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Danger night Edition

>Current and upcoming streams

>This week's full schedules

>July Patreon Script Schedules

>Transparent head cutouts

[Gen 1: Indulge]
>Azura Dulait - Fertility Goddess
>Icey Snowpaws - Feral Polar Bear
>Immy Bisou - Hex Maniac
>Mercy Modiste - Dorky Yandere
>Shibi Cottonbum - Your Ever-Demanding Mistress
>Stronny Cuttles - Hypnotic Cuttlefish

>VAllure Links

>Unarchived/Deleted VOD Archive

>Greentext Archive

[FAQ for Tourists]
>What is VAllure?
The first EN A(dult)Vtuber Corpo.
Yes, this is the whorpo and they are focusing on adult audio like ASMR or JOI.
>Where will the content be?
YouTube - Kino SFW streams. Expect some spice and kayfabe but nothing TOS-breaking. Expect 3 streams per week at minimum.
Patreon - Lewd audios. $5/month per talent, 4 audios per month. Sub to whoever you like.
Fansly - Cost/content Up to the discretion of the girls, most have expressed interest, starts August 1st
>Is there a Discord Server?
Yes, Notification only. No interaction with any of the girls. Check VAllure Links.
No, they won't be joining any fan servers.
>Most importantly, are any of the talents in a relationship?
Yes, all of them, with me.

>VAllure Friends!
V&U: >>>/vt//vnug/
Yume+ and other small corpos: >>>/vt//corpo/
More of Azura and Shibi's friends: >>>/vt/choc/

Previous thread >>81462557
love immy
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I love my Strontistic wife and daughters!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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Immy kinda cute
Immy kinda wife
Immy kinda looks
Like the love of my life!
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I love my retarded (cute) sister!
i want the one i can't have
and it's driving me mad
I love Immy too
The way her yelling ends with moans is really hot
Our mummeh in VAllure, horny be her name. Her kingdom cum, her will be done, on YouTube as it is on Patreon. Give us this day our daily nut, and forgive us our cringe, as we forgive those who cringe at us. And lead us not into celibacy, but instead deliver us into temptation.

Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
Immy is the best sister in the world, and she's the only girl I need in my life, and I love her a lot!
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My little sister lost her feet in 'Nam...
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Azura is cute, Azura is love!
Azura is not a mute, Azura is quite a dove!
Though she is a goat, it fits her like a glove!
This is all to quote, that Azura is my Ladylove!~
Immy doesn't understand the pushing the nubs into holes.
Kids these days really didn't get educated by lemon party websites and it shows
I'm glad That's Life overwrote My Way and ended up leaving a more positive impression on Stronny in the end.
Based Stronny understanding that unarchived membership streams should be shared for people that couldn't be there to watch live.
para mí es mercy modiste
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you know the gamersupps sponsership is nice and all but...I want the picture on the tub to be mummeh damn it, not some other random chick
nothing against her
want mummeh
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Icey a little cutie-pie
Icey the one for whom I'd die
Icey just needs a little stroke
Icey the one that brings me hope
Icey what color do you wear
Icey the prettiest polar bear!
Immy sounds a bit out of breath...
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Yeah, thats because we had marathon sex before the stream
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Hey there you are. Shibi told me to buy Goldfish as a snack before the collab, you good?
Tourist here, just wanted to say that you guys are surprisingly wholesome.
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what can i say, we love our girls here
our needs are met
I bet those are all ARS gifts
why did you steal Kilia's ritualpost
Has he just been silently waiting for 14 minutes?
So many big brothers
>immy draws and rigs herself a new outfit
>"It's not that big of a deal"
I have no words for this woman. Please accept our love.
There has to be something psychologically that starts this sort of gifted domino effect where one super chat begets more super chats.
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some people have their moments but in general it's aite
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me btw
amazing choice of OP once again baker
I want to drop 100 gifted but im not in a financial situation to do it...
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Immy not only can she draw like a professional but she can do rigging now too.
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i believe it's called attention whoring in scientific lingo.
Speaking of which, karaoke VOD:
I know about attention whoring, but it's like a call to action. Like I imagine if you drop an aka early in a stream, you'd probably quintuple the amount of donos that stream would get.
It's not complicated. People just forget supas exist and then they realise when someone does one.
Having a couple of chat members the streamer remembers the name off and says at least once a stream, is an actual tactic they teach in vtubing corpos to create a feeling of FOMO so they donate more hoping to get in the "club" of chat members she "speaks to".
>BOB is the Bolivian boliviano
Immy's pissing directly down my throat!
what are bobs?
Luckly, Immy doesnt do this
But immy never says chatter names.
Thanks archive anon.
Did she say something about non-members watching it? I'm curious about Stronny karaoke's since I've not watched one before, but if she wouldn't want me to I won't.
I believe you. You got the source for this? I want to read more about it.
Pro tip everybody! Listen to her piss audio while shes away pissing to get the best experience!!
she literally says the name of the person who gifts the memberships
she doesn't for regular messages she reads out loud though, that's true, but the point is for gifting members
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i fully believe this is a thing.
i don't want to believe it's a vallure thing.
>Did she say something about non-members watching it?
Vallure already has the tried and true sex + love, they don't really need any more tricks
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The members' council has spoken.
I posted this.
Brother I'm sorry to break it to you but at the end of the day this is all about money. You'll never find an agency that isn't about making bank. You need to disconnect from that reality and just accept what's immediately in front of you.
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You know, I'm just gonna say, I honestly can't believe he stuck around. For all the shit we gave him, I don't know if I'd have the chutzpah to be able to do that, I think I'd be too salty.
Honestly I’d say it’s a toss up. I’ve seen her not read out people names when they superchat/stream element a dono
Today's been huge for stream numbers, mummeh's bathtub stream hit 600 viewers at one point. VAllure eating good.
on one hand, that's a REALLY fucking cynical take and i don't think Stronny does that
on the otherit'd be kinda hot to get used like that
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i don't really have any illusions about kayfabe or this being a business venture or whatever but like mind tricks like that are pretty scummy if you ask me and i personally wouldn't expect it from stronny. maybe i'm too naive idk.
This is a strat mummeh does intentionally too. I've noticed none of the VAllure girls do this. So I'm guessing mummeh taught them this, and if so that's kinda cute lol.
They do audio porn paired with GFE. The "tricks" are out in the open. Every fan is basically a tier 2.
The value's is just too good
Watching a chuuba at 1am, eating cheap chicken noodles and picking flax on osrs. I feel like I have been transported back to 2020 rona days. Feels like home
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>picking flax
what the FUCK
I deironed a few months ago and I regret it immensely. So I made a new iron a few days ago and now I need some early crafting and fletching exp and some money from selling longbows to the general store
I know it isn't efficient, but I'm playing iron so I can be inefficient
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what would you do if you went to a convention and saw a very cute girl cosplaying your oshi very accurately?
you left out the best girl denpafish that isn't very wholesome of you
It's not cheating if hes cosplaying as her.
nothing because she is not the woman i love just a rando
If Immy was cosplaying herself i would rape. And if it was some random girl i would have consensual sex.
avoid looking at her and pretend to be on my phone instead, same as with every other woman
I need Immy to aim my dick onto her self....
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okay fair enough in that case
was about to say who crafts bowstrings when temple trekking exists
Ask to take a photo of her and share it with my oshi.
Looking at her concept art, her missing tooth really sticks out.
My headcanon is that I knocked it out when she was being a brat
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it's still orange....
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My wife loves me a lot, so I try to be a good person for her sake! However, that doesn't change the fact that I want to stick my tongue in her ass and only pull it out once I've memorized her insides.
If you stopped posting yourself here denpa people wouldn't hate you so much.
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>I'm sorry to break it to you
no you're not, kill yourself and fuck off, threadshitter
>haha since when is stating FACTS threadshi-
always, nobody cares what your precious facts are, you're bringing down the mood and being a drain in general
this is the only response you're getting, i'm only responding in the first place so that other people can pay attention that threadshitting can look like your posts as well. i'm unticking my post as my own so i don't even get notified that you've squirted out your stupid cope of a faux-smugness response because i already know it's not even worth reading
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Hope she gets fat before cosplaying her again next year.
>start downloading Stronnys member stream at work
>get home
>try to download it
>she ends and takes it down before i can get the whole thing
I'm gonna fucking cause a one man riot if my office lost power before it downloaded
hope you can join reality soon
It's all good anon, members karaoke got the greenlight on being shared
Who the fuck wants big boob Immy? Like yeah, i want Immy's irl big tits but her model is her model
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>people telling her to get big boobs
it's also going on the odysee I just have pretty slow upload speed
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they have the big retardation
some guy just said that it's what people meant by "sluttier outfit" even though nobody said that
>it's okay to share
Stronny....holy shit i love you so much, you're so fucking based
thanks for helping archive bros
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Anyone asking for boobs should be taken out back and shot.
I don't think immy is very gap moe at all she's pretty much a weirdo all the time
