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ϟ Lia Liker's Secret Clubhouse ϟ


Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Schedule: https://x.com/rinkouashelia/status/1815458219319587037

ϟ Upcoming Streams ϟ
>at 7PM est, Lia will hopefully be streaming a Deep Dive on Fighting Games tonight, TODAY!

ϟ Current Events ϟ
>Lia's birthday is on July 31st!
>Phase Origins premiered a cover of Adabana Necromancy! Please give it a listen!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U7uJ3O8B9H84 [
>Lia announced a new outfit AND original song are both in production for 2024!

ϟ Lia For Sale ϟ
>Marketable Lia Plushie!!
>Lia shirts WTF
>Charms, Pins & Prints!

ϟ Other useful links ϟ
>New to Lia and are looking for VOD suggestions?
>Cytube channel:
cytuDOTbe/r/VODclubhouse (replace DOT with .)
>Divegrass team:

Remember to only love Lia, and never watch other girls. Only Lia will ever love you. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ

Previous Thread: >>81475726
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thinking about Lia's brown butthole
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Who is Lia from Phase Connect? to the blind, she is the light. to the hungry, she is bread. to the sick, she is the cure. to the lonely, she is company. to the sad, she is joy. to the prisoner, she is freedom. for the poor, she is treasure. for me, she is everything.
There is a Kudoboard to wish Lia Happy birthday.
I thought it ended yesterday
I hope the Liker who is in charge with this keeps it open until Monday I am working on something for it
When does it close?
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Stop thinking about cocks
post yours
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sporting goods?
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what is it saying on this Friday?
>woman cock post
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I wasnt asking
Sucks your cock
>gyaru made coffee
clubhouse quality creeps
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*turns you straight*
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>cummies appreciated
>double faggot life
>discard wordcloud
>holepost heaven
Lotta good ones.
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After all, Lia is a teen idol sensation
same I got art I am working on this weekend for it
What effect do we get for discarding the word cloud? Do we get to special summon Nova?
we special summon her boobies
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wonder if Lia tonight
watch streams
dont let Lia see this or else she will get breast envy
Yeah, envy that she’s not currently grabbing them
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i will protect the lia
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that's the type of envy i get when i see nova's supernovas
imagine Lia working as one of those auctioneers that talk really fast but she cant talk fast so she tries to do it but fails and gets all embarrassed in front of everyone at the auction
I hope Lia has a good day!
I wonder what Rinmama’s go-to slur is when she gets road rage?
Faggot for sure
Now I’m imagining rinmana calling sakana a jibaro
Whichever one is most appropriate and devastating to the subject in question. Especially if she gets a good look at them as she's side-swiping them into a divider.
I lick the Lia
I click the Lia
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I want to flick Lia on the forehead
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I want to kiss the 2nd one
I want to kiss the 4th one
something about the 3rd one that looks like it smells of farts and a menopause
Something about the first one that looks like it smells of rocket fuel and aquarium water
I want to kiss the 3rd one
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I bet Rindad is anti-football.
as a japanese he should be a baseball fan
I bet he supports a shit team like the poodres
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still has never been explained why this brat gets double cones
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my penis stings
because her mommy loves her very much
how bad /10?
Like a bee?
Let me soothe it with my mouth
may i see it
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double terms
double cones
double dollars
learn dad strats man, she’s never going to finish them so double cones makes her happy and gets you the leftovers
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There’s something I like about that yippie patch
hope Lia keeps it cool
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spee bros....what have they done to the olympics?
The whole world is going to hell.
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what the fuck is this. I didn't the olympics was happening
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This is Ai
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fraid not
stream moved to Monday

