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Previous: >>81531781
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Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites

playing with fans is fine
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FWMC raided to amesame
Fuwamoco raid went to ‘Spelling Bee’ on Ame’s channel
at least the indogs are paying viewers. Think of it as fanservice
>niji OP
Niji GODS, as an inferior holobrony I will forever kneel to my niji masters!
I feel like this is more because ReGloss as a WHOLE got screwed over by terrible marketing, and it's not specifically a Ririka only phenomenon.
I bet if you check the graphs of even Kanada and Hajime, the actually "unicorn friendly" ReGloss members, it'll have the same shape.
Why did I not get automatically sent there?
Is there a bug other than the culls in YT??
They do raid somewhat often, but youtube is a piece of shit and it's basically a coinflip if it actually pulls me to the raided stream.
It's been this way for going on a year, if not longer for me at least.
Can someone for once actually post the stream the yab happened (the drunk one)?
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>Bling-Bang-Bang-Born (cover) *new*
>奏 / Kanade (cover)
>My Dearest (cover)
>名前のない怪物 / Namae No Nai Kaibutsu (cover)

>symmetry *new*
>Shunkan Heartbeat Otonose Kanade SOLO ver.
>カバー曲 / Cover Songs
>歌まとめ / All Songs
Holy shit, it's worse than I thought then. lmao Guessing from her channel the small rise after would've been the GTA server, but what's the drop after? Or is that just the real drop hidden by GTA tourists?
>adult luna
Ah yes, all of ReGloss took a dive when Ririka openly said that she would flip flop on certain issues while making it exceedingly clear how she would do it.
The indog part, I get. But playing with fans is fine.
YT raids are odd, they don’t work as expected depending on your account settings (auto play) and device sometimes
This time for sure! Vsingers would definitely work also they should shill homostars and niji while we're at it.
Migo is on C-part Fuck you!
this, too, is pekomiko
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> Nooo~ I don't want the unicorns to just silently leave~ I want them to stay~
> It's fine for you guys to stay!
> Ririka wants to fix your horn~
> It's fine to take it off when washing, but I want it to stay! Isn't it fine?!
> "Are unicorns even here?" - chat.
> Of course they are!
> I don't want them to disappear! They won't disappear, I'll just put the horn back in.
> It's fine, I'll revive them with my ASMR.
> Isn't this better though? Isn't this more like a "boyfriend" experience?
> Rather than saying "I love you" to girls who don't know males and never interact with males, surely it's a lot better when she knows a bunch of guys, but only loves YOU right?
> Yeah, so. I don't know what I'm saying but *intermittent laughter*.
> I might have messed up my words a bit here and there, but I just wanted to tell you guys that you don't have to worry.
> Rather than be silent and ignoring the elephant in the room, I wanted to convey my feelings.
> These are my feelings! Yoroshiku na!
She deleted (or privated?) the vod
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bro what it's not even in memberships?
It's been always like that, half the time people would get sent by Fauna to Biboo or whoever I would just get some ASMR instead.
Making absolute certain their viewers don't get sent to the homocollab
very smart, lets hope Kiara and Gigi are smart too (I have low hopes for Kiara)
>Why did I not get automatically sent there?
nta, but it sent me to Ame’s channel too. I notice FWMC raids seem to work for me when others think none was sent.
/#/ is declining.
>>81537152 (me)
nvmind. Im an idiot >>81537132
Jesus Christ, what a vile fucking woman.
>It's more of a girlfriend experience because even though she talks to other men she only chooses you
Lmao wut
>surely it's a lot better when she knows a bunch of guys, but only loves YOU right?
The eternal woman problem of thinking guys want girls that are whores, because girls want guys that are whores
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This is why only lesbians should do GFE, lesbians understand a man's heart because many of them have male brains
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I can get behind a Riri OP, even though I'm not a nijifag.
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You should naked dogeza and say on a non-member stream that collab with homos is the biggest mistake in her career
This was worse than i remembered it being
she's retarded but at least has the right spirit
woman logic at it's finest lmao
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Sounds like the Holopro merger next month is gonna have some merch too
Well that's how it works in muh NTR doujin.
Graduation last stream
>Holopro merger
Chat is this real?
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The "fall" that his graph is showing is nowhere near as dramatic as he's talking about, and we can already see other ReGloss members with similar reclines who didn't have any major yabs.
Ririka's yab didn't have any significant impact on her metrics, it's just the usual holo audience getting bored of ReGloss over time after the initial mass shilling period cooled down (similar to what happened with HoloX numbers).
Fucking finally, thank you man. Damn the translation is legit too. That explains so much, I always wondered what the deal was with her numbers.
That's literally how real women work
Women are actually mentally ill by nature
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>Holopro merger
would stars finally incline?
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From her perspective, the fact other men want her increases her value and you should be fortunate she 'chose' you.
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>enter the numberfag general threads
>See timeloops timeloop timeloop
>See Baits bait bait
>see bots bot bot
We're... a declining thread. It's over. /#/ is dying? No. /#/ is dead.
>live-only fans
why would fans of .live watch holostars
Surprise Raid!!
>It's okay for me to act like a whore as long as I keep being lovey dovey towards you and do sexy ASMR
They will actually fall for this, men are too weak.
weird they didnt raid Kiara but way more based than raiding a homo collab waiting room
I would bet that more holo fans have tried watching the stars and found them lacking than they have ever accrued over their lifetime.
>sudden raid
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She is good now!
How can these women play this game for 7 hours
Some yab probably just happened
Migo was dragged out of bed to battle
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Eh, I can afford a hitman or two without specifically saving for it. Just make a list of people responsible for the merger.
Theyre having fun thats why
brutal killing animals is fun especially for women
Where's the ASMR? I wanna see how she tried putting the horn back on.
They didn't
There are no bots
Hololive had an awful 2024
Nijisanji had a great 2024
Many people are leaving Hololive because of its repeated failures with the fans
There is a cull, but the departure of fans are what's objectively worse for Hololive in the long run
I weep for August
Can we show this to homobeggars? Actual unicorn jihad at work LMAO....
She really fucked up with this one btw...
> Rather than saying "I love you" to girls who don't know males and never interact with males, surely it's a lot better when she knows a bunch of guys, but only loves YOU right?
> I might have messed up my words a bit here and there, but I just wanted to tell you guys that you don't have to worry.

