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sub-100 CCV nijiEN streams soon, yeah?
>come find me in the stars
i cant believe she got into holostars
Finally EN Rio
Isn't this the self-hating raceplay negress? Who in their right mind would sign that on?
Can't wait for the chick with literally two viewers.
at last, the 5th justice member
yes yes. keep them coming riku. let their fans cannibalizing each other
Hell no. God knows how many times she's shat on NijiEN since the drama began. Niji also can't accommodate her content style. I feel like the only home for her is Vallure.
So 1 Finana is 3 Twistys?
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>come find me in the stars
Is she going to NOA?
Any corpo with a Star themeing she can be teasing, or is it just her future theme? Only thing I can think of is a Phase Invader, but I don't know many corpos.
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imagine willingly jumping onto the boat at this point...
She's in idolEN3
I learn about new corpos when their closure notices get posted /here/
She's replacing ERB as the new leader
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Heh. Thats actually funny.
New Idol gen they announced at Offkai probably
Idol is dead in the water.
I mean I agree but it was still announced so I don't know
any of them that detest their own kind are usually good people
It's probably getting bought out by Brave.
Should've used Ukrainian symbols at this point
She got into Phase
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They guessed right with only one
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I know this is a shitpost but could you even imagine if Phase was that fucking retarded to hire her
It's too bad about glows these days, a shitposter corpo would be fun
This is probably what everyone inside is counting on, and probably the same for people applying for the company right now. That V4M royal treatment with early 3D.
Phase created her. Phase single-handedly made her who she is today.
Finally, NASA expanded into vtubers. The first vtuber in space.
i will now watch your oshi
kind of based
Cut that in half and it's a private show! Imagine having your own vtuber!
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Nasa was already a vtuber
Catalog garbage eater finds out that not everyone is a number obsessed monkey like he is. More at 11.
One and a half
self hating sheboons are the absolute worst
I can see 1views and people who want to start streaming joining.
>More at 11
At 11 CCV? That's a bold prediction.
>always dreamed of being apart of
A part of, not apart of. Apart of would mean she's been dreaming of being distant from those big opportunities.
More than holoEN in the long run
The EN talent pool is depleted
Is she the first actually black female corpo vtuber?
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No, off the top of my head there's Serina from v4mirai and the one from Vallure
Plus another but it would be a pseudo dox because she doesn't play a brown skin character
didn't she tell beggars to fuck off
Phase Invader or V4Mirai next gen
Full image?
They all applied for Vshojo btw, I know two of them at least have no chance to get recruited though.
Mori? No but really, indulge me.
Before your post, I hadn't considered the possibility a chuuba I like would end up in VShojo.