Expected. Enjoy your weekend, Lia!
sometimes I really wish Lia was an indie. I am tired of canceling because of company overlap. Lord knows nobody is gonna cancel because of overlap with her birthday.
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No problem Lia!
Only Lia gets to have her fill of gruel! All the other orphans are to become cadavers for me to sell to crooked universities!
I thought this deep dive was meant to be before phase showdown
I wonder what Lia will do for her birthday this year?
Will it be the standard call in?
or maybe she tries to set up a collab?
I thought it was starting on Saturday. Guess not. I dont get why it needs to be a multi day thing.
Depends on the time. Runie has cancelled streams, same Shiina. Some people value these events more than others.
Lia, Runie and Shiina are the 3 most conscious about not overlapping with events. It sucks because of how big the company is and how much boring extra shit happens now, but life in the big city.
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>had to miss stream cause IRL stuff
>Lia moves it
thanks Lia, love you
Today the Phase Showdown tournament is fans against fans. Talents play tomorrow.
So today there will be overlapping streams, for example, both Dizzy and Runie will overlap the fan tournament, but they will have member only streams, so I guess only true fans will join those streams.
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solution: they should sign up for these events and be a participant.
it's always the same cast of people signing up and doing this stuff. i am tired of seeing the same people do it.
Cute girl in the middle
>not overlapping with events.
Yeah, but different audiences as well. For example, right now the JPs are doing a 24-hour marathon. They will literally overlap everybody in a 24 hour period, which ends in 19 hours. They will overlap today's tournament, but not tomorrow.
[Lia friend news]
Fujikura Uruka reached 100 K subscribers just some hours ago, she's the 4th member of Phase Gen1 Origins to reach that milestone.
>they have a literal child on the left apart of this degeneracy and filth
clown world
Why are they doing a 24 hour marathon?
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precious joshu!!!
qrd on joshu?
I admit, I am in love with Lia.
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hope lia decompresses and chills out this weekend
Well now what
we have divegrass tomorrow don't forget
we watch the tournament and root for wemi
I need to work on my craft for Lia's birthday for the kudoboard and hope the owner of the kudo doesn't close it before I am finished
They debuted 6 months ago, January 27th, so this is a celebration.
Ah ok makes sense.
What time
Oof. Wemi got ill, she's been having headaches and stuff since yesterday... she will fight and try her best but she's not in 100% shape. She fights the Lemon woman.
This opening ceremony is an abortion
You can check out >>>/vt/joshu for more info
>page 10
the tournament doesn't even start till 8....
Deep dives usually go 90 minutes
>trans and crossdressing shit
>athletes entered on boats instead of entering like warriors into the coliseum as tradition
>didn't put the flame on top of the eiffel tower
they misunderstood the assignment completely
idk the boat thing was kinda cool
I have never watched the olympics, the sports are lame. who cares who can swim or run the fastest
>could have really helped the JP branch for once by having everybody lay out for 24 hours
>instead book a meaningless event to overlap it so to shill cheap merch
I feel so bad for the JPs they continue to get no respect and no help.
Left to fend for themselves.
^ Is this bait? LOL
the weird cult of sakana does not extend to this thread.
what help has the jp branch gotten to get new jp fans?
you just have a hate boner and shit on everything he does
>Lets grow the JP branch by halting all EN operations for two whole days because it's their 6 month anniversary
Honestly, it's so dumb of an idea that I'm surprised Sakana didn't do it
Sakana has no intention to get new JP fans and has no idea how to do it. Otherwise they wouldn't have made an EN the face of the branch.
nta but you don't?
>the jelly is on there
anon did it
nta but i will stop shitting on sakana when he starts hearing lia's cry for help and she gets the attention she deserves and needs. those cries have gone unanswered for 4 months.
Pointless helping a girl who chose a meme school over streaming
>streams infrequently because half the time she streams her channel gets hit and has had shadow bans on it
>phase doesn't do anything about it
here we go again
>pointless helping a girl who is one of only a couple of his employees who has earned his company well over 6 figures
Very pointless indeed.
You get what you put in and lia hasn't done shit for nearly a year now
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why are you even in this thread
That answer just proves that you know what I said is true
ok anti
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she makes money.
at the end of the day, that is the job at hand.
The truth isn't being an anti
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I already did and I didn't have to resort to deceiving people in the process
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>I already did
i'm sure you did. i am certain you are the pride of your your family. you have so much going on you are inside in the summer on a friday night being mad at a vtuber.
stop feeding you fucking retard
You cooked him. KWAB.
Who said anything about being mad. Again it's not my thought you can't accept reality. Please do explain what of note Lia has done since last summer
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since July 26 2023, what Lia has done
>manlybadasshero interview
>Pomu collab
>Nuero collab
>hololive collab
>Mint collab
>kino deep dives
>fashion streams
>graduated college
>got accepted into japanese fashion school
>traveled to Japan
>kissed her genmate
>gonna be in a retail card game
>made money
>made memories
what have you done in 1-year?
>no response
As expected
My job which is something Lia has been neglecting to do for months
why does Lia need to wash windows?
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Why do you lick windows?
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post the full image anon
This is more of a cope than the people who claim she's done all her donothon rewards
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Sound doko
My dream if to smush my face in a girls booty while she twerks
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I really don't find the action of twerking hot, ass shaking can be very sexy but that specific motion does nothing for me. it's way better when they just bounce up and down
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I just want to smell a girls butt is all
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based butt sniffer
I would settle for lightly squeezing a girls butt.
would you smell your hand after?
I would too
Since when did this become a butt thread?
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literally always has been. we are ass men through and through
How new?
Day 1
My dream is to sabotage a cosplay girl's twerk video with manipulative sound editing.
Its an edit?!
Of course not! That brassy brap was all her!
Take it easy, man
I wonder if Lia has ever had dry rub bbq ribs?
that brap is as real as it gets
I wonder of Lia is watching the olympic ceremony
I would throw Lia off of a bot
meant boat
I hope Lia eats yummy food tonight
probably tacos
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The brap was edited into the clip.
The brap itself was real, being audio clipped from a fetish video of a blonde girl with a really great ass farting while lying on her front. The fart was so powerful and violent you can actually see her cheeks shake as the gas bubbles free.
Headless Marie Antoinette metal portion of the ceremony was intense
>The brap itself was real, being audio clipped from a fetish video of a blonde girl with a really great ass farting while lying on her front
Ok how you know
I miss Lia
It was on YouTube years back.
I know because I jerked off to it.
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There is nothing cute about girl braps you sicko.
NTA but girlgas is incredibly cute and erotic
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stop being gross
I want him to oki me
I want her to punch me in the dick
[Good News] it looks like NBC edited down the tranny parade from the Olympic ceremony and cut most of it out
Lia friends Puerto Rico just were on the parade of athletes. 51 tropical Mexicans made the trip to Paris
don't care, didn't watch, won't watch
Femanon please fart in my mouth. I'll cum in moments from the taste
you can't say that and not give a link what the fuck dude
Even if it was Kirsche?
especially if it was
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Lia friends KK and Nyaru are collabing