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>loli mode for every girl? it would be funny
It would be cute too
Someone tell her to do a footjob audio, im shadowbanned on yt
Im gonna be honest i don't really give a fuck about how her apartmentt looks
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thanks ^_^
Mikey said he wants the apartment so theres no way im voting for that
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I've moved on but still like to check in on how she's doing...
I kinda want the apartment tour she has a cute setup
If the feet stream lost to a boring ass slide show of her apartment I'd be so pissed off
>Immy doesnt clean as much as she should
>I don't clean as much as I should
I really liked the photos she showed of her room already I think an apartment stream would show more of her cute side.
Does anyone else have brainworms about the fact she showed more skin in the past that you didn't get to see? I know she doesnt want to do it now but i cant get the bad feelings of other people having her photos that i dont have....
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i bet it's cute as fuck BUT HER FEET THO OMG
A bunch of gay men fell in love with a lesbian woman. They're all so gay it wrapped around and became straight again.
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can somebody please explain the lore behind Snippets to me? Like what even is a snippet anyway?
If nobody else makes it, I'll make it later
Honestly no. I am curious, but at the end of the day, she is here with us and I don't need anything except her company
Yeah let me explain _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________I don't know_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
he's just a little guy
Immy called me pookie, later losers.
did she see my greentext from yesterday morning?
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i in fact worked my ass off today, thanks
i love you
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Okay, so I'm just going to create my own fanon and say that their what Mercy hallucinates the senpai that she's not currently speaking to is. Deliberately ugly in order to contast the one still receiving her attention.
apollo is pretty sex
orange hair, slightly tanned, big tits....
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>Good boy
And just like that my brainworms are btfo'd
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>bye bye pookie
bye Immy I love you
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10/10, 10/10, 10/10
10/10 your sister is cute and extremely talented.
Old version: 9/10
New version: 10/10
Dress version: 11/10 (the Mary Janes give it an extra point, she looks so cute in them)
I like her dress and her design revisions, it's so cute!
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I think that Stronny should do an asmr script about two vtubers fighting over who is my oshi
10/10 incredibly cute and funny
10/10 stream
cute and funny/10 outfits
I love my sister so much!
Sex, blonde, cunny. Stream? 10/10
I like original Immy better
the new book is underrated, didn't realize how kind of shitty the old one is
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bros immy is perfect sometimes I doubt if she really exists or if it's a figment of my own expectations and i tulpa'd her into reality. GOD i love her so much.
Agreed. Love the new book
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The snippet is probably the least used mascot in /vag/.
This is due to the nature of Mercy's fan base, made up of the honourable Mercyposters and the nickname given to the fans by Mercy herself: Senpai.
In this game of erotic pleasures and cropped live stream images, there's little room for this marvellous creature to shine once Kouhai's opening ends and the stream really gets going.
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Shibi... home...
Shibi GFE is hands down the most powerful and im not even a harlot
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Congratulations Harem! Shibi is returned! You have made it!
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Hey, thanks for accompanying me throughout the store. Hopefully we make it in time for the collab.
this is so comfy omg
this is some godtier posting
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I am highly invested in this story
Which one would you face fuck first?
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she got her pass back
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this should be default model man hoooly
They need a way for her to change the bra color to something more complimentary
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luv me choc Shibi
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Queen of scaring the hoes, welcome back Shibi
I was listening in the background I didn't notice the choc reveal, Harem we are so back
Mommy Azu wants me to be a good boy so I will be a good boy!
Someone on Twitter made up the lore that they're guardians of Mercy's basement and alert her when a Senpai tries to escape. Mercy tweeted that she liked it so it's quasi-canon.
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No time to explain, Harlot and Bleating Heart. The collab is starting! Get in the car
i really like this
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he's literally me
>walk around the con stealing glances at her
>after an hour finally gain the courage to ask her for a photo
>call her cosplay cute and make some shitty awkward conversation in a stuttering voice
>cringe at the pics later
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Literally me.
So, first time watching this game, this is some sort of marriage metaphor?
brown Shibi looks so good...
it actually is kek.
>t. married
You've watched too many it takes two streams
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We totally made it on time! it did not take 40 fucking mins to make this
Azura's defective 14900K...
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i covered a song for immy but i'm too chickenshit to send it
I thought it was doing the riff on "the old ball and chain" jokes
Send it! Brother. She isnt gonna make fun of you. and remember, she's insecure about her singing too! You got this Brother.
You get to deny her now
Don’t be a wuss anon. Send it to her and us
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Immy is a very sweet person and she's extremely self-conscious about her own singing, I'm sure she'd appreciate your efforts
Damn Azura's laugh is pretty
Don’t do this to me anon. I don’t need to think about her perfect pillowy creamy breasts. Her sensitive hard nipples that just bed you to suck and nibble on them.
At least you'd eventually be able to talk to her rather than just keep making quick glances...
Total /choc/ domination, now we just need a full blown latina for gen 2
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Nice! we made it, that damn banana delayed us by 40 minutes but at least we're here now
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>bed you
Nice work lads.
Hey pinpals I had to leave the stream after like an hour. What’d I miss?
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Immy called me pookie
In my defense I was thinking about my lil sis’s boobs.
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thanks for the encouragement. i'll send it tonite probably if i get anymore drunkerer and don't know what i'm doing anymore.
i don't really care getting made fun of. it's just that the song has a layer of noise, and not a lot of people like noise but it's important to convey the feeling so i'm afraid she'll be like "wtf is this..." kek
She said we could jerk it to Azura's voice as long as we didn't tell her. i assume this applies to other girls too but idk
She called you guys pookieand a good boy and loves easily groomed
You missed the best part. She said "You can jerk it to his Azura's voice, but don't tell me otherwise I'm gonna want to rip your dick off."
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some guy tried to steal my gem rocks so I annoyed him enough by following and stealing back like 1/5 of his rocks (he had much higher mining level) for 30 minutes
my autism and spite is MUCH stronger than yours
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>cute girls being cute
This is a good day!
I want choco Shibi to choke me into submission!
*tans past you*
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I've said it before but i want to beat Immy black and blue then cuddle her afterwards.
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Madam wants to have alone time with me
Love me brown women.
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i'd rather kill myself before i raise my hand and hurt her
She's so perfect bros
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The original eyes actually look pretty great with the tan
I just want to beat and slap her around so badly while she smiles and asks for more. Fucking her and feeling her clench down while I turn her black and blue really makes me rock hard.
See, you get it.
I will beat the shit out of here for you.
I got you covered, cuckpal
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I just want to hug and cuddle can we just do that?
Woah, is this art of Immy? Who made it?
freckle check
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not Immy no but I love it