She might've said that but not only unicorns left, bunch of gachis also left after they witnessed "you don't have to worry" in action when she was flirting with ecelebs and holostars.

I dunno why she misunderstood what was going on so hard... but it is what it is. She misread the situation and got punished for it when unirons indeed silently left.
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yeah /#/ would never talk about unicorn shit especially during dead hours
What's with the cow emojis kek
I'll be the voice of reason here, you can't expect your irl woman to not speak to her male coworkers or something?
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>MUH July g-ACK
See, in the mind of a woman, YOUR value as a man increases with the amount of women you have around you.
i.e. if you're a guy swarmed with women, it signals to most women that you're a gigachad and a guy that's worth pursuing.

Problem is, men think in the complete OPPOSITE way.
The more men that a woman has around them, the less their impression in the eyes of an average man. Men will simply think you like sleeping around and won't treat you as a legitimate option, just an easy lay.
This is the fundamental difference in mentality behind her whole spiel.
Nijiniggers and projection, most iconic duo.
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After gamma termination? You wish nijiniggers
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it's the unicorn/horse emoji kek
frequently used in 5ch
Yeah but she's not like JUST working with them, she's hanging out and playing videogames and doing shit a lot more intimate and recreational than strictly "work"
Even Kuzuleech leeching from SHAKA mogs your creatively bankrupt events.
Kiara wouldn't be dumb enough to raid ERB during a homo collab... right...?
As we can see, they didn't
Worry about August, not July
When the grimmest 3D Lives and Anniversary streams in years happen in comparison to NijiKoshien you will suddenly like the rest of the good numberbros, drop Hololive.
Oh god please that would be so hilarious
Raid too easy
It's over holoturds... nijisajin won july and we will win august too... the era of hololife is over
maybe the fall of nijiEN is a mistake, it served as a containment for these subhumans
That was always the long game retard
Not as bad as Hololive's July for numbers
Oh god, the final announcement of Summer of Advent will be the Survivor-style show
It makes too much sense...
This aint even Sisters
Just Phasenogs larping as sisters
Just like a real woman
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>new homos
raspberry chads can`t stop winning
No there are unicorns, but there are also cows. Probably poking joke about horns
>Holopro merges and not Nijisanji
Lots of you will be eating crow next month
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Yeah, sure. That's gonna happen right after the dinofag admitted they weren't even allowed on the same fucking bus. lmao Take your cuck fantasies back to /pcg/ where they belong, faggot.
Thats a boy nipple
Fuck you!
There's TWO lesbians in Hololive, one if dying train wreck of a human, the other is a baby.
She will read the title and not raid .. Will be funny to see what she will do if the only member streaming is ERB tho
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The walls have never been more destroyed
Homophasecord going wild with falseflagging
>I'll be the voice of reason here, you can't expect your irl woman to not speak to her male coworkers or something?
Anon every single one of these women speak to men, men are half the planet. They might even have friends or suitors we never know about, no shit.
But there is a certain level of contempt involved in making your job (entertaining men) into a vector for you flirting with other men. Of course unicorns will fuck off and you're left with the tourist dregs who don't care if you fuck off tomorrow.
That is artistic nudity and should be allowed
t. europe
That was several months ago
Clearly the direction of the company has changed after they saw how poorly their stock was performing
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but if you close your eyes...
Actually 3
>There's TWO lesbians in Hololive, one if dying train wreck of a human, the other is a baby.
You are proving my point that they have male brains
>creatively bankrupt event
NTA but that debuff game Hololive picked was one.
That's a man, I can tell by bone structure and nipples
Trex too strong
This is still one of the most retarded shitposts ever posted here and will never come true
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I can't wait for another Homo Graduation/Termination.
They're all Sexpest
The face of Hololive is Miyabi actually
Yeah, it got worse
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The only thing that's changed of direction is your blood flow if you're really this fucking retarded, fucking Phasenig.
ERB antiposting hours are coming
Yeah but doesn't make for a compelling GFE, I don't think anyone has ever wanted to fuck Miko, and I think sex would kill Kanata
What the fuck did he do?
I just hope its not about nene
Niji Bots Lost July
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Rima needs that content for her next stream after all.
I shortsold my stock last weekend, I advise any others here to do the same
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i will save ollie 2.0
old face + new body would be perfect
IRL 'your woman' would know you in great detail as a person
But as an audience member she doesn't and can't know you by name, or your personal circumstances or hobbies
Normally people are totally fine with that because everyone else in the audience is on the same footing, but when a few men aren't, that makes people suddenly feel like crowd extras instead of even a side character, and that leads to emotional disengagement
Discordvermin circlejerk hours
Retard we as a board always go with the juiciest shitposts until they're real.
let me pero pero the rib bones onegai
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Yeah, looks like /#/ is being raided again. Best whip out the cunny.
So they shorten her legs and buff her cunt?
Sounds like a good way to scare off fans of the girls and crash the entire company. No amount of shilling will ever incline the homos and moves like that would just damage the part of the company that actually makes money.
We are literally entering "it's your fault that they are not successful" territory, hahahaha wtf
She'd likely be ending right around when the homo collab starts
So yeah she probably will, I doubt she'll even notice it's a homocollab at first though so I won't get mad about it
I didnt say that it was automatic GFE but that a lesbian would understand the male mindset and be able to navigate the GFE swamp with ease while straight women will risk falling into every hole because they dont understand what men find attractive and what is considered as disgraceful conduct.
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Blame the Starfags. It's not my fucking job to watch these homos. Do it yourself if you want them to succeed.
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this kid has a death wish
Gonna be even funnier when it's the Holostars version of HoloSummer and that's why the girls didn't have enough time in the studio this year
>using the same shitpost for 2 years
You can smell the desperation
They lost me, they lost me after China
I'm just smugly watching them burn from the sidelines
>annual 3D off-collab
there'll be nobody in japan in september to do a 3D off-collab.
For some people meds aren't enough, at this point they should be put down for their own good.
Don't actually listen to this it's shit. The original go getters is good but this korean spin is just horrid.
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Actually Promise might be there, I think September and October is when they're doing recording for their anniversary.
>watching a debuff game
>defending grim debuff game numbers
/#/ has fallen
>Another Timeloop argument on #s thread
We just go with the most insane option until proven otherwise. It's why we tend to get some of the crazy shit 100% right like Selen and Mikeneko.
How many of the girls would quit on the spot if Cover tried to merge the homos with hololive? A move from the company like that would tank their careers very quickly.
Hololive sucks
>Oh but Gura would save holoEN right? I mean we're promoting her alot this days compared to the past so surely she'll help us out?
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Imagine pulling this shit during your genmate's membership opening.
shes wrong because penne is shit
