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A Hex on Your Witch's Mic Edition

>◆Nexas Links
Official Website: https://nexas.live/
Official Twitter: https://twitter.com/NEXAS_live
Official Streaming App Getting Shilled: https://anilive.app/
Official Streaming App Twitter: https://twitter.com/AniLive_app
CEO Twitters: https://twitter.com/harry__so | https://twitter.com/imharry_so
OP Template: https://rentry.org/brg-op
Full Talent List: https://rentry.org/nexasdex
>◆Teamup schedule

>◆Who is on the telly?

Previous Thread: >>81436666
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Post streams. Watch streams. Discuss steams.
Check https://rentry.org/brgdex and any new restreamer that might show up.
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Last thread's Yukiko short for those who missed it, bringing you some useful life tips

She will be doing a marshmallow reading at her post-debut party on Saturday
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I miss her.
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Bros, like two people in Anilive were spamming how much they loved Lulu and how they wanted her to be their girlfriend. And I won’t lie, I felt a little defensive, a tad jealous, a TEENY bit possessive. Is that normal?
be louder and get noticed more than them.
this timeslot feels so empty without a momoko grwm stream in it...
That stream was surprisingly endearing after the kinda meh debut, I already miss her.
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Whores are a dime a dozen. Pure woman are one in a million.
She can't be a virgin at 35.
Pic unrelated
and why would I (nta) expect her to be a virgin when I'm not one either?
Nox is live. Any restreamers?
Nox : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
Is Nox is really watching hentai right now?
Are tributes that desperate?
It's not even that. Nox is just dissing on her chat's fetish.
Mhm mhm
This is embarrassing. Glad I didn't recommend mine.
What is a title of this one? She doesn't sound very excited.
I don't remember. It's just some random milf anime.
Yanmama Junyuu-chuu 1
burgin in the moooooornin
these debuts just don't quit
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SCHEDULE ANCHOR [all times in PT (UTC-7)]
Reply to this post with schedule updates/corrections (please provide links/screenshots if possible) or add it to the "unconfirmed" calendar yourself, I'll color it when I see it. Do your part for your oshi!
DISCLAIMER: TeamupAnon is not responsible for your oshi not streaming at times on their own schedule or rescheduling last minute or not specifying the timezone correctly. Check the tribute's X (formerly known as Twitter) for most accurate info.
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Sex with Moka.
Faelie streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jIMoLKJQYPM
cute elf
why does she play cyberpunk offstream but not stream it? is it a hardware issue?
It’s Momorning
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Because she rightly acknowledges that open-world RPGs that you sink >50 hours to on a single run are not a good stream game
might just be a me problem, it feels kinda weird when a streamer talks about a moment that happened off stream in a game they played for the first time and not being able to experience it with her at that moment. very tell and not show.
while i get that most people dont want to tune in for a many hour long open-world stream, if she is already going to play the game either on-stream or off-stream, is there any harm in streaming it on top of doing the regular planned stream she was going to that day anyway? i would have thought more streams would be better
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Cyberpunk 2077 is a risky game to stream because of copyrighted music and nudity. Also for most single-player games like that it's less fun when you're constantly distracted by having to entertain your audience. I do get how you feel, but I guess she's not at the stage of her career where she turns her entire life around the content creation grind
in addition, she did say today that she committed to the strategy of playing unpopular games to differentiate, which Cp2077 is definitely not
better as members' chill content if at all
time away from stream isn't bad if it's giving them other things to talk about, especially if they're doubling up and watching videos/vtubers/etc while playing games
On twitch I think just maximizing the amount of raw time you are live is a decent strategy since it increases the chances of being discovered randomly by someone, mental costs notwithstanding. Faelie is on YT where having a bunch of content that even your regular viewers might pass on watching could hurt your algorithm presence. (For this reason I also think any tribute who intends to use YT any serious amount should be careful about mass-dumping anilive VODs on their channel).
