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/vtai/ - VTuber AI-generated Images -Slippers Edition
Previous Thread: >>81379530

>/vtai/ Wiki (WIP)

>/vtai/ Resources
https://rentry.org/vtai/ | FAQ: https://rentry.org/vtaiFAQ | VTuber XL Loras: https://rentry.org/vtaiSDXL | VTuber LoRAs (ARCHIVED): https://rentry.org/vtaiLoRAs | LoRA Checklist: https://rentry.org/vtailorachecklist | EF+HLL Guide: https://rentry.org/5exa3 | VTuber Model Mixes: https://rentry.org/vtairecipes | VTuber Prompt List: https://rentry.org/vtaiprompts |Embed/Thread Archive (OLD): https://rentry.org/vtaiarchive| vtaiArchive: https://rentry.org/fhydhwdm

>/vtai/ Scripts
Catbox Scripts: https://github.com/CCC-anon/CCC-Scripts/tree/main/catbox

>/hdg/ FAQ + Embeds, Hypernetworks, Models, LoRAs
https://rentry.org/hdgfaq | https://rentry.org/hdglorarepo | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | Pony Artist/Character Hashes: https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf

>Cloud Hosted Installs (Now Require Payment)
Colab for Complete Retards: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1STL60qfoY-iSlhRb9zFETRLTqhNbznRf | Colab: https://colab.research.google.com/github/TheLastBen/fast-stable-diffusion/blob/main/fast_stable_diffusion_AUTOMATIC1111.ipynb | Paperspace: https://rentry.org/865dy

>/vAI/ doko?

>GPU Performance Data

>More Resources
4chanX Catbox userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Essentially everything: https://rentry.org/sdgoldmine
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
/g/ wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Stable_Diffusion
5ch NovelAI wiki: https://seesaawiki.jp/nai_ch/
Models: https://civitai.com/ | https://huggingface.co/ | https://rentry.org/sdmodels
More links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link
Getting Started (Legacy): https://rentry.org/sdhypertextbook
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Request Anchor
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Thx for the op
Like this but for Amanogawa Shiina. If you can do a couple that implies that she is nude (or straight out show her nude) the better.
Olivia Monroe mating press

Requesting Avispa Nectarinia getting railed or anything lewd
Reinstating from a few threads ago:

Flare or Irys getting dry doggystyle anal. Mint is fine too.
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Chief among the Vulpine King's followers was her advisor and minister, her oldest and closest ally. A soothsayer by trade, she turned her kind hand to statesmanship when her friend required it, ensuring all within their domain were fed and cared for. The people honoured her as their matriarch, a surrogate to the orphaned and the broken.

But do not let this tender reputation fool you, brave outsider. The Lupine Mother is a powerful sorceress capable of summoning fearsome beasts larger than any mortal man. Those who underestimate her power will become only toys in the games of her ravenous pets.

Shiori breeding Cecilia
Requesting big titty Bae in a gym uniform
when did AI get so good at feet
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Good evening folks, thread been pretty slow all week


Wow that some major tag wrangling, it's good to know that you can get this with out LoRAs, as a lot of them really kills the style or are super stiff. I did forget about the throat swabbing tags on my gens, I wonder if I can use that can set the LoRA weight much lower to give it that push.
The scissorhold ones are amazingly good, gonna steal that, you keep the eyes to better identify the girl and can get more expressions.
The main issue I have with side is it doesn't hand the head over an edge so when the head is tilted back the cock enters at an odd angle, but maybe I just need the throat swabbing tag.
Also there is a face mounting tag, wonder if that that can help in conjunction with throat swabbing.
Thanks for testing and providing the tags

Maybe it's time to revisit some of these templates, been using the same wildcard setup for months now

