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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Live Concert:

Song Covers Playlist:


▼ Talents ==========================
>Generation EONIA
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Generation novamore
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

>Generation Hanamizuki
【Kaya Nishikino 錦野楓夜】

【Ran Tsukiha 月蝶蘭】

【Yuno Hanaki 華鬼結望】

>Generation Ephemira
【Hiyori Mokami 桃神日和】

【Kohaku Yumekui 夢喰己白】

【Lethe Bonapuchi レッテボナプチ】

【Meimi Majokko 魔女っ子めいみ】

【Navina Nova ナビナ・ノバ】

【Tomoe Carmine トモエ・カーマイン】
▼kawaii Friends
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
V&U >>>/vt//vnug/
Pixelink >>>/vt//pxl/
Athy - https://twitter.com/owlthy
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Auri Lunami - https://twitter.com/AuriLunami

Previous Thread >>81479894
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Look at Nene's Japan walkalong videos too for travel tips. He'll, she has an AMA tonight. Snowball's chance your question makes it if you put it in now but it's not entirely impossible. She will probably spend 5 hours and answer 5 real questions in the time and zatsu about who knows what along the way.
When someone asked her about where to go in Japan recently she said literally anywhere because you're sure to have a good time except for that one place that was particularly awful.
Autocorrect hate
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meimi was a flop
I am in love with Isla-sama
How I quit watching kawaii
>Want to be a part of the community but dont wanna hang out with discord shitters
>Come /here/
>Thread spammed 24/7 by an obsessed subhuman that found an easy thread to shit up because theres no moderation at all
>Move to another thread to hang out while watching kawaii girls
>Eventually start watching girls from that corpo and completely drop kawaii because they have more than 5 people in the thread that actually report subhuman thread shitters
>4chan doesnt matter btw your reputation here literally doesnt matter
>Kawaiis latest gen dropped to a mid 2view status
shut the fuck up megiddo you watch everyone (even apex whores lmao)
charzu cat
unironicaly namis fault btw
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UUUUUUUUU she isn't 24 hours early UUUUUUUU
>btw your reputation here literally doesnt matter
What a funny thing to think about.....
Go apply to be a 4chan janny then if /here/ affects you that much
I have some agreements but the discussion here and reputation are immaterial to stream quality. If there was nowhere to post I would still watch my oshi. The community or lack thereof shouldn't be your oshi.
it doesn't because most people who watch don't come here, vtuber communities are on discord
So how should I spend my paycheck since management was fucking retarded once again? I'm so annoyed at this I don't even want to burn my spending money on regular donos
Y'see, the thing is, that's what you're thinking about. YOUR reputation. -And you're trying to find that through a COMMUNITY of others. I was just pointing out that a person's reputation, probablly, isn't what most people here are thinking about.
Can someone please link the stream where Nami was running towards (you)? Was that from her giga fan service 3D where she took all those poses?
I would feel kinda weird not having anyone to talk to about some of my hobbies. Sense of community is definitely important.
Maybe you should stop basing your decisions on what other people think, say, and do.
groom a indie or send the girls management hate donos
By YOUR reputation, it probably means the reputation of kawaii and kawaii fans, not that one single guy. You see how many people got mindbroken by the threadshitter thinking its like 20 different people in here shitting on the girls all day every day.
If you want /pkg/ to be better, put in the effort.
Weina bday is this weekend....
It hasn't been that bad lately tbdesu, feels like old 4channel with the occasional ritual shitpost which I am fine with
Nene is my whore btw
yeah most vtuber fans are massive attentionwhores and want their chat name to be out there, for good boy points or to become someone in the "community" or whatever. Generals on /vt/ will never be a community for vtubers because everyone is anon, only /here/tubers can somewhat make it work but they have their own discords anyway.
Meimi please, please reach out to Charlotte and make her play mahjpng with you on stream.
once again here to say i dont even watch Hiyo but her model is so breedable its insane
People got mindbroken?
Did you ask the artist before reposting his art here?
Probably one of the worst ideas ever for content.
I wish I could hire you just so I could fire you.
only megiddo got mindbroken, no one cares, there are like 30 people posting on /vt/ for the whole /corpo/ sphere
Thanks for always watching the thread and solving issues management should solve
I want to give you a Disney churo and fuck your tits
Same. I love Manager Sora
/pkg/ is fine, if you want a hugbox tranny thread stop acting like you're too good for discord and join those attentionwhore retards lmao
That's Sora (Kingdom Heart) btw
Nami is always watching. She sees all my breeding posts...
kekedroji doesn't know
>nene whore heh
>hoop kings hahah get it guys? our girls fuck blacks!
