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Towa Thread
Previous >>81432987

Please listen to her latest cover, 「White Noise」!

Upcoming shows/events:
>(07/27, 08/03) 27 JST Comedy Karubi-juku
>(08/04) 10 JST RAGE SUPER MATCH Overwatch 2
>(08/24) Vtuber Saikyou Ketteisen #6

Previous shows/events:
4th Crazy Raccoon Cup Overwatch 2
>COD: MWIII Creators Party
>Lui birthday live 『L -Challenger-』
>Latest Hologra
>Game Shop Maruyama

Channels and socials:
Official 3D Model:

Radio program/Twitcasting/Spaces/Videos/Manga archive: https://pastebin.com/9tt48x5E
Mail/Gifting FAQ: https://en.hololive.tv/contact
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Music: https://pastebin.com/AkBD5Ztv
>Latest EPs
>Latest Solo/Group Originals and Covers
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRtOWI6Lut0 White Noise
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bkICbOt1ck Unknown Mother Goose (with Hoshimatic Project)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p54QSYd7-c Ghost Rule (with Shiranui Flare)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0K3F4QCb96A Inokori Sensei (with Tsunomaki Watame)

>「Soreyuke!! Makai Gakkou」 by Moro-yan (JP)
>「Underworld Academy Overload!!」 by Moro-yan (EN/ID)

Merch: https://pastebin.com/yk5HHRSr
>Dream Tomica hololive Collaboration
>Startend Gaming Chair
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Sololive "Break your ×××" Blu-ray
>Tokoyami Towa 1st Single "S.T.Y."
>hololive Closet
>hololive friends with u Vol. 6
>hololive Starting Voice