I'm not a talent manager though so I could be completely wrong about that.
You should become one. They're hiring.
right as far as I know except just being live on twitch doesn't do much if they click off immediately because you're a snoozefest, so caveat there
Everything I have heard about Nexas' "academy" has annoyed me so much that I have kicked around the idea of making my own streamer curriculum just out of spite and to prove I could do it better.
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If you think a streamer curriculum can save these people you're sorely mistaken. The problem is them
>The problem is them
that is not entirely correct, while this might be the case for more than half of them,
in cases such as Faelie or Rixxy you can see them actively improving their content and themselves as streamer. their issue right now is networking and advertisment which are areas these two simply have no experience or knowledge in. for them the issue is a clear lack of knowledge right now, not that they don't try
i am not going to pretend they are perfect and without fault and getting comfy with longer streams is something they need to do too, but saying that for them the issue is just them not caring is factually wrong
this is another pitfall wrongly teached by Anillive that many fall in where many small streams are somehow better than 3-4 long streams, when the reality is the opposite
Leobel started the Pokemon SoulSilver Nuzlocke stream https://www.twitch.tv/leobelpurson
Anybody else's ISP fuck their connection to anilive recently? All my devices can't get in to anilive as of late and I don't know who to complain to or what to tell them to get this shit fixed. Tried to use a different DNS but it didn't fix things.
works on my machine
quad9? third world? mobile isp?
>in cases such as Faelie or Rixxy you can see them actively improving their content and themselves as streamer
I used to believe that. I don't anymore, I don't think they are entertaining. And I used to watch their streams. So no amount of advertisement would help if they can't hold onto any viewers.
They also have other non-vtubing flaws that are hard to put into words. One to me is that Faelie does not have a job. She has no spare income and this skews her cost-benefit judgement and greatly limits what she can do on stream.
Rixxy feels like she has never watched actual vtubers before and is doing what someone describes vtubers to be to her.
Rov is doing a fanname poll for those interested.
Quad9 worked
Bless you, anon. May your nexas oshi stream long and prosper.
char: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
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>mic still fucked
Holy fucking audio quality
i could not disagree more, they are two of the ones that still keep me watching because they are entertaining
also having no or low income and thus being limited in content is the weakest argument i ever heard, thats the drawback of pretty much all small vtubers, of course if you got hololive or even just generic 4-view level of income and access to stuff you can do far more, thats whats being worked towards
and as for Rixxy, and several other tributes, the fact they aren't deep into vtubers and thus also not limited to the same tropes and generic tendencies is actually one of the few strenghts of Gen 1 as long as they actually aim to be vtubers and not just whatever they were on reality
[Charlie News] Her audio might be fixed tomorrow
Holy mother of shit taste
what the, she sounds fine now?
did she do something live?
Seems like it's an internet issue. It fixed itself on it's own.
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>5 years of experience
>well-seasoned yapper
>drop-dead beautiful gorgeous babe
>cute Southern Valley Girl drawl with a Pippa-tier laugh
>PEAK GFE, has men falling in love with her without even trying
>Christian anti-woke tradwife
>lives with her parents; no need for a job
>still gets a ton from donos regardless
Imagine not hedging your bets with the winning team. Lulu is the Gawr Gura of Nexas, without a shadow of a doubt
>Wiggling Caterpies
Not sure if it's an euphemism or not
5 years and is still terrible?
she doesn't know how to get a conversation going and relies too much on chat
lmao even
not a good thing
if you're a cuck then most definitely
she's a commie
that's not a good thing
>can’t into greentext
manon: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting2
Terry : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
Kenzo : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
Rixxy: https://www.twitch.tv/beeb_sack
sweet how well do you know him quiz https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
Charlie doesn't sound like she is used to streaming for two hours. Is she possibly from REALITY?
