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This thread is about VSPO! & vtubers that play a lot of FPS & participate in FPS tournaments/events (VSPO!, Neo-Porte, indies, etc.).
Anything goes, even if it's not related to an FPS stream.
Collabs with non-v & professional e-sports players are common, so posting about the typical collab partners (CR, Riddle, Zeta, KNR, 芸人旅団, GETI, JP FPS Streamers etc.) is also on topic.
Previous thread: >>81450856

VSPO! is:

Official Goods Links:

>Ongoing/upcoming Merch:
- Asumi Sena 4th Anniversary Goods 2024
- VSPO! Phone Voice 2024
- VSPO! x Cardfight Vanguard Collaboration
- Pacific Racing Team x VSPO! 2024 Season Goods Collaboration

>Ongoing/upcoming Events:
- Aoi Sakura Gachinko Series APEX
- VSpo! Mahjong Soul Quest
- RAGE Super Match Powered by Rakuten Optimism - Day 1 SF6 & Day 2 OW2
- Vtuber Most Cooperatitive Tournament Apex #6

>Archived VSPO member projects:
- Asumi Sena 4th Anniversary Live
- Tachibana Hinano VSPO! 3D year end karaoke party
- Komori Met 3D Birthday Live 2023:
- Kurumi Noah 3D Live 2023:
- Kisaragi Ren's VSPO! Academic Test #2 2023:
- Tachibana Hinano 3rd Anniversary 3D Live:
- Sumire custom: PUBG main POV:
- Lisa's 30 People Totsumachi
- Minecraft Hide & Seek (Met POV)
- Sumire's VSPO Morals Check #2 2024

>Original Songs, covers, anime, etc.:
- Point two seconds story
- Blessing
- Original Song "for Victory!" Animation MV (Short ver.)
- for Victory! (Full ver.)
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 1 ft. Kogara Toto, Kaga Nazuna, Tachibana Hinano
- VSPOP! 3D Live Official Music Program Part 2 ft. Kaminari Qpi, Asumi Sena, Nekota Tsuna
- International Branch PV
- New Year's Countdown 2024 Music MV

>Official VSPO! programs:

- VSPO! Gekiro:
Premium: https://ch.nicovideo.jp/vspo
Upcoming: VSPO! Adult Manners & Business Test
Previous: Vspo! Never-ending: Nekota Tsuna's Top 10 Sushi Ranking

- Mother3-Beni's Midnight Double Peek Radio Show - Wednesday, 2:30AM JST:
https://radiko.jp (Requires VPN)
Archive (Paid): https://qrpf8.com/
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pi, protector of thread
she looks down on shitposters and bait-repliers
I hate league of legends
I hate league of legends
I hate league of legends
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guilty ren strive
yeah they were definitely sandbagging for a full bo3
fuck you hal
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boaster's gonna analyze that post-plant util by Sumi
Mimi's ばか gives me life
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Suu can be pretty clever sometimes
akarin comeback so boaster backseat more...
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The strongest
what is the last map? ascent?
nevermind, I'm retarded
Sumi is too strong
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sumi is way too fucking strong
lmao, the difference between the team VCs.
sumi smurfing on abyss since cr cup
the teams that ade coaches never win, so it's over for adesanji.
someone pull up the depp clip
ASGS Losers Bracket
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CzxuEQK3zYA tsuna
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57RABfdqOKc qpi
i can't wait until everyone get their hands on the champs phantom
Go OT for a real finals.
kuzuha... stop fucking trolling.
good call to sell suu to buy a judge there
they already won I'm sleeping.
shaka wins. I called it.
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>the team that only lost one map in 4 days of scrims is winning
nose world
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nobody could have predicted this
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and now time to watch the gooks getting fucked in asgs!
adesanji did really well for a team with 3 shitters and one person with zero tournament experience.
Anon, that statement is true for teams not named shaka.
Cpt is playing it safe and going straight to zone, this should work in this lobby hope they get enough points before people start to get desperate and start aping everything
aren't they the fresh newbie team? i'm pretty sure only kuzuha had tournament experience here.
miraijin tsuyoi
>crypto-ulting different spot than what cpt has called
>no ult on ring 5
not like this...
More valo next month. I hope it kills the LoL streams.
The only valo we will get are watchalongs.
The first and second place teams are getting all the points so theres still a chance
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>I hope it kills the LoL streams
It's over for the blue hag and akarin sadly...
another one so soon? vsai unofficial scrims will have started by then too
maybe beni will end up in this one because it doesn't seem like she'll be playing apex
i'm almost sure beni is doing vsai apex since she has been doing apex reps with various people before her break
I thought she would be, but then she said something about still not having any invites. Most teams are probably sorted already and there aren't many spots for low point members like her.
wonder if this one will involve higher ranked players instead
please have the retard be in this
fucking daily lol streams are killing me
Shaka's team can get Beni, Tsumuooo, Noah, Runa.
Pretty sure Noah and Runa have epe reps to do for vsai.
fucking hal
stats for today

