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Could be Fulgur gettingn booted.
Holy shit niggersanji en is dead!!!
man I couldn't stand being a nijifan with all their talents vague posting all the time.
Merger for what?
More NijiEN doomposting my favorite
>tfw you accidentaly get one of your fans to kill herself
2 more weeks?
If it were that I’d hope Vox would comment publicly on it first just to prove her right
2 more weeks.
quill herself*
He just heard Niijisanji is not reimbursing him for Miku
Maybe that one femcel quilled herself
Cool the already shit catalog will become even more shitter
rosemi hasn't tweeted since her anniversary stream
Did he and Miku break up?
going to be nothingburger and im gonna laugh at all of you drones.
Yeah, it's clearly just something negligible he's talking about.
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If it was a somehting burger, then this thread would have a lot more replies
anon, i don't give a fuck. i'm just shitposting
>Someone told him that the sister he harassed didn't quill herself
Concern baiting is female behaviour. Why would a man act in this way?
Why are the NijiEN organs like this?
they need plausible deniability when complaining, otherwise big daddy Riku will run them over with his yacht
>the shareholders' meeting is next week
Why would they give a shit? Hundreds of trannies are killing themselves every time they mention McDonald's, Starbucks or other random shit they currently are canceling
Just like Yagoo mowing down Gamma and Mel with his tractor lmaoo.
noooooo we hate the holostars now and want them all gone (except the rest of the time when someone shits on them, then it's the nijisisters), also mel's termination was a nijisanji conspiracy or something
Ike did some egosearching, saw a sister shipping him with vox, called her out and then all his fans started making fun of her and harassing her
>he finally got a hemorroid
This holy shit imagine if holoENs kept hinting at background disasters in progress all the time but we never find out what the fuck is happening until months later when someone quits/gets fired. It'd drive me up the damn wall.
Gura and Mori were vagueposting recently, what are you talking about?
It's Nijiover...
I mean, he's Vox's bitch lol
you said that year ago sister and look at it now
Either Fulgur got the boot for not cancelling Selen and Zaion, or they finally merging.
Or its specific to just him, like my dog died shit.
One of these, or someone else potentially getting the boot:
>Finana, Hex, and/or Kotoka, for apologizing to Sayu
>Elira, for apologizing to Doki (very unlikely, since she is streaming later today)
>Rosemi, for not removing Selen from her intro video
>Reimu, for following Mint on her Niji account (read: being aware of the concept of success after Niji)
>Scarle, Aia, and/or Maria, for reporting Aster's abuse/harassment
>Scarle, for the Daki thing and/or for liking the Kurosanji comment
>Hex, Vivi, and/or Kunai, for their PL twitter shenanigans
>Twisty for... well... **gestures broadly**

But most likely something specific to him, since he's the only one doomposting right now
Even though it’s been months, why the FUCK would he think it’s a good idea to doom/vaguepost in a corpo with a reputation as messy as NijiEN?
Probably because he's not currently fully prepared to leave the company, and he needs to pretend to be unaware of the company's messy reputation as a condition of continued employment
Just in case you're new. The phrase "nothingburger" is as cursed as "gurakiller". Enjoy.
Vox was there when Ike ego searched and got upset
The merger will happen at the same time as the merger in JJK
probably a family member either died or it's some terminal illness.
if you were a member, you'd know why she has been away.
Something negligible.
Because he's a Luxiem member. They're immune.
Developed anal leakage?
You used to be the cute one, Ike.
Its still too early
he already had it lul
You wish
Not really. JP side is pretty sweet.
No, he did not
Probably Fulgur talking about Selen, probably got stealth suspended and waiting for like a 3 page doc on how he is "le bad" and a traitor to the company.
qrd on the first and second ones? I've not heard of these
NTA, but EOP board
Fulgur will be fine, hololive talents also mentions the terminated rushia from time to time, they didnt get into any troubles.
I should give this guy a view before he graduates.
Different company, different rules. Compare the announcement streams of Rushia and Mel's terminations, to the (almost certainly management-mandated) streams and comments regarding the terminations of Zaion and Selen.

Also note how in Holo, when someone gets terminated, both their genmates and other talents will point out that references to and mentions of the terminated talents will not be prohibited (except for the ordinary prohibition of mentioning other streamers in chat unless the host streamer mentions them first)
While in Niji, when someone gets terminated, the talents usually go to great lengths to avoid uttering their names and pretend they never existed in the first place, except to slander them.
>when someone gets terminated, both their genmates and other talents will point out that references to and mentions of the terminated talents will not be prohibited
That's nice, show the number of times in the last 3 months that either Rushia or Mel have been referenced at all.
why are you nijisisters like this
do you like to be wrong all the time? for fun?
Vagueposting is always a shitty thing to do to your fans. The guy isn’t signalling anything, do you want support? Advice? What do you want other than to stir confusion?
It reminds me of the things more professional jp Hololive girls have said from time to time, keep that shit behind the scenes, show your happy face to your fans or at least THINK about your fans.
I'm waiting, you said they are free to mention Mel and Rushia, if so then wouldn't at least 1 out of the dozens of members think and talk about Mel or Rushia like...every other week?
If what you said is true, surely you can find examples in the past 3 months.
>Keep Accelerating new wave
>New wave keep flopping
>Their current fans keep cannibalizing each other with new wave because they cant gaining new audience anymore with their shit reputation
>Sisters got bored and find new hobby
>Old organs graduating one by one
>Oshiless sisters leave one by one
>Disband en branch

