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Which phase member is the appropriate starting place for a Holofan?
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Kill yourself
Kys traitor.
If this isn't a shitpost, Clara.
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You're acting like a nijisister.
Phase is more of a company for Nijifans. I would recommend you stick to Hololive and stay away.
Wholesome thread.
I could see a Pekora fan enjoying Tenma Maemi.
>Another one
Going for a new record I see.
>Niji out of no where
Holy mother of rent-free.
if you like vtubers phase is not for you
phase is for vtuber anti CHADS who love bvtm and doxxagi
these threads always play out the same way every single day and somehow none of you get bored of it
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it ain't rent free, I got nijitears and your seethe gives me dopamine
Get rid of /#/ already
These threads are garbage
why do you think about me so much, single anon that makes these threads
Just pick one, all of them are infinitely more entertaining and stream more than any holo
don't watch clara >>81519596, watch either Pico or Loki for JP and for EN pick Runie or Hina. All 4 are good singers and mostly normal enough to get into phase
>why not everyone else (for a starting place)
Lumi is too stupid and parasocial, Clara is too weird, Michi has repetitive autism, Yuu is too non-JP racist, Nasa too cute, Saya never streams, Iori is Coco 2.0, Airi is half dead, Muyu needs saving from her family, Wemi is a disaster, Pippa is pippa, Tenma might drop dead any moment, Dizzy is desperate, Uruka is spoiled, Ember is boring, Eimi & Lia are weird fujos, Memory is missing something (how can a Mario game be so hard), Panko is brown, Shiina is complicated, Jelly eats directly from /vg/egg/ (extreme autism), Erina is a massive dork with an even worse community, and Yuri is dead
don't compare your shitters to coco
coco has been a fleshstreaming whore for longer than she was ever coco at this point, move on
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>Pico or Loki for JP and for EN pick Runie or Hina. All 4 are good singers
If you're basing this off of singing ability, no one can even come close to touching Clara. You're a fucking idiot. Clara is the best singer in english-speaking vtubing BAR NONE.
>Clara is too weird
Talk about filtered.
>Nasa is too cute
How can anyone be "too cute" to watch? What is this fucking take?
rangeban SEA and rid us of the phaseniggers please
Clara's humor is the most forced weirdness I've seen in a while.
You can't deny Iori doesn't sound like Coco https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIR4hHWATDI
His question was for someone getting into phase, aka someone new, there is not a single hologirl that could compare to Clara. Yes Clara does have the best voice in all of vtubing but that doesn't make her a good chuuba to watch to get into phase. If you started with Clara, you would be disappointed with the rest of phase
Because she blows everyone else out of the water with her actions and noises, like an inverse of Clara. If you started with Nasa, only Pico could come close in cuteness and leave you with a bad impression
Okay so I actually did look her up and I'm confused because:
>I'm Clara Kaminari of Phase Connect JP's first generation
but she's EN?
not watching your clip nigger
Her being in the JP gen is a formality. She speaks English in her streams a lot more often than Japanese.
Formality, Iori and Clara are both EN streamers that split into JP sometimes. Also have Airi who is EN but can also split into KR
>If you started with Clara, you would be disappointed with the rest of phase
>If you started with Nasa, only Pico could come close in cuteness
And? Why is that a problem? Nobody is forcing anyone to watch ALL of the Phase girls. Especially since some of them are actually dogshit.
>Especially since some of them are actually dogshit.
which ones?
Clara is the idol of Phase, so start there. Oh, and she sounds like Coco when speaking but has an angelic singing voice which Coco does not.
If you like Shiori, you'll like Lia
Airi, Panko and Shiina are good choices in general
Fucking Pippa, duh. Also Lumi and Lia.
You're missing the point, OP didn't ask for "the best of phase", OP asked for a start into phase as a whole
kill yourself phasenigger
Mostly Rie
And what's wrong with starting from the best?
nta but in the context of of being a Holofan tho, so the most hololive-ish members would be where to start
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She debuted in the JP gen and used to actually speak JP, but she talked both and the much larger EN Phase audience dominated.
Fuck off, liker. Lia is a literal nijisister whose kamioshi is Luca Kaneshiro of all people. Just for that alone she is worse than dogshit.
Go to channel sort by popular and watch every vod, it's like a podcast
You don't.
okay NGL this was originally a shitpost thread but I am now actually unironically sold on Clara
Why are Phasekeks like you literally arguing with each other in an anti thread instead of showing some unity? Are you retarded?
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Based and Clarapilled.
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is she ethnically japanese or what?
I don't know, to be desu.
idk her source, but she moved to japan to become an idol but couldn't make it cause she's weird
No lol her oshi is mint
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I recommend giving V4M a chance instead so you don't have to deal with phaseschizos.
Pippa. Do you like cuckoldry? Pippa was not only groomed at the age of 13 and fucked said groomer until her 20s, she was kicked out of her home in 2022 after having her online relationship with the 2view mahjong streamer Rezuul, who she fucked at Offkai this year after ghosting her fanbase for two weeks. Like whores? Well if you weren't sold on her being a whore already, she's collabing with a literal, yes, literal whore (FeFe Vtuber, be sure to check out her twitter) tomorrow at 6 pm EST to play lewd games. Enjoy menhera? Pippa fakes mental illness and even nails putting the blame of her shortcomings on everyone else in her life, even her fans, friends and family! But don't worry, two months of her being bitchy, and she'll have a week long apology session where she ignores how big of a cunt she was and puts in half an effort, with some depression zatsus and suicide bait to boot! Enjoy!
as a holofan go for clara, you'll quickly realise how shit talents outside hololive is when they tout this as the greatest EN talent thats ever lived but you can't even understand her because she's speaking as if she has 3 cocks in her mouth at all times
this is a baitthread by retards on discord. they samefag alot. do you wanna be farmed?
I actually kek'd irl as I was reading this
You're spouting this bullshit in literally every /vt/ thread, schizo-dono, shut the fuck up.
If you are a cuck, you will love phase connect
Top 4 safe phase for hololive fans:
she really is the vtuber for holofans then
She said that to leech off of Pomu/Mint when opportunity presented itself. It's the same bullshit as Vivi, who espoused that Pomu and Selen were her oshis, only to turn around, completely memoryhole Selen's existence and retweet the black stream.
It's all bullshit.
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Mean girl bitch
Mods dramafags in her chat
Irrelevant whores. Why would Holochads watch any of these cunts?
nice falseflag
They actually stream
>phasefag leeching holo again
not beating the allegation arent we?
Ok, Millie
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Can't wait for the epic erb and holostars collab tonight fellow holoGOD. It's going to be so unhinged!
Reading comprehension doko?
Do you see how often these phase whores practically beg for Holo mems to acknowledge them? They desperately want to grift some of the Holo audience. I wouldn't be surprised if the Phasecuck who made this thread was Pippa herself
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Already acknowledged though
Kill yourself.
Phaseshitters collab with Homostars more often than Hololive does.
The fact you wave that around like a trophy proved my point
Yeah that was a wild stream she did so good
we don't like your kind here, holofag. leave
It is impressive how dishonest some posters are, it's like feds from other boards shilling for the goverment
That's not a phase fan you're replying to, just a catalog niggerfaggot who can't help but think about men.
If you think that’s forced, you don’t know traumatized millennial women.

