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Summer Edition
Previous Thread >>81508471

>Upcoming Stream
>Previous Stream

>Youtube Channel
>Unarchived Content (twitter spaces, karaokes, etc)
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLf4O_VcbYo24EjtizbTZt_tTgwXaaK8N- (official playlist of all covers and songs they've released or starred in.)

https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_フワワ・アビスガード%22 (Fuwawa)
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_モココ・アビスガード%22 (Mococo)

>/baubau/-related content (baubau sings, nsfw, VN/anime list)

>Thread Template
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Oh gosh, huge fart
what is that nerizzler gyatt song even from anyway
So if they actually do go with ark it would be tomorrow at the same time slot as now?
Most likely, since they wanted to do it today at this slot
If they manage to hold back and make it a short 2-3 hours then sure, I just really hope they don't go into the endurance without at least 6 hours of sleep
ark will be in japanese, right?
It’s a meme song she heard on TikTok. She changed the lyrics herself to the ones we all know now
Not really
They can just do their own stuff in english and when a senpai comes to interact with them then they switch to nip
Just a guess but most likely is that they'll talk in english and then switch a bit to JP if they meet their senpais
Or just a mix
I don't think they could handle that themselves to be honest

Anon is a stupid...
do you have a link to the original?
It has to be because the server is only open from 7 PM JST (3AM PST) - 3 AM JST (6 PM PST) and most of the people they want to play with start right at 7 PM

