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Give It Up For Day 3 Edition

>What is /lig/?
/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.

>Why /lig/?
Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.

>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?
Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.

Numbers for 7/24:
1: https://twitch.tv/shxtou (6,257)
2: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (5,774)
3: https://twitch.tv/nihmune (3,676)
4: https://twitch.tv/Asveeti (2,800)
5: https://twitch.tv/HalO_Sweety (2,483)
6: https://twitch.tv/Limealicious (2,344) *Tie
6: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (2,332) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/bao (1,784) *Tie
8: https://twitch.tv/LucyPyre (1,767) *Tie
10: https://twitch.tv/Arielle (1,637)

1: https://twitch.tv/akamikarubi (5,760) *Japanese
2: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (4,021) *Chinese
3: https://twitch.tv/hennie2001 (1,942) *Chinese

>Wait isn't that one a corpo?
A corpo that doesn't own talents IPs and has, at most, a single member with greater than 1000 CCV is still allowed to be discussed here until it has surpassed this threshold.

>/lig/ Numbers

>Twitch Clips Guide

>VOD Archival Guide

>/lig/ VOD Archive

>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)


>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Upcoming Birthdays
July 23rd - Fallenshadow
July 24th - Yuniiho & Shxtou
August 5th - Shylily
August 6th - Tob
August 8th - Kitanya

>OC material for the OP

https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)

Other useful threads:

Previous Thread: >>81471755
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I love my wife
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bnnuy cnnuy
layna should krill herself
>streamer says hello to the whole chat for half an hour
I can't believe people are falling for Layna's act
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Last three threads filled with Layna hate for taking a mental health leave. No evidence of being a cunt no evidence of being mean to nice chuubas no evidence of twitlongers, is taking a mental break like a lot of other chuubas have done and are doing but I have not seen so much advocating for the death of layna for merely existing. Every thread is the same and I am starting to feel bad for her. Antis are going to anti but this is just cruel and makes little sense.
Don't say it's one guy because it clearly seems to be a few heated women or scorned men
Wait why did the guy say shondo baker killed himself. Did he come back to life somehow
liveposting being controversial explains so much about the current state of the thread
Retarded opinions should be called out aggressively
>His Oshi doesn't love her community enough to acknowledge them
Is this Chiwa's first play through of Factorio?
shut up idiot
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Good evening lig I blub my oshi very much!
nu-/vt/ is literally just reddit.
She isn't even streaming? She eloquently explained why she's mentally struggling and is taking a break. Layna antis are delusional
Inis deserves to be bred but only after she is severely disciplined by a muscular man, possibly with a paddle.
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>mint didnt like or rt my art
at least you guys liked it...
post link
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no para = dead thread
She goes through RT waves she'll get to it anon, trust.
you could just... NOT deepthroat bait, liggerman
I like when chuubas say "hello lurkers!" because I think haha hey that's me! She said hi to me! That's was nice of her!
Vivi is based for having a hello redeem
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Love my wolf wife
She's just ending her standard 8 hour fallout stream!
the key is to literally not give a shit and post about streams anyways
That's not great for a ritual post, try something more memorable, more fun, more concise
she did it poorly through high schooler tier word salad
krum is denial over pringles
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bnuuy cnuuy
What is your oshis Para number?
The Para number of a vtuber is the number of degrees of separation (see Six degrees of separation) they have from the bunny vtuber Parasi, as defined by the game known as Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.
For example, Parasi's Parasi number is 0. If a vtuber(Krumroll) collabs in a stream with Parasi, the vtubers(Krumroll) Para number is 1. If a vtuber(Nina Saotome) collabs with a vtuber(Kitanya_is_Here) who collabed with Parasi in a stream, the first vtubers Para number is 2, and so forth.
layna bad grr argh
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Hello anon! and Hello /lig/!
I liked it and it made me sad
Wow that sounds unbelievably boring! She does have big tits I will grant you
gonna gwark that bait until it snaps my choker
Have faith anon, she'll see it
does she? she rt'd a bunch of stuff that was posted around the same time i did mine
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horrible post, consider deleting it
You're trying too hard to make the uncontroversial controversial
Hii Coqui!

