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Ahoge 3D edition

>Is Stars/Niji/Indie allowed?
Yes! If your male is cute, he may stay.
>Is BFE and gosling allowed?
Yes! There's no harm in loving your oshi without repercussions.
>Is female collab discussion allowed?
No females or female only related drama is allowed, you have the entire board for that.
>Is self-shilling allowed?
No. Go to >>>/vt/wvt instead.

Ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, falseflaggers and don't derail the thread with fighting. Fujoshi, yumejoshi, and hornyposting is encouraged. Genderbends of males are discouraged and considered off-topic.

Previous thread: >>81339131
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Thank you for the thread! I love cute boys!

Congrats on 3D, Izumi!
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Thank you for the thread and congrats on the 3 dimensional ahoge
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Izumi Mech Builder
I am a simple woman. I see mecha, I click.
So many cute Gale screams and noises this stream T o T
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Altare Minecraft
Gale just spat on me, that means he loves me
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So much cute Gale humming this stream
Wow... he IS a horrible person. https://youtube.com/shorts/3Yt3dT3_Yrc?si=_m5c3QOzOf4jVjzl
Cass is secretly a psychopath.....
>34 minutes ago
Hi Tyr lol
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>34 minutes
I know I'm just kidding. Don't worry I'm not the indie schizo
Self-shilling is still against the rules
And people wonder why we're suspicious of indies
Anons please understand that Tyr has been mentioned here occasionally since his debut. He's from a notable agency (on bili) with a decent following and has collabed with many agency vtubers mentioned on here. Also, the guy in the short, Nick Nitro, is also a pretty big number content creator.
Stfu it was a joke, don't start this shit again
That's why I said it was a joke and made fun of the indie schizo but it looks like I hit a nerve with her.
I don't understand. If the short itself has literally 0 views when it was posted here, it cannot have been posted by anyone except Tyr himself unless someone didn't watch the short and just posted the link which is really weird.
An error or yt not reupdating the # likely. Still says 0 views.
Which cute boy would you rather be kabedon'd by as he asks you out to the new cat cafe down the block?
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I will be the one to kabedon the boys. I want to see them being flustered.
Based. I love the unexpected and surprised face they would have if they were the ones being asked out. Imagine the cute stuttering they'd make from the unexpected move.
Kek Gale you silly captain you. Thanks for the 3 hours of laughs and cute screams and moans. I love you, see you tomorrow!
Yuyu Supernatural

Judge Rosco
Huh, thinking about it now, there sure are a lot of boys that like cats. Ruze, Astel, Doppio, Rio, Zander, damn I can go on.
That reminds me of the time I let a friend stay at my house when he was homeless and he was trying to meet up with people by posting in a meetup thread. I told his gf who was my friend I've known for longer than they've been together, and she got mad at me saying they were in an open relationship or something like that. I know that Roscal is claimed guilty for not saying anything, but sometimes it really is 50/50 with how your friends could react.
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Oh hey I found the post where that Taiga tranny self-posted and pretended to be an anon since we talked about that not long ago. Still funny to read even now
It's fun to look at that thread and see that's where the indie anon did their first review roundup
Ren Splatoon
Awww Rosco......ueueueue.....
Oh nice they extended the order period for the merch. Thank goodness, more time to save.
>aspie posting in the wrong thread again
You guys are really determined to make everyone here hate you, huh?
I never noticed that. I'm the indie reviewer anon and I gotta say that's a pretty funny coincidence.