It will be when they talk with their senpai, but probably English for everything else. At least that's how Bae does it and it's mostly English
Calli is also playing ARK and it'll likely be the same way for her
Just google kai cenat fanum tax or something like that I think
they need to start sleeping more or they'll be dead by their 2nd anniversary. Calli is the worst possible role model for health and she probably convinced them that ARK could fit into their schedule
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don’t need sleep
*3 AM JST (11 AM PST)
told you they were playing ark, Raora let it slip
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jesus christ this spawned a nightmare slew of videos with millions of views that I do not understand in the slightest. back to my anime women I guess
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Where are Fuwabunny and Mocobunny
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holy sexo
is it just FWMC? Did Icomochi disown her other daughter?
Is this what Mamapuppy probably looks like
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fuck it i’ll watch the vod
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong? Why did they fail to reach their sub goal?
Covids over
Why is your bait so stale?
the hype died thanks to the move to japan
Pandering to JP instead of their fans
Ennacuck loves samefagging kek
sex with wuffians!!
I got 2 hours of sleep
I wonder why the part time worker stream was all japanese for the title and description with half japanese and english for the tweet while this one is full english.
I just finished eating 2 chocolate sponge donuts, one with chocolate icing with almonds and honey ripples, and the other with white chocolate icing instead of choco.
The fattest ruffian...
It's because of
>funny japanese meme
that's literally it
love you Shiori
lel today's game just reminded me of this song
I'm not fat
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that's not how this works
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Fuwawa's hair is completely different here and I hate it
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Same. I've pointed it out a couple times too.
the dogs in the background are blinking i swear
didn't someone fixed it a while back along with the blue background in the thumbnail?
Next you'll tell me their mouth is 山
>JP intro
another totally not jp stream :')
bros...Mococo is starting to lose her memories...
I unironically don't like their JP intro at all
Mococo said she wants to see the fireflies soon
wow they only said "we missed you" in japanese. IT'S FUCKING OVER
i'm too sleepy to understand their english
Wait, this isn't 真夜中
who's this semen demon?
why has it been a year and i still didn't do my reps
Even if this stream is 1 hour only, that's still not a lot of time to sleep till FWMC Morning.
jap before leaving jap after coming back, that's enough for me
FWMC would hate all of you for always spreading negative feelings instead of smiles
Forgot to even look up the game, dunno what I'm in for kek
It's weird that they'd even have to sleep for FWMCMorning
they don't even know who i am
there's a kitty!
I was talking about me...
Why the fuck did they choose to stream at this time with everyone else streaming Ark
Oh, best of luck anon
ark is shit
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the posters are slop btw
They are retarded
>There is a cat in a box in the game
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They tried to play ARK but couldn't figure it out...
if they are gonna stream at this time why not play ark...
yeah i still don't see the point of them speaking jp
even jops and bilinguals i have personally spoken to would rather have them speak english so they themselves can learn it y'know?
not even considering how annoying it would be for bilinguals to hear the same thing get repeated every 3 seconds
its just a waste of time desu
This was already scheduled for this game, not Ark
500GB of janky mess of a game
i wish they'd stick with one language desu, even if it's jp which i don't understand. they seem to confuse themselves because they don't know in which language to speak and it ruins the stream flow
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damn you know its bad when even IRyS speaks less japanese in her streams than they do
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last month there ain't no ark
Is this gonna be a Mococo is too scared to even progress the game and bitches out in place stream?
...I understand them better when they speak Japanese, can't make out their English half the time.
true or at least do real time translation just like how pikamee does it. It shouldn't be that hard since there's 2 of them
I just love hearing the wives, don't care what they are doing
I do hate ark though, mostly cause it's everything I hate about modern game devs
I think they should play that game where they say "I love you" at each other until one of them gets too embarassed
Hey now, without the dlcs it's only 164gb
> it's everything I hate about modern game devs
what do you mean?
they're... doing real time translation
Go back to your thread fat fuck, we already have one fat fuck here.
ark model already feels outdated as fuck tho
Shittalking ark is the same as shittalking Holoearth is the same as shittalking Hololive is the same as shittalking FUWAMOCO
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Do you think she can do this?
Mococo could have said, "It's darker than black"
poor communication, constant delays, glitches and bugs that never get addressed, cheaters rampant, there's more I could list but I don't feel like going into it all that much.
>pander to japs
>sub 3k
That's just Early Access game
It came out of Early Access in 2015
I heard that this game is really scary, is Mococo going to pee herself in this stream?
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...wait what
how the fuck
What spooked them?
I don't fucking know
Where is the scary stuff
Imagine her sitting in your lap while playing scary game... and after a jumpscare you just feel something warm and wet on your thighs.
Games don't need scary stuff when they have players like Mococo.
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I need this...
>The game is doing X
>"I don't want to do X"
Fuwawa please take the controls...
my fucking sides
why is the thread so dead?
oh rite, unlike exit 8, you DO need to get through it no matter what happens, so you can just put blatant anomaly like that
This is kino, love Exit 8 slop
Know when there's a light behind you and a dark presence appears on the ground? That's the scary stuff.
It's 3-6 AM in NA
There's not much to discuss about this game
Just watch the stream and enjoy the ride
>I don't know what the anomalies look like
>*end of the world next loop*
I hope one of the anomalies is the cat's meow sounding like a bike horn
one of the anomalies is having a jumpscare in the cat box
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Everywhere I go...
