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follow yoroshiku

Previous: >>81250059
mengen moved tomorrow around 13-16jst
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#KALAZ today
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#ホロARK day 4
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Kanata should tame a tech-stego and name it Ashiosotasogosu Mk. II.
>Aqua punches Kanata's boobs
>no damage
>Kanata punches Aqua's boobs
>gets damaged
Kanata's boobs are fake...
taso with a new friend
taso your grip...
The 1st challenge for KALAZ has appeared.
lol damn
They should name it after Lamy...
taso with the foreshadowing
taso cramming with the tame
taso's luck is on a rollercoaster
it's over...

It's Friday. I expected her to quit because 'but mah memba only stream! It's more important than a collab'

I thought she'd give up the 2nd day but then again she doesn't even have to do anything so this is probably easier for her than failing at elden ring.
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I accept your concession.
Taso's breathing is too erotic
mantis = manta
Tasogosu 2 will arrive like a hero!
True Bocchi
Kanata should just cut her losses. She's not going to get back in time even if it finishes taming.
Would be funny if it died immediately in the raid.
tame get...
Noel is too nice...
The osoi line is strong
stop running taso
taso has evolved from the fishgear
>can't pronounce 99% of english words
>perfectly grasps nipple
This raging lesbian
taso is too unlucky...
I'm starting to think I'm retardsexual
RIP you oversized pigeon
Kanata should just ask someone to help her get her stuff back. Wouldn't take 5 minutes.
She is Inkya
That's all
the guilt of not making it for the raid is still weighing on her mind
Weird that she doesn't play/listen everything in mono.
Something tells me even if she had made it she would be too shy about it.
Even ARK has ad breaks
wyvern challenge soon!
nice callback
What is this girl doing?..
Running around to find a pternadon. Shouting random gibberish to fit in (and getting called out by chat). And now failing to catch a pternadon.
Kanata's (ARK) life is a fucking joke and I'm laughing at every second of it
punitaso getting jealous that the dinos get to eat so much
ARK is too much of a kamige.
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>surprise raid in the server out of nowhere
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Never thought I'd say this but Kanata looks REALLY cute wearing those glasses.
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meganetaso is always cute
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Page 10 in 35min
Stop accelerating for fuck sake
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I want to disagree with you on that because it needs to be certain 'types' of glasses that make girls look cute. And while circular ones (because it reminds me of HP) look downright WEIRD, our beloved Kanata has made them look REALLY cute on her.
She looks like a dork / dweeb. But the good kind you want to hang out with and help build their self-confidence.
Kanatasochan in space...
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>first ark stream
>she wants to show off how good she is at the game and tries to join a few groups
>spends the whole time being left out due to her own actions, accomplishes nothing, and survives on hand-outs from others
That's my taso
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Kinda funny, really cringe
so this one was the basis of kanata's perfume collab that hololive did
perfume in that hololive collab*
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she cute
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How many days left of the Ark server again?
5 more days I think
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mengen zatsu
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just build a setup at home taso
Amane-sensei is smart.
calm down taso
I miss her....
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#ホロARK day 5
wyvern challenge
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taso loves elves too much
taso almost forgot about the rules for getting a new tame
taso moment
taso with the parachute this time
Angel Az
The way Kanata kept looking back and forth from Pekora to a ptera was pretty cute.
taso is getting too many close calls
Hololive is a warm place.
Project X thrown away with other trash...

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