This one is also pretty nice, water colours look legit
Another cute set for the walls. are they all going to get this treatment?
Oh this one is cute, toes peeking from there
Wicked shipwreck
Take care La+Anon, weekend almost here
kek, good thing I stay out of catalogue I ain't gay
Yeah been really slow all week... I think around this time last year too when we started getting +24 hour threads but this might be the longest one yet.
Hello, we've been trucking along, kinda been a slow week, guess the regular spammers are also off too.
I've also started to do a bit of mixing as well, getting a bit tired of seeing the bloby pony backgrounds but also don't want to lose too much anime aesthetic. Have my eyes in the 3x3x3 and copycat models to try and see if I can wrangle them into a style I want without loading it with old artist mix of 4 LoRAs.
There we go, our local Chloe prompter does it again! Always nice to see them and the details like the floor reflection.
>artist mixing
Yeah after finding a good mix and using it for a while you end up in a state of wanting to improve it but running artist grids and roulettes can be so mind numbing and after hours of staring and grading you end up going back to the old mix.
Another cool gen and a blurb, great that you also show the process, good to see great gens isn't just a press prompt and done
You can thank the ponyfags for loving feet and making a model that is good for their fetishes
Holy fuck Ceci looks so good
Shiori as Sen no Rikyū from Fate
Dominant futa Suisex
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>hit Queue Prompt
>feel a gust of hot air
local SD is going to burn my house down
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dang I've been thinking about this on and off again, but let time get the better of me

Requesting Nyanners with hagboobs
lora for laimu's cozy outfit(s), the current one only has her first outfit according to the rentry.
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Love this Ririka.
Epic, this one is my favorite of them. Thanks for the humorous writeup, very creative way to construct Hatotaurus, it turned out really good.
Evening TWL. Wow, justice is showing everything at once in those, great stuff.
>are they all going to get this treatment?
I started on Ollie and La+ but wasn't getting good results, dunno if it was the LoRA or the prompt. Might try Ayame or Towa and check out more the models Anon >>81473378 mentioned, they seem nice, half of these CC's were genned in them.
Yeah, more cosplay gens! Cool action pose.
Cool style, very GitS-esque
>hot air
Yeah prompting in winter is much more fun then in the summer.
Big puffy fatto catto nips
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God, I can't sleep...
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Ended up doing advent too

Set artist roulette and go infinite gen, room turns to a sauna
Nice strong Botan, good to see more of your stuff, lots of different body types
Whoa, nippleless big breasts is quite a sight shiny skin CC as well.
Might take the featuureless tags, smooth areola looks pretty neat
Over delivered. Keep cooking and I will continue to kneel.
>a lot of them really kills the style or are super stiff
Agreed. and they also often affect things like body type, skin tone, and other things they shouldn't. I don't wanna sound too critical since I haven't delved into making loras or that side of things at all, but whenever I've tried using them it never felt like I was genning the image I wanted, it was more like I was genning the image some other guy wanted just with a different character. I do believe that most, if not all, of what pose loras achieve can be done with proper tagging (I saw a lora for pov missionary once, like nigger really? You need a lora for that?), it's just a case of figuring it out. But I also understand that most people don't have the time or patience to throw shit at the wall for five hours and see what does or doesn't stick.
Unfortunately I don't think throat swabbing will fix the head-hang-from-side issue. I do have a bit of a theory that maybe (beeeeg maybe) some of these issues could be resolved with mixing in some natural language with the raw tags, since the ponyfags did say that's what they were originally aiming for. Or even using that natural language attempt to create tags the AI may understand even though those tags otherwise don't actually exist, as a way of manipulating certain outcomes. But that's a whole ass fucking rabbit hole I ain't touching for now.
luv dog
Preggo muscular Kaela
Fuwawa's nipples being teased (over/under her clothes/exposed) on a train.
Witch Fauna casting a spell(triangle) on a reluctant and angry Kronii, making Kronii her sex slave in a dungeon.
late thanks
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Guess to round off the rest of EN

Yeah I think the pony model are flexible enough to get it but I also think different character LoRAs can effect the tags and weights so it might end up being a different calibration each time so that is another factor to consider. Now I'm wondering does NAIv3 know reverse fellatio, I know it can handle upside down pretty well when I used it back in Dec, can it do this as well?
Obese Calliope Mori struggling on the toilet. Fully nude, please.
Nta but I can I have the same treatment for lazulight please?
Haven't genned anything new in a while so please accept some old stuff I liked.