I like that part of the stream!
so much soul!
Why can vesper and shondo take a mental leave but you want layna to kill herself if she needs mental leave. Someone explain. Every time this is asked no one can answer in a way that makes sense
No another ligga gave me the idea and it was silly enough to follow through.
idk I just see a bunch of fanart retweets from her multiple times a day so she probably just missed it
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Because we hate layna so fucking much it physically hurts
One anon says she's a bad person. Years ago I asked that anon why he hates Layna and he admitted he doesn't, but it's just sort of a bit he does. Since then maybe he actually sincerely started hating Layna but I still don't know why
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Eternal reminder that if a certain region got rangebanned posting quality would instantly improve.
it doesn't make sense. schizos are not rational creatures.
Vesper and Shondo communicated they were taking a break and gave out their reasons for such beforehand. Laynda disappears for a month, deletes her twitter and that's it. 30 days without any news and for what we know she might've straight up died.
Why does she care so little about her community? Why not say something before disappearing?
the dream
Nothing Layna does will be good enough to you
vesper was hospitalized and shondo is banned
kill yourself laynas mod
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Love the silly lady, love the frog
I love how her head looks fucking massive in this
This sounds insincere on so many levels. Are you one of those fans who was not duly informed? Were you worried sick about her?
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rich coming from a batfag
I don't even know who layna is lmao
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Brazilians at least have fun acting like harmless retards, you're just a joyless fuck.
Same but miyu and mike and para and crap like that
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Filian is a wonderful person who is worthy of love and support
layna should have anal sex
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coqui hi!
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>More dog Disco today
Hell yes
I would gib this Batfag gold in an MMO and maybe even a cute maid outfit for his loli character
i dont care
This then makes people push her to kill herself more? Do we not remember there is a living human behind our oshi avatars?
With how vile people get for anything she says it's no wonder she didn't know what to say to her community during a mental health time. If she said she's leaving for a month people would say she's a cunt. Before she left people said she hates her community bc she did too many collaborations when most vtubers collaborate all week. She can't win.
imagine a Beri plush and she just screams YAPPEE when you touch her
>he doesnt know mike matei
list of old ladies I want to have sex with(non-exhaustive):

So it is then OK to tell Layna to kill herself? I don't get it.
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>They're still making new Black Butler seasons
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posting you don't care shows that you actually care a lot and that sounds like a you issue buddy.

Also love these two to pieces
This anon is barging uninvited into a crack den and telling them self righteously to put down the pipe because smoking crack is wrong
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Yes it it, the sooner she kills herlself the better.
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How could anyone forget The Loco Bandito?
why are you surprised
Don’t reply. This is bait to make Layna feel bad. Come on lig.
>She can't win.
the first and most important lesson
Beri pisses like a charge rifle
Yes, quit dragging out my favorites to make your whore look better.
Plenty of us like Layna, she just has an unusually dedicated anti
its being more faithful to the manga
school arc was cool it ended pretty abruptly though
Why don’t you kill youself?
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made another layna post award
What did she end up finishing yesterday?
After months of threads complaining about a mundane boring streamer, yes. I almost feel bad for her and I don't watch her. I see other chuubas discussed here so the same thing as Layna and actively yet UUUWWUUUUSS when they do anything similar to her.
I have to make sure layna is dead first.
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He doesn't actually dislike Layna, he just finds this entertaining
anon it's one mentally ill guy
I want to imagine a Beri plush but it has a hidden camera in the eye and 5g service so she can spy on me while im gooning and she gets exited when she notices im in chat.
Layna ego searches here instead of going to her discord hugbox because she hates her community. KEK
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>Layna schizo keeps comparing Layna to Vesper and Shondo
>Beri is embarrassed about making a fart sound while she was trying to make a piss sound
classic Beri
Enough about numi
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Miss Shondo, get down
who was the adolf hitler of /lig/?
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stop saying mean things on anonymous underwater basket weaving forums
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Why do you hate her
But we would be happy if you kill yourself like right now
Every vtuber is here anon and we don't tell them to kill themselves
Anon you have to realize if you're a recurring weird anon in a 4chan global people will make posts meant to mess with you. I don't think Layna reads the thread. The guy posting "I think Layna should kill herself" doesn't think Layna reads the thread. She's like 35 and has her validation discord for that. Poster(s) are fucking with you specifically.
Well I do. And I used to care about you too before you ditched your friends.
at least she streams keeeeek
rooftop RJ
why does she have hag voice i thought she was a zoomer
Layna is just as sweet as both of them
nta but from the way and things she talks about, would place her late 20s, possibly very early 30s
Don't care about your opinion lanyafag, it's lower than dirt, lower that your shit oshi
You're delusional if you think it's one guy
filian should collab again and teach layna how to flip
off a bridge
sounds like something the one guy would say
I'm surprised Krum isn't into Sebastian
Rooftop Beri would shoot RJ as he approached to keep all the chuubas in the building safe
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theres streams on right now guys
>He think he's multiple guy
i guess I just melted her and miwa into one person since they showed up at the same time
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>Archive Links:

- Complete Nyanners (Post Vtuber Debut) VOD and karaoke clip archive [Starting at 2020-07-17 and running until 2024-xx-xx]: https://rentry.org/Nyanners_Vod_Archive

- Complete Hime Hajime [Starting at 2021-01-31 and running until 2024-XX-XX] and Bubivt Vod Archive: https://rentry.org/Hime_Bubi_Archive

- Directory of random Indie Vod archives and links to official vod channels: https://rentry.org/Indie_Vod_Archives_lig


>Other things that may be of use:

- Twitch/YouTube Live Stream Vod Archival Guide: https://rentry.org/Vod_Archival_Guide

- Links for the 4chan (#/vt/ and #recanon) IRC channels: https://rentry.org/IRC_Stuff
Whenever your oshi is taking a "break" during stream she is getting plapped by her bf, and I think that is just great.
His post format is almost always identical, but of course other retards are going to join in for the fun of it.
See you’re taking more time seething when you could be using this time to set up a way to kill yourself
It's ALWAYS one guy
I've never seen so much hate over one vtuber that isn't even streaming
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if we learned from MSM, it's not one guy, it's usually one guy and their friends/mods/employees
ooey gooey in my clungey wungy
Alice and Grimmi feet in my mouth
What if I start talking shit about her so it's two guys what are you gonna do
you must be new here then
Okay but don't tell us what's going on in them because if we wanted to know that stuff, we would be watching the stream
italian man's whore
Trad wife my ass
It just makes me wonder what layna did to piss off that one guy so much
follow the money.. you're not paying attention...
not a vtuber though
any good streams?
Chiwa is a zoomer. Just is some kind of super autistic math savant or something.
How dare you compare the Layna troll to Seth. Seth is a professional, this is just some random loser. Yes, I am Seth.
Welcome to /lig/. This happens all the time nowadays.
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>I don't think Layna reads the thread.
Today I will remind them
They're hiding in my toilet, hating, what do I do, the police is protecting them
cause you're boring.
I think it's another chuuba with an axe to grind but people don't want to admit this is a valid possibility
hi seth
pay denbts seth
You've been doing this for a week and a half, either shit or get off the pot bruv
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>10 minutes of sex every 2 hours between the hours of 10PM and 6AM
sounds like a pretty raw deal to me
no one knows who you are even vague posting about
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https://www.twitch.tv/gmart Finished watching the mr. Breast video that was shadow banned from youutube, now onto warframe
For the millionth time he doesn't even dislike her and she didn't do anything. He's just pursuing his hobby
Lyra respond to my email marriage proposal RIGHT NOW
oh miwa just raided her, gonna manifest layna fucking a dog next.
in which case, it's more than likely bunny
its the kind of behavior she exhibited behind the scenes
This, he has ran is own joke to the ground.
Seth isn't actually posting here, he's got bigger problems with MSM hemorrhaging talents and employees
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>super autistic math savant or something.
imagine the smell
i look like this and act like this
oh god im getting confused they shouldn't be allowed to have similar names
gb2bed lizard
This proves my point tho. A lot of chuubas are /here/ so why is every thread targeted heavily at Layna?
I'm Seth and I can prove it
I'm sorry anon but she needs to hear back from Jeremy Fragrance first
ban in-game action is a dumb redeem because chatters aren't funny enough to use it in a way that contributes positively to the stream.
I hope my oshi reads the nice things I say about her and feels good about it.
miwa miwo nina nino chiwa chiwo
hurry think faster
>when the autistic girl pulls the ms paint drawings out
miwa miwu miyu miwo chiwa
No wonder she took a mental break of it's another vtuber hate posting her here. Sounds like woman jealousy
Meat making me smell her feet and then making fun of me for getting an erection
He is still here. Wait for when 3am is live. The thread gets antied all night in a similar fashion every single time. It has to be him.
>my oshi has seen my posts and knows I'm a fucking weirdo
it's so over
What a strange little bean sprout.
How could it ever contribute positively to the stream beyond "haha streamer gets stuck for a few minutes because they're unable to do a mandatory action"?
No one expects fillian and rainhoe actually read these retarded threads. Please take your med before posting more on /here/
There isn't much 3am anti-ing going on anymore except when a very specific vtuber isn't streaming herself
>shondo to callab with layna
>gets banned
What would we do without schizos
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>Beri hates tomato
Hi Rain please shit down that guy's throat so he stops making those weird ass posts, thanks
Checked newly partnered streamers, these are your newest liggers:
>charlottexbear: you already know who she is