True. I haven't seen Runa play valo offstream for while now.
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i swear i've never seen tuna do big damage in this tournament
Runa, you were already practically on a break
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and she says that after playing 8 hours of swarm offstream too
i was watching kanae play this yesterday, riot is so fucking shameless this is straight up a ripoff of vampire survivors.
>project f
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With a better team hopefully
When will they announce the teams?
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damn so they're actually doing fine..
disastrous move there
Gorilla washed didnt make it
wait, honban is 2 days so no cringe BO1?
group A day 1, group B day 2
hopefully the groups are separated for beginners and advanced like the SBI tourney
2 days because there are 2 sets of teams, 1 noob and 1 vet. So it might still be bo1.
Wait til you hear what they did to autochess
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hal's really doing a 40 people tourney in the middle of vsai rofl
scrims will only last a week, so it won't overlap.
toru valo for the next event onegai
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Doesnt she get tired of losing?
fun thing to do when you're bored:
go back and watch vodka's/clutch's face whenever kuromu does one of her cringe noises
still the funniest shit I've seen
how he just took a few seconds to tune out the cringe
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Valorant is up for console, padchads ready to save another game
akarin online
Imagine if they're in the next halvalo too, and have to deal with her again.
In all honestly her schtick isn't too far off of Tororo's once toned down.
this is funny though because clutch is ignoring her otaku talk.
Another 24hour league session surely...
>expecting originality from Riot
m8, they are chinks
>sounds sick
>black screen
>still streams roru
wish kanae would just straight up tell the retard "no, you're not reaching silver any time soon with the way you're playing"
Had a bad dream where I was in a valo tournament with my chuubas and had to disconnect for so long they kept going before I could reconnect. I felt bad for letting ade down, specifically, for some reason.
There is nothing wrong with trying to improve a genre. Chances are, a game you love is just a later iteration of something that had the idea first.
The last dream I remember was of Beni playing SF6 for a sponsored stream
Whose sleeve is that?
honestly at this point I want him to reach silver faster in the hopes that he'll finally stop the lolspam after reaching his goal
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delusional, we know the spam isn't based on some goal lol. it's just addiction. same with akarin. it's not gonna stop.
https://x.com/hanalisa_sub/status/1816848789174407344 she's ready to move on.....
He definitely can reach silver with the way he's playing if I'm 100% honest, especially since Yone and Akali both got buffed. Would it be an achievement? Kinda. Would it go to his head and make him even more insufferable with the cope? Most definitely.
I hope he keeps getting humbled by K4sen though. The simple fact he thought he had a shot against him or uruca shows how bad his ego problem got.
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when will hanabusa heal back from that 13-0 trauma
Hal needs 40 people for the next halvalo. Busa is bound to turn up.
Akarin solo streams aren't that bad now that I actually come to watch.
She's being funny enough. She keeps blurting out brain fried utterances.
I wanna watch her get in trouble with her mom
I enjoy them, but I have no idea how people keep up with her.
fanart like this is what the no lewds policy is aimed at stopping
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I don't remember the last time Runa slurped ramen on stream. I miss it.
the people want KR Tsuna
Kuromu crying

I had no idea tuna ended up where she is because of fortnite
Off-topic headcanon btw...
Yeah I don't think we heard that anywhere outside of mengen (which I can't confirm). She just casually dropped that on us.