Thanks for going beyond my requests man always love your gens
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Kiki and Gigi looking at eachother in confusion
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The whole lot (boy I haven't said that in a while)

Something is better than nothing, been kinda slow last few threads
Thanks, glad you liked it
Requesting sweaty Dtto relaxing on the beach
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Poor Kazama can't catch a break in this wind...
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At least she has spats
spats are more erotic though
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Genning some nonholos for once
Shiori servicing the biggest dick possible.
Scarle or Aia hypnotized and fucked on stream
The doll is simply too sex
May I get a pippa sleevejob my lads?
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>NAI reverse fellatio
a little more wrangling and i think it could be semi-reliable.
https://catbox.moe /c/q67c87
goes from latest attempts to earliest
I wanna drink their nectar so bad
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also a bit of kiwawa
glad the sweaterless version is canon
yeah I think the musctonk lora has a good style that works for all kinds of thickly built ladies
Nice muscles
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Lazulight, how about the entire branch?





Course Kunai is forever forgotten

This the new egg series?
Well it nice to see the LoRAs intact ad working well on chuuba we don't see often

Seem NAI also struggles with it, probably not enough to train on and being upside down just everything doesn't like it. But it does let the hair down really well so that is a plus.
Damn that LoRA holding up well
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Here's feet art of another Phase member: Michiru, as I said I'd be working on. If you look close at these images, you'll notice I added white toenail polish as I thought it would look much cuter that way. For having such a very limited source set, the lora I used still makes quite an accurate Michiru, and I'm still able to produce quite lovely feet here:
>whole branch
but what about vox?
Thanks for the cute feet. I like the nail polish is still visible even in this angle
Sexo Wawa muscle.
Suisei, Ina or Kanata getting their flat tits pulled by their nipples with immense force while being blindfolded.
AI went wild with that futanari autofellatio piledriver gen
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if i could specify male ass things would be so much easier
NTA but can you make it so she's pulling herself?
Damn hot, and thanks for the quick reply!
Matsuri illustrating: "She's so fucking flat, goddamn that's hot!"
uh-oh is that a bonk
Requesting pov picrel with Gigi only wearing torn open spats in a hotel room with creampie then she looks back at you and smiles smugly: https://files.catbox.moe/3mg2ny.jpeg
Shigure Ui or Matsuri at a club, drinking a glass with a sleep inducing drug, then dragged to a bed for full intercourse sleep molestation.
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TWL?! Breathe, goddamn it!
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Requesting Biboo hugging her knees, no panties
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Sex rrat
The whole damn lora soup.
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Gotta respect using a single style, but I love my current "base" too much. Just gotta keep grinding.
Can't even imagine how NAI folks do it with the 7+ artist blend.

Yeah I noticed that the threads were a bit slow this week, was pretty much 1 thread/day kind of deal.

I pretty much got the idea when I asked you about your earlier mixes (I like the copycat x realdream one), but your current mix is pretty nice too.

The 3x3 mixer keeps adding different merges, but I guess it's a matter of trying. My checkpoint folder is ballooning...

I think people are probably looking for a particular angle (e.g. close-up, pov looking down on the character missionary kind of thing), but don't really know how to play with the tags. And as you said, wrangling with the tags can be rather painful - like doggy anal fingering seems to be possible base tags, but I couldn't gen it so I gave up and just used the lora.

Civitai images generally have a lot of natural language in the prompts, so you might be right?

Oh just a FYI that Vivid Real seems to really dislike pubes so you might have to throw in the various censor tags in negatives. I also have my eye on Midkemia - seems to be quite versatile in being able to do anime to semi-realistic.