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He have a point.
Cover still doesn't understand that people only care about their oshi, not the company as a whole and their retarded little pet projects.
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isnt it way too late for her to be saying this?
>There is gonna be a PoE race today with all en members, the amesame collab is cancelled, sorry guys melee is back
>the two most popular in their gen and the clown
theyre trying to boost them for sure
>you can't expect your irl woman to not speak to her male coworkers or something?
The problem is that people don’t want the Hololive world to be bridged together with the Homo world. That is the entire picture in a nutshell. That want the worlds separate.
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Path of Exile?
I've never wanted to see a new corpo come in and change the landscape for numbers this much right now.
Disastrous numbers for Hololive. Not grim, disastrous. Total fucking disaster.
>Suddenly. Gura seethe
still won't subscribe to your channel faggot
who cares, in the end those xitter tourists will never truly stay support watch the homos
If the original kronii, mori, vesper, magni collabs didn't boost holostars
literally nothing will
She was really popular before this right? I remember her streams where she would show off her girl failure food would get a surprisingly high amount of viewers, did this really cause her to fall off so hard? I've always kinda liked her so that's sad to see
Post it on r/hololive and r/stars
Realistically speaking is Holostars a big reason why Hololive's numbers are down overall? Are people ducking out fast before the inevitable merger?
If Cover ever finds the courage to do that, that is. They need to call the girls' bluff. Noone is quitting over holopro integration (maybe kanata but she's gonna expire soon anyways so who cares)
Cover lost their way and are being punished for it, simple as that
They have time to recover still though, don't think they're smart enough to do it but they do still have an opportunity.
Streams aren't IRL. If I wanted reality I'd go outside. Streams are escapism for me to some degree, it doesn't need to mirror reality.
Insulting the people that don't watch streams they don't like. Does management and talents even see this shit with the way they're going.
have you heard of.....hate marketing?
Can I report this for self advertising?
Kill yourself
>Save money for August
>For new homos gen, not for older gens
Very believable if you are eating pagpags everyday
unicorns are not people
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Even forcing the homos into the new year countdown live didn't boost them. Shutting every hololive stream down to give Uproar free timeslots for their 3D debuts didn't boost them. Nothing will boost the homos because holostars is a toxic and cancerous brand that does nothing but harm to hololive.
>sudden talk about unicorns, ERB and Kronii being happy with Vespfag
shit hours, gonna get back during amesame collab to see if the beggarraid is gone
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They're both trash
Make it a Diablo 2 race and we have a deal.
People think of ERB as attempting to merge the two worlds together, like to attempt to get Hololive fans used to the idea, but I don’t think such a thing will happen anytime soon.
Why is this unicorn so angry?
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Sisters FEAR this
Sounds like the merger is inevitable though. I don't see any recovery from Hololive. All it takes is one Kanata graduation by year's end (almost certain).
Its EUHour, the TroonHour
least is what i meant
It's interesting that people started pushing this "holopro merger" idea after the nijiEN merger started to gain a lot of traction.
Vt needs flags
>being punished
>revenue keeps go up YoY
unicorns aren't very smart...
uh oh melty
Holofans hate drama
Homofags love drama
In fact, community-wise, it'll likely just sow further separation.
We can already see stars/erb fans publicly hating on Advent/FuwaMoco on official social media, don't think that's gonna get better here on out.
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even with nijiEN death they are still shitters, the stars brand is doomed
roberu is right staying away from it
It unironically works. Hololive's reputation has never been this fucking poor because of it. Thank ERB, Homos, and the other homocollabers.
>but I don't think such a thing will happen anytime soon
I wish I had your delulu anon
That will never happen since it would require mods to actually not be retarded.
Why are homotrannies like this?
big collabs rarely longer than 1 hour
/vt/ needs to rangeban south east asia and KoS anyone who seems like they're from the region and using a VPN.
No it does not, you just want another shitposting angle.
So Towa's claims of virginity and never having dated a male before means nothing?
The collab will last less than 2 hour and she will raid Gigi
Oh B-but that's the worst thing ever it's like they whoring themselves to men! It also doesn't align with my righteous worldview so I must make it my mission to make sure they fail in every step of the way and destroy everything they do.
They care more about the culture war than actually doing what is needed to support da boyz and help them grow.
she will raid gigi
and she will direct the homos to raid gigi too
>(maybe kanata but she's gonna expire soon anyways so who cares)
Beggar to anti pipeline proven real once again.
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yeah surely girls like Gura or Advent will agree to collab with homos
Honestly, Cover should branch out into "death night", live executions of a holostar. And not just the vtuber persona, the person. That would for once give 100k+ streams to the holostars branch. Too bad magni and vesper are already gone, they would have probably set a record.
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final numbers prediction for ERB's collab? it's cull season so it's a bit tricky, and there's a chance it'll be botted so it'll be hard to predict
>300 dislikes
can it be doryaa'd to 500 before the homo collab starts?
It would be a great move to promote unity. It will also make GG acknowledge da bois.
>It unironically works in the Philipines
the replies to this lost are peak "people who were never chosen don't understand why being chosen feels good"
if the only way you can imagine getting a girl is being her literal only option, that's beyond self-defeating
Looking forward to see 30k bot waves in the collab
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which sea country uses this? philippines or indonesia? iirc indonesia uses halu
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Nah I'm just saying that management expects other talents most specifically their top EN talents to help them out when their project fails. Like a safety net for whatever it is they're trying to pull.
This was back when Tempus debuted
But you know this because you clipped this, fuck off
They make it obvious, we laugh
Hi Ririka.
>the good way to kill ERB numbers is by ignoring her
>suddenly beggars talk about ERB, doesn't matter if it's good or shittalking her
i guess they are afraid that they even try talking about her numbers >>81538747
>203 waiting for a collab 3 hours away
unless the cull also affects waiting room numbers, sub 10k for sure. it'll most likely be botted though like you said but none of the participants in the collab are especially popular.
3-4k without bots
the country of BPD
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If you really want to understand how toxic the homo brand is, look no further than this stream. Gamma's termination notice received MILLIONS of views on Xitter and something like 75k likes by the time this stream went live. Even that wasn't enough to draw people in and actually watch these shitters. Just compare this to what happened with hololive gen 1 after Mel's termination. The homos are utterly worthless even with an extreme drama buff.
>samefag hours
Suddenly I want Gigi's stream to beat ERB's without needing raids
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just stream the homos having sex with homolover fujo staff inside cover
instant 6 views giga unhinged content, homos grim era will become a thing of the past
yes, attractive, friendly and chatty women are commonly known as unpopular with men
50k on ERB, 500 on the 3 homos
nah way to high for unbotted numbers.
You sounds like making a my wife's son will like this type of argument
