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Have you considered not blaming Phase Connect for literally every single thing like they are the jews of vtubing?
/jidf/ exists
hey anons, im going out to get some mcdonalds want anything?
they are
if you see some retard saying some deranged bullshit on xtwitter you can click on his profile and see he's a phasefag, just like the early life section on wikipedia
Bit hard to do when nearly every bait thread, dramamonger or harassment campaign traces back to them. Hell, even the kiwifarm raid last night was, 'cause they're here because of Pippa. Or how about everything Azehara is involved in? Guess who his oshi is and which corp he clips? Or why is Rima a mod in one of the Phase girls' chat? Or BVTM who's shat up the board for years now. Who is he a fan of, huh? The answer may surprise you. Every single ounce of drama always finds it way back to Phase somehow, whether it's them starting it or just stoking the flames. If you don't wanna get blamed for everything, you shouldn't be behind everything people blame you for, you idiot.
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Happy meal! And vanilla milkshake!
Anon, I just want to watch Tenma Maemi.
And again, every corporations with more than one talent will have a lot of innocent talents. Clara, Jelly, Yuu, Dizzy et cetera- Most of their fans aren't at fault for these things.
As for people from the other side, Saplings, some Ruffians and Chumbuds can match this level of psychosis.
I will skip over "Nijisanji" and their fans for obvious reasons.
And I am not defending fans of Pippa, by the way, I am not that much into tribalism and I can safely say that they are annoying.
Remember Pippa, you would always wear the mark of your sins as we have to deal with the dramafags and kiwifarmers culture war shittees you unleashed upon us. This is now your curse, forever and always.
Anon, you're letting catalog bait get into your head. Remember, none of the posts made on this board matter. People who are making these posts don't watch your vtubers or any vtubers, they will never watch them or care about them, they just use them as fuel for their neverending console war. Watch the girls and don't pay attention to the ocean of shit that is /here/.
ogey sis
very ironic post considering all the /here/ content farmers like parrot, doxxagi and bvtm are phase shills
this is a baitthread. your are being farmed by retards in discord. they samefag and falseflag alot. dont take the bait and feed them.
All I understand from your little rant is that, some group/individual unrelated/related phasefags that watch phase have mindbroken you to believe that every thing is to blamed on phase now. Is this how being a jew/muslim feels?
I just made this thread to subtly complain about the schitzo going ham in /pcg/, I'm not even that tenma watcher who replied as if he was me
/here/ content farmers also breathe oxygen, better stop doing that
Their opinions and posts matter exactly as much as the common catalog posts.
Give me the quick rundown on how all drama tubers are working for phase did the Fishman bribe them with collabs/ merch or something?
I hate the /pol/tards they welcomed to our hobby. I don't want any of that shit, the only level of debate I wanna see is Coffee vs Tea level of silliness. Goddamn.
Just 2 large fries thanks
as many Hash Browns as you can get.
No one will know if I made this post. (me)
Idk about that, they seem to shill Holo more than anything
>It is merely a coincidence that dramafaggots and content farmers are all sucking Sakana's cock
Are we distracted from the fact that Pippa is collaborating with a literal whore tomorrow, phasekeks? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yTm7CHSgfE0
I just looked at Fefe's channel and oh boy, what a treat
Check her twitter, it's even better.
if she doesn't have sex for money she is not a "literal whore"
Ought to check out that onlyfans mate. Don't care about Pippa but yikes, her twitter alone says enough.
hot damn
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>Start your thread off asking for sympathy for their corpo
>by insulting some different corpo right in the OP
I'm no anti, but you aren't exactly pleading a strong case by doing that OP.
Be happy dramafaggots watch you...Oh wait...
Let's be serous for a second, why would Pippa in a million years ever agree to this?
Another reason why Pippa needs her own general on her own quarantine site. What a disgrace to this hobby.
>b-but I rike watame-
She'd be ashamed of you to, you toothless dollar store slut.
>agree to this?
Kek, that's the best part: she asked for it.
>"Muh brainworms"!
>"I can't talk to someone I people like to collab with them!"
>gets plowed at offkai the first time she meets her discord lover
>collabs with an e-slut that makes Mel look good
What a joker
idk wants her pussy licked i guess
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She loves to throw fast ones at her audience by doing completely unexpected shit out of left field. Chances are the collab will happen, a few capipi's will seethe for a day, and everyone will move on soon after.
Just like every other Pippa spectacle.
She has to fake being lesbian to hide her boyfriend. She did the same sort of thing with the last fag. I hate how phasekeks infected my brain with this grifter's lore
honestly i see her as a comedian at this point, the spicier the collabs the better
Based lolcow enjoyer.
Lmao, hope she loves all the cucks and jeets she's going to rake in with this one, not like Phag Connect didn't already have plenty. She'd be a good vwhorejo poach though, she clearly doesn't like phase if she's pulling this on top of the rest of her "unintentional" sabotage
>blame /jidf/
>catch a rule 3 ban
Tactical filtering Nuke, it worked.
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being vshoujo/phase fanig is the same as having jewish parents in your early life section of wiki
Don't forget to get some Dr. Peeba!
Have you considered not baking shill threads every single hour like a jew?
Nuggies with the JJK sauce please

Anon, the joke is that they are jews, come on now, don't act like it was serious.
I don't know if filtering your core fanbase to get some coomers is a good idea.
3 Cheeseburgers with extra cheese and no pickles, medium fries and a large Dr Peppah.
but they are
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