yea she's full in that image
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This just popped up on my twitter. Don't follow her or know who she is. But timing is matching up with someone releasing a new wave.
>Even considering the thought of applying to vshojo knowing damn well they don't have even the slightest chance of getting into Vshojo
LMAOOOOOOOO. They are both way too based and /pol/tarded to even be considered
Given what we know from this year and who is doing the most rollouts, it's either V4Mirai or some other Brave Group branch getting a new wave or Phase Invaders 2 (unlikely). Idol and NijiEN aren't in the best condition to announce anything without dealing with their internal issues.
glorfying grifters kys twittard
this one will never join a corpo. she's openly married and her husband is a vtuber too.
She's taking a brief hiatus to deal with her breast cancer treatment. Not only is she too big of a /lig/ger to give up her brand, she's also an unironic lewdtuber that does fansly streams. No chance in hell she's gonna give up her brand to join a corpo that would restrict her like that. People like Vexoria or Cottontail would only ever consider joining Vshojo where they wouldn't have to give up their brand or be restricted from doing nsfw streams
>Phasebeggars were crying for Purin to be poached almost as much as they were Lisa
>Now that she's actually been hired they barely talk about her
What happened?
Purin has several magnitudes more viewers than before and is well talked about when she streams. She's one of the larger girls in Phase already. Fuck off.
Kirsche and her fat ass dramafag ways never had a chance in Phase. Nyaru is well known to hang out in the pippa fancord interacting with male viewers, so no chance. Hana is JP and there has not been a JP invaders wave yet.
If Lisa gets into Vshojo, the biggest whore company, it'll be the funniest thing ever. Why would she even apply after just joining Idol? A woman with zero loyalty would fit in well there.
Kirsche is a moron if she thinks she can get into Vshojo after the Harry Potter shit. If Nyaru wasn't a nobody, she'd have the best chance.
Nyaru would never be allowed in Vshojo even if she was bigger. She went full retard and did the same thing Kirsche did.
Never heard of this girl, shame her model will disappear (outside of the piercings, those suck), but the voice was pretty bad from what little I took a gander at.
I need the sauce brother, surely that's not the entire image.
Did she? Got links? Haven't watched her in a bit so I'm curious.
Nyaru has no desire to join corpos, especially Vshojo. Antis keep seething.
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She's too big for anything but Hololive or Vshojo.
Ngl her blackops streams are fun, at least I save myself some penny to not buy the game
That's not how it works.
Vex has been married for like a decade and has a kid, and has also been going through breast cancer treatment. (note the pink ribbon) Relatively high survival rate cancer, but still chemo/radiation is a bitch.
Nyaru went full dramafag retard? Did she burn bridges with cons and corpos? Why are EN vtubers so stupid?
Niji typically does not allow such "guys im gonna totally reincarnate soon" style posts. This is almost certainly another company.
low CCV is better for me, i get to groom Twisty
She didn’t clap and fangirl over a froot. That’s the drama.
She thinks it's a different type of black company
One of the girl in an older small corpo that is still active today.
If you know you know
Its amazing how people can say shit like this here but I get a slap on the wrist for mentioning someone's roommate looking ugly. The mods here are so trash at their jobs lmfao
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Anon, which other company is this desperate?
watching this meltdown happen live was a moment in indie vtuber time my god.
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He sais based, not battered in gravy and roasted blacked.
this one does adult content right?
Isn't it VAllure gen 2?
Careful. I've gotten banned for calling the jannies trash. kek
Charzu from kawaii, shes also done EN dubs for genshin and the nagatoro anime
I watched her a bit and she hated Niji. This is either Phase Connect or an entirely new corpo.
I can't imagine Charzu as darker skinned.
Oops meant to quote>>81551149
>Purin has several magnitudes more viewers than before
This is true
>and is well talked about when she streams
This was true for a while but not anymore, /pcg/ barely talks about her these days
Blacker than black..
I will miss the absolute sex that was her model. Her voice was unique because even though it was loli-tier, it was raspy. Makes her 10x more mesugaki than she was through her design and personality alone.