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Difficult to say, since it's multipov, but I'd think 8k for ERB. 1~2k for the homos, 'cause it's a new thing. Don't think it'll stay that way and shit'll drop heavily the next collab and again the one after. It's more of a novelty thing now.
NTA, but you are getting into shitposting territory. They have never done so before and there isn't any indication that they will, or can do so in the future either.
Shilling in /#/ does the magic
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It's been over a year since Ame or Kronii interacted with homos hasn't it?
>community-wise, it'll likely just sow further separation.
I think so, yeah. I don’t see an issue with just keeping the two worlds separate, mainly because many are happy this way, many except maybe some homobegger’s who think Hololive can help boost their own numbers bit.
>the good way to kill ERB numbers is by ignoring her
Thats only partly true. For example, if people don’t like her attempting to merge the two worlds together, they will express this a bit, which can hurt her numbers over time as people become aware. Then if they stop talking about it later, after people form an opinion, that will also hurt her numbers too. It’s complicated I guess.
It's also just a really good song. One of my fav orisongs in a long, long while.
Would you let IRyS sit on you like that?
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anyone have the link to the original stream of this clip?
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That's a man.
I already did. That care is me.
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i mean, just look outside of here, even artists forget about her that she is not in some of their drawings
Not flat enough
the homos really are all rotten. even le wholesome chungus daisenpai Miyabi has been spouting beggar nonsense lately.
The biggest fear beggars should have is that she’s still boring in mixed collabs. This reminds me of when Mori would collab with Magni and it would be a debuff stream for her cause no one cares about them as a pair.
Thoughts of loving missionary sex with handholding, long eyecontact and very long belochus.
and you sound like you just don't have an argument so you're reduced to buzzwords
It is mid song for irys imo. I would love her making ori song like simple and clean which highlighting her voice and technique
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But isn't that what you did tho??
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NOTHING will ever incline the homos.
Does anyone have that collage of this plus the other ads Cover put out there for Uproar? I've done some archive diving and I can't find it.
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I think you're retarded because the themed streams were popular and the "debuff" one was a fucking homo concert watchalong that Mori was more invested in than the fag
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This one?
not even shilling, the song is genuinely pretty good. Put it on my eurobeat playlist I've had for years
>he thinks the goal was to incline da boiz
It's all about turning hololive into nijisanji.
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It's in english too!
thanks. I can extract the uproar stuff and stitch it all together some time.
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Ive seen this clip multiple times but never really understood whats this nigger saying
anyone have transcript?
But...you aren't chosen. She's obviously going to stream to her audience again, that's her job. A choice implies at least opportunity cost.
You know what choosing her audience over other men actually looks like? Turning down VCR even though she thought (at the time) that it would incline her and make up for anyone who left.
lmao. They've been given everything and still can't make it work. Just fucking axe the branch already, or at least set them free into indiedom.
>western music genre
>in english
>it does good numbers
Truly a mystery, we should go back to Jpop with kanji titles and lyrics that is 75% japanese and 25% ESL english.
They are spamming the catalog too. Very inorganic so they can pretend it's controversial and unicorns aren't just ignoring her.
He's downplaying Koyori's 24 hour marathon stream without directly naming any names. The homos are snakes.
Fuma is a 200ccv shitter. ≈8k is 40x
not even FBK had such multiplier for Mel's termination. 10x~20x at best
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basically "24 hour streams isnt hard, I have done it and it is easy" when his stream was lazy as fuck and Koyoris was high effort
>ratio cope
The fact still stands that a drama gigabuffed homo stream can't even touch a Pekora waiting room. The homos bring nothing but harm to Cover's image and to hololive by association.
do you speak japanese?
whats EXACTLY he said in the video?
I dislike that he did this on a stream where he was literally doing DJ with Holo music
Don't you have another thread to shit on or talk about your homos?
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NTA but, he already said
>He's downplaying Koyori's 24 hour marathon stream without directly naming any names. The homos are snakes.
unless you have a better translation?
8k wtihout the cull would have been the highest I'd think it could reach. With the cull ERB will struggle like hell to get to 5k I think.
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This is the thread where we shit on homos, actually. In fact, /#/ shits on homos the most.
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a master of hidden peen fu...
I mean, how do you expect them to coom without a self insert male on screen?
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thank you biboo for saving me from the beetus
reminder that silence is violence. Live whores continuous ignoring of holostar boys must be responded in kind. Retaliation is justified.
I meant what was the words Aruran said in the video?
Like whats the exact japanese words that came outta his mouth
Crouching balls, hidden peen.
I'm banking on nijisisters and twitter culture warriors showing up just like they did for the collabs with Vestard and Fagni.
>Birthday cooking cam stream in Rem cosplay
Rica really is just circling back to old content from before her Hololive days, she is going to have such a small fanbase left with this level of unoriginality in a year or two
I mean yeah, she'll just get holostars numbers while actual hololive fans watch the other 3 and start openly saying they don't watch her.
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chu chu chu
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>> Rather than saying "I love you" to girls who don't know males and never interact with males, surely it's a lot better when she knows a bunch of guys, but only loves YOU right?
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I still can't believe the ones pushing for more male collabs are those who don't watch streams on both sides. While going out of their way to insult and call out those who actually watch streams.
>Only parasocial fans watch streams from start to finish live.
Then shouldn't you look for it yourself?
The link is literally there beside the Ina image
You're right. The girls should call out fans of the "holoboys" who constantly write rape fics and make rape fanart about the "boyz" doing disgusting shit to the girls. Like you said, silence is violence.
or, you know, having casual interactions while keeping the more intimate ones for your audience (cue her ASMR mentions)
like it's fucking archetypal for gyaru to be social and the whole trope of virgin gyaru works around her having a side reserved for SO while still being approachable
will said trope be popular with general Holo audience? fuck no, Choco already shows it
does it have its niche?
>I support ERB but I’d rather watch anyone else!
>Only parasocial fans watch streams from start to finish live.
Did one of them actually say this or is this a hyperbole?
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It's the one of the most number poison of all, of course /#/ would talk about it.
I don't want her to smile
It has definitely been said at some point, especially by people who only consume clips
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I can't believe cunnyposting actually works. I thought you guys were lying.
your girls started it first. If they'd just be normal from the beginning there'd be no need for said "rape fics". it's self-defense.
<This is totally just my personal opinion tho
<like, 24 hour streams aren't that big of a deal
<How do I say this
<"Oh, you streamed for 24 hours?" That's the feeling I get
<I'm not trying to diss anybody alright
<I'm not trying to diss anybody
<24 hour streams aren't sacred

