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Previous: >>81490337
As much as I'd like to tout this as another example of get woke, go broke, that's really not what happened here. Virtual signalling and outright faggotry didn't make them treat each other like shit and they probably would've treated each other like shit even without any of that.
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

Promise >>>>>>> Advent
You are late, late, late!
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>not the same thing
Yeah, it's more than what they're doing they were messing around singing the meme version. In fact all three were singing together for almost the entire stream
Take the stick out of your ass faggot and stop larping. Yes I'm crossposting your dumb ass, you deserve to be shamed for your retardation.
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Nothing is wrong with being a unicorn. That being said my actual predictions for ERBs first Homocollab are probably going to be
>ERB 4.5k
>Clown 1.5k
>Axefag 900
>Flygon 600
So 7.5k box.
Didn't check the previous threads award
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most people know it from the NND meme
Shiroi keeps looking in the other direction like she’s lost. It’s kinda cute.
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5k max
yeah, when she was doing mengen, she started the stream crying a bit too
That was bar none the worst Meltdown I've ever heard. They really should stick to songs like Pon Pon Pon and Balalaika
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im gonna rape that tiny rock
ACTUAL Biboo size
You're a mega retard if you can't clearly see the level of quality in that karaoke versus what Advent decided to shit out. Like are you genuinely fucking stupid or deaf? Serious question.
>No yaranaikas so far
At least Biboo is cute
biboo is so fucking sexy
Meowthcuck > > > > Ennacuck
Uoh Biboo so tiny ToT
So a similar box to CCGG then?
For the box? No way. ERB is still going to get a light buff from the beggars that usually never watch streams, and the Homos are going to get their standard numbers/slighty above them. Wish you were right, though.
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Please delay mooms. I want to watch Advent.
its going to break english vtuber boundaries
145k minimum
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She's so big...
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Shiori can't, she will lose karaoke perms
80s music is the best you retard
The moment Shiori says it, she will be taken down
Playing with a song to make it more fun on purpose isn't the same as singing it poorly because you can't sing
I agree but thats besides the point
Maybe for this first one. But CCGG is probably more affected by the cull than the SEA-heavy Homo audience, so in reality ERB+Homo collabs are probably going to end up lower and lower as time goes on.
its still at fucking dogshit euro hours don't get uppity
Yet she manages to stick in a mini speech about it in middle of the song
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well this one actually has mic volumes that are even so that's already a big difference
plus they can all sing
Fuwawa will need to rape correct Nerissa after this
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I think you should watch and enjoy this
I'm not getting uppity, faggot. I WANT it to do worse than I think it's going to. I wish we didn't even have to have this discussion of a HoloEN Homocollabing, but here we are.
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literally never heard it and never will
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Reaper rolling time, please gather
lincoln my dude
Runt sex
i think it's a good song and deserves it's 40 million views
I still have this on my iphone playlist because I haven't changed it in like 3 years
Yes, you are homofaggot, 4k max.
Ah, the last good final fantasy.
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I dont really like the white nigger of japan
Then i think about FFX i only remember about the 200 thunders you have to dodge
Nerissa what are you doing?...

The one that was affected the most by the recent cull is VSPO. Utter collapse of numbers
Probably still the best game in the franchise
IX set a high bar for the game that followed it and it's amazing X hit it.
someone tell cover women dont care about lore
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what the fuck is nerissa singing?
i like her voice and model but the personality kills it.
will still listen to her ASMR though
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I'm ready
we love /pawg/ here anon
Nah, that's just Overwatch 2. Arya still got her 800 ccv when she played Apex yesterday.
Literally what they asked her to sing. Are you even watching?
Hey remember when we asked what you liked?
For me it's now tied to Pekora and Subaru's playthroughs.
Both were great, I was liveposting Subaru's /here/. Good times in the /#/ thread.
zoomers need to leave
Nerissa's voice is perfect for old folke style songs
X is overrated and doesn't even feel like a Final Fantasy game.
not me there is no we in us , jesse
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fuck, meant for this guy
>not a single retweet about Advent's karaoke
I fucking hate the subhuman running that account.
Reminder Seymour won
Man, Nerissa has such a good voice, can't believe she's afraid of everything
The combination of Nerissa with Fuwamoco wasn’t bad.
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4 person single POV collab
>they can sing
you gonna shit on choco and mel for their performances in this one then?
you gonna shit on them for fucking up the group performances?
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>starting super soon
>doesn't actually start
They mean the English version retard
W-was that legal?
Stop trying to make me masturbate anon. I'm trying to watch Advent
Nerissa's voice is perfect for moaning after sex with ojisans for money
I think nerissa is graduating soon, the voices are calling her
Is it because of the cull, or does the EN audience not care about 3D Lives?
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The english version is better.
Fix the mics so we can hear Nerissa in the other songs, jesus
wtf doesn't Lia alone pull about 1k viewers?
Steak da ne...