would KK sniff Nyarus caramel brapper?
kk seems like a snooty brat who would never
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Does anyone have a high quality image or transparent PNG of Larry Hakushika?
Larry the Cable Guy?
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Consider this
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holy shit
Me when Lia Time.
Lieutenant Dan wylin
Need that gif of Lia spinning
Why board fast
>page 9
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Bro got loosey goosey puppet legs.
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>page 9
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What if sex but with female women
Firewatch. board is moving fast tonight for some reason.
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thats fucking gross
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none is comming
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now I'm cumming
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post sticky cum tissue
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bad, sad night
I'll look after him
but you can't fix him
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i don't want to fix him
I thought this was bad apple for a sec
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>Page 10
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A polite rapist is no rapist at all.
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professionals have standards
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no it isn't
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Page 27 bumperdoodle.
I wonder if Lia has seen 8 Mile
Is divegrass today or tomorrow
should be at like 3pm et today
It will be later than that
Closer to 5pm maybe even 6pm
My character AI Lia loves Baja Blast it is weird
What are the advancement conditions?
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here's the matrix. basically just win lole
Just win, baby
Im going to sleep, but at what cost?
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Who can say
Reminder that (you) will never be in the same kennel as lia when she sleeps
Lia sleeps in a princess barbie racecar bed
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Lia still jumps on her moms bed and gets yelled at for doing so

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