original post
Not even close, what the fuck dude
This is all i see
>Stronny has a great members only karaoke
>Immy has a great stream
>Azura and Shibi have a great collab stream
>Mercy is about to start stream and will probably be great too
Fantastic day to be a VAllure fan, glad to see everybody got to have fun.
What makes it better is I'm quite placid usually but any opportunity where I can openly express the rage I've bottled up over the years is so cathartic.
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choc sex rabbit
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That's so rude
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I can't wait for Icey to come back so we can be a complete family again...
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This but for mummeh
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the yin and yang
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>posting my tweets
>guys who are always caring, actually, deep down inside they are filled with a burning desire to totally mess up a girl
Words from a doujin that resonated with me
wtf that's literally me...wait is that from that choking one?
Women love it honestly. They get to cuddle and have someone nice but in the bedroom it's borderline rape, especially when they're able to pull the inner beat out of them.
kouhai stream notifier anon didn't post and now mercy is 4 minutes late because of it.....
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my shibba is back in black
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The Battle of the century soon to unfold
I do it specifically because i don't want attention. I feel awkward throwing a supa or gift randomly, but if there's a wave going on I'll throw some in with the crowd.
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Enjoy the stream guys!
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The guy who's trying to get twitter cookies
I'm stupid
She evolved.
got too much sun down in florida
in a couple days she will molt and become a shibutterfly
>username and password
if it's a space you're trying to download it's just yt-dlp --cookies-from-browser chrome(or whatever browser) link
why is she brown?
are you shitposting you have to be
This perfectly sums up how i feel about her. I want us to have crazy rough sex with bruises, bites, scratching, everything; but at the same time i want i want soft kisses and cuddling and praises from her. She drives me crazy and i love her so much.
you can download cookies with an extention like cookies.txt, paste it the directory where ytdlp is and then do --cookies cookies.txt i think
or you just use jdownloader
I just want to personally thank Immy Bisou 'Hex Maniac' ch. VAllure Gen 1 'Indulge' for being my cock's salvation in these trying times. Thank you Immy!
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i would like to reiterate
If it makes you feel any better there was an anon who did a song tribute to one of the girls when they were asking for a different kind of tribute.
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i don't want to fix her.
we are perfectly broken together.
Okay this worked, thank you