Rov : https://www.twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
[Manon News] She was having so much fun in her stream that she completely forgot that she needed to be in the highschool trio collab
manon+hikari+momoko: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
why does hikari get all the bitches
thats what I'm sayin man
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Vera just keeps getting worse
burgercentrists are a blight on society
>it’s okay when Lulu literally raids people with chat spamming that
>hamster already thinking of coasting and taking it slow
How do we tell her that’s a retarded idea
vera: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting2
Rev : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
>For this reason I also think any tribute who intends to use YT any serious amount should be careful about mass-dumping anilive VODs on their channel
youtube oldfag here, and you're right, doing this is a channel killer. premiering old VODs could work in theory, either in place of a live stream on an off day or at a different part of the day, but don't quote me on that, it's just an educated guess.
time for her to fuck off and join ph*se then.
>Verification not required.
Odette : https://www.twitch.tv/elle_liketheletter
melody alt karaoke https://www.twitch.tv/meesteeknight
probably still a big risk
yt can be so fickle
a vod channel is so low maintenance
if a tribute prefers to kill their chances at working the algorithm over switching from main to their alt to upload vods then so be it
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just a tab away
>yt can be so fickle
more than you'd think
>click avatar
>switch accounts
>click on the proper channel
no need for failfox extensions.
I just realized the pack of cards they gave out during offkai had both gen 1 and 2 in it as well as some yet unused designs that I assume will be in gen 3.
no shit, but it's nice just keeping the tabs pinned and not having to switch ever
do you see any chuubas pinning tabs? also, while we're at it, Vivaldi has this functionality out of the box, no need to use a browser full of political statements.
>10 at the same time
>9 on anilive
reality hours
to truly enjoy nexas you must be good at multi-stream drifting
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Nate's rig
how can new brgers know what they're like if there's no liveposts
what new brgers
they post sometimes asking what they're like. There's also people who dipped after the debuts that want to give them a second chance
shit i want to watch the holo collab but i don't want to miss the nexas debuts since i've seen them all
there's no difference if you watch a collab live or prerecorded, much less if it's Holo. Might as well wait for clips.
Meanwhile /brg/ streams are a living thing, they read every comment. You could influence their future carreer with a single word
yukiko on burger telly https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
Yukiko debuting now
>i'm a pisscatarian
i know what you said yukiko
good lord that rigging needs a tweak pass
>i guess my only master is harry
harry you fuck stop domming your tribute meidos
hot, step on me mommy
holy fuck this meido is SEX
Finally, someone who can challenge Esila as Nexas' GFE queen
I will kill Harry and free this woman from servitude.
where is this leo gooner baby clip i keep hearing about?
I love this maid
meidocoin absolutely skyrocketing
harry might shit the bed constantly but he found the right girl to pilot the dragonmeido model
>Ate the burger
She says "like" a lot when speaking and while this would normally infuriate me, I find it really cute coming from her.
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brainworms sinking in
she's so fragile
That Yukiko kiss was for me btw
rate yukiko's debut
I sat through the whole thing and tried to really engage with and enjoy it but my mind was screaming SEX the whole time so I don't even remember what happened in it

Definitely the best of one so far
>loves kayfabe
>wants to improve in singing
>horror & vns
im actually afraid, i want to like her so bad. i hope she survives anilive and gets to stream on youtube regularly
strong presence, but having a royal flush of cali speech style actually filtered me
10/10, this one was peak, just a perfect bland that others should strife for
didn't really listen to her but sex meido and sex RP please step on me mommy uwu/10
10/10 she has assuaged my older woman withdrawal due to Lumi, Esila and Nano all being missing. I am eternally grateful to her for this.
Mating press
is she a hag?
Is this how Choco-sensei feels like? Because I think I finally understand the appeal.
on Kiko's second stream wherever that was restreamed
i don't recall leo being on kiko's stream tho?
