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Thread for the pon, cute, hardworking artist mamma (and pizza with french fries addict), italian pink gatta.



>Last Stream:

>Next Stream:
>Holocure +ARK (?)

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>HIBANA / ヒバナ - Raora Panthera

>Debut and Lore:



>/ciao/ OP Template:

>Previous Thread:
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Raora honestly seems like she's utterly lost for 80% of this game
She's done exactly what she needs to do which is just interact with other girls.
Expensive virgin...
Osteria della buon'ora
Voglio scopar mamma Raora
Ma poiché lei sta in Giappone
Posso farmi solo un raspone
Dammela a me biondina dammela a me bionda
It's so fun seeing an EN girl that will just walk up to the JP girls to chat them up even though she's not confident in her japanese.
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Mamma winning so much!
>>81534809 That's why she's >>81534860.
She met so many JPs today, even Migo and Suisex
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Subaru did the same thing with Towa lol
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Raora's stinky farts in my mouth. Raora sitting on my face during a 6 hour art session forcing me to feel the rumble of her asscheeks and endure endless puffs of fecal gas that plague my sinuses. Being able to taste her pungent aroma as it lingers on my tongue and right when it starts to fade, another brap hits my face, causing me to forget everything else but the smell of Raora's foul Italian gas.
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I think im a chattino..she gives me comfy feelings while I sip on my green tea and cook. feels like im hanging out with my aunt
She's already made an enemy of Kanade. I could just see them all whispering behind her back. They hate Mamma!
Did she manage to meet Aqua? I've been dipping in and out of the stream but I know that she's the most elusive just because she actively avoids the big groups and wanders off on her own cause autism and social anxiety
Nah she hasn't.
No, neither Peko, Noel and Polka iirc
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Haachama's big monster
Mamma has befriended the Chamma.
Holocure is kill.
Happy for more ARK though.
[Schedule Change]
Holocure cancelled for playing ARK again.
Lui needs to have kids.
Goo goo gaa gaa (me)
Chammers befriends all ENs, she is EN 0 after all
Cute Mamma.
Yeah no
The perfect stream, probably one of her best so far.
I am a Subaru anti now.
Great stream. She needs to go back to studying japanese and we'll get legendary content in the future.
As anyone actually went from not knowing much Japanese to knowing enough to get by (not just passion) without hololive?
10/10 Gatto
Passion/10 Nihongo
100/10 stream
Mamma was so bubbly and hyper all stream interacting with her senpais
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I was worried a bit how Raora's arkventure would go but it went well.
Bae and Mori were there and JP senpai were kind.
I suspect she has her own expat group or Japanese-speaking friends who speaks English to her out of courtesy, in that case she will be forever dekinai.
What an amazing stream, she had the time of her life chatting with her senpais and learning the game. Her giggles were super infectious, can't wait to get more ARK tomorrow!
that's unfortunate, Mori's is the perfect example of the eternal dekinai, literally 5 years in Japan and still can't form a proper sentence. I really do hope momma will prove me wrong.
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Vaffanculo /ciao/
How many Brappini are there?
watch streams lil bro
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Currently catching up to the ARK VOD. Seeing Rao-chan this Happy made me smile. Day saved I guess.
I'd rather not, the fact that i'm better than them without stepping foot in Japan tells me enough.
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I understand most of the stuff during streams because I've been watching a lot of anime for 25y now (even Hajime). Obviously I can't speak or read japanese for shit.
once again, watch streams, you're talking straight out of your ass

schedule addition/change, guerilla ark stream tomorrow, raora is definitely
addicted to ark heh
You're talking to a troll, man. Just report him and move on.
>Mori's irl circle
oh ...interesting
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Don't feed antis info. Don't replay to bait, report and move.
Pasta shape is very important. Depending on sauce some shapes fit better than others, but also, some people have preferences so that's probably why mamma was asking. She gave the only wrong answer
excuse my clip watching but jesas christ 2 sex cats meeting together i need to have both of them on my cock
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Usual baker here; I'm warning the chattini that starting tomorrow I'll have less presence in August for work. So if the other bakers can organize themselves more than usual for keeping up the general, much appreciated.

For the same reason, new soundposts will also decrease. Enjoy this last one (and the ending one above with the new audio).
And see you soon for the EN collab!
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Good luck with work, chattino.
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why is it muted?
What if you came home from work and are greeted by your wife, Raora?
A peck on the cheek, maybe a kiss on the lips if you will.
>waiting room is already up
jesas, this woman is already addicted to collabs
i can generally cover NA baking times but EU will be rough, but im also not looking at 4chan much lately so i may not be reliable
I have baked a few times too. If it's not a workday I do it as soon as I wake up if needed and keep it alive (EU times).
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It should have been me
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Sniffa sniffa when I hug her. She smells nice after all
Not like this newfagottino
How do I have sex with a virtual italian pink anime woman cat
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Pink cat please.
I need more ARK.
Guys, how long do you think it will take me to learn Japanese well enough to understand both spoken and written forms? Is it hard?
It's hard, don't set time goals, just grind
It's not a binary understand or not, simply gradually increasing the percentage of what you understand is immensely satisfying and every bit helps
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If you did it everyday and nothing else. Six months. Realistically though, just take it slow and plan for the long term. I've been picking at it for about 3 years and I could probably speak to people at the bar. Order drinks, get some snacks. Sure I'll sound like a grade schooler but most locals will be happy to meet a foreigner they can communicate with. My first year in Japan was 0 JP knowledge other than hai, iie, and sumimasen. But when you start listening to people you can usually understand what they mean through body language or context. Also it didn't take us long to make friends wherever we went. Alcohol helps.
Alcohol is the universal language. I found myself speaking Russian with enough alcohol even though the only words I'd normally know are da, niet, and spasibo
why is she so chubby
You should also understand that textbook Japanese and actual spoken Japanese are very different. Try one of those tutor programs and try getting a native level teacher to do weekly sessions.
Because mamma
she's playing Ark tomorrow
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Sleepa sleepa
supercute image
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from drawthread
Cowprint is really nice.
imagine the taste of her breast milk mixed with your coffee
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I love mammmmaa
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me and mamma
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raora in spelling bee
Is there anyone who can do worse than Mamma?
>word is buttocks
oh nononono raora is fucked
this is not fair
We all knew this was going to happen
what is it in italian?
>She's hearing botox
they actually gave the esl a really hard word lmao
She went in expecting it to be meme words not actual English words
this one is not fair for her but at least she's learning a new word