Based i like live poster during JP stream
We have a Joshu liveposter during ARK now
advent is truly the golden gen
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the tits on the blonde one are pretty nice
we need a retardGOD to keep saying we don't care about da boiz, preferably a mexican with a vegata pfp and a photoshopped banner of goku holding the mexican flag
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top 3 episodes

enchanted forest
charlie dies
>Advent was the one that invited Mori to the outing
>Mori initially tried to organize individual hangout but they pulled her into their trip plans
>they invited her and no other senpai
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The audio is atrocious Fuwamoco are too loud.
>the shark
Nerissa has a small cock...
i don't really like phase vermins or their chuubas for that matter
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fauner minecraft
absolutely based. of course 35p are always based defenders of cgdct. These newfags don't understand kino.
>random ass elden ring part 13 on Biboo's channel
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>top 3 episodes
the boss finds love
frowning friends
that's probably why they invited her.
didn't she say on stream that she wanted to do that but didn't have time?
that's probably why, to show appreciation i guess
I(the guys live posting Subaru's FFX playthrough) am also the guy who was and will be liveposting Koyoshien. Some other Joshu-kun decided to livepost ARK.
Why are they singing porn songs
Wait she pulls those numbers despite "that" stream? Phasec*cks not beating the allegations...
There's no 3D live happening right now
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God I want to have sweaty, awkward sex with HebeFauna and Hebemei
Weeb gen
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This one is nice
>despite being the one invited, Mori organized the whole trip
Man leader is so chill and his voice is so soft, I can't wait for him to collab with Fauna. Imagine the chill vibes.
>>81501082 (me)
im trans btw
You're telling me this karaoke stream had 13k at 10 minutes in and gained just 3k in 1 hour?

That doesn't sound right
she doesn't fucking know the name of the RIOFA???
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You can say the same about Ironmouse or any of the 1k+ liggers
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Just install Epic
Stop whining
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mori is going to CHU every single member of Hololive, except towa. towa gets the banana CHU
stop saying nigga
>rrats say nenechi
>it was Shiorin
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big boobs love
luv being a snekfan
Sure thing nigger
God I miss /hlg/
anyone test this yet? if you will still count on the ccv if watching picture in picture mode with yt premium
ah vnuma....
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And if the Peko Miko bus
Crashes into us
>Advent and Mori all crammed into a 4x4 cold bath
>Turns out you're not supposed to get in and only meant to scoop water out to pour on yourself
ight, my wigga
Why is kaichou collabing with a chink? Is this edited?
Ruru chan...
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Nice try, Sweeney
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You're a good guy Anon
is Mococo the new leader?
You now remember Rushia used to say nanodesu
Soda on shelves!
Smartest holos
I'm gonna call you DEI person
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suipiss won
nerissa off key omg.....
I hate stellar stellar
I didn't know Gohan was in Dragon Quest.
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>This gets recomended to me on YouTube
Uh, bros?
Why do they never sell Myth friends with u plushies in these stores? It's always the Walfie one
Definetely over 20k
Yab, they don't have perms for this song
>Playing with a tranny VA
Damn wow
i always find it funny that women are nore than willing to get naked infront of each other but men will drop dead before they have to show their cock to another guy that's probably bigger than them.
not forgetting that it's also gay btw
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This is the sexiest Fauna picture
The Walfie one sells better.
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>Stellar stellar
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Rare Suzy actually on the shelf
>nigga wants to bathe with other guys
>off collab
>17k (rounded up)
What the fuck is going on. Is the cull getting worse or not? I mean 20-23k even with what we know of it is not good numbers.
Intimacy between girls is natural and cute. Intimacy between men is gay
23k sounds about right
Ludwigchama please come home from the Olympics and tell Youtube to fix this...
Seems like FWMC would have been aware of this.
that's literally the advent box
Why did you break into my house and take of picture of my wife
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>What the fuck is going on
Grim shit that's whats going on
I don't think they been to one before.
18k~ is average for full EN gen collabs
Me and all my friends have all seen each other's dicks at least once
Based imam-anon
vnuma my beloved
we could watch likes over time
you bathe with your dad before.
you were practically gay at a young age.
sorry man, i don't make the rules.
too fat
Ami Ami store.
Unironically kind of poor stream with how Fuwamocos audio is set to down everyone else out
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was the only one available
is it good?
The worse part about this cull is how early it caps holoEN standard growth pattern. 30 mins in and no more growth in numbers is just atypical, especially for a karoake. Like they've been hovering juuuuust under 17k for a while now.
Finally, I'm tired of Mintbeggars
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The mixers et alia who worked on this song deserve to be crucified for butchering my Moom, her karaoke versions are so much better
>Rushia, Coco, Lulu, Rosalyn
I've seen almost everyone of my real life friends cocks
Touched most of them with my hand
and touched penises with some of them
it's not gay
I need to take a pissbreak.
For a JP only set list it's about as expected. An unarchived english songs karaoke would be probably closer to 30k.
Based, now you know why yuri is great
dad went to get milk. sounds like a skill issue for you fagbro
I think it's fine
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So what would this stream be pre-cull?
>you bathed with your dad before
No I didn't. My mom bathed with me.
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Well Fuwamoco got 14k recently on their own solo karaoke during the cull, and so people are expecting it to be much higher. Personally, I don’t know what to think.
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Shion is so small...
Why did she betray her fans anyways?