I don't hate all aspies, it's probably one or two shitposters trying to cause trouble in both threads. Don't fall for it.
Dog calls man "good boy" for eating his food
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>I'm the indie reviewer anon
You've done a lot of good, I don't know if you were the first to post Bloom here but I always enjoy his streams when they get linked. He posted new art the other day, too
Look at the papes
God I can't wait to order these. All of them are adorable but I think Rosco and Luci's are the cutest
It was actually another anon! And I checked him out because of her post and stuck around because I love retro game streams and his singing. I'm really glad my posts have helped people find more cute boys! Cool style on the new art!
Whoever it was I'm grateful to her. Out of all the indies I've seen he's the one I really wish would go corpo because he has the talent and I want more people to watch him, even if I know he probably never will
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gn anons
1 more day until Izumi's 3D and 2 more days until Avallum's 6 month anniversary and Luca's 3D debut! Very exciting weekend ahead!
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Nidaime talk
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Found this leak of the 3D
Wow, such realistic textures...
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The reason they are popular is that they cater to the K-pop audience
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good art
His cat is so pretty but......I wanna see more tummy...
>another cup
That art is so sex too I would have liked it on more than just a postcard frame
Tummy and armpit ToT
I think it's a little more than that. They're also the first (that I know of) virtual male kpop idols. They've done covers to help get their name out there. I'm not too familiar with the kpop scene and culture (I only listen to the songs) but I believe the livestreams also help make a connection with their fanbases. I think regular kpop idols do the same, but Plave is a little different since they have fun little virtual effects you can't get with 3D
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Shien Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door
Miyabi Minecraft
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Imagine how stiff their first kiss was
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Leon sing
Shinomiya Inverted Angel
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I can't stop thinking about sex with Gale.
i made this post
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This is a good model; it's a shame it will be used by non-English speakers
slutty hips
I'm on my phone, i thought you just posted luci alt until i zoomed in. Anyway nice cute boy
>whore glove
I'd be somewhat disappointed if he doesn't end up at least a bit slutty.
Non-english speakers are always proven to be better vtubers though, the en scene is fucking grim
What are you looking for in a vtuber? I've been happy with the Avallum boys
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Fuuchan Li'l Guardsman

Yuyu Rhythm Heaven Fever
It's such a plain and basic design but the fact that it combines so many sexy elements makes it a good design. The black hair combined with red eyes, the whore gloves paired with exposed forearms, the slightly tight pants waist-high which accentuates his hips and long legs, and the neck tattoo which makes you want to kiss....or even bite it....all over. I'll be shocked if someone told me a man designed this.
I really really hate all that zoomer meme-brainrot twitch humor, and that basically comes part and parcel with en streaming these days, regardless of whether it's a vtuber or not. That and all that "yass queen slaaaayyyy" shit which is arguably easier to avoid but just as annoying. I want to use vtubers as escapism and being forced to remember unfunny tiktok or twitter memes while watching someone completely kills it for me. I've yet to find an en boy that doesn't fall into that at some point so I've just given up on them completely.
I know it's a contentious topic in this thread but have you tried indies? There are some calmer older guys who while not traditionally cute have nice streams
I haven't had any luck with them so far but I'm not completely against them. I'm not a hard-line corpo-only, I just don't really have the strength of will to go searching for indies that meet my (admittedly kind of high) standards anymore after being disappointed so many times.
If you have any specific ones in mind feel free to link them though and I'll check them out.
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Yeah, we try indies all the time
That reminds me I haven't checked on Kenzo in a while. The ojisan fox spirit from Nexas. He's actually older, like almost 50 I believe and he stuck out to me. Seemed like a pretty chill grandpa and didn't do any dumb zoomer humor and from what I remember if he did, he'd try to understand it in that kind of endearing grandpa way.
He gets posted here somewhat regularly, Bloom is an older guy (late 30s?) who focuses on retro games, with a nice speaking and singing voice
you guys gonna watch the content warning collab with ERB?
I'm sorry but that's one corpo I simply won't touch, the battle royale aspect depresses the shit out of me. Plus the proprietary app stuff, although I know there are people who restream/archive them elsewhere.
Sucks because as an oji enjoyer a 50+ y/o vtuber sounds really hot, and his content seems really up my alley. If he ever breaks free from the Nexas prison and reincarnates elsewhere I would totally give him a shot.
When will (you) commission self insert art with your oshi?
Would rather draw something myself.
I'm far from being good. I'm just broke.
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Needs to be updated
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We are <1 days away from Izumi 3D. The link so you can mark it in your calendar:
Yeah I don't think anyone is a fan of the company and how they do things, but I was putting his name out there since your post made me think of him. I believe all the Nexas talents are allowed to stream on twitch and YouTube now though so that's a positive.
I still don't understand why that company is doing things that way
Gale Passpartout! I am so happy that Gale is streaming!!
He's making me giggle so much already not even 5 minutes in ahhhh I love this silly pirate so much
Oh God possessive yandere Gale, thank you for this fanservice already
Yeah, I think you would have to go with indies or JP to get away from that. jp has its own brand of zoomer humor, but obviously its going to be completely different than EN humor For better or worse, the fanbase of the male corpos skews very young or even underaged. I don't think anyone could get truly massive without appealing to that crowd. You can probably find an indy without that kind of humor in the 50-100 or less ccv range on twitch somewhere. I don't think its twitch itself that is the problem necessarily, because you are just as likely to get that kind of braindead humor with YouTube streamers these days. (and there really aren't many indy vtubers on youtube these days anyways)
>I don't think anyone could get truly massive without appealing to that crowd.
And Vox to an extent but I lump the crazy Chinese in with the minors since they're the same level of annoying.
Luci is the Man of Succ!
Now that I think about it, I think the problem is less that you HAVE to appeal to that audience to become successful and more that corporations are just really afraid to branch out too much from what they think a corporation worthy guy should be.
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What's the big things happening for your boys this week, anons?

