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/eien/ - EIEN Project General

Website: https://eien-project.com/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@EIENProject
Twitter: https://twitter.com/EIENproj

>Gen 1 Museia
Skye Shinryu: Dorky mecha fan, action games, zatsu, drawing.

Kilia Kurayami: Loud GFE, horror games, karaoke, ASMR.

>Gen 2 Haven
Zumi Dokumi: Unhinged tomboy, indie games, retro games.

Mirri Saffire: Energetic girl, horror games, drawing.

Blaise Shinryu: Ironic weeb, action games, Nier.

Amora Lumina: Silly noblewoman, speedrunning, drawing.

Nanimo Navi: Comfy girl, League, Animal Crossing, Halo.


Unarchived streams archive:

Previous thread: >>81370025
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Weekly Schedule
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Which stream are you watching?
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Frog sex!
Did Navi just get a raid of zero people?
I don't know I use dark mode and I can't see shit
I'm listening to Navi while playing something else
No clue but it was definitely 5 at most
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she is winning!!
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It’s over…
Go back to your own thread
that kirby is full of dust
How is Navi lookin guys? She back to her true skill level or still warming up?
I don't particularly care for guilty gear but I watch anyways. Navi love
Navi sounds cooked
Winning more than losing. Got some perfects. After being on a win streak on floor 6, she decided to go up to floor 8 to get humbled
This is going to sound insane but has Navi considered streaming a little bit earlier like at 8 or 9? might help her keep a reasonable sleep schedule without going the opposite direction into fuck wageslaves 2PM streams.
She should cook my child in her womb
She held a poll early on and that's actually the timeslot that won the vote. She immediately fixed her sleep schedule and then claimed it was far too late for her to stream if she wanted to maintain it. And then when her sleep schedule fell apart again she claimed it was too early.
Starting at 9 would make it easier for my adhd riddled brain to watch Zumi and then Navi in a row instead of having 1-2 hours to twiddle my thumbs
Zumi could even raid into Navi for once, increasing their crossover fanbase
The most annoying part of the noon streams era was that she completely stopped streaming on weekends for whatever reason
9 est wouldn't be bad. It overlaps with Blaise, but by now we know there's no overlap in fanbases
Blaise isn't going to be streaming much for awhile anyway
>no riifu
Skye is showing her room right now, she has merch of museia except riifu
That room is just a guy's room
None of you thought of posting skye's room?
How is the nsfw nun animation coming along
Watch streams
she moved the pic a lot
I am
It's coming, and so am I
Any chance she has the merch and put it away just to show on stream?
>join the disco-
Skyelights are GAYYY
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It's not her room it's her "office" if you can call it that
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Those black things on the walls are USELESS
>t. buoy
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And another angle with the merch
That's the best picture I could get considering how she just zoomed in immediately
>t. gay skyelight
Where does she hide her vibrators/sex toys?
Inside her
In her room
It annoys me how messy and cluttered this is, i wish i coul clean this up
Did they even get merch delivered by the time that happened
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>Navi fighting on floor 10 for shits and giggles
>Demoted to 2F
She is living her beast life
Ok, skyelights might be gay now
Cock on navi's stream
who the fuck is kenny?
Tender loving sex with Blaise to distract her from her puppy
Yeah, mine
Is it normal for navi to sound dead inside every stream? Was she always like this
She is having lots of fun this stream, idk what you mean.
She sounds normal. She does go up in energy when she has an opinion on something or a subject she's well versed in, but she's fine otherwise
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Alright, keep the thread alive till minecraft time.
But my bedtime...
The fight is gonna be anticlimactic anyway, i hope kilia and navi don't actually care about that and just want to socialize with cute girls
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Thinking about her...
would you have sex with her?
be honest
Yeah, i wouldn't pull out
How was zumi's stream
i think the one on the left is the evil one
Would I have sex with the based silly gamer girl with a sweet voice who treats me well? Yes anon, I'm not gay
need a navi whimper and moan soundpost
Does Navi spit or swallow
You ignore that this general was exactly the same during the honeymoon period. Wait a year and a half to make a fair comparison.