It's fine FWMC are the only ones that matter.
come on lol
Shiori and Nerissa are too quiet compared to the others, even in the speaking portions
Looks like probably 22-24k
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She really wants people to follow her into her new "identity", sadly for her a lot of the fans she is leaving behind only existed because of her delicious chocolate design
kys meowthcuck
Is your mom hot?
are you a woman by chance?
Assuming a 30% cull they're over 24k, which is pretty solid.
Could be more could be less
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25k maybe
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>and touched penises with some of them
>it's not gay
I miss Coco...
>mint was a shoe-in for EN4
>gets groomed by vshojo
You already know that there's going to be hundreds of threads over the next few months saying shit like this. Even if it's blatantly wrong.
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Cum on what?
Do you still do it?
didnt erb get 26k solo karaoke???
youre telling me she gets more than advent combined????
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Advent has never had super high collab numbers, the cull feels like it's plateaued. This is probably 22-23k.
o7 you better fucking salute the bitch, /#/.
No one knows or cares who this is anon...
shame about the face
around 24k
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thre's gonna be a line down the block by 8 am
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24k sounds about which would put it around the previous one.
So true sis, you so right
Amesame will get lower than this tomorrow
They already had en5 picked?
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I miss this bitch
rest in piss you traitor
Reminder that Yakuza is a mediocre series
nice numbers newfag threadshitter
man i forgot how dogshit coco was at singing
Mumei got the password. She's finally into her Max account.
Shiori got 31k karaoke
Shiori > ERB
So Phase? I can't imagine anywhere else that's an upgrade from where she was.
Yellow batsoup covered fingers wrote this post
On the slim chance you're not him, it was botted you dingleberry
no shot
>30% cull
>so 17k is 70% of total
24k, very consistent with what we've seen of the advent box in the past
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25k or so
>not sold out
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Queen of CGDCT
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She's staying indie anyway. She's learning how to do merch deals by herself, with Doki and Matara's help. If she was gonna pull the trigger and join Vshojo or bail and reincarnate in Holo she wouldn't bother to do that. I'd have liked her to have joined Holo but it's not happening so indie is the 2nd best outcome.
it was botted
>the entirety of EN minus shitter runts
>getting lower numbers than just advent
Holofags are a fucking menace.
No, it wasn’t
Maybe I'll get 2 each
Mori kneeled to Fauna.
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You can't just add -chi to every female name that's not how it works
It won't.
>lifecycles your crackship
Shut up anonchi
It's on Watson's channel
It hasn't opened yet retard. >>81502157
Putting the cull aside, NA hours suck and are weak. HoloEN has been getting shit numbers ever since it first entered the dark ages, everything reclined by like 50% and it was pure fresh natural recline from solo gaming stream averages to big offcollab peaks. Advent didn't recover it. Justice isn't recovering it. Doesn't help that PST is strictly inferior and shit compared to EST.

All because EN management repeatedly tried to poison the branch to death with sabotaging the girls and debuting homos and whatever the fuck.
Shes afraid of her apparent gigastacy energy
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Calm down meowthcuck, erb didn't even beat shiori first karaoke and you call her queen ? Fucking pathetic
So happy she left given the direction she went
I haven’t watched Ame in two years and Gura expects me to change that?
Mintdachi, she already said she's going to appear in a different form.
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Dodgers won again btw
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You called anon?
The cull limits botting.
Does she fart?
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Sure thing meowthcuck
>two hot dogs
Would she have gone that direction if she hadnt graduated?
I'm glad her existence continues to make you seethe.
Nerissa is actually getting butthurt at the smelly joke kek
A lot of girls underestimate how much people get attached to a certain design.
Mori and Advent watched Fauna rap together and laughed
a win for the dodgers is a win for hololive
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She's doing a model update but she said it's only going to be slightly different, more of a 2.5 Mint than a full 3.0.
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did you shit out the mustard and it fell in the middle of the dog?
why the fuck would you even do that?
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>organizing a big event during a cull
Is Ame retarded?
Mint going to Vshojo would be funny cause zentranny just had a meltdown about people calling the company a nepohire group
I mean I don't think this makes any sense considering NA hours get like fucking big dick numbers most of the time (relative to EN, of course, so we're talking upwards of 30k for box stuff) and no other hours get anywhere near it unless you start to say shit like
>11PM EST is NOT NA hours

shiori needs to be louder...
>Posting the annoucement early
Man fuck management

mumei just yabbed
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I instinctively muted
Sounds like Chinese propaganda but okay
Fucking MUTED
stop replying
This is not the first time someone sang this song.
That is not what that image means
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It's not her who changed, it's hololive.
im not seething though?
im just glad she isn't a holo.
and the day she becomes one, i would have already stopped watching holos because of a scandal or something.
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Pure sex
Am I the only one who likes the cull?
oh god
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>Actually more posts on the timeline for homos than holos

actually grim
I hate biboo's cringe gimmick so much its unreal
Chloe, Riri, Koyori and Lamy in that order
This is all biboos fault
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Fuck you lol
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I feel like Hololive has been the only thing lately that hasn't been absolutely depressing lately.
Is it over?