Brush up on your astronomy vocabulary with Hanalisa, or get lulled into sleep.
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morning ow2 komugi
Jira in pain (because she's playing LoL)
[good news]
tsumuoooo is eating her breakfast, chocopan
i'm still suprised tsumuo was stuck in the training school, she's got a good personality and is good at games what was the problem
she couldn't suck dick as good as kuromu
Hinano lol
It's weird. Kokage isn't even nervous talking to chat. I have no idea what could have been holding her back so long.
But then again Akarin somehow failed the audition multiple times, and took over a year to actually debut once she passed. There must be some other criteria that isn't obvious.
without kuromu we might not have gotten tsumuo, she would still be rotting in the academy working a wagie lifestyle
why is akarin getting coached is there a roru event incoming
probably but she is just addicted rn
>UG in
1. I will now watch your roru
2. Next time say it sooner.
This is not the kind of tension I expect from a woman 8 hours into streaming league.
kokagennu's real voice leak...
Was it deep?
In Tumuo's case, I would guess they were scared she could be a ticking menhera time bomb. They were so ready to pull the plug on her first drinking stream it was kinda suspicious to me. In contrast they were fine with Hanabu and Noah getting wasted on stream
>valo dropped
rip in piece
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tsumuo, don't bait me like this..
no, i think she was just stinking, but i love my stinky wife.
ill fucking laugh if akarin reaches silver faster than kamito after he looked down on her
Her being forced into being girly is fun
>Unei1: "Come to the office. We want to discuss your future with us."
>Giiko: "Ok"
>Unei1: "You have to take a shower"
>Giiko: "..."
I believe this rrat.
>currently iron 4 0 LP AGAIN
i'd laugh too but that shit is not happening
Don't think you can get away with this for long you little shit.
where are my vcj finals watchpa girls...
this isn't that bad
akalin is gone
it's over
kokagennu also gone
it's over
https://www.twitch.tv/shirona_shizuku here is your vcj
https://www.twitch.tv/tororo_vtuber here is another vcj
i bet her valo motivation is at an all-time high now
She has been doing nightly valo even before haruvalo
So it just bumped up a little, if anything.
I mean, she just broke her curse of being dead last for 3 consecutive times in valo tourneys prior to yesterday.
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pi karaoke
who is this...
Where is the blue hag?
Let's agree to just call this creature Tsumugi.
Her name is mussan
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>I got a better idea
Spill it.
man remember kuromu? yeah the girl that cried and made weird noises
no? ok
Keep posting anon, I am sure unei will read this board and get the message.
We should be nicer to women with autism.
>tries to make a forced joke
during a serious 1-on-1 coaching session, with someone you don't even know well too
just a glimpse to why she's been ostracized
>riding in green car when taking shinkansen
pi lives a life of luxury
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>even vspo management staff has been playing league
Totally down for a gekiro event with members vs management
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>turing love
>male vocals only
what does this mean?
pi pi pi pi
she apparently has some project coming up
i hope its a winch to drag her out of stgr swamp
Fennel or Sengoku?
it's going to be more stgr.
no... pi...
have faith in the shirtless man
i want tennn to lose. this fennel return to form bullshit is fraudulent
>kamito about to reach a new milestone with hinano
it's almost just like the old times!
Yue sister in the crowd.
xdlll is playing out of his goddamn mind, jesas
https://www.youtube.com/live/I5AyRTlFxl4 noa started
ku, rumi gachinko
nevermind these two are ass
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>Tenn duelist
>Syouta senti
it's working. also syouta was never meant to be a duelist anyways
it's fine, they are cooking on one of their best maps
Eh, not sure how well will this work against riddle tomorrow
highkey the boong brothers might've gotten tier 1 offers already and they're throwing on purpose
just don't let this be a 13-0 please
doesn't matter, they're losing that one no matter what
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Beni is returning today, and streaming tomorrow.
why didn't they all spam the smoke kek. other two guys just stood there doing nothing
hope this rest was enough for her implant scars to heal
xdll has tics lol, how the fuck is he playing VALO with that?
From barely making playoffs to grand final.
i can feel the noa champon in the air
fuck you stop jinxing
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>1 match away from silver
>3 lose streak
love to see it
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is that neth??
nobody in there looks like neth lol are you blind
you're right i might be tripping
i can't feel the noa champon this time this rotate in is impossible
ended on a win and retard's back in bronze 1
hinano has a hoyo shill later so guess they'll stop here
would have had 66 more LP if he didn't play offstream today btw
why did they photoshop some guy into the bottom right?
inhouse vspo roru/baro custom pls
When was the last one? iirc it was before vsai and 1 team 13-0'd another.
Noah first down for standing there eating lead trading shots with entire team as usual. She can't help herself getting greedy. She hates peeking.
incoming roru furupa ft bnuy
w/ ramuchi uruca kinako arisaka
ez noa ez life

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