>aquwa: Just Chatting/react streamer

>milkymew_: Eastern European whore

>LittleMissSunMin: British Hag (milf?), not coomer, seems to only play 'comfy' games

>MiruneMochi: Big titty ASMR whore, hot voice

>Shikzeee: Rare Indian ligger, skilled artist, better than most art liggers

>denpafish: I guess the ads worked

Not a strong batch of new liggers.
Dont bring beri into this shit schizo
I’m really enjoying her reading the entire game desu. Makes me worried about her voice though
Was it an inside job? Is the Shondo anti-ing coming from inside Twitch HQ???
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speaking of the devil
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Does Nina not have any oilers to free her from the wagie life?
>layna in beri's chat
>she gets banned
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Not that Tomato you fucking schizophrenic mongoloid.
literally no one got banned on beris stream today
thanks for your efforts anon I will review their suitability for my AI cloning program
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tenma is a cute romanian fox lady
it's a joke man
She has to pay the windmill tax so living in Dutchland is very expensive
it was not funny and I did not laugh. Consider deleting it
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Her Albanian friend is cute.
Nice art on the desi. Shame she's just a strange egg thing
She has oilers but she also has too much honor to fully milk them and go full time.
Let me know when she actually starts doing any lewd content
Tenma is Romanian
Beri friends with Layna? I now like layna
ok ebenezer scrooge
I need Tenma to jerk off my fat cock with a disgusted look on her face while calling me a gross, white pig.
>MiruneMochi: Big titty ASMR whore, hot voice
hooo boy we got another Milky
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It's sick as fuck and I'm hyped
I miss feemsh though
excellent post
new tittymonsters, nice
Why is Layna browsing /lig/ instead of streaming?
Why does she hate her fans?
Damn no beri/tomato collab
uuuuuu feel better Vesper sending healing waves
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Thanks I'm still here. I'm currently trying to color the image. Hopefully I can make a decent drawing of pookie.
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She's in good hands.
I'm certain filian has been here before, but its been a while since I saw a post that was probably her so maybe she's staying away.
The indian accent just makes me laugh when I hear it, am I way too far gone?
what the fuck
Layna has been around beri streams a few time now
Didn't she get partnered a pretty long while ago, like way before the previous batch with moonbun?
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I wish more people posted about my oshi.
her accent makes me feel like i'm in the gp's office
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I wasn't talking about her?
But Bat is Aramaic?
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stop it!!!
YUY is sexy in such a retarded manner
You have to become the schizo
She should do more ASMR for me to jerk off to
shut the FUCK UP bitch