>hueh hueh boyfriend cucks they all have boyfriends hueh
>black men stretch your oshis ass every night hueh
>grifter whores
>graduate hmz ephemira whores nepo hire male collaber whores
>aster hopcons
>vdere won
>million things that are in no way related to kawaii
>shill other small corpo girls
>link twitch flesh streamers
>hueh hoop kings your oshi sucks black dick hueh
This is the thread that you want? Are you fucking retarded? You gotta be like 15 years old to think this is peak edgy 4chan behaviour.
I think some of your are either literal teens trying to be too "edgy" on this site or literal arrested development retards still crying for that old 4chan where according to you, every thread ever was like /b/. Soiler, it wasnt. You could actually talk about your interests in here without some retard bringing up "le BBC hueh so funny hueh!" every other post
>hoop kings hahah get it guys? our girls fuck blacks!
>hueh hueh boyfriend cucks they all have boyfriends hueh
>black men stretch your oshis ass every night hueh
There you go just after I posted it, a mindbroken perma online subhuman cuck posts.
You are a complete imbecile that should be stomped to death.
it's all banter, go back to /v4m/ if you want mindless simping
uh oh hugbox tranny melty
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mindbroken cuckposter got found out recently at Phase, he's been going all out since then.
Nah its you unironically being mentally ill. No one posts about black dick all day every day just for "le bantz". Fucking kill yourself already you subhuman dog.
There's a reason "trolling outside of /b/" is a report options. /b/tards can't be fixed
hoop kings won
Uh oh subhuman animal that agrees with himself every time he tries to push a narrative just like back in the "REMOVE PHASE FROM FRIENDS!" days.
Imagine doing this for years literally? Just kill yourself dude.You have no life. Just fucking end it today. You are trash. Literal human trash. You should be dead right now.
I also agree with you and also these stupid users didn't even ask the artist who did this art >>81537114 to repost and all they talk about is Nene when the rest of Eonia had nothing to do with it
Dude look at the porn that the western anime/game/vtuber community commissions. Go check kemono, like 70% of the shit is all "blacked".
Weebs are pathetic sissy boy cucks that should be beaten to death. Its all fags and trannies infesting these communities.
Its constant demoralization spam to "own le chuds".
you lost megiddo, go back to watching homocollabs with globie or your apex whores with vspoEN
>Its constant demoralization spam
Lol that shit doesn't work
You lost your god damn mind since you reply to every post like its either Megiddo, Meimi, or some other kawaii talent or manager. You are unironically gone mentally. Just kill yourself. You quite literally need to be not breathing right now.
LMAO you think I didn't just pass over all that bullshit you idiots squabbled lmao.
vtuber fans are prime sissy cucks, have you seen the amount of humiliation and degrading roleplay streams they ask for lol
It's over for you megiddo, /pkg/ will never be a simp shithole like 99% of vtuber generals. We keep it real.
>own le chuds
Stop using this phrase or any retarded variations of it you weirdo.
Is the threadshitter a woman? We know the kill yourself poster is a chick, but only a feminized boy or woman could hold a grudge this long against nene
imagine thinking you have power here because you shitpost
>He posts from 2 devices and then 3 other people sometimes post in the thread as well.
That whole "We" shit in 4chan always tells me that some faggot is trying to run a narrative and "rule" the thread.
Some people actually took pride in "taking over" threads and shutting them down to the point where only they and a few of their butt buddies post there.
Brother, if you wanna say something then say it. That guy's always gonna be there for whatever abused child reason she doesn't want to have that he has. We're all just talking to a wall.
He clearly has the power because his posts make up more than 50% of /pkg/
I dont think its a girl I think its some inceloid anti GFE activist trying to steer people away from "manipulative girls".
He is having a meltdown every fucking donothon about how people spend their money.
Japan got blacked by Yasuke, le weeb chuds lost
we rule the thread, we moved in with slugma, sorry bucko
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Have a Loggie :)
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Why arent anime girls real? I'd literally be like...
is loggie and ragi just the same joke as baya and buno
just curious if theres lore behind it or not
this would be kino
I am also on the discord. I just want /here/ to become bareable.
i'm going to revive the subreddit and make it the true community
Its the same type of joke, yes
stop replaying to namis shitposts you fools
No never
What the KYS subhuman poster fails to realize is that the blowup responses and fans not using the thread is the goal of the trolling in the first place. /pkg/ fags NEVER learn not to bite.
Watch streams and post about them. It's not hard.
unfortunate ESL hugbox tranny
I haven't rape corrected her the past few days this is on me I'm sorry anons.
Nami you fat slut I will breed you!
you are not her new ffxiv tranny boyfriend
WHERE? I need to save it!