Also more posts != better.
Don't bite the most obvious bait in the world, retard. Especially not hours after the fact
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Don't tell me what to do.
the things i would do to this woman
Unless she's in a silly mood or extremely energized she's always kind of vocal fry
I'd give her a good excuse to be sedentary because she would have trouble walking afterwards
It was fun but people sort of blew their load on fucking with her early and started to feel bad and pull back near the end. I think they were too autistix to understand she was, at least partially, playing up her frustration and that it's not bullying when you're paying for the privilege.
Depends how competitive she's feeling
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Mirri making good use of the alt account blowup
[No audio]
Did she ever clarify if her mic was broken? Not sure why it wasn't rescheduled otherwise.
Fucking fags
we’re never getting Skye’s NSFW donothon animation are we
Wasn't it supposed to be voiced by her too? It's never happening
What happened now?
I wish the girls had even the slightest bit of respect and drive to work hard to reward the people who donated thousands of dollars to them.
People donated with the expectation that the goals you laid out would actually be completed. They didn’t donate so you could go completely radio silent on updates and act as if you owe them nothing.
This seemingly happens in every small corpo that has donothons. Not sure how none of them seem to have a system in place for setting reasonable goals with a workable pipeline for actually delivering on incentives. It always just creates an insurmountable mountain of tasks that leads to burnout for the talent and disappointment for the fans.
Is any fanbase in this company happy and hopeful atm?
They're definitely dealing with the least amount of shit but that might still be a semi-delusional outlook
That lone wolf guy is back to having emotional meltdowns in the discord. At least he's not taking it out on a talent this time I guess.
No one who donates thousands of dollars to a streamer deserves respect, especially not from a woman.
the only reason this hobby exists and the girls are even around for you to watch is because people donate to them
Of course, I agree with you, but I still believe what I said.
Sometimes you should feign respect for the sake of business. Something most women don't seem to understand.
Tardchama no riifu merch was ever made
Thank god. Imagine all the hot glue posts.
Page 10
Are there any streams outside of the vsmp event today?
Nope. Just Zumi, Kilia, Blaise and Navi on the VSMP
You could almost forget every girl in the corpo is in the server
I don't know why mirri joined too, she doesn't even like Minecraft kek. I guess eien came as a package deal or something
4 streams, just all the same thing. Skye finished her week, and Amora/Mirri are still out
She was super clear every time that she didn't like Minecraft. It was obviously so she could socialize. In Skye's case, she probably just felt obligated being the only one out
Amora and Zumi where the only ones who managed to use it as a networking opportunity. And Zumi ultimately dropped the ball by going on break just as she was ramping up the frog mafia thing. I would have liked to see Navi branch out more.
I would add Kilia, but she already knows a lot of people who joined, so idk if the expanded at all
Zumi knows a good amount of chuubas but I feel the vsmp got her around girls she normally wouldn't socialize with organically. Helps she had the Poko buff.
All the chuubas I watch are gonna be there. Gonna be a slow stream Friday...
My bro inviting me to her office and telling me to sit wherever. She can only give me a footjob considering how awkward anything else would be to do.
She promptly kicks me out when I offer to clean up the place. "Everything is in its place for a reason" she says.
Then you share some drinks with skyebro. Skye shows up after a while but she still acts like she's mad at you.
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Lets say your oshi is healthy, happy, and management cant say no. What project or stream would you want them to do the most?
Hard to say because we don't even know what they're being told no to. If they already have ideas, I just want them to do what they want as long as it's not obviously retarded (male collabs, self-doxxing etc)
Zumi footcam
Oyakodon JOI offcollab
Why is Amora absent again?
Masturbation with tons of roleplay and intense orgasms
Family stuff
Which girl will be helpful during the fight?
Will navi wake up in time?
if someone gives navi gear her natural gaming ability will make her useful imo
3D stream acoustic guitar concert
It'd be funny if she didn't
Mirri will be here on this Kawaii collab
Wtf? Why is kiliaposter in the title?
Zumi went live early