Nice future you got there nijisisters LOLOLOOL
>every other week
people move on sisters. unlike you still trapped in the past. worry about yiur dying branch instead
Thanks for coming through on finding example, that said why did you undermine your own argument?
>references and mentions will not be prohibited
>people move on
...So are they or are they NOT fondly remembered? Seems rather thankless to be forgotten with enough time.
They did mentioned her time to time.
but mentioned her EVERY WEEK? really sisters?
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Gen 1 and 2 are a joke besides FBK and Subaru. Gen 5 is becoming PoLaBo soon.
and nijien will become ex-nijien soon
I don't think its a stretch for a single member out of 50+ to mention either Mel or Rushia once every 2-3 weeks. Coco too for that matter, either they mattered, were respected and fondly remembered or they aren't.
And if its the latter then I don't think there is nearly as much daylight between Hololive and Nijisanji's actions as you make out to believe.
Also stop calling me a Nijisister, I'm a Phasefaggot you moron.
Is EN gonna die not even 6 months after Selen got fired?
Remember when Luca was genuinely confused why someone would ever need management permission to do something.
The luxiem guys can do whatever the fuck they want and act like spoiled babies when they don't get something
Allegedly those three apologized to Sayu the first two threw her under the bus when she was terminated
the second thing is either cope or someone somewhere leaked a private convo because there's been nothing to indicate it even happened
Not a chance. Unless the apology happened after march, there's been no indication of any of them even feeling regretful over their treatment of zaion. That anon was speaking in hypotheticals
Ehh probably? Fuck if I know, but the branch has a whole has been mental boomed for a while now. Losing two members at the beginning of the year who were there from the start of the branch is a massive blow to morale especially since both were basically free good PR/ tried to promote the branch and Niji as a whole damaged the NijiEN to the point of there might not actually be a way to recover.
Add in that every and I do mean EVERY thing they do is now under even more scrutiny has probably got them stressing the fuck out.
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>That anon was speaking in hypotheticals
am that anon, can confirm
My mistake I assumed it was a genuine question kek
You just jinxed it.
Enjoy your Fatburger's XXXL (Triple Kingburger) mighty beef combo with fries
he's fine
Hex is a psychopath, absolutely zero chance he apologized for anything
Kotoka refused to talk to Sayu, not the other way around, so it's also impossible for her to apologize
You are going to laugh for what? Shittersanji will still be shit even if nothing happens there will be more opportunities to shit on shittersanji time and time again, now if something does happen be it graduation/merge you are going to be ridiculed to oblivion, on that note i will keep your post just in case kek, better pray nothing happens to shittersanji.
As much as we want them to die, they won't do a merger of their last remaining overseas brand
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>unironically saying something will be a nothingburger
so a somethingburger confirmed, this gonna be good!
they will. if they keep debuting 10 flopping wave and their old organs graduate one by one. its a matter of time now
They gain something, however small, each time
They have been doing that to their jp branch anon and still there is, they're not stupid enough to shoot themselves in the foot by killing off another gen
anon. none of new jp branch wave hit 100 ccv.
now imagine if they have 30 of them
unlike jp, nijien has shit raputation.
they are struggling to find new organs and staffs because everyone avoiding them.
the only people auditioned them are desperate boring 2 view or nijisisters.
denauth already hit the same grim level as ID and KR branch back then before got merged.
its already matter of time. they cant produce new star and gaining new audience anymore.
You're fucking retarded, Lunlun easily hits 5k
anon? i said none of new jp branch hit 100 ccv unlike denauth
hes gonna quill himself!!
It is a stretch. It's one thing to mention it while their termination is fresh, afterwards its just a matter of them not being relevant. Unless a holo actually met one of the terminated/graduated talents, why would they bring them up? It's not malicious, they just aren't present.
>Also stop calling me a Nijisister, I'm a Phasefaggot you moron.
Even worse.
>Also stop calling me a Nijisister, I'm a Phasefaggot you moron.
Did you actually think that made you look better or something?
>Whole branch is dying and the internet is shitting on your corpo
>Let's vague post some shit about my private life that will make everyone look bad
Smart move. They should hire me to revive their dying ass brand. I would do a better job. I guess almost everyone on this planet would do a better job.
yes he did he's Swedish
He's streaming right now. What happened?
>nijisanji conspiracy
It was the cunt of kotoka who split the beans, no need of conspiracy or whatever
Vox gave him aids....
>The inevitable merge will be negligible

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