This is 100% genuine. Clara from the tap. Freerange and unstressed. Living her actual best life so far.

There are a hundred Claras in the world with near identical backgrounds and they’re all funny as fuck. Her Grease show was better than everything Holo put out this year.
This is almost certainly a shitpost of a thread but depending on the flavor of chuubas you're into you're looking for Runie, Jelly, Clara, Loki or Nasa. They're the most Holo-like and even then it's tenuous
A rope around your neck.
I don't think so.
Maybe a tiny bit but I think she's just a white weeb girl who moved over there to be an idol and ended up staying
>phaseleech thread
sasuga SEA hours
calm down Millie
Yeah my weird
Those cocks? All mine
the way people talk about SEA hours you'd think no one there needs sleep or something
this is how i unironically see things, i enjoy an equal amount of girls from both groups and no sister can do anything about it
Have you tried seeing vtubers as individuals instead of a collective?
Anon, if you aren't shitposting, Phase fans have extremely varying opinions about the different girls, the exact same way Holo fans do, because Phase has very different types of talents. My rrat is that Sakana actually wants to collect every single type of VTubing talent to have the Perfect Cell, I mean the Perfect AgencyTM
tripod dick
Tenma Maemi
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Does Phase have any members other than Tenma?
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Go for Tenma and/or Lumi to get a taste of how Phase differs from Hololive. These girls shittalk their audience frequently, they hover on the border between 3view and 4view and they're in contact with indies and male vtubers.

