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>SmolRyS plushie rerun
>Clear folder
>Starter Merch
>2024 Valentines merch
>2.0 Plushie

>OMOCAT merch

>Archives (Songs, Clips, Spaces, Misc.)
https://mega.nz/folder/91EUXBqT#uuMZYZmL5cUbXZcDGMCwig (Updated Karaoke)
https://mega.nz/folder/PJljFaDC#bERcB4FtvuLJpahT2AFb5Q (Ancient and dead)

>Moment of my Life
>One Step at a time
>Quarter Bravery

>Covers and Collab songs

>Channel / Twitter

>IRyS Status/ Milestones / Karaoke / SCs

>Previous Thread

Report all "irys" posters, numberfags, and British, post cute IRyS pictures, do NOT feed cheebs
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*sip* Ah...
I want to have sex with IRyS. How much do I need to donate for 1 hour of sex?
the fag is vocal about hating unicorns?
I wish I had the same taste in games as IRyS.
The constant streams of fps games / souls slop ( I like playing it, hate watching it ), monhun or copies of getting over it just makes me not want to watch her streams recently.
Sad times for me ( I'm glad the rest of you like it though I guess ).
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wrong window. discord is over there
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I wish I cared about blogposts lmao no I don't
the biggest paypigs tend to be the biggest cucks
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this outfit is so good
>vtubers need to pander to unicorns to be successful
>anti-unicorns give vtubers more money
I love when people just say random things because they think it proves them correct in the moment and contradict themselves.
I want Irys to split roasted by onee san
What are you even trying to say
he thinks that all of vt is a single person so if someone has a different opinion you are contradicting yourself
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>RE9 will have Leon
RE9 is gonna be the game of the year bros
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If you want to be a big attention whore and get discordfag support in doing it you need to grandstand about it in some way.
It's gonna have Jill as well as the protagonist
Still, Ada best girl
You have to be borderline delusional if you think something has a chance of winning over the GTA 6 slop.
Even though I know Elden Ring is a way better game, even it would loose against GTA 6 because of the hype surrounding the game
Ada was a fucking bitch who took advantage of him in literally 2 games.
The Leon x Kennedy ship was the best ship in the entire franchise
Leon's fault for not tapping that when he had the chance
Unironically better than twatter. I also get to see pretty videos about about Footy
Jill is the best girl and it's not close. She carried RE 3
Carlos carried that
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You all got to have XX chromosomes.
Imagine taking shipping so seriously, could only be an organism with a vagina
its 5AM, IRyS. go to bed.
>wants to have sex with Leon
God I hope you are a woman and not a massive fucking faggot who wants to have sex with a dude
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>not the best girl
Ogey, you fags have ahit taste
I am a dude who is complete heterosexual and still, I can't appreciate male beauty.
Why doylu think people like Christiano Ronaldo, Ryan Gosling and Ryan Reynolds so much?
Sherry is best girl
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go back
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finally someone with taste
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Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade is the best girl
fuck off, cuck. dont you have a homocollab to watch or something?
I am not gay, that doesn't mean I can't say males can look good.
You really have to be a homo if you are projecting this much
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There are no watch-hour requirements to call (you) a retard. If you seethe this much over nothing you should probably get checked for anger issues along with your retardation.
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You guy really just fight about anything, don't you?
I think Shiori and IRyS should give me handjobs and get pregnant by me in the hot 3 sum shower with me
Now give me yous
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>it posted an IRyS pic as a response
oof you got me there, brittranny. you can go enjoy your sloppy seconds now
Shiori is based GFE queen like Gura, IRyS, Fauna, Mumei and C.C
Erb is a filthy Homo beggar who makes even Mori 1.0 look good. It's not the same.
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Sheebs >erbfags and british "people"
>Americuck starts calling random people who have a functional brain a Brit tranny despite people not even being from UK
tf is that?? lmao
Britranny nobody likes you just stop already
Then will get you pregnant anon and will do an eiffel tower with you
ERB is based for making number monkeys like you seethe faggot. We love all Holos here Nijikek
I am literally from Belgium and not even the anon you were fighting with you faggot. What that anon said makes sense and I rather have those unity fags over you numberniggers. Get out of my thread cuck
Belgium isn't a country retard stop making shit up and go back to global
IRyS' black parade was pretty good desu
you will never force this thread or the anybody in this board for that matter to like your britbong roastie, newfag. just deal with it
This is my thread and I have been here since day 1 tourist. Go back
She is a Holo regardless you nijitranny which automatically makes her better than any of your people
>get out of my thread
when did this become a thread for homocucks like you lmao? this will always be a unicorn thread no matter how much you try shitting it up
Didn't the British Tranny say he hates British woman and was anti ERB from the start?
>This is my thread and I have been here since day 1
I usually just ignore you monkeys but this is just too funny lmao
>Ryan Gosling
he is me
>Ryan Reynolds
he is funny
>Christiano Ronaldo
you are a faggot that likes to watch sweaty guys play with balls
>this will always be a unicorn thread no matter how much you try shitting it up
Kek, kys.
So you mean to say you would drop IRyS if she were ever to collab with Males right you stupid dearranged cuckold
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pack it up IRyStocrats. the ERBfag said it was here since day 1. it owns the thread now
