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So... uh... does Ame not stream anymore?
don't use my oshi to shitpost, subhuman
>Ask if somebody is streaming
>Get called a subhuman
Is there a name for this behavior?
Improving themselves
this is bait by kiwifarm retards. dont be farmed.
She's never forgiven her fanbase for HATING her collabing with homo's.
Hey everyone, please don't reply to this thread.
OP (>>81470848) is a known shitposter and troll on /ameg/, he is using a ritual image from our thread to make his shitpost.
>troll thread don't reply
>troll responses
For the ever loving fuck of God, does anyone ACTUALLY KNOW what's going on with AME? Or is this whole board just made up of NPCs and schizos now?
literally tomorrow
Your playing dumb is not believable when you could've just opened her youtube page and see that she has a frame up, and when you made a new thread instead of asking on the Ame thread, even though you literally opened that thread to take the image you used in the OP.
tl;dr: kill yourself
Yes, she has a frame up for an event which everybody knows about. She's also streamed about 4 times in the past 6 months.
>asking on the Ame thread
I'm sorry but I've already done that, and the people on Ame's split are as mindbroken as Chumbuds on /ggg/. Not a single one of them wanted to explain what's happening, and several of them began to argue much like you do now.
Who do you think you are fooling? You just wanted to shitpost and get some (You)s. There you go, I'm giving you a second one, enjoy it, it's the last one from me.
not a good look for teamates ngl.
Villkomen der Turkmenistan
Look at how mindbroken Ame has left her fans. Truly unforgivable.
Kek this has to be bait
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>nigga can't keep track of his hos
so...uh... she literally had a frame set up long before you made a thread
Improve yourself chud
i miss her
i'm improving myself so much i let a single comment from three years ago stay rent free in my head
Gura is a dangerous influence on hololive, she needs correction or termination
>ame has singlehandedly broken her fans by streaming so little
honestly sad. if your oshi can't even stream more than twice a week, what's the fucking point?
Twice a week... you might kill her.
>does anyone ACTUALLY KNOW what's going on with AME?
Serious answer it's almost certainly related to why Ina and Gura went radio silent for several months and why HoloEN refuses to put on full branch collabs. The malicious compliance with the EN branch is hot that it almost glows.
Contract schizo
Oh hey, outfit/contract schizo I see you're still being a fucking retard as usual.
I have a feeling that we're going to see a graduation announcement for her pretty soon, not even trolling. I won't even blame her considering the blatant favoritism Cover is showing towards Holostars while ignoring the girls.
How do you keep finding these threads?
you've been saying this for 2 years
this tims for sure
kys op
lmao, imaging having to necrobump your thread 30 replies in
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What did Nijisanji do?
She doesn't have to, she's an idol. At least she's releasing all those original songs and covers.
me bump next
>At least she's releasing all those original songs and covers.
yeah, like regret!
Who cares you have other 18 holo EN vtubers that you can oshi instead of wasting time with this irrelevant bitch
she is dead. They are waiting until AI get a bit better to return her streams. Project gura is showing good progress
Does literally anybody care?
unironically, who cares?
you're not supposed to point that out...
We're watching Gigi now.
Ame is slowly becoming a mascot like Gura and several other JP's
>been burnt out from hololive since mid 2021-2022
>doesnt want to hyperfocus on "creative" streams but still wants to make them creating a strange dichotomy
>doesnt want to be seen as "the creative leader" anymore and wants to give other people time in the spotlight
>doesnt want to schedule anything so she ends up never committing to streaming outside of collabs she sometimes accidentally signs up for
>management is completely hands off at this point, doesnt force her to do anything outside of what we can only assume is concert things or required meetings
>has to deal with her bitch mother leeching off her hololive money, even had to move and buy a house for all of them which now is very clearly weighing on her
>constantly goes on break due to compounding due dates she completely ignores 24/7, whether it be management, concert, collab, real life, or events she made herself
>hasnt done a member stream in almost a year because of all of this (at least told members to unmember if they wanted)
>very clearly still enjoys streaming, likes playing games with chat, but just cant stream for more than 2 days in a row per week
>stuck in the same cycle of "karaoke return, "i wont do it again," couple gaming streams where it looks like shes back, radio silence into another 2 week break" that gators refuse to believe is real out of desperation that things will go back to being 2020-2021 ame (they wont ever)
this is from the perspective of someone who semi-frequently watched her since the early days. its not schizo yab shit, just burnout and autism.
>been burnt out from hololive since mid 2021-2022
it was mid-late 2022 when things started getting really bad
2021 was the start of her gluten issues and her figuring that out
>stuck in the same cycle of "karaoke return, "i wont do it again," couple gaming streams where it looks like shes back, radio silence into another 2 week break" that gators refuse to believe is real
out of desperation that things will go back to being 2020-2021 ame (they wont ever)
tbf her last break before this one was the long one from dec to fes that got extended by her moving and fixing her internet
the last and only other time I can think of she did the 2 week break thing was last year
Honestly it would be nice if she could just figure out some sort of happy medium like Watson weekend again or just stick to a certain amount of streams a week
so 2022-2023 levels
but yeah generally agreed with this
also t.eamate
I read this in ame's voice.
never did

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