If you can clear that hurdle you're ready for Phase Connect.
now that's just madness. according to sister culture, you have to hate everyone not of your tribe, while excusing and justifying anything your tribe does.
Maemi Tenmind
A cyanide pill
That's the joke.
She's white as wonder bread. She's French Canadian.
Erina and Clara are both wonderful, no matter what retards here meme about PC. Easily holo-tier talents.
No, Erina is my wife fuck off
I enjoy Erina and watch most of her streams but IDK about Holo tier
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If you like Biboo, try Muyu
and they both say bweh
Remi - the one unicorn-friendly member of phase, unironically retarded though
Hina - slutty GFE
Runie - roleplay GFE
Jelly - severely autistic misogynist neckbeard in a woman's body
Panko - cute racist Italian
Airi is literally the Marine of phase
Shill connect
With the worst possible luck
wemi's not wetarded, she's just a massive fucking weeb shutin, like dysfunctional to a degree rarely seen
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only tenma is holotier. the rest are nijitrash
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here's you go anon
Pippa, because she's the most popular Phase member and you're probably a numberfag.
On JP Nasa is the best and most Hololiveish. Pico isn't quite at her level but she's learning fast and it's hard not to root for her.

EN isn't really comparable. Phase EN does it's own thing and doesn't really subscribe to the normal vtuber model. If you want to see how far away from the mold they get I'd recommend Dizzy as some of her shit is downright avant garde.
how are their lolis?? cute and funny enough?
Phase doesn't have a lot but they have some of the best in the industry.
Pippa made a reference to Kiara's roommate video and that's based
Why do you anti?
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phasebeggars thread
>phaseniggers shilling again
I'm so surprised
they should stick to shilling coffee
Why would you purposefully downgrade like that? It’s like saying
>i’m a fan of water, so I think i’m gonna try drinking piss (old man piss, not cute girl piss)
you guys should stop being so mad at everything it can't be healthy
does she speak French?
Which Phase are unicorn friendly?
RUMAO, even
wrong corpo for that chum
you sound like a vagina
you probably don’t even watch KSON you faggot ass nigga LOL
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Iori sounds like Coco. Clara could do an impression, but she sounds a lot better

Weird thread. Start with anyone. They're an interesting variety, "sad girls" barely begins to describe their overall feel. Relatable underdogs. All a little (or a lot) bent.
...is there even a SINGLE one left after the dizzy yab?
Depends on your taste
Runie , Shiina, or Airi would be fairly safe bets
trying too hard brother, at least pick ones that are potentially ambiguous kek
The people replying to this with names are just baiting, right? There isn't one
I'm guessing this is some specific weird unicorn thing. Idk what you are talking about...
NTA but you responded to someone asking for unicorn friendly phase girls, and then picked those three. He's right in that you're not really slick.
Unless you are insinuating that all holofans are unicorns I did not. Non all hololive members are unicorn friendly anyway... hell they even have a male branch
He's pushing drama over a figure of speech, so he shout "cuck" all day and night. Ignore him.