*jams cock down your throat*
Tenma is my sex lady
about a full month ago. I don't know how partner roundup anon does these.
>Beri thinks she will be good at riding a mechanical bull.
Beri you would fall off at the slowest speed. Stick to riding Gaspar's cock.
uuuuuu feel better Layna sending healing waves
flanderized gay little mascot + fell off + L
too young
Aloo Coqui
What's wrong, little guy?
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I think it sounds cute on girls. She may want to get rid of certain free things on her profile though. They'll not be nice to her when or if she starts pulling numbers.
I hope versper is doing ok
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>he doesnt know
I love Miia
it ends NOW
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All the worst posts in this thread are typed out by vtubers
bitch did like 2 3d streams and died
true, but instead of spamming negativity
you should mass reply "i love miwa you should too" to all posters who talk about anything related to her or bunnies
asian liggers that crave bwc?
cumflating each and every faggotchamp until they pop
Literally all of them.
She is into old ojisans. I'm out of her age range I'm only like 3-4 years older than her.
All of the asian ones.
They're all in a discord laughing at us and posting screens of their shitposts
Cute bug
looks more like fraeya 2 to me
Except the ones they blacklist.
shxtou indie gold lfgggggggg
I don't like ASMR streams, and her non-ASMR stream are usually when chuubas I like more are on
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thinking about Vesper
I expected Layna to be cunt in beri stream but they are hitting it off why did lig lie to me
>believing a raving lunatic that shits up thread after thread
sounds like a (You) issue
Did she get a new model? This looks really good
Same, I hope Sweeney is giving her lots of love.
When is she gonna put up pictures and videos of her tight virgin pussy in a Fansly? I would talk about her all the time if she does
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Hi Coqui!!
Which female vtuber should be in charge of sex?
Consider your answer carefully. The vtuber in charge of sex is most likely not the chuuba you want to have sex with the most.
the vtuber in charge of sex has the following responsibilities, among many others:
-Distributing available women to incels so they won't he lonely
-Deciding who is allowed and not allowed to have sex
-Deciding which sexual relationships are appropriate or inappropriate
Deciding which trans women and men "pass" and which do not (she would be in charge of gender as well as sex)
-dressing all women up in sexy outfits
-evaluating and re evaluating which forms of adult content should be allowed on which websites
-deciding which rapists and sex offenders should go free (without trial) or should be locked up
-deciding which Internet personalities should or should not be cancelled for scandals involving sex
everyone is trying to groom Beri now that she is in with Mint and Matara
is there any context for this
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manifesting good health
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For a few weeks now yeah.
Yeah, Vesper looks like she hangs out @ the library.
thanks chatgpt
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How very manipulative of layna, not surprising.
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she drew that after some grandma told her she looks like she hangs out at the library
What don’t you get about people saying they don’t prefer younger vtubers? It’s not appealing and you have nothing in common with them.
Banana cat is finally back with Mcdonalds https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_-asBUEeks
If you were in the stream she said grimmi introduced her to beri. They are all in a group and clauvio is in there ecto too. Stop fucking up the thread and making shit up
and they remind me of death
Finally some good vtubing
marimari underscore en is already the CEO
miwa needs my cock in her cunny but that conversation will never happen unfortunately
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>grimmi introduced Layna to beri
>clauvio reached out to layna
>there is a group with beri Layna clauvio ecto and grimmi
just wait for the Olivia collab, it's inevitable
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She says that it's too hot to stream in 3D. She never did maintenance on her AC so it broke (portable AC because Europe)
She will do more 3D streams once the weather cools down a little. After all she blew some serious cash on the 3D outfits and world. The world is even being maintained and fixed according to feedback from her community.

Nekrolina always keeps her promises. She might be inconsistent AF, but she will never lie when it comes to her stream.
wide bitch in 36
layna has nothing in common with that group
all of your favorite liggers are in a twitter group chat together and they make fun of you and post screenshots of your chat messages and 4chan posts to each other and then the other vtubers in the group chat laugh react to them
but that's not now
This sounds terrible idk man
They all do horror idiot
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Our Queen.
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I hope my oshi enjoys reading my posts sexpesting other vtubers and never her.
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The number of synchronicities is increasing.