Slim Namiji




Normal Nami
You have to understand, ignoring bait is literally impossible
it's already bearable if you aren't a fag or a troon (or even worse, female)
Retard obsessed with random discord shitters and chatters from 10 different small corpos to the point that he has screenshots of them saying stuff 2 years ago
I think its time to kill yourself at that point. Just hang yourself trash.
For every comment about the stream, you get 5 of his posts spamming cuck shit because he thinks that he is earning that 4CHAN CRED. MAAAAAAAAAAAAN! that is clearly super important to him.
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I love agency vtuber (virtual YouTuber) Ms. Lua Asuka of Production kawaii Generation 2 (novamore)


Latest covers:


someone once posted something vnu related and he immediatelly whipped out like 2 names from there lol. guy is unironically a terminally online subhuman. i dont even know 80% of those small corpo girls and he even knows their chatters.
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uh oh cuck melty
Son, it's your father. Bring your dishes out with you when you come out at night please. Putting all those dishes out at once makes you look so bad. We love son.
stop pretending cuckiddo, you are in every small corpo chat
I love son too
The sad part of this is that you unironically think that you really talk to Megiddo and Meimi in this thread. You are THAT mentally ill.
Can you please hang yourself and livestream it? I'm in a bad mood and could use a chuckle.
son goku?
I am Meimi and I reply to him all the time
I am cuckiddo
There's NOOOOO way someone could read the words you're being complained about being redad.
the hugbox tranny life is a hard life
>Son I am disappoint memes were 15 years ago
Unironically skill issued
too many charzus in france
>hueh i prevent threads from being hugboxes hueh i keep it real hueh im 30 years old btw hueh 4chan credibility is on the line here very important stuff hueh
hang yourself retard. you need to die.
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>noooo don't report my shitposts anyone i should be able to do whatever i want on 4chan :(((((
uh oh fat finger melty
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based furi she is not a hugbox tranny
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Why is Nami"s GFE is so realistic
It really feels like dealing with an autistic GF nagging at you to accommodate her turbo autism.
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She barely compliments us or gives us fanservice and hates us on the DL. Thats what having a real gf feels like desu
because she moved in with her boyfriend
What I hate the most about Nami is her thinking that she is actually the smartest one around. She had some shocking dogshit opinions for a grown ass woman. But women would rather shove a hot poker in their cunt than admit they are wrong about something.