This is not a unicorn friendly company. There are no such rules so the talents are free to do as they please. Unicorns need not apply, but if you sneak in and believe Hina to be "safe", be warned she likes muscly guys in speedos.
I am a muscly guy in a speedo. I'm so im boys
The best Phase Vtuber for Hololive fans would have to be Pipkin Pippa, of course!
Why, she's even a huge Hololive fan herself!
captcha: nyygr
None. Boyfriend connect isn't a bunch of autistic weebs or Japanese otaku, it's e gilrs with anime avatars.
Wemi if you want a retarded daughterwife
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The majority of Holos have done male collabs of some kind depending on how autistic of a unicorn you are
Most of the ENs have also been dating or have dated men since their debut. Unicorns are fucking retarded lmao.
>mostly normal
"normal" for Sad Girl Company, yes
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Well if you like your oshi to get dicked down and have IRL dates with their CEO then anyone in phase in perfect for you.
not even a joke do your reps, it's pretty sad
just like a real idol company!
I’m not sure you did your reps either
I don't yahoo is having 1 on 1 dinners and doing romantic things with the hologirls, so idk about that
>dizzy, with large amounts of evidence
>and more
You might need to do your own reps anon, they don't even try to hide it.
I mean flesh idols, literally all of them have slept with producers/management to get ahead. even if they try to reinvent themselves as pure vtubers later on
They may be cucking their audience and larping as femcels in the process, but they aren't with Sakana since the dude is married. They deserve hate (as do all people who pretend to be alone and struggling with dating when they have no such experience of that kind of life and are regularly having sex, dates, etc) but do it honestly, you don't need to make things up to hate them and it only devalues you and legitimiate criticism of femcel larping.
Interacting with your boss irl isn’t dating you absolute woman.
I'm sure your right for IRL idols, but we're talking hololive here.
Yahoo has shown ZERO signs of having anything but a profesional attitude with his talents. Sakana on the other hand has several admitted instances of getting closer than a CEO normally would to his girls. That's not even getting into the obvious fling he had with dizzy so she could get hired.
It's not hate it's facts, do your reps on how much the phase girls bring up meeting him for dinner or doing shit with him. Also the Idol corp manager was married, guess what he still did?
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Strange how this garbage bait thread was nearly dead until the hololive and homo collab started. I'm starting to notice.
>It's not hate it's facts
>now heres my schizo rrat
>I'm sure your right for IRL idols, but we're talking hololive here.
>flays connect
noticed you didn't deny the accusations, phasekek
Can you PLEASE stop thinking about cocks for 5 minutes?
are you enjoying watching ERB getting the marimari special?
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Hey if you don't want to accept long proven facts that's fine, I'm just leaving a warning for any perspective tourists stumbling on this thread thinking phase isn't a black corpo.

Don't give your time and money to girls who fuck their CEO's like these lost souls anons, find a real corpo or indie who actually values you as a fan.
who? is that another phase 2 view?
i dont keep up with all the whores in your corpo getting flayGOD running a train on them
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You can try your best to pretend that she doesn't exist but there is no hiding from reality anon
>phasekek watching literal cuckslop
NTA but I really don’t care who ERB interacts with, but if you’re gonna cuckpost then don’t get pissy and deflect when people cuckpost back, don’t throw stones in glass houses.
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was that really the best comeback that you could come up with? kinda sad man.
>no argument
concession accepted. phasekeks watching their boy flayGOD, it's beyond hilarious
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oh no no mint bros don't look
don't shitpost with my wife faggot
>actual phasecuck has his holoimages ready from all the falseflagging
You dropped the mask a bit early, there. Get back to watching your self insert, phasepag
at what? five women?
>using a reaction image means you watch the chuuba
How new are you?
Forgot to mention I love watching FlayGOD run a train on my beloved Phase oshi's, I donate so I can sit in my favorite chair!
Holy mindbroken
you don't need to sign your posts here, kiwicuck
>hes just samefagging now
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Which one is that? Genuinely did not know there was an attractive Phase member