he says this while playing koyori's original song in the background
it's not a single pov? 5k maximum then
the squad buff seems to last longer than that...
Vespe,r Magni, Kronii, and Mori were all way more popular than any of the talents in the collab today. Also, Monopoly and UNO are way more kino collabs than fucking Content Warning.
Kiara shilling her skateboard, that didn't end yet?
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reminder that even sisters are getting bored of ERB and liking her genmates more
what a scumbag
>>81539674 (me)
first line typo, should be
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I dont speak japanese...
I tried the auto subs in the vid, and It sounded different from the words that come outta his mouth...
The cancer spreads
I can't believe that i liked this dude once upon a time
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All right, just in case that happens we'll just go into hibernation mode when the announcement drops.
Here, looks like someone have a translation of it
What makes this a sister?
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lol I dunno how he didn't get more shit for this
if only actual unicorn army existed....
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They still have stock, it's not pre-orders.
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Anon, that’s made it’s way all over the internet.
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which Koyori 24h stream he's refering to?
Can you livepost the ERB homo collab on global or they're just gonna awkwardly pretend the collab isn't happening? Asking for a friend
I'm abandoning vtubing entirely if this does happen. Cover clearly doesn't want my custom and everything else out there is just as rotten as what Cover would be turning into in that event anyway.
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Isn't it just a zoomer way of saying delusional?
It’s gonna get raided by /mans/ just like every mixed EN collab
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Why? I have paint to stare at while that is going on
It's like after the redesign he became a bitter scumbag trying to use any way he can to incline
It's best to stick to /mans/ if you want to talk about it. You won't get any posts about the other livegirls in there.
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It's on a different board somewhere. We're at 81mil posts, that board in the screenie only has 400k posts.
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As a reminder to how shit of a collab game is, during debut week the first Justice Jam had them playing Content Warning and they managed just a ~28k box.
>old niji thread from 2021
her first konkoyo24
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Roll a D6, 1-2 you get banned, 3-4 you just get deleted, 5-6 your comment stays.
I believe he and that group was a lot less brazen about it before Shinove left, or held back from being retards.
Nope, I am an internet addict and I use most of my day lurking through forums, this is the first time I have heard of that term
Kanata need a brocoli like sword
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Only posts complaining about the homo spam will get deleted. You know how it goes.
you dont hang out with kpoop sisters I guess
Should have dropped VTubing when Hololive went back into China. I have.
I'm only here because I'm just waiting for people to see the light and get out of the hole like I did. Nothing really matters anymore.
I still watch Gura, Fauna, and Advent I guess. But fuck Hololive and fuck Cover.
shitposters are going to raid global and here to livepost and try and call anyone to says a bad word about ERB as a sister or similar etc
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NijiEN is dying
Can't wait for the merge
NTA who posted the initial screenshot but I just tried to see if it'll link me somewhere
this chick never shows the goods does she
Luca will mog your shitty "big" collab tonight.
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The merge seems less and less likely in spite of those bad numbers
Holopro on the other hand
Well, that make sense then
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It's not beating Koshien ENshitter
Depends who's on, you can get bonked for talking about them even during collabs. It's RNG
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Heh, too predictable
Plappa really has an inflated sense of self-worth, doesn't she? Pekora would never give her a second of her time.
This doesn't work well because of the meta context that every stream exists in - that these interactions are very intentionally presented to the audience for them to observe, and do not just happen to exist as part of natural life. The streamer deliberately decided that this is the content she intends her audience to see, scheduled, announced and broadcasted it. It comes off more as rubbing it in their audience''s face rather than simply having the passive connotation of being 'approachable'.
Yeah but it doesn't have DE BOYSSS DRAMA buff
That said, the OG buff was nijiniggers genuinely thinking they could shift the culture by watching. One girl out of 19 (well, 2 if we count Bae) is not shifting jack shit
its from l0lc0w dot f4rm
Is there one guy just chain samefagging his own post?
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I don't think Capipis even want a collab
Respect desu
I've only seen nijisisters or shippers on twitter use it.
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Seethe more sisters
All Yaoi Faggots are botted and irrelevant
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nice quads
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>Which exact date did the horn breaking happened?
Dec 9 2023
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>The merge seems less and less likely in spite of those bad numbers
Hyperbole, but they do unironically think people who watch vtubers that doesn't do male collabs or mention their irl relationship status are parasocial. They keep throwing that word around too same with "idol culture" like this one >>81538572
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Most likely
7k-8k, she'll get cocky, will spam homocollabs, and then wonder why her solo streams are tanking
>Why Pippa never collab with Pekora
Because she's a low tier English vtuber who doesn't speak Japanese? She hasn't even gotten a collab with any EN, her fans needed to pay Mori to draw her.
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>scarle is still raking in those sc
not bad
Based. Mori kneels to Pippa
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Mixed GTA Server doko?
I love one piece swimsuits, even if it's a boy wearing it
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good lord I love fatto catto
All I see are Hololive fans being based
>her fans needed to pay Mori to draw her
What the fuck is this cope lol
Has Eurobeat ever been popular in America?
>holopro doomposting stops
>phasenigger shill hours start
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How do the same 500 people just have endless disposable income to give her week after week?
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Unironically, working class ojisans
Was going to happen until leaked
nope. only popular among NA otaku circles back in the day
Her fans are real men with money, unlike pebbles.
Threadly reminder that /#/ will be watching the ERB collab, attendance is mandatory.
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That's because they sucked at the game. They couldn't get past day 3 lmao. Of course after such a weak performance ERB would want to collab with people who actually can play games. Really if her genmates were as good as unicucks claim they are, she wouldn't need to collab with the boys. But unicucks will never blame their darlings and instead gang up on ERB even more
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>not shifting jack shit
What if it's what the higher up wants? I won't be suprised if cover follows the same path as modern entertainment this days.
They are melting down over Pippa's collab choices. She's getting close to ghost gura, the other idol whore and now Fefe another whore chuuba
Who is having a yab to justify this raid?
Ima sleep, sorry. Gotta be up early for the GuraSame collab.
>founder is a whore
>talents are all whores or whore adjacent
honestly im shocked
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I wonder if sisters get scared off by one of their own organs?
Watame is streaming this morning and you won't even support her?
I knew ironic homobeggars were a blight but come on
Lovebugs must still be seething. They'll accept it soon though, all phasefags learn their place eventually.
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Nijisanji is running out of money for bots and money in general. Soon it will be over sisters.
Pre-gaming for the ERB event.
It's a dogshit game and it's been worn out by now
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It's crazy how 90 days after her debut the line dips! Who could have guessed...
She always interacts with her chat and reads the messages, so sending a supa feels rewarding.
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CC Love
Then it's not hyperbole now is it? Also your quote was not even that bad compared to what those type of people really say.
I mean, why would any holo collab with a holo-anti? Maybe she'll have better luck with holostars though, they seem to share the same type of fans.
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They'll be fine. Koshien and MMC Minecraft Festival this August will seal all deals after the Holopro merger is announced.
>collab in 2 hours
>260 waiting
where are the beggars?
I get that but eventually such a small amount of people have to get tapped out don't they?
Why melt down over that? Don't tell me there's actual pippa unicorns
She could collab with Jurard and talk about the benefits of hate marketing. It's a match made in heaven.
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>no curves at all
Unicorns won't have a problem with female collabs. It's the fact that they are all whores that makes them worried about pippa's direction.
That isn't really that bad in the grand picture unless pippas fans are some of the most prudish people in this industry
Not unicorns, but goslings. Pippa has thousands of them.
Here is the most amusing part of all of that:
This whole thing
>I'll just put the horn back in.
is a recurring joke on matome, 5ch and even here. The whole
>lol, just make an ASMR after that, it will heal the horn
it's the self deprecating joke that accompanies the unicorn to horse / horse to unicorn emoji.
Her problem is similar to when people thing they can just blast
in their language while not being ... well, niggers.
What is permissible for unicorns to joke about is NOT permissible for the girls to joke about and she found out about that too late
Nijifans only show up when the stream start.
The yab is the beggars knowing ERB is a shit streamer and painfully unentertaining, knowing that the biggest bone they've been given is gonna get herself relegated to the very first Hololive girl sitting at Stars-tier viewership soon all for associating with Da Boyz, pretty much cementing the fact that associated with them means career death. That's what they fear, that's why they're taking it out here in one last stand right before the fall of their own homo-Rome.
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Can't wait until this keeps happening and people forget Fauna exists and stops being acknowledged as a green woman
>ghost gura
Of course Pippa of all people would
>I'll be the voice of reason here, you can't expect your irl woman to not speak to her male coworkers or something?
>the replies to this lost are peak "people who were never chosen don't understand why being chosen feels good"
Women hands typed this
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You don't have to be a prude to dislike this
imagine the smell
Wasn't she fired already?
It's in 3 hours anon-chama
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This just reminded me that Fauna didn't even care lol she really need a better manager than actually tell her to shill.
I'm an actual fucking manslut and I dislike it.
id jack off to that but i would not watch as a fan of some sort
Fefe? Are you serious? Proof?
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Fefe is a literal bottom of the barrel lewdtuber, friends with Nux.
>ame same in 6 hours
>1k+ waiting
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I find this disgusting even as a gooner
She's been back on another account for a while now
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And that's why we should not give a fuck about a holostar member.
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Why? it's a fixed amount and she sold out
I do know that Fefe is a giant whore but I don't really recall there being anything actually wrong with her character beyond that
>raided waiting room
oh whoops i think i might've written the last line wrong after searching for transcripts from JOPs
not >神聖性 (holiness/sacredness) but >新鮮性 (freshness/originality), the loud BGM makes it difficult to discern which word he actually used
i'll correct it for the archives and future copypasta