Why did you delete that?
>200 viewers were filtered
No but seriously where the fuck is the Advent anniversary posts. I thought they got rid of the fujo?
Apologize, it wasn't her fault after all
I don't get it
I don't think Phase hires cunny tubers like her style, really, riskiest they ever went for was Muyu and it's pretty much all "adult women" outside of that.
So I doubt they hire that actual fucking raceplay magnet (seriously I can only imagine Idol being willing to hire a girl that deep into the whole "I LOVE WHITE DUDES WHO FUCK MY BLACK HOLES" kinda thing)
You lied :(
It just ended
well fuck, no longer need to watch for the announcement then
Accounting for cull 300
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Even KFP is sick of them
it's been over for a while
Its over now unmute
Advent is too cringe for me. Do zoomventrix really live like this
I am pretty sure that is an actual anti to even Hololive.
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>Some accounts you've liked often liked this account
What the fuck is that level of reaching holy shit
Mumei had an appointment yesterday and it got cancelled and rescheduled for the same day as AmeSame spelling bee.
doomer season
>They are doing the full hour
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based KFP
WTF kind of content did this person do?
Proof next episode Meowthcuck?
biboo will probably sing and dance this in 3d
what drama did i miss
Nah just homo anti
That guy is a chronic shitposter but that's still funny.
a janny deleted it actually.
i don't know if he thought i was the pomu cum dumpster poster or something.
what i said wasn't bad in particular or worth deleting.
This is literally the faggot that posted the Deadbeat getting cucked edit. Fuck off.
They haven't done anything twitch related
The intern has a melty when good shit is happening for the girls and starts spamming random bullshit from da boiz out of spite.
This is, unironically, a completely recognizable pattern
You see here, they're on Youtube, not Twitch
So it's completely different since they're on a shittier platform
Wtf is that voice
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Mumei giving the real gfe again. I love her so much
She hates it though
You're a fucking retard, no he isn't. He was a general anti, read >>81503742
Actually just rope yourself. He was also a Kiara anti at one point too even if he's trying to falseflag now.
burgers going to sleep
He said “meowthcuck” to me too, and I have no idea.
vallure then?
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New original song
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2nd original song!
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If anything would incentivize debuffson to schedule it during this time
Retarded but in a different way
It won't top Rebellion
>new shit orisong just dropped
i'm gonna vomit
Oooh new orisong
new outfits doko?
Kill yourself.
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I see. I didn't think it was that bad either, just a little petty.
Please be good as rebellion.
>seriously I can only imagine Idol being willing to hire a girl that deep into the whole "I LOVE WHITE DUDES WHO FUCK MY BLACK HOLES" kinda thing
But that's hot
>Advent 2nd orisong
I bet they won't tweet anything about this.
I don't know why you fags get excited for these garbage ESL orisongs. Not going to listen to any of them until they get competent western producers to make their music.
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Listen man let's just say she commissioned a lot of her own porn and that it had a theme going on
The insider is 3-for-3 right now
advent really is the golden gen huh.
I'm intrigued in this second original, don't know if it'll be as fire as Rebellion, but I hope it'll be a fun repeat.
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Mumei is peak pet play GFE
Please no. I'm sick of that cunt
That's your opinion, but I like them
And no post for Advents new original song
>rushia cannot into -chi.
>ao-kun also cannot into chi
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so cull or no cull?
What were the other 2?
Is she actually black?
I watched a random personal finance video the other day and youtube has absolutely flooded my algorithm with bad financial news, homeless people talking about living in their cars, videos about how no one will ever retire, how millenials will never own a home, shit like that. Complete demoralization rabbit hole from one fucking video about retirement accounts.
I don't know why the fuck the algo wants you to kill yourself if you watch some guy's opinion about whether roth or normal IRAs are better.
I didn't see her but according to people who met her at Offkai? Yes (but light-skinned black I think)
link it
It's not PROJECT: Hope 2022 anymore. Rebellion was very good, and.... y'know they tried with the Justice orisong. I have my faith. Also PARE last time was kino, and in EN.
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Official twitter fujoshit is really butthurt about advent I guess.
U jelly?
You'd prefer Mori never got massive backlash and never changed her ways? Grow a brain.
Janny on fire today
Every finance youtuber ran out of material after half a year of starting so they either turned to being cryptofags or doomposting.
It sounds like they practiced this, will they sing it in the Advent 3D or BD?
Delete it from your watch history
Even with this shit audio it sounds great
Some say she's light skinned black, some say she's south east asian
I have no idea how you could mistake the two but I also have no desire to dig and check for myself
>light-skinned black
spic color? the ones obsessed with fucking whites are spics
Is Advent The ShilloX of EN?
both probably
Shiori needs confidence.
rebellion is an absolute banger
Holy shit now we're talking
It's like a reverse Kiara
Where have you been all year?
I don't seen that many people with this shade down here. Raceplay is also something black women actually do
What the fuck does that have to do with Kiara?
>changed her ways
NTA but kill and your take your dumb containment breaking boyfriend with you
Man i love hololive
Advent has no popular demand
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So it's OK when he anti'd HoloX? It's OK when he anti'd Miko during the sports fes?