Absolutely, positively homosexual if you wouldn’t
Loki show off her chest in members after workouts. It’s the best corpo.
Phase skanks actually do reference Sakana a lot in their streams and I have more than once had them recall going to dinner either in Japan or America. Ember calls him Sakanyan and Lumi never shuts the fuck up about him and her favorite mod. It actually made me watch them less over time. I never hear the name Yagoo or Aviel so much as I do Sakana during streams. He even inserts himself into streams. More than once I've had him call in to a stream and join a game. I hate him.
Yeah, he's not really hiding the 'recruitment process' they go through, and the monthly 'check-ins'
Phasekeks really are living that GRIM life
Lucky bastard probably got to recruit Lia's mom, he played the long game and won. MILF generation is coming.
Fishman, I kneel.
>Phase skanks
>It actually made me watch them less over time
You’re not slick faggot
Holostars is for nijisisters. Phase is too tainted by the specter of "far-right" for the sisters.
there is only a single phase talent with /pol/ brain rot
As if the twitter troons that form the acceptable opinions for sisters know that.
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Pippa doesn't have /pol/ brainrot but even without that most of the Phase girls are too "edgy" for nijisisters. They make somewhat racist jokes, constantly say retard, and they aren't afraid of getting cancelled by their fans because they posted a tweet with a McDonald's hashbrowns asset.
Phase couldn't be further from what Nijisisters want.
that hasn't been true since even pippa finally revealed her true nature and went full vax+mask. she couldnt keep up the grift forever lol
probably for the best as we all know what her type is now and it was at odds with being /pol/brainrotted
Memory-chan is a total sweetheart
most people that are 4chan adjacent are just larping as edgy because they think that's what you're supposed to do here (including most of /vt/)
lol, twitter troons and sisters aren't going to forgive and forget just because pippa got pissed about being sick.
So as a Holofan I looked up some of the girls mentioned here and some of them seem alright but man, it is really weird to see a ostensibly corpo vtubers with 4 digit view counts on their vods
Stop using moom to hide yourself vermin
What I learned from the thread is just how sad a life it is to be a unicorn.
Agreed. Imagine a life of constant dissapointment. When will they learn?
Clara is more "holo" than most holoENs desu.
Muyu is a sweetheart. Safest choice.
Clara is fine if you don't mind her weird unique tastes. Also idol.
Lumi is wild and has a lot of good songs but she stream on twitch if you dont mind that.
Pippa and Tenma are the most popular, most entertaining but also try too hard to be cool and may have strong opinions that clash with yours.
Lia and Shiina try too hard but are just normies, skip
Uruka and Dizzy pretend to be loser and make it their personality, skip
Runie and Hina are sluts and humblebrag about their nice bodies, skip
Muyu is the cunny they need, but not the one they deserve
>Lia and Shiina try too hard but are just normies, skip
>Uruka and Dizzy pretend to be loser and make it their personality, skip
>Runie and Hina are sluts and humblebrag about their nice bodies, skip
Thoughts on Airi?
Welp I haven't watched enough of Airi or the rest of them to tell
Clara keeps getting posted here, and she seems to be alright in a vacuum, but how often does she interact with the undesirable members of phase?
>the undesirable members of phase
if you mean pippa
then once when pippa was in Japan
She doesn't really have enemies, since she's friendly to everyone, big and small.

...unless you count jealousy, anyway. Girls gotta tear each other down for any reason.
They hate you because you speak the truth.
Yes, actually.
trilingual? I kneel
You do realize many, many holos have talked about meeting and hanging out with Yagoo right? And even Riku meets the talents, so does Aviel. There's nothing weird or untoward about dinner with the boss. Dizzy is the only instance that might have been a bit of a yab, but hey, props to her, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do and now she is popular and fairly well off.
she really doesn't do much with the others, other than occasional Hag Connect collabs. Most of the time she just does her own weirdo la creatividad shit or sings with the voice of God. It's amazing how such a gremlin has the most beautiful singing voice known to mankind
None of the rest of his post is accurate either.
Hina is objectively great. Basically everything a vtuber fan every wanted
That's really just certain members though. Mostly Pippa and her friends, like Tenma, Lumi and the gang. In reality Phase is huge and has way more members than all the other agencies, there's a lot to choose from
Pippa is great in collabs, but her solo streams only appeal to ADD zoomers.
Tenma is great when she's in a calm mood and playing autism games.
Uruka when she's playing violin and doing karaoke.