<This is totally just my personal opinion tho
<like, 24 hour streams aren't that big of a deal
<How do I say this
<"Oh, you streamed for 24 hours?" That's the feeling I get
<I'm not trying to diss anybody alright
<I'm not trying to diss anybody
<There is no freshness/originality with 24 hour streams

he says this while playing koyori's original song in the background
I really feel bad for ririka...
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Friends with Nuxtako
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Found an old screenshot while cleaning up and realized no one translated the content.
Bit of an old niji yab so here -
> "Seeing OHaru standing on that stage was a very happy moment. I can't put it into words." - SC
> Thank you! It's the same for me as well. I'll work hard so I can stand up there again.
> So that I can stand there again.. I want to stand on the live stage again.. I'll work hard.
> I'm working hard okay..? It seems my hard work is not enough, but if I talk about that I'll remember the words of my old manager.. it hurts a bit.
> *thanks another SC*
> Yeah, so my last manager told me "Onomachi-san, no matter how much you work it's not gonna be enough.".
> So "working hard" is a bit of a sore word for me.. I met that manager during nijifes. My stomach was quite upset when seeing them around..
> I have to forget that and move on.
Yeah but i wouldn't sperg out over my oshi talking to her unless she somehow made it clear that she will become that.
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You shouldn't. It's a situation of her own making. Even if you're not a unicorn, you can be happy with her as an EN viewer 'cause she's done a lot of them after to lure you in.
finally a good thread
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her fans are actually EN unlike nijienhomos
What do you think Pippa has in common with this girl?
who the fuck is that
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Reminder Fauna was sick and her shithead manager couldn't even do bare minimum in tweeting out that her birthday merch was ending.
Reminder her manager doesn't even fucking watch her streams.
>En streams, I mean.
for >>81540260
>sub 4k average
that's like, regular runt status
no need to feel bad when it could have been worse
HEY I remember this one, one of the old anti-Niji material, Nijikek always shut up whenever this was brought up
Nobody really cared because it's not their own merch. Their cut is tiny. It's not even some cool usual merch like plushie or nendo. And she still sold out most of her stock within few first days, and then completely in under a week, so at least she isn't one that needs to worry about those things that much.
Maybe more than the Capipis think?
Faunas too nonconfrontational to try and get them removed
JP unicorns are generally honest about being gachikoi. Why do EN unicorns hide behind "CGDCT"?
>What the fuck is this cope lol
Cope? What cope? It's what happened. Some cancerpippipi or whatever the fuck they're called paid money during a Mori "pay me to draw what you want" stream to have Mori draw Pippa. It was pretty cut and dry.
Dios mio
Because I'm not gachikoi. HoloEN doesn't do enough actual legit GFE for me to feel that way.
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Onomachi Haruka, we used to shitpost about her eternally being 229k but it seems she's been losing subs at a faster rate than expected
Unicorns and gachikoi are different things.
>enter numberfag thread
>homos erb homos erb homos ah ah ah
>cunny based