At these hours, we watch streams
fuckers not turning off their car alarms
>last anomaly was Youtube
that's it?
Good thing they stalled 10 mins with the cat kek
>less than 30 minutes
Damn, you payed for this?
They should have played ark
they wanted to
>we don't bau bau at you suddenly like that
they do it literally every stream
>pick a game to play
>"i don't want to play i don't want to play i don't want to play"
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my perfect cowardly princess...
There should be more games about cute cats where you play as a cat and do quests for cats and the reward is cats
Stray is almost all of those and I wonder how they haven't played it yet they would 100% cry
I can't believe chillaslop is more entertaining than this game
i'm sleepy
I'm grumpy
THIS is chillaslop anon, even if it's not by chilla
there aren't things to look at like chillaslop has
It’s still not too late to join. Even raroa with 0 nihongo skills will join today
I miss mbembe
I'm hungry
Nothing was supposed to change, remember guys?
They're going to join as soon as they can, but they wanted to replace this stream right now with ARK, which they had trouble doing.
Ah that’s some good news then
You are now remembering when they got jump scared by Mumei's special in Holocure
Well that got me.
thank god raora exists and I don't have to pretend anymore
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I didn't like that...
Than it would be boring, you would just go right every time.
Who is this stream for? it's the middle of the night, prime jap hour and they are speaking in english, what the fuck are they doing?
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>Who is this stream for?
what a stream, huh?
It's for me. I can't sleep and my beautiful wives are here to entertain me.
nothing wrong with calling them on their bullshit though
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niggas really make games like this
I wish these games would force Mococo to actually look at all the scary stuff
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not every stream can be a banger
Actual Ruffians, like me
>complains when they don't stream
>complains when they stream
Can't win
>one more run
and holomems keep playing them for some reason
Maybe something where it doesn't count unless you take a picture of the anomaly?
Anon they don't even know what they are doing at this point, they overpromised (like they always do) and now they are paying for it. Just watch them or not because they are going to keep doing this forever
FUCK that scared me
That game that took place in an apartment was like that, right?
was that it?
"I'm on Observation Duty"?
They should play Silent Hill
what's the cat jumpscare then?
>she's just running without looking
someone stop her....
Silent Hill movie watchalong when?
this but the resident evil movies
Oh yeah, that one too. But I was thinking of the one where you the clock moves forward an hour when you are correct
I won't mbembe this stream
I'm not familiar with that one
I was hoping the true end had one last jumpscare behind the door...
not really a jumpscare I guess
At least this game was kinda scary, there wasn't a single scary thing in mbembe
Oh, it was called False Dream
closer and closer to a one on one goobus collab..
Will this be the first time they interact with the shark?
They were both in Kiara's family feud, I think
cocoon boy?
so they did see it
3rd time. Kiara's family fued and that one shooter collab they did
Ima say something a little controversial. I think some people here really don’t like fuwamoco
gura was there for gmod?
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>2 hours later
Yeah Gura was in the GMod collab
God they love us
get fucked ESTffians
hope you don't have work monday
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That happened huh
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Mio falling over but she is smiling.png
I'm a NEET
>under 2K
what killed fuwamoco’s hype?
>"i don't want to look i don't want to look i don't want to look"
>playing the game
pandering to japs
absolutely anemic
deploy please
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playing this god awful game instead of ark like everyone else
I'm not sure how much it counts though because I remember her barely talking during that stream
What the fuck did mococo just say I couldn't hear because of fuwawa's bau bau
JST stream while ARKslop is going on.
>only one nip SC and he watches the regular time
All the numbers are down in general because of YT and their battle with ads most likely, also all the nips are watching ARK arc
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I usually send SCs that bounce off of something that happened in the game, but nothing happened this time
Just woke up. SC reading already? How was the actual game? Worth it?
just say you're looking forward to something
I missed almost the entire game but it's okay because I don't like horror slop but I love their zatsus
Superchat deployment status: Denied
Reason: Demotion to NEET
watch it at 4x speed using an extension
it was a moderately scarier exit 8 clone, bur ultimately forgettable. Wives were cute and Mococo was really scared.
Remember those vtuber awards that they won and the clip whoever running the show picked was them reading like 2% of an SC from computer ojichan
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fuck no LOL easy skip you missed nothing my friend
I finally get to catch a FWMC stream and it's in JP...
they should read yellow names again
it was literally 99% english
A finger curls on the monkey's paw...
Your fault for living in the wrong time zone
Ah, damn. Wasn’t expecting much from it anyways.
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It wasnt JPslop, so it was worth it.
they read JP names all the time
Baubau bing chilling
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It was mostly in English. But if you had to ask how the game, it was alright. Just more spending time with the wives.
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they HATED it
Now singin'
Bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang, bling-bang-bang-born
I actually prefer chillaslop now compared to this kind of game
Damn they were in a hurry
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Being turned into a NEET was part of Fuwawa's plan. She wants to be the wuffians Misaki
That retarded jap sent an aka when the stream was ending kek
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i don’t mbembe this stream
see you all for fwmc morning
they didn't want to read that last jp aka
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I already unmbembed it but I will mbembe the feeling I get from hearing their voices so early in the morning
what does it mean?
>woke up early for the stream
>going back to sleep after the stream
I'll pretend this was a dream
Not from yellow superchats
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He's telling them to use the supacha money on their next vacation