I just hope whenever she reincarnates, she'll still be brown and sexy. I can sacrifice the loli, but I hope she doesn't debrownify.
I like her voice. She doesn't try to sound like a 2 year old babbling baby, and it reminds me of the english dub for Tanya the Evil.
Genuinely curious how much money this woman makes. Is she working a full time job on top of meeting her streaming requirements? I can't imagine this is worth it at all for her.
Because there is a gen3 split, retard.
I forgot her name, but Nahida's VA is a corpo vtuber.
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>roar loud
>in the stars
>i will never change
In the stars could either be Phase Invaders or some other start up corpo. She could be some sort of bear, lion, tiger or dinosaur with the roar loud part. She will also still be brown or at least loli with the "I will never change" part.
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Have you ever actually looked at that split? There's barely anybody in there.
Isn't phase invaders the "keep your old idnetity" branch?
Only if you sign over your IP which is why most of the invaders aren't streaming as their PL
God I hope so. Some of their talents are much more in line with what V4M does.
Their PL is used as collateral so they don't just run with the money or assets. Ember was trying to rebrand after she left Tsunderia, that's why she's different, despite the same everything, and Dizzy probably never got rights to her PL until Tsunderia died. Jelly is Jelly.
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So after she made thousands on the dono stream and went to offkai with her mods that browse and shill for her here. She graduates and deletes all of her discord aside from a few specific things. This is to delete the evidence that she was posting photos of her irl self in nsfw when she was a minor and she has sent images of herself to high paying donos in dm's as well
>Dizzy probably never got rights to her PL until Tsunderia died
Tsunderia never owned her character, she was an "invader" in that company too
Dizzy has skinwalked Urara on stream multiple times and Jelly is distinctly separate from her previous IP. Dizzy is a different case but given that Jelly's entire online career is tied to her PL she almost definitely did not sell her IP to the fish
There's a legit NAFOtroon seething everytime you point that out
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You did the same thing in /choc/. You are the most resilient anti ever. You refuse to post proof but you continue to lurk in her server.
>she was an "invader" in that company too
Proof? Because her character was her manager character. Why did she not stream as that character after leaving? Why did she lawyer up the day tsunderia died?
She skinwalked after Tsunderia died. When she acquired her IP after lawyering up and PPP let go of it. As for Jelly, she's autistic and careful enough to not risk anything she built. But calling it "selling" is a stretch. You don't sell your car to the bank when you use it as collateral. It's collateral.
PLEASE give me clips of her lusting for white cock.
Legendary 0 view niji vtuber
It's literally on her vtuber wiki page for one thing, this isn't obscure information
You're right then. But that doesn't prove PPP didn't acquire the rights. If people assume Sakana is buying the rights to invader's IPs, why not a scumbag like PPP? Her 2D Uruka avatar debuted under Tsunderia based on the wiki.
lol She has cancer anon. That's what the fucking ribbon is for.
A vtuber I follow, captain souly, is randomly closing her discord today as well, so seems to be the case
What? they sound alike but there's no way Charzu is that big of a voice actress
What about IdolEN? They have a new gen thats supposed to be coming soon
it was a joke at first but it turned out to be real
probably that, V4 Mirai or Phase Invaders.
I would at this point. The nose dive is inevitable so you just get a free avatar parachute.Also it's kind of a funny story to tell. "Yeah I joined just as it died for the laughs"
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>BO3 zombies
Huh... Maybe not all nijis are bad after all.
does she try to do ameaster eggs? If so I might check her out
>a voice actor for large scale gaming productions has to vtube for a small corpo as a side hustle
Didn't know the VA industry paid that badly
She probably just does it because she enjoy it and also get to LARP as an idol just like her love live anime
And she also wagie at another office job as the same time and that's her main job
What was her content?
VAs in the West do get paid dog shit unless you're a megastar like Lauren Bailey. And she probably still barely makes 50k.
Zentreya saved her just believe VshoBros
You all have been pushing this rrat for way too long
>She probably just does it because she enjoy it
This is the reason. Her viewers notoriously don't donate. Before the recent gens and Isla drama, she was consistently the lowest donated talent in Kawaii. Charzu is the main reason I don't believe that the company is so terrible, because if they were, there's little reason for her to have stuck with them for so long.
It's not much better for JP either unless they're doing the idol gig alongside voice acting. There's plenty of fairly prominent and recognizable JP voice actors that work second jobs at convenience stores and fast food restaurants. This is especially true for men.
it can't be nijisanji because nijisanji bans voice acting on the side. cyyu was an indie vtuber who voiced in Genshin and he talked about how nijisanji wanted him to give up his voice acting career to be a sub 300ccv male in nijisanji. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtjyypjbfAg
> self-hating raceplay negress
Fuck me that’s so hot. Links???
Quote reply me when it comes out, I know what her new design is.

She's going to be a brown loli, white tiger theme.
I saw the design.
oof anon
She needs to do a footcam stream
I swear I saw another Vtuber graduate with a "come find me in the stars" tag about a month ago, but I can't remember who
There is no way anyone can look at the recent Niji wave, and hell, their numbers across the board and feel like it's a good opportunity, is there? It has to stop happening at some point.
>New NijiEN Wave
no way, they wouldn't
These dates aren't a coincidence.
Speaking of Idol, have any of the girls done horny content (or even horny-adjacent content) since Riro got fired?
Above and beyond lewd outfits I mean. Obviously I know that Koa and some of the others wear outfits that only just barely what needs to be covered (and Koa's bra has pokeys)
She definitely Phase material but I can see Pixellink and V4miral

One of her collabs with Kiki Pyon Pyon (not sure which one) Both Kiki and her talked about how much they wanted to get bleached.
No that's all dried up
Holy shit this is gold
I wanna breed this brown lady
Isla drama? I haven't kept up with Kawaii lately what happened with her?
She's always dreamed of wanting to get into Phase so it's good to say she's in phase
She got doxxed last year which forces her into like a 1-2 months break or so.
Aren't Russians still losing more soldiers?
I know Ukrainians don't want to enlist because it's a meatgrinder and the aid was being embezzled, but still it wouldn't be possible to lose more troops than Russia.
>New NijiEN Wave comin
oh no
Its been confirmed NijiEN support has been cut off and there are no waves coming though
Charzu seems like a good person. She's not very entertaining but she's super creative, occasionally funny, and very authentic. It's been nice seeing her grow finally.
Also does this make charzu and reina the turk and jd of vtubing?
is she slim?
>Phase orbitter
>BLEACHED negress

This bitch is gonna nuke Nijisanji from orbit if she gets in amd I'm gonna fuckin die laughing.

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