Again, kill yourself.
Nerissa doing impressively well on those high parts 2 hours into karaoke
I love Nerissa's voice
Why is Mori always in a "i can haz raid?" position when a big Advent collab ends
We watch Holo Concerts here faggot. Go cry in the catalog how you hate idol shit and you only want them to stream some more
Well Malagasy (Madagascar people) are kinda a mix between SEA, Indian, and African. They look kinda weird. And yes they fall into the weird uncanny valley where they could be perceived as either. She might also just be Black/Asian mix who also look odd.
He got mindbroken by shitposters
The best EN group orisong by far
>A few minutes ago
>Something they already tweeted before
Holy kek they really use the timing of the girls announcements to see if they can trick people into seeing homo news
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this is a guy isnt it
>are spics
Dunno where you are, Ése, but most of us just fuck each other.
Thread was dead
Advent streams
Thread lives
>No tweet about Advent 2nd Orisong
Raziel just facerevealed and I don't think Luca would've tapped that
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does she play OW2 a lot?
because i don't know if im mixing her with another black girl that's also a loli
I'm thinking so, yeah
Is it safe to say Advent took Myths spot as the golden Gen? They’re just far more consistent and not reliant on any particular person like Gura.
>next week
bros...the first fucking actual EN 3d debuts are under a cull
god damn it all, it feels like this branch is cursed to always get sabotaged from big numbers. it's how we end up with the mouth breathers at EN management giving them a 3k seats concert
Doubt it but also I don't care either way
Lukek is a flip
those are some male legs
Homo are the Shillox of EN
>We love rebellion
>They love rebellion
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Stop doubling down like a retard and swallow a 12 gauge already
Dont forget to tell japs about holoproEN not tweeting hologirls events and just spammin homotweets

Pretty manly looking forearm
This looks like 3D. Is this their official 3D pose?
she's a cosplayer retard
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He got 20 likes before they deleted the comment.
Why do people keep saying this? Mori and Gura are in a tier of their own when it comes to relevance and success, EN wise.
Ina rivals FWMC in merch. Kiara and Ame easily take care of the other stragglers.
Advent is better as a group collab. but when it comes to solo streams, myth members is a lil bit better
Japs seem to really like Rebellion
I’m seeing way more posters shit at the twitter account recently over homo posts.
Its art, i think its assets they used for their cover of our bright parade
Masculine legs
>deleted for stating a fact
>it's even a positive fact
lol am I arguing with the janny or something?
It's a good song
Advent was definitive proof that the failure of Holostars EN wasn't because the EN market was dying. They probably desperately hate over there in homo management.
It's from their last group cover.
You think reddit is a one-off part of the fandom?
>raid begging
People have seen her before, the doxxsisters went after her when she dropped the Luca info, probably well before that because they didn't like her from day 1 when she was just an attention whore mod.
I think that's a different one, this one went from "debut" to "graduation" in about six months it seems
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Kind of sad that Advent is so unpopular that a full gen off-collab karaoke stream with announcement buff doesn't even beat a relatively standard Mumei guerilla unarchived karaoke stream. I guess that's just the massive gap between Promise and Advent.
So what is the justification for Cover investing heavily in the homos?
>t. trooncord
Anon get your eyes checked that's the Pare Pare key art
Deadbeat janny is in here too
lol when will you retards ever learn.
>omega is dead fr fr
>I have returned
>Your voice has been heard
>Your wish has been granted
(You) chuds are so easy
Just checked
>irl anime black
So.... how would the numbers be without the cull? 21k?
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choccymilk color?
Mumei is such a zoomer
man fuck this niji style gen vs gen bullshit
both gens have their strengths and weaknesses ain't that enough
>t. okbhtroon
Kronii needs to stop being busy buying makeup and whip the twitter intern again
Raid to mori, I'm out.
probably sunk cost syndrome
Useless twitter landwhale can't tweet the sirens preview.
So true meowthcuck
>This is what high numbers are
Here you go lazychama >>81502631
you probably are, but you're stubbornly being a moron on top of it
Just multiply it by 0.33 and then add that onto the peak CCV and you have a decent rough estimate
>full gen offcollab
25k easy
It's still there
where's the tweet?
The mentality that "all the hololive accounts are separated but for some reason EN members have to deal with Holostars posts" is becoming very popular, all thanks to even the Holo app allowing you to exclude everything Holostars related
You say that like Luca has many options.
look like a tranny
In a way, both are golden. Myth was what exploded EN vtubing and made the industry, while Advent was what saved HoloEN specifically. Promise is great too, but thanks to Susan fucking over their growth, and the Homos getting in their way, they didn't really get a chance to shine as brightly. Not to demean, though. My oshi is in Promise, and I'll love her until the day I die. Justice hasn't had a chance at anything yet, and with an ERB in the way it's not going to be a stable ship, but who knows? Maybe they'll manage to be a Myth for EU. I doubt it though. All gens have their strengths and weaknesses. Even if you have a favorite gen, the important thing is to not be a Nijinigger and love them all.
