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Thread #299
Previous >>81263566
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I believe they refer to it as, "White Girl Summer"
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Hag love
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ogey its been a while but im getting right back into it

gimme suggestions for who i should make next

picrel is everyone ive made so far, roughly divided into gens so u can tell who has and hasnt been made

for reasons that would take a while to explain i cant do azki miko irys sana advent justice regloss or id3 as of right now
well who out of everyone is left to do?
roboco, aqua, shion, choco, laplus, iroha, gura, fauna, mumei, bae, and id gen 1

coco and rushia too i suppose
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Resident zoomer Bae please
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I'd go with De Gozaru Samurai
My wife looks so good in this picture
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got my ass kicked but someday hags will be meta
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Everytime I see art of Mio holding children something about it brings a great warmth to my heart
every time i see art of mio holding smaller mios it makes me want to jump off a bridge
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Darling Daily Dose

Idol Showdown? I main Foobs as well
>I main Foobs as well
I really want her to work, but she simply falls short
hi darlingposter its nice to see you again
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i ran out of two specific colors i need so unfortunately this is all the progress i can make for today

ill go pick up what i need tomorrow
I put my vote in either Shion or Moona.
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lets just remember that its #400 next thread
Even the thread wants to be young again...
thats fucked up
personally i want to be older, the women and people i want are leaving me behind
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gn hagbros
Wishing you dreams of hags
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these images of hags inviting (you) to bed have been enticing me a lot more lately. Idk if I just want to lay in her chest, get busy putting kids in her womb or both
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Cute boy.
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proof's in last thread
that's a very cute sheep girl anon
Cute Pol

I feel that

Yo, it's been a while
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gm hagbros
vry cute poru
poruka of the day early so i dont forget later
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Dying alone like every single one of them.
Very late ohayo...
Drown in shit nimwad.
gm seabro
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Freshly minted this year.
What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck.
I feel like an old man.
Sup? Just laying in bed ending the day. Hit that "calm before the storm" phase. Excited for VGTC soon! My brainchild is finally coming out to the world!
this might sound a teensy bit rude but i hadnt rly been paying much attention to this even before i left for two months (bc im just not that into motorsports-- or sports/divegrass in general)
but this racing thing hasnt come to fruition until just now? thats pretty cool that its finally being fully realized
i hope ppl like it
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Its fine. The registrations came and 3 hag teams are competing: mayo as pictured with a GTR, doog with a Z, and mion with an RX7.

Sunday is when it finally goes live. 11am your time.
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Luv me some Lui
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cute hag just went live
bro have mercy im at work
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Lui makes me gosling more than any other hag except Pochi. I don't know why.
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alright shes assembled

now i gotta do the nonsense with the masking tape
Cute rat
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I wouldn't mind summer if I had this all 4 months
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And here we have our full roster for /vt/ league 7! Thanks to everyone who voted, and congratulations to the players that made it in.
Let's go /hag/s!
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Sex Potion Hag!
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Friday night baby

Meah on Super Mario Bros
Hiyori doin retro
Berry being loud doing some chatting
Maple (Alcesia) (New) playing MGS Peace Walker
Vexxing Cat playing some GRIS (BRAND NEW possibly)
https://www.twitch.tv/vexxingcat seriously has anyone heard of this chuuba? Did she rebrand?
Bibi watching music videos
Owl hag on COD MW II
Mizz playing Roblox of all things
Martyr doing a collab (haven't seen this one in forever)
Silent woman Shyness(?) streaming DBD (one of the few people left playing this game lol)
Primrose doing more AD&D tonight

is...is that me in there?
Ah shoot forgot YouTube

Watame is up extremely early
Koyori continuing the FF addiction
Chisaki back with more IS later tonight
Subaru back with more free talk
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shes ready
time 2 melt
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nice. Maybe one day there will be another one when she ripens
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i think its funny-- the fact that i need to
melting press
this rat
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beautiful melt! no noticeable imperfections
vry happy abt it
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Latina lolihag keeps minecrafting
nice nice
you have any plans for displaying all of these?
That's a lot of rabbits
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maybe someday when im done with everyone i can stick them all to a wall in my room

or i could sell them
hold an auction or something
anons would fight to the death and tear eachother to shreds to claim their oshis-- a tall order considering there will only one of each
*only be
you'd drive a hard bargain
I would consider buying one tho
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a fine daily daring dose.
Wish she and foobs would pop up more in my feed, I never see them even when i destroy my sleep schedule
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I love boobs so much its unreal
Mion mammaries...
Cerberus titties are always a treat
>>81563806 (me)
I wrongly wrote Ero Guesser's old name (Married), don't worry. She will still be called Ero Guesser
Mio looks pretty good with blonde hair.
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Nice press anon
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Mio mama's milkies.
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in there like swimwear
I want her to breastfeed me so badly
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Big Brapper
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wait you mean this isn't a barf clip....?
It's a BRAPP clip
even though she tried hard to deny it lel
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Darling Daily Dose
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Hag feet.
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Silly of me of leaving my money on my wife's pants
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I want to be suffocated by Mio's braps.
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Damn, Mio's brap is so strong that killed my soundpost
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Fubuki should be naked.
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thanks dog
Now that's a sexy wolf
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I was so busy having sexual thoughts about struggling wolf noises I didn't notice the toot.
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