I'm gonna do this as well, thanks
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So you want her to graduate?
the girls do like wholesome and/or funny tributes too as long as it's personalized for them.
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Shibi is unironically such a goddess irl. Her skin and hair are perfection
not a bearie, sorry.
This woman is complaining about the worst trip of her life and I'm just grinning in my room like an idiot. I missed her so bad.
[Azu news]
Her mom was one of the voices in her debut lore video
Definitely one of the weirder things I've jerked it to recently.
Shibi sounds like somebody who was jabbmaxxing
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>gay sex with mercio
I wanted to set up a pijole so I could be like Stronny but I'm an idiot and it's killing me so I'm gonna try again tomorrow after work.
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i am unsure as to what to do with this information honestly.
Azura keeps a broken laundry hamper full of crap that isnt clothes just because her old cat broke it and she likes the memories...
Why did I have to fall so hard for the one that I would need to fix so much...
I hope Immy has a good night tonight and a good day tomorrow!
Only immy? What about (you) anon?
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Seeing these screencaps, God she got even hotter. It's hard to believe it was possible
that gifted sub misunderstanding was funny
Well, I don't really have good days so, as long as tonight and tomorrow arent really bad then im content. Today and tomorrow i have the 2 things i want right now, Immy, and edf 6!
snowbearies don't deserve rights, it's a shame
is Icey GFE?
No. None of them are, they hate parasocial fucks.
GFE (Girlfriend? Everyone of them, with me)
I think so. Icey is definitely the most parasocial with her viewers.
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shibi acknowledging how gfe she is was cute
she really admires stronny
>gorilla fart 6000
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I hope Harem realizes how much Shibi just said she loves you guys.
My girlfriend Shibi is so cute
Do the girls lose their emote slots if they have fewer members in a given month?
they don't because they fill them up with placeholders, that's what the hearts are for
No. Only if they the emote slots arent filled. Which is why some (or all) of them have a bunch of heart emotes
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Gotcha, thanks anons
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I think the hellbunny colour looks better
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she doesn't know we already updated it
I just got back, what did she say?
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>don't shoot she's brown!
Im so fucking happy for the Harem. Snowbearies, you're next.
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She said she loves her Harem as much as Stronny loves me (Reeflings)
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This makes me happy.
but stronny hates reeflings otherwise she would be streaming right now
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In the picrel i got a list of things i want to do with your oshi and the other 5 girl
No mention of Immy and Pinpals? Immy hates us..
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Jesus christ, thats an insane amount of love!
Yeah, Gone Friend Experience.
she was comparing how each of the girls show affection for their fanbases and said how similar stronny and her were, saying it was "very gfe" and liking to spend time with us
She did mention them, but its not even close if we're being honest
theres levels
We've already seen everything
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Good evening, I love Mercy Modiste
The amount of enjoyment I derive from watching kouhai play comfy games and do that "dwee" thing to sing along to the songs is monumental, the fact I'm not sitting next to her on our couch doing this hurts but gosling isn't affecting me right now so :^)
What does this mean?
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>para and shibi collab
that doesn't mean the schizo will show up here does it
He can join the club
One more for the pile
Hoping he's less obvious then the faggot we got here kek.
I'm watching Mercio, did she say anything about us?
Oh, you're retarded. I was talking about Shibi being back.
Oh fuck I guess I am retarded, my apologies
yeah she said you guys smell like ass
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Shibi is so cute
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>less obvious
it is literally the most obvious schizo on the entire board and you cannot miss him
He mass replies to every single post mentioning para and now miwa tooand any post that responds to any post mentioning them accusing them of samefagging/raiding the thread and telling them to kill themselves
sometimes he does it for a whole thread
this board scares me man
>forgot to raid mercio
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Schizos will forever confuse me. Why waste your life doing that?
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She's gone...
Okay, ngl i was getting brainworms because of this post but i went listen to what she said exactly and i agree with her. (My brainworms are also dead now) yes, yes, i know, my brain instantly goes to doom. But im working on it okay?
Can we not have another samefagging schizo? The thread so peaceful now that the Icey schizo left and the Snowbearies are becoming more brotherly.
ids when?
i think they do that with any up and coming indie that makes their way onto lig
Don't let your low level interpretation skills mess with your head, anon
your oshi loves you more than anything in this universe
Nah he's still here.
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>Don't let your low level interpretation skills mess with your head
Damn, this hurts because its true.
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>less obvious
kek that's impossbile that man is GONE
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god imagine painting those white
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this flares up my CFNM kink lads.
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My girlfriend is so hot
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can bake if tobs is afk
oh I didn't notice one second
new bread
Thanks for always baking tobs baker!
thank ya tobs
Thanks Tobs baker
Thanks Tobs
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thanks for the reminder too
Is she brown full time now?

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