealous
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I got you
Spectra and Spiritinas have already discussed appreciation of femboys before
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Kokone VSMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9d7odWws4VY
Misma's bar w/ Echo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xM_XME3zGc
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Imagine assisted paizuri from Misma with Echo trying to wrap her tits around your dick
Surprised she has been groomed into thinking being single and working a 9 to 5 forever is the best way to live your life
based and checked
>Echo trying to wrap her tits around your dick
In her SD card form
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Kokone in mom mode
DK VSMP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4aVU6BFPHY
Misma sleeping without a bra next to Echo...
Misma slept braless with DK
Amoria is lucky to have two loving wives
D. K could've been crushed...
She would be a strict helicopter parent
I like how Misma picks the girls up like they're cats
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forgot the link https://x.com/D_KVNU/status/1816954300767023483
The year of DK..!
Cyon and Maeve's mayocraft
Cyon (full) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4aYDqc3E3w
Maeve (shorts) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HgkKTIt_cr4
flat robot...
>you will never be bathed by DK
why live
Helloland should be a soapland
Which girl would be most popular if VNU is a soapland?
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DK EldenRing
I'm honestly kind of stumped trying to think of an answer
There's a lot of options
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fucking globie sexpests
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probably Kokone but my other picks are Maeve, Cerenity, and Cyon
Misma and Echo fan service...
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Misma giggling over one liners... She forgot Echo does ASMR
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Cyon's face is too good
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Tomomi cute
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one of these models mogs the other so hard it's sad
echo is not a top or bottom, but leans somewhat to bottom
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>Lofi not booked
Minus Five Stars
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Cyon and Maeve sitting on my face
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Rhubarb is hot
How do I get a D.K gf?
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feel free to come watch with /hfz/

link in the pastebin
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just go find her
it's simple anon
>move to sweden
>don't just cosplay Gojo, BECOME Gojo
>go to every single anime convention looking for a Swede-Viet fujo with great thighs
>live a happy live with your skull commander wife
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Right in the balls..
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Zeli mining
Suri keeps switching between two pronunciations of "Elia"
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yeah it was funny
What kind of endurance training have these titty titans gone through
[Kokonews She does squats every day and her lower half is "very fit"
It's finally over..
The boobs are the endurance stat
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these commentators kind of suck
Yes, my dick
and my penis
Tomomi could say a lot of funny shit but she's holding back
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damn that was fast as shit
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Kokone is getting edged by the End
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DK's finally free
don't say it, tomomi
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The cutest match for last
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Cerenity is taking most of the coming week off
ganbatte bunny forma de milf
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They can’t go the actual attempt at analysis and color commentator but they also don’t want to make jokes about people so it’s this weird safe middle ground. It’s like when a sponsored game has problems
It was fun but no tag teams? battle royal?
I'm not sure what was expected of two autistic girls commentating together
yeah the first one was better because suri didn't have to hold it with the vnu girls
Maybe exhibition stuff on the last or another day
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That was so much fun, Suri is so cute…
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holy shit DK chill
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I had the same question about Pinocchio (2022)
I forgotten about that almost entirely
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Mivi karaoke
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Mivi kissed me...
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The Mivi is for hugs and kisses only, you bastard
Women love receiving physical punishment every single one of them
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It's Snow Halation!
cute cement eater
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DK thigh job, cumming in amorias ass, liora eating my cum out her ass
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I genuinely need paizuri from Kokone
I genuinely need Maeve to play with my balls
I genuinely need Liora to fuck me like an amazon
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I want to cuddle with Cerenity and hold her close to me
Listening to some guy give a speech and he keeps talking about someone's mother being named Liora and it really throws me off.
that's just one of her freelance gigs
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Amoria RDR2
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I miss Lofi's League, TFT and, Valorant streams. I hope she streams the new set of TFT.

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