Interviews/Articles: https://pastebin.com/vAeipX4B
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I hate Towa
Didn't she complain about lewd FA....then these thumbnails....
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according to her swimsuits are not lewd...
Towa is a known retarded hypocrite...
Towa can't be smart... Then she'd be too powerful...
If she was smart she would be as successful as Suisei. Instead she is only popular with femcels.
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Towa is as smart as 1000 kenzies with 1 iq...
Is this for children? If so this is a stupid design that doesn't appeal to girls who rather see a barbie sports car or to boys who like buses but don't like those girly colors.
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Towa is for children.
What I meant is that she's meant to bear and nurse children.
Sex with jk twi...
It's for その他 like Towa...
Sexy girls voice on stream...
Very disappointing...
It was me...
Why is Towa's mom always at her house...
She's babysitting our child while towa works...
mom (boyfriend)
maybe she doesn't live in tokyo and when she wants to do something there she stays at towa's place...
Towa, having fatachi and An-chan doesn't count as having children.
To pester her to get married and have grandchildren...
There's no way this is a boy...
Her mom was weirded out of the streamer voice twi puts out...
A talking dinosaur...
imagine if towa loved kenzoku as much as she loves kinzoku...
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Serving size isn't big enough...
xp gain must be way too high, they gained like 200+ levels during that raid...
towa is my favourite bibituber...
towa might be a cute girl...
are we back...
year of orio...
orio literally just had sex on stream
dinosaur stream thumbnail is sex
what did she say I zoned out
Ow and apex tournaments soon
we already knew about those...
I never liked back to back tournaments...
The rage thing is one day only if I recall, the only real tournament arc is VSai.
She said she wanted to play SF6 again soon
I'm fine with sf6 as long as it's not with him...
with bibi...
fat fuck...
Towa is too kind...
I left towa on while i slept and had the worst nightmares and now I have a terrible headache and stomachache...
that's just morning sickness...
Why are there two Twas...
This meme has gone too far they sound nothing alike...
Azki should have sex with towa...
they're too old...
That doesn't matter...
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Those shoes look ridiculous on you twi...
Suitowa bros...
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Fat fuck got food...
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me on the right...
Fuck... Why do I feel so sad now...
pretty sure that’s a wip from that schizo that he’s given up on cause of menhera over the other unnamed ship
The what of a who now?
Explain it like I'm Towa.
Towa is losing weight?
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what happened to nenechi...
towa's hololive harem...
Towas peko impressions are fucking funny
Wtf did towa do?
Twi the base...
my poor twa...
Now towa will have to work overtime just to fix the base full of dumb women...
towa mama...
building her harem…
Towa's girlfriends are leaving early...
At this rate, her autism metric (hours played Ark) will be the top again...
Towas other girlfriends are still online tho...
she was already at the top… for the first time in her life…
the top at playing house with a bunch of girls in a fantasy cretaceous era setting?
kinda gay and pathetic.
you just described towa in 4 words…
Is towa good again...?
She's just Towa again.
that korean dummy is making Towa laugh again...
Is towa addicted by all the praise she gets that she plays long hours?
Reminder that Towa is a special kind of demonkin that gathers energy from praise and not the usual black magic stuff that demons do.
Towa should speak more clearly...
sio was right
i miss towa...
I miss towa...
I miss Towa...
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Now that the stream ended, can I cum inside Towa now?
that's a waste of effort...
They keep forgetting that purple woman's name...
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Does this count as a towasamawin?
her eggs are rotting.
tell me something i don't know...
imagine if towa always streamed this many hours a day...
she's not even played APEX off stream.
I can't even begin to imagine what absolute mooks she's picked up for a team for Vsai.
Ark is only in her mind right now...
why is towa not at the olympics…
there's not a stupid dumb faggot category...
there’s not enough gold in the world to award her for that…
Here's how Towa can still win:
First, she---
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Towa would win sexiest and fattest ass in weight categories at the olympics...
Bibi won both of those… Towa tested positive for doping…
You read wrong she won the flattest ass competition...
Towa will win the Suiseibowl and the Kanatabowl this year for sure.
But who wins the Towabowl?
subaru is my soft pick but i don’t have any good runners for it this year
for this year, me.
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I summon Towa's sexy friend in sex position...!
I summon a Towa in response.
I concede. I don't want to enter the battle phase because Towa might rape her.
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I summon Towa's girlfriend in mid-coitus position! Towa's POV btw...
Mid-what now?
I don't follow the meta...
Towa Shop Maruyama…
nobody watched it so it got cancelled...
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Towa just kissed me...with tongue...
towa kissed me...without consent...
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She doesn't need it...
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hear me out...
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Stupid towa made me accidentally shatter a glass shelf...
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just found out another towartist is a femzie…
Uh proof?
That could be a male...
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WTF how many femzie artists are going to pop up
the only people that care about towa anymore are femzies...
I care about towa and I'm not a femzie...
Femzies should draw towa feet based off their own feet pics they take...
nuh uh...
you're a femzie (bracelet)...
You're wearing a bracelet...
someone please for the love of Towa tell me what a braceletzoku is…
a kenzie is only worth 3/5 of a femzie...
more like 1/20th...
Good night Towa and menheras!
Towa’s here…
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Towa agreed to this outfit just to see cute girls cosplay it...
first time...?
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Towa would win a spelling competition...
more like a smelling competition...
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Go Bibi! Also cute Kanata
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>see half naked street fighter woman in my feed
what does it sound like...
you're so stupid...
mami should make a figure like that for towa...
mami should teach me what it feels like to be a papi...
>what does it sound like…
a kenzie wearing a bracelet… but what does the bracelet mean…
what if I never get to see Towa again...
if you don't get it by now then there's no helping you... sorry...
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Purple women...there's so much suisei stuff compared to towa at this afa thing
i don’t know what you expected
Towa is the least sexy purple Holo... Also no Shion?
you’re wrong…
I expected towa...
But did you buy anything?
so far it's been heavily en with scatterings of startend plus marine and peko, I got a keychain but I haven't looked everywhere
Just saw towa in paris...
twiggas in paris...
cat huffing…
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Is this a guy?
Unfortunately it's a girl...
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is this also a girl?
towa should play ff6…
Towa should play a cod game...
towa should play 逆転裁判2 (case 4, in particular)
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post uncute towas
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Towa with fat tittys is not cute
towa should play a game that’s fun to watch…
Towa should do the opening ceremony in the olympics...
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I want to fuck Towamama and her daughter at the same time. I want Towamama to use me to teach her daughter how to please a man. I want my dick between the Towamama's breasts as she and her daughter practice performing oral on me. I want Towamama to kiss feed her daughter semen and teach her to swallow. I want Towamama to ride my dick like a horse and I want her daughter’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside Towamama as I eat out Towa. I want the Towamama to part her daughter's legs and show me her vagina. I want Towa to scream for her mommy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her mother. I want to enjoy Towa-style oyakodon.
>not a swimsuit
sex with towa??
Good morning Towa and menheras!
Towa’s here…
>Bibi in thumbnail…
Instant erection…
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Towa gives me the same feeling as popping in a zyn first thing in the morning with a coffee...
She got grossed out by people commenting on her boobs yesterday...Towa wants to be sexy without anyone talking about it...
>Use lewd thumbnail
>get lewd comments
>Eh can you not????????????
Towa is a stupid bitch...
Raora just talked to Towa and came...
towas got such good english...
passion english is ass piss...
yeah, what was she trying to say at the end?
passion english is earth peace
I want towa to whip me...
Her virtual body her virtual choice.
lesbian dv…
passion english...
towa is such a good senpai...
>only grabs shuba
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sudden 常MOS
Towa sneezed all over my face...
towa "sama"...
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Chinese towa...
did the artist just gave Towa... a penis?
no... my gay doujin... ruined... it's straight now...
we had it good for the first one at least…
Sui giving futanari Twi a paizuri...
why does breaking metal make such an awful noise...
Because it's a hard material?
yeah but that doesn't mean it has to make a horrible high pitched noise in the game...
have you even heard those metal pipe memes? or even the frying pan noises that Guts' sword makes? I think it's intentional.
please stop feeding the oriobros, they are growing too strong...
give us more… the world will know the power that lurks…
It's inevitable. This is the year of ORIO rn.
we’re so back
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oriobros... they've been interacting too much... how did this happen...
they had makeup sex…
yeah, with me.
why is towa like this...
She's just doing what her nature tells her to.
my poor poor twi...
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Its our time Kenzobeats..
Oriofags, akutanfags, suitowafags, even the pastazokus need not apply.
I'd be unironically happy if TwaCalli continues, as long as Towa doesn't get influenced into doing rap.
what does mama do in towa's house while she's in her room playing the dinosaur game for 9 hours a day...
watching her stream...
makes curry and takes care of the fat fucks...
you know it isn't her mama.....
we just heard her voice...
i know you’re retarded but at least be reasonable in your shitposts
She takes twis money and goes to the pachinko parlor instead...
That's her live-in best friend...
shuba doesn’t live with her just yet…
towa might be a bit… you know…
both can be true…
praise the twi…
mio's long lonely nights with her magic wand...
>tomorrow off
towa will lose her first place position...
tries to find a husband for her ageing daughter...
she probably made that trade to be on the last day
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kanatowa baby…

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