3 fucking tweet for Homo
0 for Advent new Orisong
Used to see more positive “unity” posts, but not much these days. Not like it matters, they killed another twitter account after moving over from the old one they killed spamming homo shit. I’m pretty sure they get nowhere near the amount of engagement they used to on the holoEN account.
There's a filter on it anon.
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>got back from japan trip for 2 weeks
>went to Osaka
>didn't see anything hololive related at all. Not even billboards or at restaurants or anything.
Bros..? Did hanging out in /vt/ give me a misonception that hololive took over japan?
it's almost like they do their announcement collabs around 2 hours before her typical stream time
why do the mixed race girls and the tar black african girls look better than regular african americans?
Have you not noticed that it's just samefagged schizo seethe? It's been the preferred tactic of at least a handful of schizos since summer last year.
eat your veggies, incel
What's moronic about the literal fact that Mori has literally stated on stream that she thought she was an ass in the past and her experiences helped her grow and mature? The only possibly offensive thing about that post is the part where I insulted the fag who didn't want to acknowledge this fact.
Where do I see this full?
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god i need to bleach her so bad
Apparently Mori and all of Advent watched Fauna's rap stream together.
You can tell she really hates her default outfit.
Raid to mori, I'm hard.
Yes Mori is where high numbers are you vacuous dumbass, don't be so obsessed with CCV. Even 3 Biboos wouldn't be as relevant as Mori is (let alone was in her heyday) to the EN scene.
As for Kiara and Ame, I never said their numbers were high, just that they're basically the same as the Advent runts anyway so they cancel each other out.
Sunk cost, retardation, either women or faggots, pick your poison
see this is where you went wrong
This woman disgusts me
We know, janny
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No shit
None of them look good anon
god she's so fucking built for it...
When did Fauna get so powerful?
Skill issue
At this point, I’m seriously worried that the shitposter leaker claiming they were going to force the homos in the girls in September is going to end up true with the way shit is going.
poor gura, she lost all her limbs...
>men are better than women
and make it so. at all cost.
>Justice hasn't had a chance at anything yet, and with an ERB in the way it's not going to be a stable ship, but who knows?
I don’t buy this explanation. Shiori also got lots of hate, but Advent didn’t sink because of it.
FuwaMoco would unironically leave the company in protest
It's not happening
Only Advent newfags would try to push their golden gen shit over Myth.
I think we can all agree they're a solid second though. And that Justice will forever be last until EN5, attack of the full gen homocollabers
You'd have to join her discord, which I imagine isn't as easy as before given the whole "just graduated" thing, but maybe there's time to jump in and grab all her porn on there or something. But you'd have to commit to using your normal account I imagine, I think there was a ban on new accounts or burners joining after some catalog sperg tried gorespamming her into early retirement.
What anivversary posts
Council never got it
IRyS never got it
What the fuck are you expecting
Trying to steal the vshojo audience huh?
Everyone loves Fauna
im not a larper like you anon.
i like all women of color.
Mark my words. They're going to take less liking and reposting the ERB collab than anything Advent does this week and the next.
Let me solo her on Mori stream
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they had no choice
nuh uhhhhhh
Didn't know FUWAMOCO raided Calli, I can't remember the last time a raid actually worked on my end.
You mean the shitpost you wrote? The really retarded one about a battle royale streaming series? kek
Don't be too dramatic, it's absolutely retarded that the official Hololive twitter is clearly ran by an unironic Holostars fujo, but the majority of HoloENs wouldn't tolerate even being in the same bus as the Holostars let alone doing a collab with them. It's not going to ever be a problem.
All you got is gura
>Shiori also got lots of hate
No she didn't, BVTMtard
She was talking about how she watched Fauna’s rap stream with all of Advent in the same room and they all cracked up laughing from how smug Fauna sounded on the “You say you’re not addicted but I beg to differ” line. And Calli said she had to hand over the crown of EN rapper to Fauna now, she had a good run
the fact that either you or other dumbass started it by saying it was a "mask off" moment as if she was pretending to be someone else, when the situation was just a natural consequence of how she was always acting (overtly emotional and protective over people who are nice to her)
or like another moron who acts like Mori cut herself off the TT people due to those events, rather than interactions mutually petering out for a long time but still being friendly at the surface
You know like how google makes a lot of fail products/investment to get those sweet tax reduction and rebate? Holostars is basically that.
lol they can go back working for pennies then. Play ball or leave. unprofessional bitches
the recommendation algorithm's main bias is toward videos that are keyword-similar and more popular
the initial idea was to reverse the natural/emergent "rabbithole" that went from mainstream news to rightist commentary
they applied that rule universally, so recommendations are universally garbage
economics is bad news lately, so clickbait doomershit is its best match
he was seen in biboos and pekoras chat too. Only for souls game though.
No, we got Gura, Mori and Ina. You just try to use the board's hate for Mori to "lalalalala" your way past the fact that she's basically the 2nd most known EN and has the numbers to back it up. Just not CCV.
Promise suffered so Advent could thrive. They shouldn't have to go through the same idiocy
Shiori got a lot of disappointment from expectations about her from Twittards, thinking she'd be some "dommy mommy seductress." Any hate she got post-debut was manufactured by BVTM.