Anyway tried doing a couple of coom stuff on 2dn pony - pretty nice! Might switch between this and Everclear whenever I want to do the semi-real stuff.
Gentlemen, I need Aki dressed in a belly dancer outfit and receiving the dicking of a lifetime, I’m talkin’ a no-holes-barred gangbang for the goddamn history books here, and I need it at your earliest possible convenience. Or whenever you feel like it, I appreciate it either way.
Beautiful Wawa!
Requesting Yandere Alias Anono
Holopromise musclegirls
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3DPD warning

Is ldv a hash because I can't find it in the table of hashes
Looks very nice
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>You can thank the ponyfags for loving feet and making a model that is good for their fetishes
Leek is not pony though, which actually makes it bad at feet. Thankfully that image had her toes hidden by the slipper otherwise it would've looked like a field of 8 potaTOES.
Yeah. The artist lora and hash combo was one that was made a while back when I was just spamming random wildcards to see what stuck. Still not sure what exactly it is.
Requesting sniper Selen
Nice fat rat tats.
Kiara assjob in whatever outfit you prefer
that is one chonky rat
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Kek cute Moco,/Choco. TWL, lived a life giving the gift of coom. damn didnt get to see what it was!
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Haven't prompted in a bit. Testing new WebUI.
Old prompt.
Pegor nudity inside.
Nice Peko,
>new webui
Can't see Metadata rn, are you using reforge? Been thinking of moving to that too, how is it?
>are you using reforge?
>how is it?
Switch was mostly painless using their little guide on the github.
I recommend making backups of your config and ui-config files, though I had no issues with them.
What it did break was the link I had to my central location where I keep LoRas and models but that was a 2 minute fix.
I am on the stable branch and it just works like old Forge, from initial testing. Seems perfectly fine.
There are some minor UI changes (like the sampler selection) so a couple settings might have to be reapplied but it remembered the vast majority of them.
Shiori and Cecilia sitting in a forest holding hands peacefully and enjoying their time together
Awesome, I'll install it when I get back. Thanks anon
Cecilia killing shiori
1980: In the future we will have flying cars and robot butlers
this is like that scene in kuroinu
Jetsons was overrated anyway kek
jesus christ I guess I should be careful what I ask for.
Sexo Gyaru Aia
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armpit licky licky
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Incredible set, I kneel
A finger on the monkey's paw curls...
I was actually considering asking if you were absolutely sure you were happy with the wording 'biggest dick possible' but I wanted to test some things anyway. I do have some old choke gens that are pretty big dick pilled (without the hyper absurdity) so I'll throw some up as consolation.
could you do one with partial nudity? a nip slip or labia peek?
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3D, pretty delicious!
>This the new egg series?

God I hope so. Do holojp to next.
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Kek nice set, and damn did TWL really get bonked? RIP - died as he lived, delivering coom.

You can still see it in the archive sites. He uploaded it to catbox:

That's an interesting model, mind sharing?

Cute Raora! Could you make her do the Italian hand gesture?

Trying out this Norman Rockwell Lora, so it's a bit /aco/:
It's my personal mix based on Autism with a bunch of popular models mixed in, then re-grabbed the original Text Encoder, baked in HLL and the NatTheLich LoRa at medium strength.
I don't particularly want to share it, it gives my gens a little bit of individuality.
But really, take autism and slap on Nat The Lich plus another LoRa of your choice and you're most of the way there.
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SEXO, I like it, the body looks plump and soft
Chuubas teasing Futa/Shota versions of other chuubas
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just testing more CC this time normal proportions
few with big boobs

>smooth areola looks pretty neat
I was rerolling to get a few that looked like the nipples are painted on like on a doll, only got 2 good ones.
Nice complete set, that template is great. Their "juice" pooling on the tails, like with Gura or Fuwamoco looks really good.
Cute, her original underwear is so hard to gen, these look great.
Love this trend.
Damn, that doesn't even look vacation worthy, really bad luck o7
Poor Choco and Mococo looks devastated, I really like the first one, she has a combination of two of her hairstyles.
Sexo tests! Thanks for more tips and recommendations.
Amazing set, that skin looks so good, great poses as well.
Shiki Miyoshino and Mako Sameshima in Gyaru outfits being whores.
Can I get this with Prima Project(prism project) girls whichever ones have Lora’s I guess?
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more 3DPD

