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ホロスターズ General
Last Thread >>81266866
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Miyabi Love! Hanamizu Love!

kek Miyabi...
he would be better off just @ him on twitter at this rate. but it's funny how altare is getting a taste of his own medicine kek

Stars are the yellow mustang
Roberu Powerful Pro Baseball 2024-2025
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I hate Roberu >:(
(It’s Opposite Day.)
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The bartender nui will not survive riding this roller coaster.
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These bratts really forgot about the fan name.
need correction
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This is a little off-topic, but holy shit, a game literally made for Astel.

Suntempo Kangol merch is up.

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>Temma's logo on his jogger pants are on the ass
Rio 3d clip
Sir this is the Holostars thread
Temma SF6
Rio Birthday Totsumachi
>day shift
>night shift
SunTempo will soon no longer be the only gen without a graduation/termination :)
>1st caller
>2nd caller
>Woman again
Rio is a girl
Rio is a manly man
Kirame and Seffyna is full blown female
Enter Leo
ERB will call in
I want them to do an Animal Crossing collab already!
Enter Hayun
He looks a bit like Gamma in that picture and I was confused for a second.
Enter Bossu
His other job.
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Also, the staff that runs the official twitter needs correction. They should at least send a message to Rio when the merch is about to go up.
Am I confused, or is this FBK's mama?
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Yeah. They were in one of Hal's customs together last year.
When did Rio become buddies with Deco*27???
Stars*27 when?
Enter Kishi
Enter Flower
Miyabi went up to lv 16 in Valo and is having more fun with the game
just noticed that the vp includes the script data, god bless this ghost
Pink Lamy
I hope this is his anniversary merch drop, I've saved for months just for this
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such a slutty ghost
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basic bitch taste
Robesan loves Stars!
Shien Paper Mario The Thousand-Year Door
Robechan gf is on
izuru would never date someone who hates holostars
Izuchama is literally talking about him rn
Fuck, even Rio said it. What does he know?!
Miyabi Minecraft
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Their hair are kinda similar.
Fuck off
DAMN YOU!!!!!!!
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Back to classic Stars friends.
>2 EN girls
>still no EN boys so far
It's almost as if EN boys are all talk when it comes to liking their senpai
So Rio is friends with all Honeyworks vocalists?
The power of being a social butterfly who plays Valo...
Hakka my bro always has our back
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My hermanito loves his senpais!
We should be united.
I love Hakka
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Checked discord and apparently it's this guy. They had a Game of Life collab at the end of last year.
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Octavio message! Stars singers bond.
Flayon time!
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I want Rio to lock him up in his house again. Rust S3 when...
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Rio's 3D modeler sent a message
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Message from KEKI-mama
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And art
gamma couldn't even bother to join the call or even send a message for rio's birthday, what a shitty genmate.
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Not funny didn't laugh
Funny and laughed
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please anon, I'm already depressed assistants couldn't celebrate their 2 year anniversary with him
think about the poor ganrio shippers...
Enter Axel
It's been a week now. How are you holding up?
Wow clicked the wrong post. Meant to click (You)>>81535227
Wow what the fuck I just woke up and Rio's totsu is still going. The social powers of this ghost are really scary...
Any good highlights I should catch up on when the vod goes up? Because no way am I gonna be able to power through all 6 hours
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I've settled down at least. Not actively in pain, although it will still take some time to fully realize he's just not around anymore
Never expected to be so impacted by something like this to be quite honest with you family
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Miyabi's pirate ship is coming along nicely
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>every JP member but astel and arusan visited Rio's totsu
they were busy fucking each other
pretty sure arusan was in the chat
Aruran was in chat, Rio asked him if had time but then Oga called. He did tweet the stream though. I don't know about Astel, guess he was busy.
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Chuubas have funny way of worming their way into heart so deeply that they are mourned like loved ones when they're suddenly gone. Even if other stars never say his name again I'm hoping he pops up somewhere later.
I'm like the other anon, I do get episodes where stuff I see on twitter triggers me and I start crying again though. Plus, what's also helping is that I went on full cope mode and started following his PL twitter in case he ever goes back to it. It's still empty though.
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There should be more bottom!Temma
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Astel tweeted he had a lot of outside recordings to do this week, probably couldn't commit to a time to call.
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They look so rapeable.
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Rio licking pussy...
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What is his PL I need to know plz
I don't know if I'm allowed to link it directly, I'll just say I'm really thankful to his old fans who used to post his art and handle to promote him years ago.
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My sleep deprived mind just thought up of a ranma 1/2 au where Oga is ranma and when he’s splashed with cold water he transforms into Ouka. Other than that, my brain supplied me with Roberu as Akane and Shien as Ryoga. Does anyone else have any additions
Aruran Another Crab's Treasure
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ugh i need a real one, i haven't seen any rio nsfw, anyone who have some?
Fuma Nintendo World Championship
Shorts buff is long gone, yet still...still he insists on streaming in shorts...The screen is not even centered right, what the hell is his manager doing instead of telling him to cut that out
i love my boyfriend (female)
Idk if I wish I were Luca or Rio.
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Majin love!
Miyabi Cooking Summer Vegetable Curry
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Hanakishi (according to Miyabi)
Thanks anon I really appreciate it
damn the last tweets corresponding to the date were ominous as fuck, hope mentally he's in a good place
nta but I think you misunderstood something.
I did kek, today's not a day for using my brain
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I'm choosing to believe Arupapa is not gone forever, Miyabi simply put him inside a nui.
>checks if he has okra in the fridge
>swears he bought it for the stream but assumes he bought something that is similiar to it instead and settles with that
>an hour later checks the fridge for okra again just in case
>it was hidden somewhere behind eggs and milk
He is so dumb.
[Emergency News] Aruran Sus
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God, I love him.
Shien’s pov of a host club murder mystery trpg

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