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Have you accepted that they're going to be the next mascots of Hololive?
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Absolutely, they will! And we will stop at nothing to ensure it becomes a reality.
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I believe it
so they're going the Gura route and not stream
I stopped watching Fuwamoco a while back. Sorry, but if they've gone a year and haven't even gained a million subs they're just another drop in the bucket. Okay, I'll cut them some slack: Two drops.
No but there is nothing I can do about it....
They care too much to just not stream. Even on their days off they do some Twitter space where they cry and wish they could stream
They will be both mascots and streamers
People still have the nerve to call them "Gura killers".
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Not killer, just taking a place alongside her on the throne.
>Also the first to get figured before their entire generation because of how popular they are
Cover knows they've got something good. BAU BAU is the future
Embrace them, ruffian
I hope so, they constantly number faggin is a litte annoying but they for sure deserve it a lot more than Gura.
They're hard working girls. It's obvious their goal is the top
Im guessing this is the kind of anon who isn't fun at parties, BAU BAU bitch
I'd be happy about it too if they didn't have the most grating voices in all of vtubing
You don't get stuff if you don't numberfag, even in Holo. They want to do stuff beyond streaming, so being in the 1M club is the bare minimum.
They're gonna graduate within a year, retard. Hololive is merely a stepping stone to them, it's obvious
What happened with Niji?
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Yes, and I've been looking forward to it
Ike Eveland doom posting on twitter.
So they'll stream as often as Gura does now?
What are you talking about? They're runts, they'll never measure up to Gura. They've got less than 450K subs each one year in.
>trying this hard to push holo vs holo
At least try harder
I would think that too, but they don't have anything big going on irl and I don't think they could get a lot of people to jump ladders. They definitely used their fans and hololive to move back to Japan in a insultingly blatant way though so who knows what other stupid shit they have brewing.
He really was right...
Unicorn wins again
As god intended
a long time ago
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The only good unicorn, is the one that collabs with Rope-chan
This isn't an ERB thread.
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Wait, so this isn't a ERB bait thread?
It's a FUWAMOCO love thread
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sorry anon, so many bad bait threads in catalog currently
It's sad to imagine people would try to slander their names. I love FWMC too much and wanted to praise them for how good they are.
There can only be one Queen, and her name is Gawr Gura.
That would be grim since I'm beginning to believe they don't take Hololive seriously and it was just yet another stepping stone towards their IRL idol pursuits.
They stream basically every single day or do a twitter space when they cant. What the fuck are you going on about?
Of the last 20 streams only 4 have been English gaming streams with just the two of them and now they're streaming at 3AM in Japanese again for some reason.
I want more Fuwawa solo streams...
Does it need to be accepted in order to be true?
>Fuwamoco make all sorts of references or talk about well-known otaku things.
>Some brainlet normie doesn't understand anything being talked about and blanks it all out, ends up thinking nothing was talked about.
Seen it happen many times. It's a shame these tards couldn't be gatekept out.
Brainlet normies shouldn't watch vtubers
Wait until ID4 debuts. They will knock your socks off
>now they're streaming at 3AM in Japanese
They were all eigo streams retard.
If someone can out hype them I will kneel
As the most popular Vtuber in the world Gawr Gura once said: "Actions speak louder than words"
*licks back*
give an example
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>Have you accepted that they're going to be the next mascots of Hololive?
Nah, Fuwawa can't spell refrigerator and Mococo is too co-dependent on her sister to get her anywhere in life.
they will never be the mascots, they ruined that chance. They were on track to be, I thought they were too big too fail, but somehow they managed to fuck it up. Mind bogglingly retarded woman moment after woman moment ever since the JP arc started. They're mid-tier nobodies, that's all they'll ever be now.
no that fag wasn't
Have you accepted you will never be a woman ?
Really bad for Niji?
>Niji self-destructs
>Therefore Holo must fall from grace too
>This would happen because....it just would!
>menhera unicorn slop
not sure about that
When gura graduates next month, sure
>Unicorn slop
At least try better with your bait. No (You)s for you
>Have you accepted that they're going to be the next mascots of Hololive?
>Moving to Japan to get massive mindshare in Marine 3D lives ruined their chances
You're phenomenally retarded even for an anti
It's a common sister tactic they used. Ignore 'em
it's even worse than he predicted, considering the whole japan arc
*doesn't stream*

look ma i used the reddit gray man so that means i must be right
Thank all that is good.
Whats the DinoGura for FWMC?
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FUWAMOCO are the Miko of EN and the Banner Girls for the EN CGDCT faction
Mococo is the main protagonist of EN
Doubtful, Fuwawa is too overtly sexual. Gura worked because when she's in her original hoodie she just looks cute and family friendly.
I'm not even strictly a Fuwamoco fan but I still feel like they abandoned their English audience.
Tell that to chumbuds and they'd politely disagree
Future's looking bright.
The vertical karaoke stream we were promised... hopefully one day
Those weird things from the April Fools video.
They're too hardcore weebs to get big western audience. Gura has the right amount of detached sarcastic attitude to draw in ironic weebs
idk man, I think they're already too old for IRL idol things...
He won't because it's rare as fuck that they talk about anything from their past. At best you get references to 'the cell' and they give completely non-descript answers about things from the past. They hide a majority of their opinions because they don't want someone to dislike them because Moco-chan decided to do a small rant on isekai or something.
Conveniently, an example of the sort of person I was talking about responded to you right here: >>81613840
But if you know doxx shit they dont consider themselves too old to be kagai idols in japan

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