I see
interesting hash

glad you liked
It's been a while since I've seen her so I'd want to request some Shondo's toes and soles. I literally want her to step on me
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why does she have a bucktooth now
{{{Bigger}}} Sora dancing onstage, very jiggly.
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>900mb lora
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SEXO, great sex doll
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i'll extract a rank 32 one later, this one is rank 128
Interesting experiment, accuracy looks pretty good.
Really nice CC aside, the setting is nice, like the workshop where she was created
It does give a whole bunch of interesting hands though.
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Yeah sorry, I tried.
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got bsod'd making this.. worth it
great areola slip
Cute Raoras
requesting Shion walking around the city in bikini and shoes
>Norman Rockwell Lora
Damn what a style, think you can do the same thing for Ina and Gura, getting dry doggy anal.
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NTA but armor is sick
Peak female body
Biboo and Shiori side by side, jerking off each other's futa cocks
Requesting Kanata wearing only straps and belts
Fantastic! Thank you Anon!
Shiori and Cecilia futa breeding sexo please
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Not sure what triangle is but here you go

Damn that's hot
That slight tease, love it
Epic! lighting is awesome too
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>Not sure what triangle is
Witcher 3 reference
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Oh thanks, kek I sadly happen to be one of the 3 people in the world who hasn't played witcher yet. Probably not how it works but gave it another shot.
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What is happening between CC and Shiori? LOL
Requesting Mococo Amazon position
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Requesting something like this pose, but with IRyS
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even more 3DPD

cute Raoras

did you do Dreambooth or something else
either ways, what a madlad
please make a full preset lyco extract too if possible

>No one is looking
She must have invisibility potion on
Oh that's pretty nice, the tail is coming out well too
Requesting POV Pekora in a bunny suit sweaty riding you on a hotel room bed like picrel but with fertilization please (and heart eyes): https://files.catbox.moe/yvvy10.jpeg
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Requesting this interaction with any two chuubas. Doesn't have to be manga style
Azki love hotel passionate sex + impregnation.
Requesting Mao toes and thighs
Nice muscleronii
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Dekai Friend.
Friend is having some trouble there! I'll hold those for her
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Grazie mille.
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Cute Mori
Absolute peak sex, there
We have a new catbox in the neighbourhood
I want your finest biboo butts please. Somebody posted some in another thread yesterday but I can't find it no matter how hard I try.
Requesting Matarakan at the beach in the smallest lavender micro-bikini you can manage
Thank you.
Kiara and Noel competing in the naked Olympics.
cute cat
It made her kind of strawberry blonde.
shrine maiden noel wakipai nipple slip
Rosemi on a date with you sitting across the table
La+ covered in glue
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Thanks so much! These are amazing
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Can you replace (or remake) pic related bu with Clara instead of Jelly. Both are from Phase Connect.
This one is fantastic
Yeah it's my favorite out of the batch. Really makes me wanna be there.
can someone explain to me where do i make the ai art?
on your computer, typically
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Tensor.art also works
Requesting picrel but with Futa Okayu with no pants on and Aqua and/or Shion creampied please: https://files.catbox.moe/aik1b0.jpeg
Thanks anon
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That's pretty cool, looks like a cyberpunk promo pic
How the Paris 2024 opening ceremony have played out if Cover or any other corpo was in charge of the performance.
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NTA cute image, but gave me a chuckle you kept the upside down
Yeah I flipped the original to controlnet and gen then flipped the gen.
Gura looking at Biboo like she's the cutest thing in the world.
Hello /vtai/! I'd like to try something new.
This will be my first "song request."
No, I don't mean AI music, but what I mean is that I will link a song, and I'd like you to make a gen based off of it using any vtuber of your choice.