IRyS has stupid looking fangs
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>white people hours(prime EU and Na hours)
>thread goes to shit
You cumskin monkeys better not be mean towards me and my brown bros in the future now
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you sound more like a nijitranny than him with your sloppy seconds
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>cumskin monkeys
Alright this was a creative insult, kek.
I would give it to you
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I am not an ERB fag, I don't even know what her fan name is called you bozo.
Kek, only a nijinigger will act like this and be envious of a Holo
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keep seething
Answer the question you stupid bum.
HiRyS! It's MelonRyS!
I'm not even the one you responded to, dumbass. I'm just laughing at how hard you're seething over some random unicorn. Going to this thread must be painful to you with how many unicorns there are /here/.
NTA, but yes. I would drop IRyS and would wish her the worst in her life if she ever turns to the boys after making it clear that she is a GFE streamer. But that's never gonna happen global tranny
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nta but yes, I'm not going to stick around and feel like a cuck and get called one by everybody on the entire site for the rest of time. I'll go my own way instantly.
The best part about all that is that IRyS is a good girl who won't stoop to that level so I have nothing to worry about.
>I'm not even the one you responded to, dumbass. I'm just laughing at how hard you're seething over some random unicorn. Going to this thread must be painful to you with how many unicorns there are /here/.
This has to be a mental illness. Not every IRyStocrat is a dearranged and retarded unicorn who would jump at someone who collabs with a male. Using this logic, is your mother also a whore for interacting with your dad?
Kek, and you have the balls to call her your oshi. Hypocrite fucks.
Don't ever say IRyS is your oshi
This is happening because erbs doing a homo gangbang right now btw
idk why the ERBfag is doing damage control in /HiRyS/ tho
Just use your non existent Brian for once, is she was my oshi, why would I be arguing with you niggers instead of watching her stream. Get the cock out of your brain retard
his oshi is the thread not ERB and not IRyS either
why? dunno, I don't think it is possible to understand mental illness
Multi thread drifting
your typing style is new to me. You could have at least studied some of the regulars here if you wanted to blend in.
Fucking idiot lmao
Keep seething, I am gonna be posting more ERB-IRyS art here from now on
the cuck is mad
>admitting to spamming
uh oh
>typing style cope
I have been here before you fags used to give Yous to the Piggy schizo you retard
Mask off
It's literally a typo you cuck.
Holy shit, get the cock out of your head and stop watching too much porn you humanoid schizo
And unicorns will still try to firegas you into thinking that all the anti-posts from the OW2 sponsorship were false flagging tourists.
Not all but a good majority were false flagging shitposters and a lot of them are also homo fans.
brittranny is one of the weirdest schizos that came to this thread because he hates the thread specifically but still keeps coming for some reason
English is not that hard
there is sloppy seconds and sloppy thirds...
What did the British do?
The thing I hate about homocollabers the most is that they aren't actually fans of the homos, they don't gachi, they aren't femacorns, they don't watch streams, and they don't want to see male vtubers succeed. It's always to just spite the male fanbase of the girls like this ERB fag here, it's a bigger issue of woman not watching streams and seeing simping as a form of weakness in an invisible power dynamic. I never heard ERBs PL showing up in the homos stream chats, Nerissas' showed up a few times when Tempus first started, I don't believe Bae likes Roberu tha's like saying pikchu is your favorite pokemon, Kronii banned all mention of the faggots from her chat, and Mori hates the entire concept of vtubers, in all cases their admiration is performative and based on alternative motives.
Be the worst posters here (not you melonRyS schizo)
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everyone knows the truth, no matter how hard you try to blend in and astroturf in this board, sis
IRyS cares more about her unicorns than homobegging fags like you who don't even support her ever will
>attention whore
>muh twitter
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im going to post kronii if you faggots dont stop sucking your dicks in public
>You guy really just fight about anything, don't you?
This is true. Genuinely IRyS just doesn't want drama. She's not a unicorn who seethes and goes schizo every time she sees or hears a male. She watched VCR Rust, she watched Roberu, she got interviewed by that German guy, she even watches male flesh streamers (gross). But also she doesn't collab with them, because she doesn't like meeting new people, or she doesn't think her style would mesh with them, or whatever. Why can't we just be normal like her instead of seething and arguing over this retarded stuff.
Thank you, anon, that was a well thought out point and was very insightful.
>I think Shiori and IRyS should give me handjobs and get pregnant by me in the hot 3 sum shower with me
>posting random leddit ss
>ignoring what >>81553015 said here
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Yab. Hololive will be canceled in Cuba.
will cheebs understand the grassy knoll reveal
She's too successful for that (or anything at all) , you chumbuds should mass unsubscribe to give her a good scare, that would get her to do GFE.
did you see him sending IRyS any hate? no only seething fags like you that throw a bitch fit when nobody gives a fuck about your homos do
Too many toast sandwiches
Very organic, fellow IRyStocrat
the cuck schizo is back, I see where this is going
>because she doesn't like meeting new people, or she doesn't think her style would mesh with them
least obvious homobeggar
the thing I don't understand is that she was deep in the horse fandom, a show about cute horses doing cute horse things , why would she join holo just to focus on stars