Mine just released a short of cover. I want my wife to gently sing to me as we lie in bed!

There's a actually a kinda lewd song that I think would be perfect for Genzuki to sing, in terms of just voice tone. I know Kaida Haru sang it a little during a singing stream! He's another boy who's voice would work for it. (And quite cute!)
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I forgot to post the link...oops
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That low Gale moan...need to timestamp that later
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Plucking Gale Galleon!
>the fanbase of the male corpos skews very young or even underaged
I think this is true of just English joseimuke stuff in general, I used to play the EN version of A3 back when it was around and it was horrifying how much of the fanbase was underage. Same if you look at more current stuff like twst, hpmi, etc, the EN fanbase average age will be a solid decade younger than its JP counterpart. But you're right in that the humor is the core issue and not necessarily the platform, zoomerhumor dominates supreme on pretty much every platform/site since zoomers are like the target audience for most platforms.
And yeah JP zoomers are absolutely a thing, it's probably a thing for every culture. Feels like it's slightly easier to find some variety and get away from that in the JP scene, the JP scene being older and bigger overall, but maybe also I'm just slightly biased.
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3SKM just announced another collab! More merch for me to lust after and pray that it appears on the second hand market at a reasonable price. I'm happy that they're still doing so well though, it's nice to see.
And still technically within this week, Ness released a new cover! It's very beautiful, he may be one of my favorite singers in vtubing.
Anon, your entire post is
>The reason they are popular is that they cater to the K-pop audience
Hey now I did say I don't know much about kpop culture! And I've seen another virtual kpop group pop up a while ago and they don't have anywhere near the numbers of Plave so that part of my post still holds. And other kpop idols do covers? I didn't know that. I thought they all just do their original songs and concerts.
>And yeah JP zoomers are absolutely a thing, it's probably a thing for every culture. Feels like it's slightly easier to find some variety and get away from that in the JP scene, the JP scene being older and bigger overall, but maybe also I'm just slightly biased.

Yeah, not being from Japan or being super well versed in Japanese internet culture I cant really say for sure. Though I suspect I would find a lot more stuff japanese vtubers say as cringe if I were more connected to that culture. Sometimes I see japanese fans absolutely gushing about super cringy EN vtubers and I cant help but think maybe that's what I am like about JP vtubers.
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Shinomiya stream
I'm excited for the Izumi 3D that will happen in just a few hours
Aruran's face T o T I'm weak to tired old man with energetic young man (or boy)
I've drawn dozens of yume art of Luxiem, Noctyx, and soon Avallum, but I'm too shy to post it anywhere. And I suck at drawing females. I see why yumes hide their art so much. Something about it feels so personal.
Awww Gale.....I want to hold him against my chest, pat his head, and tell him how proud I am of him.
And then have him fuck me senseless.
Hello Genzuki anon! I'm excited for Luca's 3D in a few hours POG!!! And then the Avallum 6 month anniversary stream tomorrow!!! I can't wait to see what surprises they have for us!
Speaking of, he's live with Olympic style NES games
Merch is always so painful to get ; ;
Ahhhh he has such a pretty light voice! Grooving in my chair listening right now! (He's also very pretty!)