Your gen should consider the atmosphere/feel of the song, and the lyrics. Consider what the song makes you feel, and what you picture in your mind when you listen to it. Really get invested! Feel free to look up the lyrics as well to get a better idea, as I know I myself often mishear.

Here's the first song, I think something really pretty could be made with this.

Have fun!
Holomem experience the horror of war.
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Evening folks, I live again
Did some model mixing and enjoyed the EN spelling bee collab while I was in purgatory


Thanks you for paying your respects, Mococo grief has spurred the coom gods to see that I be put to service once again
Guess natural language would be better to control those aspects though I never used a model where you wrote plain english. Would it know like "man facing away" or something like that?
kek saw the post get deleted in real time, guess that was a bit too risky, here is it again if you missed it
Did a bit of mixing during my little vacation, found that sprinkling in PVC style can help soften skin and might be a better way to do that over trying to use a real model so there is a little bit of that in my new mix.
3x3x3 guy does put out some decent models, very good backgrounds and angles are kept straight an ridged. I just find them to be too bright and faces can get uncanny if there is too much detail.
Oh that was leek? Then good that is good zoom ins. Haven't done feet on the XL models though given the hands aren't too great compared to pony I'd expect toes and feet in general are even worst.
Damn that's a good stomach bulge, not too big and literally trying escape the belly like how mine always gets gen
Great tummy and her little hills, perfect sized breasts
Holy shit, I though someone would do a monkey's paw this but you delivered Guess someone gotta use those extreme LoRAs
I won't mine that, I can do a gen daily like the egg one. Plus I mixed a new model so I'd like to see the different girls in it and maybe update the tag if need be.
Oh cute stubby Anya, always nice to see your gens around here
Love seeing CC and all the body paneling AI does for her, though kinda wish AI would stop genning random dolls, though it might be from doll joints but even when I do doll_joints it still makes some AI gremlins
Oh I'll take a look at that, haven't actually gen her with tail, gauntlets and shoes
Can't stop staring at that Fauna ass,
Looks like Shiori was too slow with that knife, or CC is just that durable.
How will we fulfill the request Shiori breeding/using CC as a sextoy now?
Well someone did it, caused trauma to CC so she had to kill Shiori. This was a flashback
Oh I like this one, I love seeing the one tall buildings among the low ones
Cute little series here, always nice to see some 2 girl gens
Dokibird and Matara with pregnant Mint
Kek pretty cool revival
Hey I requested the Watame pic, thank you for doing my request!
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Looks like there has been 1 new girl since the last time I checked

Glad you liked, was about to post it right when I got bonked
amesame creamy mating press
Nice set
Cute and the tanlines are pretty sex
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Welcome back TWL Anon, badass picrel!
>2 girl gens
Wish it was girls, I'm inpainting too many erections.
Sayu walking into the wrong locker room and getting gangbanged
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Would react the same seeing sexo IRyS like that
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Nice!! That came out better than I thought , thanks for doing my request anon!
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Understandable, thanks. Nat The Lich style looks nice. There's a few in civitai, will try them out.

Look forward to seeing you work your magic with different models. Hadn't realised that vivid could do such backgrounds, or is that from a LoRA?

Thanks for trying, glad you got some other results at least! The second one is cute; same pose as her BRB screen.

You want flat or grown up?

That is a really nice Fauna gen, great ass and clothes.

Welcome back TWL. Thanks for the tip. I think I mentioned before, but I tried some of those AI artist styles (e.g. sagawa, AIイラストおじさん) at very low strength. Seems to give some skin texture and softness, but gets shiny and wet at higher strength.

This is really good, mind sharing the metadata?