also Callli wtffff
it's so fucking raover ame hates my wife it's so fucking raover
raora humiliation ritual
The newbies must get hazed at some point
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I hope Mamma gets a word derived from french or latin next time so she can get a point
>loses the debate despite coffee team's efforts
>doesn't get a win in party animals
>this contest

Unironically I hope she doesn't get discouraged from participating in multicollabs just because of the losses
she has a lot of fun, she' snot getting discouraged
the coffee rap was ultra kino, party animals was pretty fun
this contest may be the only one she might feel embarassed at times but i think shes always just happy to be around beloved senpai
she knew she was gonna do badly, but accepted anyways to be there for us... I love her so much
Well to be fair, all but 1 of the EUs haven't been doing great so far
Very ironic word to get wrong for Mogojon
let's go Mama
Well there you go
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I was expecting CC to do well but maybe I overestimated her english a lot better than mine
>she wrote the italian spelling of the word
god i hate words like that, it was right in her native language but wrong in english
she should have smelled that something was up, it was too easy to be true...
The EUs are all dead
Chattini... Raora could get this one if she just spells it in italian I think
>Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (nella versione in italiano Supercalifragilistichespiralidoso)

She's fucked after the first half of the word
Kek, she’s actually singing this
come on Mamma!
Mamma did her best
It's Raover

>Verification not required.
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>Come extinguish my fire~
I felt that in my CORE
Grem just swinging by. I, uh, am going to need a soundpost of that part. For reasons.
I second this as a Chattini
[good news]
Raora wants a cult. Get to work, chattini
>raora wants a cult
wh-why is this hot
we're not one already?
Post the soundpost.
roger that
does anyone know who did this art for her? or did she draw it?
bless thank
"For justice" is a funny bit.
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Good morning fellow chattini, time for more ARK in a few hours.
Buongiorno! I missed the spelling bee but from the posts I can tell it was kino. Gonna watch the VOD before Ark stream.
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pardon my clip watching x2 but my fucking sides, why was raoras first thought of how to handle a hungry baby is breastfeeding? actual mamma brain... my dick...
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Something often overlooked in healthy girls is the upper arm squish. God it drives me wild thinking of grabbing a girl by her fleshy upper arms.
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Buongiorno! Good morning! Or is it I ran out of coffee.
Yes, I like to think of it as "funny".
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raora's butaxe.
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Wake up chattini, she's live!
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>Raora in Shuba's DMs
she's winning so hard
Chattini are still sleepy from the spelling stream
Basata, she's /here/ to dance!
>and telling the /jp/fags to fuck off
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Holy based!
Did Raora really give us the (You) reference on purpose?
Yes, when people asked about the (you) a few streams ago she kept beating around the bush and gave a bullshit explanation to not say outright that it was a 4chan reference
Who the FUCK is talking?
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Passion friends.
Nice tummy and cleavage. The perfect Towa piece
>gave a bullshit explanation to not say outright that it was a 4chan reference
Raora /here/ confirmed if she does know the rules. Pink cat love! This place still has a pretty bad rep up to now despite to being more chill than some subreddits.
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I love pink women so much bros...
I'm hearing Mio, did Raora manage to chat her up? I only just managed to start watching now.
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Hey Calli!
>*smack her face*
She said hello to her when she spawned.
yeah she greeted her on log in. a lot of folks now though.
Too much mamma energy for the universe to handle...
This interaction with Towa is very cute.
Towa-mama being mama to mamma. Mamma mia!
It's amazing how fast she gets used to stuff and people. Her mentality is great.
Raora is like a self-insert for a holo fan in these ARK streams, it's great.
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>I'm cooking
>erotic moans
Even the JP senpais are calling her mamma
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>guys, give up
>robertino is slow, he needs time
>he's doing what he can
Just like mamma!
Wait, if mamma is /here/, doesn't that mean she's a degenerate to some level?
>No eng sub IRL
It's raover...
How have you missed all the posts about her foot fetish?
I'm new to pink cat.

And the sun is hot
God, chat constantly being annoying when the girls swear like they aren't adults is one of my most disliked parts of the holo fanbase. We really need Raora to chew them out about it like Nerissa did near her debut.
The thing is, normal swearing in Italy is even considered pretty child-friendly because there is a level above it being bestemmie, like dio cane, porca madonna, porco il padre pio che si incula pure dio

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