god damn this thread is just awful
Because unicorn doesn't exist.
You're confused unicorn with gachikoi again, like a retard as usual
what happened
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oh, okay, he purposely used that ambiguity in his excuse apparently

<People say that I said that there was no freshness/originality (shinsensei 新鮮性)
<I meant sacredness/holiness (shinseisei 神聖性)
<If you prepare properly and have the willpower, then anyone can do a 24 hour stream, that's what I meant
Shame too, 'cause her ASMR is pretty solid, actually. One of the view Nijis I actually listen too, even if as an ASMR playlist.
KING gold.
Post femKING porn if you're so tough.
Koshien isn't bringing in new subs for her? I don't get it.
OH HO HO, may Watamage have mercy on your subhuman soul.
How new?
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So who exactly was this in the end?
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Man, Route If is a great album, only 40 minutes long too!
Check it out!
Fucking pajeet bots on my Azukichi art tag again
Someone tripped over a cable at the botfarm.
>bringing the bottom barrel whores who do cock rating streams on fansly to phase
What does she mean by this
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subako the pteranodon perished...
Someone at her old hotel job I think. I forget exactly what the context was, but it's not about Holo if that's what you're curious about.
It seems like the cull will create a new lineup of winners, weeding out the fake ones.
Damn, I remember when she was just 20 shy of 230k
because Unicorns, CGDCT enjoyers and Gachikoi are all different concepts you idiot
Gachi is someone who's in love with their Oshi, who they Collab with male or female is irrelevant. while a girl who doesn't Collab with males might have an easier time finding Gachikoi, it doesn't excluded girls who do from having them.
Unicorn is someone who only watches girls who don't have anything to do with males, while a CDGCTfag just like girls being cute with other girls, a CGDCT guy will watch a MiComet Collab because they're being cute with each gen, a Unicorn won't because Suisei collabs with males
This is why you should always go around in packs of at least four hunters
cool, thanks
I opened the stream a few minutes ago and was internally praising Subaru for how far she's gotten in this game .. Guess I jinxed it
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I know but I'm talking in general. Fauna almost never shill mostly because she forget. Her chat has been better manager than the real one.
kiara is the type of girl to dream you did something and be angry with you for the whole day
Someone should make a spectrum sheet image of this to reduce retards spouting bullshit
But seriously it's a great album, top tier genki energy
Can't wait for the live!
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Why is she losing subs?
it's difficult for Shaka to also click subscribe on all his different accounts
Her content is bland. Her ASMR is about the only redeeming feature of hers and there's other nijis that do it way better like alice or pute and they pale in comparison to dedicated ASMR chuubas so there isn't anything that pushes you to watch her.
As long as she doesn't collab with males I have no problem with this
What? Completely different things.
if only
general anti-niji momentum I suppose
this shit happened daily, they really need better cable management
Reminds me of that guy who runs around asking Holo cosplayers to hold his pippa plushie so he can take a photo.
Anon's Wife
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aki brought back a magmasaurus egg
>Another one
Does Fuwa do anything else beside coming back from health break with one of these stream?
Is that how it is? I always called myself a Unicorn, but I don't really mind stuff like the example.
>my old manager
So in other words a nothingburger
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Should IRyS go all-in on doing EDM style songs?
Not really a spectrum because Gachikoi is an entirely separate thing completely indifferent to "males" you can gachi a complete whore like Laplus, you can gachi an AV actress, you can gachi an anime character, you can gachi a light post. not all of them have the same chances of having Gachikois, but everything and anything can have them, it's just HOMOBEGGARS wanting to get in on the shit flinging but since their entire "Otaku culture" knowledge comes from getting groomed on Genshin and they can't bother lurking for less than week they just run with whatever they think any term means, that is an will always be the problem with Nijifans they are not Otaku, outside of the Pomu fans most of them are anime casuals at best
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Speaking of that 30+ hours since last update, 6 sold.