I wish my oshi would reply to me with a shitpost
they all have a pussy
not now carl jung
That's not Gura
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So where does Layna sit here?
oh yeah i love those things
in the bathroom
i think he meant cuck
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I'd be honoured.
what about hosts? this is flawed. we're sending you back
where do i sit if i want a quick blowie in the school bathroom?
Damn how old are you? Even I have things in common with 30-year-olds. You must be way over 40 or something. Like right in the middle of a mid-life crisis.
shes the lunchlady
she's the school shooter about to burst in
Just go read the comment section of her recent tweet. A lot of vtubers in this image commented and clearly care about her
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Watch me synchronize my sperm

With your egg
she sits in a hallway alone off to the side with filian
Probably 9 off stream with the rest of the hags
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>some of you guys are really weird, especially in maros
>I was thinking oh this will be great. they'll ask me questions and I'll answer them
>then I get stuff like "I rub my hand up your thigh"
that made me laugh today
i wonder if you could attach an extension to a colostomy bag so you can run it all the way to the shitter and not have to get up
I'd love to watch her more but she is not an EST friendly chuuba
Vtuber hands typed this because they can’t handle criticism.
Ojisans can't contain themselves
ANON NO it's the eggs Juni poster
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I can't imagine caring so much about someone as boring as Layna
I limited it to collabs because if I started adding things like twitter follows or likes or hosts or raids or talking about them on stream or this or that and the other. Collabs are a simple enough thing to track.
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Shonbaker the dev recommends buffout 4
saru said her skin hex was f9e4d6, but imo you should play around with the colorpicker. it would teach you more about saturation and how you can gain or lose it by going lighter or darker in color (something i also learned from her art streams).
I already gave up on it, I'll just try it again in like a week when they manage to get it actually working. Trepang2 DLC is out anyways.
I don’t really care especially much about her tbqh, but I care about the health and sanity of all my fellow humans and she appears to be going through a rough patch
this image made me irrationally mad
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Why are you stalking her everywhere she goes anon
Of spades
Of /hlgg/ retards
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It's too late, I am a father

This is a completely harmless imagine why are you so angry
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New Shondo ASMR soon, this means now she has like 3 in the works. Also still no news on the Nina collab.
for a second I thought that was JabroniMike's stream and got very confused
She will marry me at some point if I follow her hard enough
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Things appear simultaneously in this vod i'm watching and outside either irl or itt. It's stupid and to the extent it feels like someone is messing with me.
Miwa, I am sorry for writing a detailed sexting message but I am horny. I want to catch you at a time where you are also horny so we can sext for hours with your flat body. I promise they can be a lot intense than they look if you go with it! hihi
So you think Tob would be nice to the incels and let them have sex?
you are schizophrenic
Layna seems like nice person and well liked among vtubers why does lig hate her
I'm a zoomer I pick 2, the zoomer table. There is a vacant spot in 3 and 4.
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They got you.
Maid Mint is here
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You are genuinely experiencing mental illness and should see a doctor (psychiatrist)
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I will start schizoposting then.
So how is the layna hate card going guys?
i was about to say what is this guerilla bullshit
Seeing Shondo so active in Discord is nice, uuuuuuu I love her
listen to this guy he's psychotic and knows
theyre crawling under your skin get them out
No projecting now.
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Zoomer autism table
she’s friends with people that the meat clique hate and half the thread are meat posters
she's the one stalking me. i was watching lumi's stream in peace and she comes in and drops a sub out of nowhere
Hypothetically if there were a chuuba we ALL hated we could probably get a real hate card going with actual high effort tiles
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Some days I can barely maintain conversation with real people because I still hear the voice of God in my head
>Of spades
That's Lily
no I think it would be funny
I am a big meat person and I don't hate anyone except maybe Seth. I do not hate MSM talent at all, except possibly geega
i nominate this guy's oshi ^
We need to get rid of meat
Beri switched to Subnaughty
>No news on the Nina ASMR collab
>No new on the Nina Oli ASMR collab
>No news on the Oli Tanya ASMR collab
get these whores in front of a mic already
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It's not projection if I'm aware I'm suffering (I'm not I have nom noms rn)
Maybe she likes you.
Layna eats in the English teacher's room with him
No there's only one Layna anti and one is not enough
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It could have been miia's voice... what a wasted opportunity.
You have to understand, Shondo is going to melt into a puddle having to listen to Nina ASMR while editing the video together. She won't survive.
What a slut
It's projection because you're projecting your own experiences with zero actual knowledge of my situation or what's happening.
But Layna and meat are friends
But only 90% of people hate my oshi
Why do you hate geega
>your schizophrenic delusions turns out to have miias voice
>she haunts you with gachaslop 24/7
Meat is so /here/ it's a joke, I have no idea how many of the posts about her are just selfposting
Good enough to be honest
oh boy youre into gay incest too?
She think she so smart she say this and that blah blah lecture u like little kid blah blah blah
The Meat clique only hates Seth. Nice redirect there though. Go live and make something of yourself.
Vote for Layna most hated ligger
Bao is live with Numi and Yuzu playing Roblox and trying to groom Quinn Bennet as their new bwc bf
>country plays on the radio
>krummy drives into the river
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You are literally talking about two unrelated things having a pattern occurring and a sense of "being messed with" i.e. paranoia that is literally the sign of psychosis
Rather it was Fubuki at least she's cute
I like this new Layna-hate guy, schizos are the lifeblood of /lig/
literal nightmare scenario. I wouldn't click this if you paid me in gold
Anons does this blistering accusation have any merit?
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>she rearranges your neural pathways like she'd be playing Factorio
got me horny again
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I get it now, it's meat herself who is hating on Layna
Do you hate layna y/n
harry potter player
N I like her and she has a fucked up colon
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you are also schizophrenic
Ok but like that's the best part. It plays into the orc gangbang fantasy.
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What if your oshi