And whoever liked this band unironically should be killed lol
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>check /pkg/
>see this
>check /hsrg/
Different one this time. Last full blooded mexican beat her and wouldnt stop drinking and sleeping instead of working so she went more castizo this go round
we love SEAfriends here, bucko
She never did a good ASMR stream period. Kaya's fuck around ASMR's are better than anything Nami ever put out.
go back, newfag
nami is the meimi of novamore
Nami is mentally capable for a woman standard but she's still a woman. Smart people can have shitty taste and only midwit equate taste to intelligence.
I can't unsee it in the names now.....
what is /hsrg/?
I wasnt talking about her taste in anything but about multiple discussions she had with the chat where she was clearly wrong but kept forcing her dogshit opinion and pretending like everyone else is retarded.
they were a mistake and they have tranny boyfriends
>barely compliments us
not true
>gives us fanservice
also not true.
>hates us on the DL
swing and a miss. you're outta here!
it's realistic because true love unspoken. There's no confession; we both know it already. A look, a gift, the way you talk to to someone conveys more love than just saying "i love you". which she also does, too. it's why she's perfect.
And even midder wits equate taste to talent.
she will move in with a new tranny boyfriend and it will never be you
nami has autism and josé feeds her delusions please understand
pathetic sprite, go back grooming woozie
>Get filtered that hard about Nami arguing about the dumbest shit for fun
>Doesn't enjoy the silly mental stimuli
woozie is ugly now
whipped kekroji lmao
cute japs on a boat
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double flop stream lmao
Bit antsy there? Waiting for something? 30 seconds is pretty fast.
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focus on your stream meimi
>can i post this on 4chan please!!?
kek you the artist? if you do not want your shit reposted then avoid sharing it with the public. silly lil nigga
Kaya being an absolutely based coomer right now
Kaya has great cooming sense
My heart skipped a beat when I thought those were her actual boobs for a millisecond
does she know what she's doing?
It's playing out exactly how she planned it
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I want to fuck Kaya so bad right now, why am I so simple minded.
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you guys just want v4m while pretending you dont
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I already downloaded all I wanted from them and unmember'd
Men are easy
Rare kain being based, it was immersion breaking
It's ok when our girls do it
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based kawaii supremacist

But seriously this looks good. You're alright Kaya.
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shut up yiman
I want to throw a bit of money at her but I dont want to be caught by my oshi watching her acting like a coomer
playing kawaii covers during streams is such a good idea. more girls should do it when they do these just chatting streams instead of generic bgm
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nene covers are shit though
control your hate boner and stop being so childish
kaya might actually be a vtubing genius
it's not hate if it's true
kaya and meimi are so desperate lmao
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you wife is smoking weed at ihop with her republican aunt
I wonder how often Nano plans to do this series
did she made the asset herself? i know she capable of doing it.
the last standing EIEN whore... vallure won...
do it when she's offline / use another name retard
I dont see reason to stop unless people stop accepting invitations, EVEN if you gets negative views its still a nice way to get to know other vtubers.
I meant more like if it will be weekly or just whenever. The last one felt like it just happened. For comparison, idol katta is really spamming that abduction series. I like those but if I were a regular viewer of hers I don't know if I would enjoy them being so constant like that.
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built for anitubers
Why aren’t the ephemira girls joining the end dragon event in vsmp? Atleast one of them should show up.
>none of the kawaii girls partaking in vsmp
Your headcanon delulu is not trululu beta faggot
I like all of the streams they are doing today instead. Tomoe karaoke in a few minutes if she can get her setup working
blame shee meltdown (set up by troonstar) over getting rejected
delulu and cuckbroken kektomo lol
delulu and cuckbroken no life 24/7 threadshitter in a wheelchair
we love KekJay here, bucko
uh oh he’s gay for kayjay. congratulations on coming out in the closet anon
unfortunate ESL sister
unironically I think they are skipping VSMP (on stream) in solidarity with Shee and the others who got excluded, dumb move but very "woman"
>completely baseless high school tier gossip
that's very "man" of you
no other explanation for the sudden drop in VSMP content (on stream, hiyo still plays offstream)
lol not a chance in hell does it have anything to do with "corpo unity"
My brother in christ almighty nene can not sing if you like her bird squawking fine but she is fuckin terrible mate
My brother in reddit
Just got off work bros, what should I do today? Shitpost on /pkg/ or improve myself?
The illusion of free choice
post NeneWhore or improve yourself
improve yourself go outside treat yourself to a nice meal or watch a good movie be happy live love laugh
Those that go against Shee shall suffer.