now what
Traditional chillaslop where they get to go "ooh look *Japanese thing*" make for good FWMC streams and always have
it was only an hour long so its not much of a commitment to watch. If you like when mococo says "I DONT LIKE THAT" then youll like this
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The thumbnail of one of the clips
fwmc morning walk is going to be the 4 seasons one
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I'm gonna pretend my pillow is Mococo and give her lots of kisses for playing something scary
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be honest how are you feeling about them playing ark?
ogey back to slep
cute. dakimakura's csnt come soon enough....
I despise ARK, but it's an event with other holomem, so it'll be nice to see them interact
unironically dont care one way or the other. they want to play it, so i hope they play it.
Birthday next year, I beleb
ARK looks really janky and I don't know anything about it so I can't help them at all. I just want them to have fun playing with everybody though
There's a cute fanmade daki cover in the works:
will have a nude side too
ARK is one of the worst survival craft games and all the streams are going to be super late. I'll watch the first stream and see if I'll want to skip every other one.
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please someone post about it when it releases, it looks cute!
even better
I hate ARK more than any other game but it'll be cute watching them be lost, dying in dumb ways and interacting with their cherished JP senpais.Now the question is if they'll have separate POVs or not.
I'm okay with it as long as they don't spam ARK streams like the JP holomembers do during these arcs
I haven't lasted more than 15 minutes watching any ARK stream so far. If they make it fun, great, but it has worst stream so far potential to me. Not opposed to them joining, but I won't mind at all if they don't have time for it.
if ARK is so bad whats a good survival game for them to play then?
too off model
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as far as the latest arc is concerned i have yet to watch any of the other holomems streams of it but i will endure for fuwamoco’s sake i guess
senpai interactions should be fun to witness at least
I've been watching it and it's kino
Lots of interactions between members that normally don't talk to each other. If you don't like it, you can just watch clips
7 days to die is the only survival game I've played that didn't make me want to pull my brain out but I don't think they would like that one
I hate ARK, I will watch one maybe two streams as normal but anything beyond that is a background stream which is rare for me
Better that they start playing now so they can learn the basics and maybe even become competent enough for the next Holo Ark arc
I only care about their interactions with other EN girls and Korone
The server ends in 6 days so you don't have much to worry about
I remember when Mococo laughed at a comment of mine Fuwawa read using the word “interactions” because it reminded her of a VN.
>senpai interactions should be fun to witness at least
I dunno about that, going by the one clip I decided to watch.
>Bae-chan did you lose your items?
>Wait a minute. Noel, can you take her there?
>*she takes her there, waits, brings her back*
>*end of clip*
>as far as the latest arc is concerned i have yet to watch any of the other holomems streams of it
But it just lauched at the same time this mayonaka started?
Survival Kids
let me be stupid, okae?
Minecraft is shit
I'd rather watch ARK, Terraria, or Palworld
today isnt the first day anon
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They should play stardew valley with shiori and newissa
holy floofies!!
I'd rather watch this stream with Marine in it than fucking Ark right now
they should play having sex with me
and by "play having sex with me" i mean have sex with me
Is that on steam?
>Fuwawa giggles + "nigero"
SOUNDGODS MAKE THIS INTO A SOUNDPOST (try to cut the audio at "niger" and we'll have the best Fuwawa soundpost ever)
>dont like ark
>in almost all JP
>they'll be happy interacting with senpai
if Andy comes in clutch for live TL again I'll enjoy it somewhat. otherwise I'll skip and watch clips or look for highlights after the stream is over. I'm happy for them when they collab but stopped watching the jp streams and jp collabs after the first since I didnt enjoy it myself
you only like the Minecraft streams because your chances of getting read are higher during that boring-ass baby game.
They'll be terrible at it but it'll be fun so I don't really care
My only issue is it'll overlap with my JP oshi's streams once she's back next week
I like them because I like minecraft.
ark is okay, i mainly want them interact with the other holomems in there
maybe pero could get off his fat fuck ass and livetl
I only give them headpats and LOLs in minecraft because I never played that game for more than 2 hours
He charges by the hour in pudding
gonna smile from the stories again
If they skip the ARK arc, i won't mind. The chances to interact with other holomem is nice but the game itself is pretty boring
they don't use instagram though
>complain about lack of sleep
>plan to schedule a stream before their endurance stream
tell me about fuwamoco
why are they like this?
they want to spend time with the wuffians!
and I love them for it
To be fair the endurance stream is in the morning for them, it could work if they don't plan on making the ARK stream an endurance itself. If it's 2 hours in this same 19JST timeslot, they can still get plenty of sleep.
they do they just don’t post anymore but i digress
If the Twitter Space was any indication, this was an extra silly, extra comfy, and extra adventurous vacation I'm so thankful it was, too. I'm looking forward to the stories!

Let's say hello to the first sunrise of this special weekend together See you soon FUWAMOCO!
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There's a raid at a designated time every day so everyone is actually very objective focused and are working together
It's different from the ARK arcs in the past where people have to make their own sometimes nonexistent goals
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The looks ugly and the character models look even worse
Why do they always speak so formally like they think they're a knight addressing a maiden?
It's confirmed. FWMC TeeTee
Wake up early...?
Uh, how early are you two planning to start, the night before? Lol
But looking forward to starting my day with you, at least!
Can't wait to hear the stories, too!
Raora's chatting with Subaru before FWMC have...
They called into a Subaru totsumachi though?
Don't reply to shitposters
They cute
Would Mococo be bold enough to do this? I feel like Fuwawa should be doing the kissing
That's what makes it so good
>and extra adventurous vacation
All the adventures where in bed and involved each other
I need them
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just akasupa pic related's message to them and they're all yours

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