Went back to autism for this. For some bizarre reason several other models did not recognise the pendulum tag.
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can someone explain to me the hateboner people have for ai art even when it's good? post any ai art outside these threads and you get
>aislop, kys
i don't get it
Oh sweet thanks for doing my request!
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Evening, badass pic. Coom lives on
These are pretty hot
KEK, love this
Holy shit that is a great set.
One of those things you gotta wait till society catches up on I suppose. While I don't get irrational hate, I do understand limiting AI use in many fandoms/cases and what not.
very good breasts on bae
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it's a touchy subject for now. when/if AI progresses more, I think general opinions will change though.
if you happen to be the one who posted my irys image in hirys... that is not a good image... it's a shitpost.
Oops missed a part on the last pic
Thank you
Awesome, so cute
Because it's much easier to make than actually drawing. The "slop" aspects comes from how much of it can be put out compared to the speed of drawn art and that much of it isn't very good.

AI stuff can look really nice but for some it's too hard to ignore the fact that it wasn't made by man.
Personally, I don't hate people for hating it, I understand, and AI people can be very annoying and aggressive towards artists, but pretending it's all garbage is either retaining old sentiment (It's not 2022 anymore, it has rapidly improved) or just ignoring what external beauty is there and focusing on the mechanical internals.

Despite how it was made I can enjoy the beauty, but when I think about it for longer, I can't deny it feels cheap. Filling up my storage with lots of similar images that I'll likely never look at again.
They still look nice, but I had more fun rolling for the perfect seed and trying to find the right tags and combos.
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Gonna have to make AI art good enough that they can't even tell it's AI art
Now we gotta watch out for IRyS' friendly fie now too!
Oh yeah, Aia sex. The kiss and fingering are great
Yoooo that saliva string is pure sex
Requesting a pipkin Pippa please
Beautiful set, thank you!
lucky cat lol
even bigger nips?
Requesting Kronii with sagging tits
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For a very long time, the media depicted "art production" as a skill unique to humans, and it would be impossible for a machine to make it because it doesn't have a "soul".
It just happened to be a baseless assumption, since how quickly we got ai images when neural network research started flourishing.
The people who got tricked their entire lives will refuse to accept the new reality, so they will resist through various means; in some cases, straight up irrational ignorance.
Man I've been loving these
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Moco in charge now
Nice and soft, would fondle
Requesting Luna with no undergarments lifting up her dress past her chest
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Might need to tweak this new model, too much of 3x3x3 face is coming through I feel

Cat disappeared when I tried to make bigger nips :(

oh no her boobs disappeared!
Second one is cute
Lucky Saitama...

Goodnight /vtai/
>baked in HLL
How did you do this?
o7 Temanyan
>Cat disappeared when I tried to make bigger nips
Would've been funnier if the cat got bigger too, thanks again. Good night!
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Nice nips on that Okayu
Saitama bald male tag, gets all the girls kek
Very pregnant Mio sitting on the side of the bed, rubbing her belly. Dark milky nipples
requester here, nicely baked hagboobs! Thanks
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Oh forgot heart eyes,
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how do i make ai less oily and less yellowish tint?
also how do you control lighting?
Sexooo!!! Thanks for doing my request anon
LOL this is hilarious
To control lighting/color I use vectorscope extension on a1111 (there is a similar node on comfy but I forgot name).
Oily skin could be a style issue but you could try shiny skin in the negative.
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There are a number of reasons
1. Most people get their cues from elsewhere, and the world is full of artists (and would-be artists) angry because AI threatens their ability to make money (in theory, in practice less so), and artists (and would-be artists) have a lot of free time to be very vocal about it, while people who use the AI don't really have a stake in going around defending it; we're chiefly just hobbyists. Most people will have no answer if you challenge their anti-AI beliefs even slightly.

2. The idea of 'what is art' has been hotly debated for... all of human existence. Examples from recent history would be the signed toilet, the banana taped to the wall, heavy metal and rap music, 'Marvel slop' vs 'Scorsese kino', and the question of whether video games count. On one level art is more emotive for the majority so people get really invested in their gut instinct on the subject and gatekeeping it (but, again, will tend to have no answer if challenged), and on another level the 'art world' (artists, critics, dealers) survives on keeping their art as 'true' and everything else as 'false'. Every new medium or genre is treated with disdain in its early years as a result.