3D's are so fun! I remember when VALZ 1st Live took place. I literally took almost 1,000 screenshots...I had both the main & Genzuki cam, my screenshot key was a trooper that day.

Luca's 3D?! Oh let me take a-oh nyo he's got a gun! Someone's going to get shot (probably Luca...).

Also please look at my wife cuddling his Ma-chan.
Can't stop staring at Gale's cleavage and wanting my face buried in it as he bounces me up and down on his dick.
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Please don't go Gale I need you I need more of you I need to hear your voice I need to see your tits and forearms please please please please please please please please please please please please please don't go I need you I'm so addicted to you
Bloom is live YIPPEE
Holy shit. His proportions weird me out. What is he. 9 heads tall? 10 heads?
manhwa proportions, i really dont care
i want to get behind him and grab his tits
and fondle them and do all sort of things to him
Oh is that an actual artstyle? I can respect it, its just kind of weird if you arent used to it.
yea this is very similar to a manhwa (korean mangas) style korean artists draw, very muscular handsome men
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Who's the one that isn't Randon?
Listen, I’m a hater. I do not care for Caspurr.
What the hell is this song Bloom is singing?
Luca 3D aaaaaaaaaa I was taking a nap
Those singing lessons he talked about really paid off. I'm so proud of Luca!
I knew he'd invite Fuwa. Cute!
Holy shit Shu has great balance
His movements are so energetic and cute ahh I'm so happy to see him move around so much
Caspurr the Meowster of Disguise
If he gives out to the orc, I will forgive him for everything
Luca's going to get raped by a troll!!!
All the boys together!!!
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what a nice 3d debut
see you lucubs again for the baseball stream gn
I think I started to find some zoomer humor endearing because of Luxiem. I'm just so weak to cute boys being so silly!!!

It was very POG! Also sex with Fuwa's team
3D After Party!
>promised to sing a song a fan wanted because they drew fan art of him in it
Awww Luca that's so sweet
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You may know Konno Izumi from his detective collab streams with his trusty assistant (like this one). He's a very smart boy.
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Also, his detective voiced comic and flirting voice video are cool, too.
Shade Glacia top batter of Pichi Pichi V Relay
Is the only other guy in the relay Jupe?
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Miyabi Cooking Summer Vegetable Curry
eiffel tower
Jupe.C part of Pichi Pichi Relay and yeah he's the only guy other Shade but overall the roster passes the ear test.
But have Narumi Ushio part of Tomodachi Utawaku Relay for now (1900)
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Izumi 3D starting soon!
That looks so fancy. Like a gourmet meal
I think it's completely possible to appeal to a wide audience without them being underage, but I feel like with anime male-centered content you'd have to target at least one Asian demographic. This also makes me think, what is it about anime boys that only seems to attract underage girls? Not only joseimuke, but any gacha games with a large amount of male characters? And the few adults they do attract all seem to be dykes or bisexuals that heavily lean to liking females. It's one of the weirdest things I've observed being in the anime fandom over the years. Minors have the numbers and support, but no one really wants their fanbase full of kids. The only times I've seen fandoms with the most straight women are Chinese yumejoshi games and media. And some r18 stuff like Nu:Carnival. What would it even take to get more adult women into anime boy media? It's something I've been curious about for a while.
The outfits they're wearing are so idol-like and cute! Ahh I hope to see Avallum in idol outfits one day.
Cute happy yellow energetic genki boy T o T
AStars Chrono Stars Relay

Bishamon Kuroneko

Rion Chitose

Aki Masamune

Yukito Hoshitoki
Otsu Izumi! Great show! I think I might play that Blues Drive Monster part again.
The expressions on their models are really good

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