Didn't seem too nervous
Kept up well with chat
Ate the burger
Decent but nothing special taste in media
but >>81579434 is worrying
not in VC, in chat
meido sched
She self-reports as one and I choose to believe her.
added, thank you
although there's nothing more adorable than Esila denying her hagdom all the time, until there's one of those moments that remind her how long ago that thing was
guess its hitting her that at her current pace she is about to be sidelined and forgotten
she might be more tolerable in a more relaxed environment
normally can overlook a lot of vocal stuff, but some fry + uptalk + isms + drawn vowels + tension in a slight nasal register + that gets louder and more tense with effort is just a bit much
silas: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting
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>He actually brought a deck of cards and is doing tricks with them
I swear to god this guy sounds like someone I've heard before but I just can't place the voice
he sounds like a generic american guy so I could just be imagining things though...
13 minutes in
and later she had the bf reveal, what a stream
my /jp/ blood is boiling
don't listen to dudes enough to place it, but I get what you mean
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his mouth looks so weird, even goofier than Faelie's beanmouth
>yt channel dead
>twitch channel also dead
>picking fights /here/ instead of advancing her career
it's over for her if she doesn't course correct.
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You take that back, Faelie's perpetual crying mouth is amazing
>steins;gate was one of his first animes
nebulink makes me feel old
panic Fae face is peak design, fuck you
>plays master duel
uh oh
>Rov steals her drinking personality trait
>Moka steals her crass piss and sex talk
>Yukiko does ladylike better and not just talks about it ironically
I'm surprised it actually took this long for Gen 1 to feel the heat for not doing much with their channels outside of Anilive
it'd be so hilarious if he tried to backseat Esila and got banned from her channel
I'm too lazy to see what's changed between this and her last schedule so all you scheduleanon
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I wonder if Kaito will also have Faelieface since they share an art mama.
If only I could commission Enaria for lewd art of herself
i think she might have posted the wrong schedule, the dates look like its the last one
you're the only bitch that can keep yapping for hours while drunk off your ass, can draw amazing art and gives people hope that good chuubas can come out of the shithole that is SEA
pushed all streams an hour later and game change for Saturday, fixed
have you tried? she designed herself after all.
maybe when she releases her commission rates in like a month or two
assuming she won't graduate by then
she'll chicken out telling herself she's not good enough
In a month or two she'll pull an Alvyn and never go online again. Just shoot a dm and ask. She's surprisingly sweet
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>turned off by Nikke
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fucking pleb, what a lo-
okay this guy's alright
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>colours in space
this guy strikes me as a /hlgg/fag
what do I ask about to get him to dogwhistle back, lars and the real girl?
He's winning me over
>still can't see shoes
captain you should be crucified
>No schedule
Yup, he's another Alvin
Is she losing it
Not bad but didn't click with me.
rate silas's debut
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Hey Enaria if the posts in this thread or anywhere else have you feeling down - or you are worried about being forgotten - just thought I would let you know that I still think about your ass all the time, and I still want you to sit on my face.
8/10, he got good vibes
Which of the males this week has been the best? I don't normally watch any but I'm willing to give one a chance.
>chat: "music sounds muffled"
>moka: "that's homophobic"
8/10, the prolonged gacha talk dragged it down and would have been a better fit for a 2.0 or one of the many zatsus he will need to do in Anilive jail. Everything else was good and he is pleasant to listen to.
uh, maybe 6/10?
the venn diagram of his interest and my interests is incredibly close to being a perfect circle but, I just wasn't all that interested through the debut
its not like he did anything wrong, it was just super ordinary
Enaria if the posts in this thread have you feeling down, i want you to know that you still have one month head start before gen2 breaks free from anilive jail. You can still turn things around by building a presence outside of anilive and securing a loyal fanbase that wont leave you for the new hotness
8/10 pretty polished and no scuff, didn't seem too nervous, typical weeb gamer. pleasant voice. will check out his postdebut content, has the potential to be a good brotuber desu.