The stalwarts are Lumi, Shiina, Hina, Jelly. They're great no matter what they're doing and you will really enjoy their streams. Especially when they collab, they have great energy.
I'd recommend Tenma. She's pretty great as a holo-lite intro to Phase, and is the second popular Phase girl for a good reason.
If you want more niche picks, Jelly is the programming chuuba which a more masculine sense of humor. Runie's permanently in kayfabe mode and is fun if that's your alley. Shiina, though she doesn't always act like it, is one of the closest you'll get to normie in the vtuber sphere. She's good if you enjoy the more outgoing Holos like old Kronii.
Panko, Airi, Shiina and Clara
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I wouldn't know.
she has a disgusting ESL manvoice, and has no discernable talent. she might be the worst intro to phase possible for bronies.
ESL accents are sexy and plentiful in Hololive
ESL, vaguely acceptable.
tranny sounding voices like tenma? fuck off. it'd turn off the bronies instantly. it might work for fans of their faggots...maybe? i dont know enough about them tbdesu
>Pippa is great in collabs
She's great in one on one collabs. Anymore than two and she wilts into the background.
>is the second popular Phase girl for a good reason.
what is the reason?
>Jelly is the programming chuuba
What does this mean? Is she a pro? Watching hobbyists fills me with backseat pain
She sounds nothing like a troon, stop huffing paint humes
amateur grammers are the worst
Bro, you need to clean your ears out. I've got nothing against her but she's definitely man sounding. Don't get so upset that you're into that kinda voice, it's cringe.
I'm sure you'll pass someday, keep working on it
why is every trannylover ESL, what the fuck. the jokes write themselves
Projecting a BIT too hard there.
>Don't get so upset that you're into that kinda voice, it's cringe.
I started watching hololive to ignore the grift right and third worlders
fuck you.
just fuck you.
i never associated it with being a tranny before, but now i cant get it out of my head. is this why pippa stopped being /pol/ and moved to being a lefty cuck? to support "Tenman"?
fuck you. ive spent so much on a fucking dude, god damn it
make your samefag less obvious retard your writing style is identical
>Tenma is a man
This is the stupidest rrat I've read this week and that's really saying something.
Doxxconnect getting real desperate nowadays
Pippa Pipkin
Are you sure you're not confusing her with someone else? She sounds like an angry child
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Does phase really care about niji this much?
Dumpster Bear
Tenma or Clara.
kawaii is the small corpo for holofans, phase is just vshojo jr
you could start with the clips
Tranny Tenman lovers kek, disgusting dogshit ESL voice
I hope your parents know you're a faggot at least
No, not tiniest bit.
But sisters care a lot about Phase.
>concedes hes watching an ESL man larping as a 'womxn'
KEK. it makes sense why she collabs with trannies, she knows her kind
Don't forget her going full schizo on twitter afterwards, shitting on anyone who spoke ill of her troon friend.
She really is the ultimate grifting whore. Glad she attracted most of the pagpag audience so the other phase girls have a good community
>calling you deaf is a concession
Are you retarded or ESL?
you're watching tenman so you outed yourself as both already, move on tranny supporter, you're out of your element
You were meant to have memoryholed this glaring fact like the rest of her cuckpainiki, anon. They don't like you bringing receipts like this
Ember, panko, maybe Jerry.
eh, maybe
LOL GOD NO. into the trash it goes
wait is tenma actually a tranny or not?
all of the BVTM defence force bailed once this was posted, is it actually a man or what?
Panko is the best phase talent and you're GAY
I mean
>2022 Phase was a low 3 view company
>by the end of that year NijiEN starts its eternal fumble arc
>going forward with each scandal causing people leave and somehow Phase getting notoriety
lmao, phasemonkeys always want the better company fans' to acknowledge their retardation
not into cuckchubas, pancuck is for NTR pags. way to expose yourself
Kson sucks.
ni hao
Fuck off nigger.
Coco was great.
Kson is a directionless whore who thinks she's always right.
ni hao
retarded holomonkey
thanks, just did my reps. I'll be avoiding this whore.
No, Tenma is a petite Japanese woman.
The only controversy about her is that she's not a hag at all.
Is this the samefag general?
Hard to tell with phasemonkeys. They're all so ESL they seemingly merge into one concentrated blob of cuckoldry
Shaina for Grandma Friend Experience
Tenma is also great
Panko is basically just Gura if she actually liked Hololive.
24 hours phase turds shilling thread
We did it plebbit
I watch phase connect you retard
least obvious samefag
Post some of those clips and I will consider her
no? and wait, are you watching a known NTR chuba?
grim, get help you freak
no, I have not watched a stream of hers in my entire life and she may very well be a complete whore, but that doesn't make your samefagging any less obvious and pathetic
its not "may well be", she is. glad you admit it.
Probably the most famous stream, really revealed a lot about xerself in this one
You'll never get in phase connect femanon, get over it
>edgy retarded company has edgy retarded fans
I am surprised
i dont have a boyfriend, i think im excluded from their only recruitment criteria. maybe youd have better luck, you seem like a faggot

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