>don't be so obsessed with CCV
Do you even know where you are? It matters. I’m comparing Advent vs Myth and the fact that Gura doesn’t stream much.
>Even 3 Biboos wouldn't be as relevant as Mori
To numbers? In what world?
Isn't this "i'm totally a sister bros, look at me, give me yous" act boring?
she sold out her real friends. holo idol money too good
No one who was here for it, thinks Shiori was treated well. You’re an idiot.
That shade is kinda hot.
The context of this argument is that cuckbeat picture which she responded to and pissed off her fans in the process. I don't know what the fuck you think this is about. TT? Who are you quoting?
Isn't Osaka the land of crabs, beer and baseball? How's that gonna do with weeaboo stuff like Hololive?
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hEh, Hello... Sorry.. heh. We're all gummies surrounded by a cluster of nerds. Sorry.
they deserved worse
Again, your attempt at manufacturing bait threads about Shiori on /vt/ is not the same as ERB actually being a weak link.
They don't have the massive noses and lips
I miss pantyshots in holo lives...
to be fair, she deserved it
The only good nowposter is Cheebs
Stop samefagging. It's pathetic.
Lamy is doing vertical streams now...
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i deserve to put a bullet to your brain, too
How did these faggots end up having such a big community anyway
>no platform left
Can't the faggot just keep ban evading?
People thought Shiori would collab with homos. You can’t avoid this reality.
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>still no tweet about the orisong
hey look they actually posted something about one the girls
So you just want to bend over and take it like a pussy just like that?
Why Watson?
But also, Trinity is back
>enter /#/
>see retard threadshitter pissing all over the threads
Wait so is Mumei in the Spelling Bee or not
That's an automatic tweet.
GRIM!! Even biboo sells more solo
Do you think people leech holo just for fun or something?
SEAniggers with 0 self awareness, thinking their le funny ironic humour, manufactured rrats, doesn't harm anyone.
It seems people really are buying these together based on how tiny the difference between them is. Which makes sense, the shipping is a bigger bitch than the actual price, might as well go for full set.
This is why Myth continues to get so many collabs and merch, Gura(and Ina) drags their fullgen sales up so much.
Kyouko and his tranny fans aren't people.
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Outside of birthday merch, what exactly has Biboo sold 1k of within one day, ever?
Dying brb
you and this >>81502338 makes me remember that probably the ones behind all the shitpost about Grimmi being justice 5th member was made by bvtm because she called them out when they were shitting on Shiori during debut >>68235975
i still don't know why those flipfaggots hate Shiori
her appointment got rescheduled to tomorrow, so no
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>with the way shit is going
Homotroon management has been doing this for years, don't know why are pushing that shit tier "leak", it almost feels like the Suisei fake dox that pagpags where pushing last week.
why not? I thought she was in?
How would people not think it would happen at the time? What did she say in the first few months that made you think it wouldn’t happen?
did you miss >>81504047 fag?
that's why I'm saying, there's a whole bunch of dumbasses making dumb takes and it's hard to tell which one of you makes the specific ones
regardless, praising a moron just cause their moronic and mean actions towards a Holo caused some good is a fundamentally idiotic stance to take
might as well praise the Zhangs for harassing countless Holos over Coco because down the line it lead to Kanata's incline and being a more independent talent or praising Nijiniggers for pushing Aloe into graduation because it made Gokisei closer as a gen
a retard anti remains a retard anti on the basis of their actions and if a girl takes an attack on her and makes something positive out of it, it shows their strength of character
I miss Ame so fucking much its unreal...
>Why Watson?
Because the Myth halloween designs are literally hers and hers is the 2nd most iconic out of the bunch after Dino Gura. Ina is beating her with pure "Ina sells more", not with "Ina's design was more popular".
>fwmc can only rt an old announcement tweet
Fuck off Sis
people liked pumking ame it was probably second in popularity after dino gura
>What did she say in the first few months that made you think it wouldn’t happen?
The fact she didn't do a 1-on-1 collab with anyone until 6 months in?
because this is the kind of people they were pandering to >>78512547
I'm not shocked at all that Gura is so far ahead but I'm pleasantly surprised that the rest of Myth isn't doing so bad. Lots of people are getting the set.
This collab is very good memories for Mythfags and early Council/Promisefags
>i still don't know why those flipfaggots hate Shiori
Because she baited them and they waited for a year expecting her to homocollab and she never delivered.
Man that shitpost was so funny, towards the end it just devolved into some guys cuck fantasy
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why do you think random people saying stupid things on 4chan will bring down a chuuba in a billion dollar corporation
Yeah it sounds like a kid trying to push his 1st rrat but the rrat is giga retarded. We didn't get forced homo collab during the full grim, Tempus1 era
You could check out Liz
Not quite the same because it lacks the betrayal part but you can still have a pretty good homo NTR experience nonetheless
>not part of this quote chain branch and also deleted so fast it didn't even register before my auto update
How about you just do your "job" normally and not let your emotions drive you like some kind of tranny, janny.
but she said herself respect her collab choices, they just didnt get it ment
Okay ennacuck, sorry for asking you to back your shit, I thought I was talking to an actual human who wanted to talk about merch numbers
I still think they would've made more if they kept this gacha
>Myth has Myth and Treat merch
>Advent has pillow merch

It's the rare vocaloid song that is best as it originally was for me. Even Okayu's cover wasn't better than the original, and Okayu is my favorite singer. For reference, Aqua's/Nerissa's Vampire covers, Ayame's Goodbye Declaration cover, Ochame Kinou sung by all of HoloJP (at the time).
its cus of shipping. Once you try and buy only one then your like fuckkkkk might as well buy more cus the shipping is the same cost as the figure.