Osian, if you can tolerate his weirdness.
just a regular dude/10
will not be watching gatchaslop, will keep an eye open for his /tg/-type content
all of them are surprisingly not the worst, just depends on your tastes. i like osian and silas the most personally, they seem pretty cool.
Hikari, not for the guys obviously. He will give you the affection that Soma will not
7/10. Decent debut. He was confident enough. Got too carried away with answering chat, but overall carried himself well.
>terryn's up to 64 followers
>silas 38
i couldnt get past the weird mouth. not actually a tomboy. didnt pay attention to the rest. nothing special
he did mention wanting to do anime book/watch club which rev did once and then never brought up again
Moka https://www.twitch.tv/tetheraa
nano is 30 minutes later than originally scheduled
fixed in the teamup
bitch dropped a big Eva spoiler kek
os sings: https://twitch.tv/elle_liketheletter
lulu reads app reviews: https://twitch.tv/lululasso
Enaria : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
pyon: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
endra: https://www.twitch.tv/meesteeknight
momoko: https://twitch.tv/puffiewaffles
osi wants to sing phantom of the opera with yukiko
between the two gens we have enough drama club members for them to do a full NEXAS musical
and honestly if they actually did do a full musical holy shit would that be huge content
why isn't she streaming on either yt or twitch?
Needs to get a capable computer
she mentioned last stream she was chatting with nano and they both realized they planned to get a computer to stream on yt/twitch by october. and then realized october is a lot closer than they thought.
i think gen2 will be streaming on yt/twitch before they will
Nano : https://www.twitch.tv/ellwynpyon
Enaria, why do you always have to stream at Lulu’s time, you fucking sexy minx?
>i think gen2 will be streaming on yt/twitch before they will
big oof
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[Nano News (Nanews)]
She has purchased a desk
yeah they are fucked, at that point Nebulink will already be out of Anilive hell and potentially Gen 3 debut
good way to show you're a newfag
[sad news ]Osian has k-pop trauma from being forced to listen to it for a year
Is listening to momoko what its like to listen to nene if you can speak japanese...?
Vera singing non-meme songs is actually vera good.
I hope he can recover. No one deserves such fate.
Nell : https://www.twitch.tv/eiiwyn
vera: https://www.twitch.tv/burgerposting2
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How does Nano know about the ball-pinch thing??
momo just rick roll'd anilive chat...
do zoomers even know about that meme nowadays?
The what
Those Nano kisses and I love you were for me btw
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What great nanostream. Fun vibes, fun singing, weird noises
And the best part?
All of those kisses were for me.
oh yeah, it's som a' clock
(code vein)
that I love you guys? that was for everyone
momo has enough love for us all!!!
leobel... karaoke? story telling? he's probably smashed, who the fuck knows what he's supposed to be doing https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
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Another night, another intimate date with Lulu. Sweet dreams, my beloved. Come morning, may your head be clear, and your streams as lovely as ever.
this is that samuel l jackson bedtime story, i'm pretty sure
yes, its Go the Fuck to Sleep.
the stream is titled something along the lines of "drunk karaoke" though...
when are you gonna spill the spaghetti already?
rixxy ft osian puzzling: https://twitch.tv/rixxybrightful
peak momokommunication
Leobel (rabbit form) and Momo (worm form) have joined the call.
[Rixxy News] Rixxy will be spreading her ass open live on stream tomorrow
Nox did a guerilla. Any restreamers?
nox: https://twitch.tv/mystiknight
Liliy you're too innocent to be /here/
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holy shit, the absolute state of this woman to have the audacity to "correct" fanart that was made for her
jesus christ...
what an sjw retard
you guys said you would fix her
gave up on that a while ago

this collab is so fucking dumb
I love it
i hope roseli is seiso and yabless
Rov now joins.
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anyone prefer one over the other?
can also just keep both as kit 2 and 3
first one is better
not feeling this one
both look fine to me

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