She's trying to get all the eien viewers
Why is she collabing with the doppleganger? I don't think she and Navi have ever collabed
She hates navi (forma de eien)
Why tho
Have Navi and Mirri ever done a 1 on 1 collab
She doesn't. Nano is super sweet cotton candy with fat tits.
Nano is NOT sweet
She is saccharine
Someone's gonna ask Zumi to call her
very rough, she will not be happy with herself..
Navi is missing the group pic...
Well let's hope she doesn't feel too bad later
Zumi is very cute today. I love seeing her nervous around cute girls.
It's so fucking Dokover my dudes...
This is gonna haunt Navi for at least a month
I really hope she doesn't let it ruin her mental but after how she seemed wednesday I'm sure it will devastate her.
Nah she'll be fine
it's not gonna be good
judging by Zumi's response I would not be so sure
What was her response
When she realized Navi wasn't online her tone of voice became kind of dire
>god dammit this bitch is gonna be annoying for so long
Zumi is drinking Ayu's piss
yep, that's exactly how zumi felt, you nailed it.
Got a general time stamp?
It's a bit after she leaves Kanna's group and leaves the end, don't have the time though
Good enough for me, thank you anon
BUMP for navi
I really hope she doesn't beat herself up too badly...
>3 days no frog
The hell did the break do to Zumi's numbers?
She's got more breaks than streams in her career
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Did you rike?
Halve them
They didn't really affect her before though
Emh anon...uhh..
I've seen too much about her from the debut threads to ever like her
Qrd? Qrd?qrd??
Do your reps
surely things will be better next month
Yeah for sure
I'm not hopeful for the Haven 1 year
Amoria is pink too..
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No but seriously where is navi
i thought she was with you debug. oh god, we didn't leave her at the store, did we?
Honestly I thought she would've shown up on her member's channel but you guys would've said something
Kilia and Amora are gonna fight soon, place your bets
At least the raid wasn't something she 100% needed to be there for
I'm sad she didn't get to break off and explore with Zumi after the fight but it'll still be fun to watch her look at all the cool new stuff in the end!
It would have been for her own benefit more than anything else
Eh there'll be more events later
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I hope she's not beating herself too hard over missing the raid.
Navi love
At least it means we're getting a stream soon. That wasn't going to happen before
How likely is it that it's going to be tft?
approaching 0
medium, but I don't even care. I just want time with Navi
i hope its not guilty gear again
manifesting another gear stream fuck you
Gears of war streams would be kino
I kind of hope it's just dicking around aimlessly in minecraft. She doesn't play many zatsu games these days...
she unfortunately spends way too much time being lost in minecraft for it to be a good zatsu
Animal Crossing really was the great equalizer of her schedule. Her chat interaction was unmatched in those streams. Not sure what could take it's place.
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>Navi shit talking like it's 2008 while wall bouncing and landing nasty gnasher one shots
I need this so badly.
>sending hatemail in 2014
dude was a throwback
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I don't think we're getting a stream anons
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maybe within the hour, we'll see
We're on for tonight
I'm just going to bed now. I'd only be able to catch 30 minutes by the time it started away.
This is how sleep schedules get fixed
Navi guerrilla live

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See not even a bit of regret she's fine
What's with this font m*p?
It looks like shit
Dunno I haven't updated revanced in a while. Sorry your eyes are sensitive
She already feels like she's letting everyone down. No need to rub it in, Derek guy I've never seen before.
She went straight to gaming I don't think she feels that bad
She had time to talk to debugs before stream
>meds talk
She definitely doesn't want her fanbase to think she hates them. That's been a focus of her last two apologies. But if you're implying she's been distant lately: Navi's parasocialism is like the tide. If you want to enjoy it while it's high you have to accept that sometimes it's really low.
You're reaching a bit, buddy. It's not that serious
I'm not the one complaining here
She might be feeling like Skye right now: wants more personal time. Still in discord, but less active overall, burned out from too much activity
If it wasn't following a break it would be less depressing. Right now it's a step back after a step back.
Chat sure is uppity tonight
The greys are being more annoying than usual
gray name hate!
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I feel like this is how it went last time Navi played Strive 2 days in a row. Good first day, stressful 2nd day, mind and body
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Idk how she does it after sleeping for 15 hours
Well she's not going back to sleep any time soon
Yeah, I'm thinking no more double Strive days is a good idea
Why are greys like this
They're fucking awful tonight
Navi seems to be in better spirits compared to how you guys were posting earlier in the stream. She also seems to have learned a lot since last night, going in with aerials and using teleport for pressure.
Earlier she legit felt like she was experiencing league rage. She is in higher spirits now

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