Pretty close all around really, besides Gura
>respect my collab choices
>never collabs with anyone outside of Hololive
Echo chambers. It's how beggars delude themselves into various copes as well
kill yourself Biboo's schizo
She had a woman moment that boiled down to "I'm fucking autistic don't expect collabs from me and don't beg for them because they likely won't happen"
>why do you think random people saying stupid things on 4chan will bring down a chuuba in a billion dollar corporation
Bring down? No.
Affect them? Yeah. I've come to understand there is a major understimation of how much power /vt/ has, it's basically THE forum for discussing vtubers.
and you should respect that
I remember when Shiori used to be the only straight Advent
What if Bijou had a really huge dick? That'd be pretty awesome if you ask me.
Since when did people start calling them out on the replies? For the longest time it was at best one or two of the more notorious "unicorns" but now a pretty much every post hast like 5-7 people calling them out on ignoring the girls
It might not seem like much, but it's also 90% of the replies since it's a fucking homo post and no one comments on those
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is this THE BEST time to become a content creator?
youtube keeps pushing 1 views everywhere
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Currently beating all non-Pippa Phase streams
What actually did they actually mean by this?
Was meant for >>81506534
Shiboo my beloved
Hot, especially if in this scenario she also had big tits
What the fuck are you even talking about
EDF 6 is at 37% btw. Reviews look like they're going to be swapping over to mixed by tomorrow or the next day.
Baiting the futa doujins
I’m saying within the first few months, people believed Shiori would collab with homos, and nothing she said at the time would suggest otherwise, and this is why people hated her.
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Can't resist the yurilive ambience
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Since the EN 3 delay/Tempus 2 debuts.
People really hate EGS
But what prompted it?
It's insane how not a single tweet in the other two tweets is about the homos but something along the lines
Fire the guy already.
only if your oshi is retarded
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But they give free games tho
Was probably better in the early early days circa 2010 when all the biggest youtubers were becoming movie stars from doing 3 minute skits.
People are fed up and there aren't enough homo fans anymore to ratio and drown out people voicing their displeasure
Women joke about having dicks
It's like when dudes play gay chicken
It's just bro shit
She replied to Flygon and followed him (just him, not everyone) so it seemed likely.
They didn't mention EGS anywhere on the product page. It was a baffling decision from the devs.
Why the fuck is there Epic shit built into it
Did they even put any money into this thing
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Initial hate bomb about Epic did a number but it appears to be normalizing after people actually started playing the game.
Ah yes, the fred era
>so it seemed likely.
Only if you were an actual fucking retard (which to be fair, you seem to have been)
Free games that people will never play. I hoard tons of free games from EGS and I've never played them except for a few.
It's been a year, it didn't work, find a new timeloop
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You mean MOST is not a meme
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It looks too terrible to not say anything about an holo gen ANNIVERSARY karaoke and an orisong announcement and instead post shit about faggots no one cares about.
Apparently EDF6 uses Epic's backend for crossplay. I don't know if it was part of a deal between Sandlot and Epic but that seems to be the connection.
It's all just /vt/ containment breaking accounts. Anyway, wait a few more hours for homocords to come in and start slinging incel at everyone.
Almost there...
The people who are here are their managers. Why do you think they're very quick to respond to potential yabs/leaks?
Man wtf happened to Kronii, she aint doomer anymore and actually appreciative now. The Feminization arc was real................... wtf did you do IRyS...........
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I don't think, its just a fact
Feels like it picked up a bit of speed again after IRyS karaoke
Only for small corpofags like you.
Okay, for reference. Imagine you're watching a hololive stream and it asks you for your Nijisanji main channel membership proof or something. That's what having an epic account required to play a steam game is.
That AI song lyric should have been "Kronii is feminized now".
God, I'd rather just not have crossplay. Not like I know anyone who plays on a PS5 (or shit, anyone who isn't on PC that knows about shit like EDF)

People are angry in the comments
That cursed nail salon that baerys found feminized the entirety of EN
Kill yourself doxfag

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One of the steam forum posts said that they implemented it wrong and that creating an Epic account should've been optional.
Still applies.
>Collabs only with Advent.
>1 individual collab with Rissa and Biboo each and still nothing with FWMC to this day.
>Not on the family feud collab
>Barely on the first Party Animals collab ft. Advent and didn't even have a POV
>Missing both the TRPG and EN X ID Minecraft collabs in favor of playing her usual kusoges
If you can't look at that and figure she doesn't like collabing a lot then that's on you.
>She planned to but backed off.
Sure. And she made that decision in 2 weeks.
Alright which one of you fags is this

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