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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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What is a sister?
someone you can have sex with
What you brothers call you to their friends
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Hey bro! Hey sis! Who are you? We are not the same.
Someone that actually runs this board.
A cum receptacle
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A miserable pile of secrets
originally it meant butthurt nijisanji fans who seethed at hololive's success and the popularity of CGDCT over homocollabs. but its been expanded to include all types of butthurt schizos, antis and SJW types who hate CGDCT, idol culture, and straight male targeted vtuber entertainment.
You need to do more research. The drama between Niji and Holo fans is not exactly the same, just seen from different perspectives. You’re upset about CGDCT content, but you overlook the hypocrisy of those who criticize it while doing the same things themselves. These issues are common across all Vtuber companies, and it’s frustrating because no one is completely innocent.
Like your brother but it smells funny
But enough talk, have at you!
It's the way of addressing people. Comes from niggers but also used by feminists and trannies.
Specifically /here/ if you see someone addressing people as sisters it's almost guaranteed to be a troon.
Women who haven't had sex in a while and turn bitter online
Captcha: KKKN
Rent free
the person your parents always spoil
lmao, the term sister didn't start on vt. retards here just copied it from other boards like they do for everything else.
>originally it meant butthurt nijisanji fans
/vt/ took it from other boards, don't pretend it ever originated here you retarded newfaggot
No one cares phasecuck.
memes constantly evolve and change, that's why they're called memes
even the jp bros are now aware of terms like "nijisisters"
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>"What is a sister?"
Primordial must-read for context, pic related.
I live happy knowing that they are never ever alone.
Someone who badmouths Hololive and your oshi who is in Hololive.
The faggots seething about ERB? Got it.
People are SERIOUSLY calling folk sister's because they're rightfully shitting on ERB for being a cock lover?
A female who takes up the vow of chastity, poverty and obedience as a form of worship to our Lord God Jesus Christ and the Holy Trinity
everyone who posts on /vt/
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https://vocaroo.com/1a5fvEtXZTGV - t. Sister
If you you are "rightfully shitting" on a random streamer for talking to people you don't like, you are a seething woman/faggot/tranny. Just how it works, sister.
- /vt/ HATES homo's and wishes for their demise.
- ERB happily mingles with them and would rather chat with them rather than her female genmates that she joined with as a group.

Do you see where I'm getting at or are you really that retarded, anon?
Don't see how this contradicts >>81520092. /vt/ is known to be full of hysterical faggots and trannies, women less so.
The boogeyman, it can be everyone and no one
It contradicts >>81520092 because ERB is a homo loving faggot and since you're on /vt/, you're suppose to HATE her for mingling with the things the majority of /vt/ HATES with a burning passion.
You'll understand one day when your favourite Vtuber mingles with males freely and prefers their company over her female genmates.
Kek, why am I supposed to HATE the same things as delusional troons? Direct your burning passion at the scumbags that fucked up your brain. You will never be a woman.
I'll call anyone who behaves like a woman a sister. Everyone who engages in petty arguments, everyone who gets upset easily and starts throwing around insults, ignorant retards and liars, having opinions on vtubers they don't watch, etc.
No matter what shitty little tribe they belong to, they're all sisters to me.
>why am I supposed to HATE the same things as delusional troons?
Because you're on /vt/ and you're suppose to hate female chuubas who happily interact with their male counterparts? Not hating them means you don't belong on this board or you are what they call, a 'sister'.
>Direct your burning passion at the scumbags that fucked up your brain.
You're the one that's 'fucked up' my brain by proving that you're a sister who LOVES the homo's instead of hating them like any other sensible user on this board.
>You will never be a woman.
And thank fuck for that! I don't want to be a 3DPD woman and would rather be a 2D one. Too bad such a thing doesn't exist.
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you're more than a decade late with that pic, old man...

a new challenger for best imouto is in...
god that smug mouth...
Oh, I see. Hard to tell when people are serious with all the retardation here.
The classics are classics for a reason. She will be forgotten like every other new-era FOTM anime girl.
You're forgiven because I too am having difficulty trying to detect whether you are being serious or not. Like, when you said:

>'/vt/ is known to be full of hysterical faggots and trannies, women less so.'
It made me feel bad for even continuing to argue with you because I know deep down, you are right. Like, Vtuber's are ENTITLED to mingle with who they wish to mingle with but on a board like /vt/, that's not how it goes. You mingle with a male you are basically dead to /vt/.

I'm sorry.
me on the left
lmao, ok /vt/ourist
ever since dramaniggers came over in droves during the blackscreen-era the term has been coopted by faggots and newfags alike.
This is what /we/ get for not gatekeeping hard enough.
nu/vt/ hates idols, hates idol culture, hates lolis, doesnt understand what unicorn means, has more than one oshi, and sexualises their oshi
This image will always be funny to me
>rightfully shitting on ERB
Salty Asian, Latin American and German women who come here to shitpost and gossip. The proto-sisters developed out of the toxic /cgl/ culture which us why they hate Kiara so much.
The modern Sisters built upon that culture by melding with the incredibly toxic Nijisanji Culture.

They are menhera women with dying eggs who need sex with me!

The truth is /vt/ believes they can save and fix the sisters and deep down are goslings for these menhera women. The Sisters are too dumb too realize this.
Why are you questioning marking him? She deserves to be confronted
>and German women
that's a new one
So true sister we haze girls outside our clique here
>What makes you a sister:
- Loving homo's.

>What DOESN'T make you a sister:
- Hating on girls (ie: ERB) who are mingling with da boiz.

No I won't take my meds and this is how I view the term 'sister'. I also had to edit my reply a bit because if I hadn't, you would have frothed at the mouth in anger for 'wibbit spacing'.
Numbers, Shit-flinging, Rumor-mill slander.
The Sister Trinity.
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Holy skippa
Who in the blueberry muffin fuck is 'skippa?'
What did Lara do to deserve this treatment?
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maledetto bastardo, non conosci la lingua degli dei
Could've just said /#/
* Google translate what the fuck you just said to me:

>'you damn bastard, you don't know the language of the gods'

Go fuck yourself aside, you didn't answer my question. Who is 'skippa' or who the fuck is 'chattini' in your filename? I assume its that blue fuck in your image or something?
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>nooooooo, 4chan is supposed to be my safe space echo chamber!
NTA, don't even care that strongly about homos because I am not a cock-obssessed closeted faggot.
>you're supposed to
kill yourself fucking tourist faggot, you don't fit in. I bet you're one of those bvtm or okbh fags or something aren't you
actual genuine tourist detected, holy kek
go back ledditor newfriend
Trust me Germans are low key the worst posters on this site. Throw flags on thos board and be amazed.
Watch streams
>I bet you're one of those bvtm or okbh fags or something aren't you
Who? You'll have to elaborate because I've no idea on who the fuck those folk are.
Go back to sucking some dick, you homo-loving sister.
Oh, so its a literal who who's not important to know about at all? Good to know.
this is the most accurate explanation for the term in this thread - except for that last part; thinking about the sisters' eggs drying up and them wasting away as jealous spinsters who are eternally cuckqueaned by all the vtubers they hate turns me on too much for me to want to save them
not sure if genuine newfag tourist or bait
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Average /vt/ dramafag IQ levels at work
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Only know by name and that's because you retards spam him everywhere or shove it in my face when I'm trying to browse threads that catch my eye.
Never heard of him / her.
Someone you're mother will testify is a liar and a whore.

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