3. Most of it is, in fact, slop. When I go to R34 to double check tags or something the front page is filled with some of the worst shit I've ever seen, things I would be ashamed to anonymously post in an even more niche thread than this one, yet that other people are happy to proudly pump out 100 images of and share everywhere that will allow them to. In the early days before a lot of places started moderating it heavily it was actually quite a nuisance, and in the places that still allow it it remains quite a nuisance, to the point that I'm pretty sure if anyone tried training a model on R34 data again including all the 'ai generated' tags it would effectively make the model retarded. This forms an instinctive disgust response, similar to seeing brony or furry or Sonic stuff; if analysed the hatred is less at the medium and more at the clueless autists pushing it in your face.

4. Most people are just making material to jerk off to, and that only gets considered to be 'artistic expression' after a thousand years have passed.

There's also the fact people distrust AI in general (Skynet, human supremacy, existential crises over our place as the dominant beings) and everyone thinks they're an expert on AI because they once went to midjourney dot com and generated an image of a monkey with three eyes and two tails. Overall I think the general dislike for AI art is actually a good thing because of factor 3, and as time goes on it will soften. I would also suggest that if people can automatically tell an image you're putting out is AI generated then it probably does count as slop. Thank you for reading my blog remember to like and subscribe.
ah i fucked it up again
Kobo missionary while she's holding her legs together and feet in your face
I'm gonna re-request Futa Kobo giving Mori a good pounding.
Requesting kronii in a, black yukata with her tits out
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(Reposting since I missed out on a few gens in the Ina set).

No hires, sorry - PC locked up a few times (AMD debuff). Might redo and reupload later.

Picrel is a blooper using 2dnpony instead of midkemia, which turned out pretty good actually.



Facts, where can I sign up to your newsletter?

But in all seriousness, good and thoughtful points. It's the same deal for jobs IRL - your top workers (artists) with USP will remain secure because AI can't replicate their ability; it's your average workers who (ironically) produce slop who get replaced. Although there is a slightly grey area when AI "artists" start masking their metadata and selling their gens, which I'm not going to get into.

Also agree on R34 and slop. I think most people still have an outdated mental model on how AI looks, based on the older models where everything looks the same and/or uncanny with zero QC.
please post...
Thanks for doing my request anon! Always nice to see Pekora being bred
>your top workers (artists) with USP will remain secure because AI can't replicate their ability; it's your average workers who (ironically) produce slop who get replaced
It's even more ironic than that because those average slop monkeys were replaced already by Indians and SEAs who will pump it out for a fraction of the cost. But at the same time someone actually has to gen the art, and if the company cares about quality control (which they almost always will, brand image and all that) then someone also has to clean, inpaint, touch up etc. And who's going to be doing that? The Indians and SEAs who'll do it for a fraction of the cost. The only ones who stand to actually hurt from it all is those people who make incredibly niche furry/pony commissions, yet from what I've seen (limited as it is) the furfags and bronies still request, beg, and commission as much as they ever did anyway.

One other factor I think that gets overlooked is the growth of this kind of thing, and how many are potentially threatened by it rather than immediately threatened. Silly images are one thing but what happens when video and audio catches up? Porn, movies, tv shows, music, even news, weather, video games, theoretically all these major industries could get replaced by some basement dweller typing "The plot of Goodfellas but starring the cast of Lucky Star in the style of Quentin Tarantino". I don't think we'll reach that in our lifetimes and even then it will require entire teams of people to quality control it to make anything half-decent anyway (in the same way genning images requires a lot of QC if you want a good end-result too) but the fear of it is very real, which I think heavily influences media's stance (in general), which then heavily influences the public's stance.
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really cool sword and background
>instinctive disgust response to seeing furry stuff

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