Was soft and creamy

Like an omelette made by Julia Child
I’m “i” for “indifferent”
>You are literally talking about two unrelated things having a pattern occurring and a sense of "being messed with" i.e. paranoia that is literally the sign of psychosis
No, that's literally a normal and healthy reaction to experiencing oddly many coincidences. Something really weird happens and even a normalfag on the street starts looking for the tiktok cameras. This whole thing is your projection, as I already wrote.
does factorio have multiplayer
Why is everyone playing Subnautica anyway?
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meat and layna are friends, and most of meat's friends are friend with layna too. I'm a big time meathead and i've never said a negative word about layna, in fact I feel bad for her
She definitely brags about me
I just want to lick her butthole. I have been getting erections periodically throughout the day just thinking about it
you've been yapping for a week about how Meat saying
is somehow a lig reference
no new releases
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What if we tried only saying nice things about Layna for the next couplea threads. Like layna anti antis
anon your aim...
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>Something really weird happens and even a normalfag on the street starts looking for the tiktok cameras
You are literally denying the existence of mental illness
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Thanks for the advise. I'm a complete beginner but I am having fun figuring out how to draw properly.
yes. like 8 player
You're saying that now that your precious meat is on the line
NTA but what does that even mean
lmao what line you schizo
I usually check the previous week, but since the rate of new partners has slowed dramatically, I waited longer before checking again. I either missed her when she was partnered or saw everyone was already posting about her
Are you the shondo anti who works for twitch and pulled the strings to get her banned?
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I'm denying your nonsense.
Having a feeling isn't psychosis.
If the boundaries of your self erode and you stop being able to tell the difference between your feelings and sensory experiences, reality, then you can be in psychosis.
Seeing something weird happen too often to make sense and feeling a sense of being messed with, but being completely cognizant of it being a feeling, with everything that entails, is not psychotic in any way or form.
I want to have sex with fredrick knudsen
Fried chicken or Grilled chicken
There will be repercussions
where tf are you getting this
>Bao is already talking about sucking werewolf cocks and how her jaw hurts now
good stream
you schizoids should get off the internet
Meat didn't do anything and this is the exact kind of bullshit that MSM tried pulling on her before with other people
came to me in a dream last night after I meditated on the layna anti’s while burning incense
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I'm ostracized from society
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Take a course on probability math and you'll never feel like that anymore

Even if 1000995 coincidences occur during a day, 10^TREE(3) coincidences do not occur
she's the meat is my mom poster
but schizoid is not schizophrenic
Did you actually mean schizoid or are you using the term instead of schizophrenic? Because those two are very different.
who tf is Quinn
https://recovery.org please get help
>Take a course on probability math and you'll never feel like that anymore
They're not following each other on twitter I will now rrat
meat and co running some serious defense on this one
yes schizoid
Fried chicken on its own.
Grilled chicken if its shredded and used as part of another dish.
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High amount of coincidences occurring is normal. It would be weird if there wasn't any variance.
No, you don't feel that way.
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Maybe you get brainfucked by coincidences but I just ignore them.
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it is fun

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