Gura 225 (Sold out)
FWMC 150 (Sold out)
Fauna 150 (Sold out)
Ina 150 (Sold out)
Mori 119
Bae 113
Shiori 77
Ame 77 (+2)
IRyS 75
Kiara 72
Mumei 67 (+1)
Biboo 65 (+1)
Kronii 58 (+1)
Nerissa 56 (+1)
Uhh based?
She does "Rezuul" is one of her favs
Looking forward to the sophisticated discussion that is going to take place in a couple of hours in this thread.
They really goofed with just copying the designs for some of the girls
Nah she should do more cute song like that one song from Monogatari
I'm not giving Cover any money to fund the homos
Simple as
Have Kronii and Rissa shill yet?
who won the sex battle between fauna and ina?
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Ignore the other retard, it's sub culls outpacing her non-existent growth. Her subs were basically gained entirely from the chuuba boom in 2020
>watching Miko
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Fauna by like 1 or 2
Rissa not really. As a jailbird, i doubt a large part of Jailbirds even know this exists. But also her design is kinda weak? It's rather dark and not sufficiently "Nerissa" if you know what i mean
By your definition, a CGDCT (a person who like girls being cute with other girls) can also be a unicorn (watches the girls who don't collab with males).
Choco is losing subs too
Holos might distract you with some high 4view numbers, but at the end of the day when you look at their SC list it's still a small group of people responsible for most of them.
''holo pro merger'' the fuck Did i miss?
I'm gonna be honest, I don't even remember how it looks.
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>which Koyori 24h stream he's refering to?
Here it is anon, the difference between Koyori 24 and Aruran 24.

Here is a funny trivia.

>0.83M: Aruran lifetime from debut until his 24 hours stream
>1.10M :Koyori 24

Koyori had more hours watched in that one day than Aruran in his whole streaming career from debut until his own 24 hours stream. That's the difference in relevance both had
Miko doesn't homocollab tho?
It's very very dark with Rissa Blue outlines of her shape with her eyes visible and wings
>he doesn't know
Sure, but it should scale down when someone only has 500 viewers. That would mean Scarle's donor to viewer ratio is absurdly high. There's plenty of people around her size that are overly parasocial and have a mostly NA audience and read all their SCs. The only oddity with her is just how fucking much she streams.
>I really feel bad for ririka...
Why would you? She said in no ambiguous terms
>my content is NOT for such and such audience
then member of "such and such" audience stopped watching her content.
What's to be sad about it?
Don't bite the beggarbait, dumbass.
general rule for life is that something that you're heavily invested in should bring you more joy than anger or sadness, the absurdities of life are not something you can control, but what you watch very much is
that's why I watch Fauna, because she fill my days with joy.
I'd recommend the same for you homo/phase/Nijifans is all you're gaining from these people are discovering new way to be angry... idk maybe start doing some arts and crafts, you only have so many minutes left in life, is it really worth it to spend them getting angry that someone is not watching your extremely misogynistic anime boy of choice
Kill yourself
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Do beggars really get entertained from samefagging?
I'm an actual unicorn though. No males means no males. Simple as.
you mean when she didn't blew up yet?
when she was just a 2view?
This exchange is absolutely cracking me up because both of you misunderstood each other HEAVILY but still arguing like you do
okbh spam
Me not drowning
wtf, link?
Miko is one of the biggest unicorn queen holos, it's literally the reason miComet is very popular
>By your definition, a CGDCT (a person who like girls being cute with other girls) can also be a unicorn (watches the girls who don't collab with males).
Duh! They can, but not necessarily are.
For sisters, there is no distinction tho.
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Yes, if they get a real reply they consider it a huge victory.
Do your reps
Live up to your own words, cuck
Yes and it's enough for her to be permanently tainted by real unicorns
this is canon
>Yes and it's enough for her to be permanently tainted by real unicorns
Maybe these "real ujnicorns" that live in your head are just ... imaginary and completely disconnected from the real world then?
some shit post a dude has been peddling for the better part of two years, nothing new, nothing actually import. You shouldn't even entertain the hypothetical because it makes no sense, the homos are the most protected group under Cover bringing them to the spotlight like that would make what happened with Regloss seem like flattery at the investors meetings
Stop embarrassing yourself. No males means no males.
Real unicorns actually recognize Miko as their unicorn queen
Ina had 2 more to go and then Fauna sold her remaining 4 within few hours. I thought Ina was locked in to win, but we got surprised.
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And that's how your falseflag is obvious. Because even the strictest actual unicorns are fine with Miko now, but you're mimicking what beggars think unicorns are like. You're very transparent.
Nice outing yourself as fake unicorn
Gamers and Fantasy popularized the no-male meta, before that everyone (except Shion?) did male collabs, at least in group format.
You can't be a unicorn if you watch anyone who has collabed with males in the past.
The minute any trace of a male is immersed, they're dropped. Period. End of discussion.
Real unicorns laugh at your pathetic romp
>Yes and it's enough for her to be permanently tainted by real unicorns
Not really?
Funny when she cut all ties from homocollabing she began to incline
Here is how anon's mind work
See also: Kaela

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