Shee will always wins.

i agree she is not the best singer in kawaii but she sings fine. just because you don’t like it does not mean you have to talk down to those who do and be so negative about it.
nene is a whore and shit at singing
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Write something for Reina's Bday
speaking of
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I want to fuck lua
Good choice, she has the most sex appeal in this company
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>country road
I want to fuck Kaya
Chubby chaser anon....
Nano literally the new gen Shee, the parallels just keep stacking
Anon nothing about my post was talking down to fans of nene specifically. But nene herself is free game and subject to peoples opinion good or bad enjoy your friday.
Thats me and am not sharing Nami.
Nami is beyond chubby.
I want to fuck Isla
Trannies are not welcome in /pkg/
Nano starting soon
My favorite hot mess just started
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Would you watch a short Dokapon Kingdom series? is basically a JRPG themed Monopoly
>I micro slept straight through it
get good regular sleep anons
based bbc unit
follow the last EIEN whore
using earbuds because my hair is wet and I feel like I'm disrespecting Tomoe by not using the good headphones because she is amazing even through these shitpieces
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Go back to your homocollabing fps whores Meggido
we love megiddo here, bucko
I'm just glad we don't have a French vtuber in kawaii
ants in your house is not normal for America, Tomoe. Clean up your aunts house and put out some bait traps lmao
btw I'm watching Note by Note by Nano if you were wondering
yes Nano is being cute and latina today too
Not yet.
i wasnt wondering
we need one to be the lightning rod for all bbc posting
Nano is excited for the ranma remake btw
99% of remakes are trash, thoughever
Nano drew naked ranma characters when she was 5.
fat grifter should open an OF
god I love listening to Nano talk about old anime
I should thoroughly enjoy Nano but she has the bad luck to be forever overlapped by things that have higher priorities for me
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professional nano layout
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Yuno soono
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tomoe is erotic
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Nano is singing rn
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Fuq, too many kino stream overlap
kaya was a good girl today

i would let her suffocate me with her huge fat brown quarter latina ass
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I won't make the mistake of clicking otome again but pass along my well wishes for Yuno and her beleaguered mom
>people don't watch you to play games
>they watch you for your personality
you damn right Nano, I love you for your personality
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Yeah this is why 99% of the time im not nice to you faggots you do not deserve to be treated with any dignity you just abuse it when you receive it
so umm people explained back seating to me and it was powerful and brave perhaps
hiyo is a troon
Tomoe might but it will be offstream
yuno you damn fujo!!! needs correction!!!!
I hope shee told them that's fine to play VSMP on stream, ephemira already flopped down to 2views they need every buff they can get
you're a terminal threadreader
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strange Reina cameo
>ephemira flopping because of shee’s pettiness
Reina should play a horror game with crowd control
ephemira chose to stream less VSMP in solidarity but I doubt that shee spoke to then about the server situation at any point
is vdere even play in vsmp? i only see them few times
Anon pulled the VSMP thing out of his ass. Tomoe for example has recording to do. Nano had that collab. Hiyo is at work I'm sure.
Tomoe is also back from vacation this week and is still kinda technically on vacation so scheduling is a bit all over the place - she literally said she might log on later but not stream it (because she JUST streamed, not because of this retards rrat)
Shiki raided Reina!
>pawcucks hyperventilating to defend their petty whore who is banned from playing block game with the cool kids
The real reason is that the VSMP buff wore off and they usually try to push their best contents on the weekends, such as solo stream karaoke or ASMR or horror game. They already went through the novelty of meeting, interacting, and networking with girls in VSMP. Other than Lethe, none of the girls are desicated enough of a Minecraft autist to commit to stick around and build a lot. Lethe is the only Minecraft autist and she did stream it recently
Autism games attract Lethe. Wish she lived in my hemisphere so I could watch more of her.
damage control squad, you love to see it
>buff wore off
bro vsmp "without buffs" gets more ccv than ephemira "best content" lmao
>hiyo at work
what happened to our troon going full time?
we love shee here, trying to anti shee here is not worth your effort. trust me.
Yuno is an otome Stacy, isn't she? I always thought she was more of a fujoshi..
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Yuno probably get off to both but lean toward otome
I think Lethe is the only one who might swing to more toward fujo/bl side than otome
just got here and it looks like yet another shitflinging fest, what are sisters damage controlling this time
whore and shit singer
every talent gets shit on itt. don’t get so defensive over silly banter lil nigga
get a hobby
Basing your actions on what other people do is tranny behavior
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nami reina is summoning you
reina is being very latina today and you gay cock sucking trooms are missing out
lil sis didn't pass the vibe check
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>I am already dead tired
>12 hour stream starts early tomorrow
I'm NGMI. If I oversleep just strike me down.
You obvious can't read, I am not the artist. I am his older brother and you have stolen his art you autistic assholes. Now thanks to you assholes posting his art like you have all the power to just steal and do shit, my brother's been recieving death threats and one you idiots tried to doxx him, in fact he tried to commit suicide because you guys pressured him to do it after he accidentally posted something in Nene's Anniversary stream. I say that you idiots need to be a man of class and think twice before attacking my brother. You people got no remorse. My brother has the right and means to post. You on the other hand are just stupid kids thinking that everything is in your grip and power and that makes you even worst than a gangster
>Weina raided when yuno talking about th dog in dying Amnesia
bitch made pawcuck. don’t hang near puddles if you’re afraid of mud
@ me when she makes fun of a cringy cloudtomo
>ESL retard
commit suicide together
That is your problem. You don't even care about what you say online to people. I suggest you rethink your life and stop attacking my brother. I'll keep your message as a record
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I like to imagine Nene running with airplane arms
But yuno is being extremely feminine right now
You obviously just show your colors. I might j
Wow, you have to be that heartless. Go and kill yourself by drowning
Looks like your mom didn't make the right decision to abort a person like you before you were born
Daym bitch. I wished Oceane could have doxxed you
Parasocial Freak
we love hanaschizo here, bucko
Consider the following ()
>Now thanks to you assholes posting his art like you have all the power to just steal and do shit
Do not post your shitty art online if you don’t want anons to repost it /here/
>my brother's been recieving death threats and one you idiots tried to doxx him
You’re definitely lying. Also your “brother” uses his real name online and tells streamers about his career and life style. Retard.
>in fact he tried to commit suicide because you guys pressured him to do it
You’re definitely lying.
>after he accidentally posted something in Nene's Anniversary stream
How do you “accidentally” post something for an anniversary stream? Retard.
All I did was see Nene retweet a picture, think it was cute, and reposted it. Finish.
I'm bren and I pulled a doki because nene told me to not post hana in her tags
Maybe 10 posts in this thread were about Production kawaii
I wonder if she can add the price of the gloves to 3D ASMR
He posted a drawing of Hana in nene's anniversary tag and you people took it too far probably one of you stupid hardcore cloud tomos for just a simple misunderstanding he made and he apologied to nene about it but you jerks had the right idea to make him look bad here. I have proof of that.

I am aware that he uses his name but he doesn't uses his real full name, I'm also aware he shares some of his lifestyle online.

He did try to commit suicide because he talked to me about it but I comfort him not to do it

What is your point here asking not to post art online? You think you own X or the whole internet, think again autistic retard. Anyone can post anything online, it can be art or messages but you trolls have no rights to intervine and start shit up.
Stop making fun of my brother you are not him
screw you guys I'm going to go jack it to black girls, bbl.
this is a weird larp
Yuno wants Amnesia to have harem end....
Fake, you are not him.
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Nene figured out that she got Reina's date wrong.
The hell is going on ITT?
Yuno is going wild right now
>You think you own X or the whole internet
>Anyone can post anything online
Yuno gone wild
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The week before Nene left for Japan turned out to be one of my favorites and I think this one tops it. It's loaded with kino.
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they like to watch
The collab of the 2 cutest girls in kawaii is live
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yuno is intimidating
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be a BFE fujobaiting and yumebaiting homotuber who needs her scripts
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We like to listen
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"Tranny this Tranny that"
The balad of chosen actions taken and the consequential outcomes by acting like a mob of stupid contemptible monkey fuckers. The theatrical release comming soon showing year round one only need check up on production kawaii home for faggots like you and talentless whores like her
Huh. I did not expect to see this coming from kawaii.
Maybe Lethe can get into it too?
meimi is too desperate lmao

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