also abayo
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i know you want me to post kronii kronie but i will not you haven't earned it
>start seething about Elizabeth
>doxxes her
And remind me why haven't we banned the numberniggers again?
Do you guys see how they have been shitting up the thread?
I never understood what's the point of trying to astroturf this thread
Why not do this song and dance in Global where there are more people?
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i hope IRyS gets a 3d racequeenRyS like kiara's here
Why the hell would numberfags shill that woman here when they don't like her?
Idk, do you call the last hour?
Having her rent free in their head?
Kiara probably had to bitch and moan for management to let her buy te rights to use that model.

IRyS wouldn't spend the money on it and the second she gets any pushback from the managers she'd drop it.
The projection is strong with this one.
Everyone ketp saying the girls aren't allowed to fund their own outfit /3D model and here chimken purchased a fan made model.
they probably fell for the posts that say IRyS comes /here/ and think they can fool her into giving their "le heckin wholesome boys!!" a chance despite the fact they know jack shit about her like this anon >>81555256
pointed out
every rule can be bent if it is isn't for IRyS
kiara finally figured out the key is to ignore the rules
How much has she collabed with advent again?
They are new people, and she knows the content would suck, but she will be forced to once in a while by Cover.
She also doesn't want drama from psychos who seethe and go schizo every time they see or hear a male, but you'll just say 'imaginary gun' while threatening to drop and anti her if she doesn't follow your demands.
suuure sister. you know her so well. please show me show many males she collabed with before holo, since the "psychos and schizos" made her scared now
I don't think Kiara asks for permission to do things, which is how we got the manicure stream and then the ungloved handcams got completely prohibited
>another "she would collab with the boys if it weren't for you creeps!!!" angle
*yawn* please get a new angle, sister
Holy fucking tits
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>im right but im still a huge faggot and here's why
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gyate you dumbfuck you replied to me on accident
Holy shit I just killed 11 raiders on Labs
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The hadcam restriction is the most retarded yet
I give 3 examples in a non-exhaustive list and you retards can't recognize any of it as things she has said, then hyperfocus on one point as if that was the only reason.
Pop-quiz; what did she say when an actual homobeggar asked about them after debut? A: She's not comfortable with new people and just wants to chill (no drama). What did she say when she was watching and thinking about VCR Rust? A: It looks really fun, but she would be uncomfortable being around so many new people.

I'm pretty sure you guys are the ones that don't watch her or know anything about her.
The story we are told is that the handcam ban was already in the works, and they squeezed it in just before the deadline.
They had permission, and that stream did not cause the rule change.
One of the cutest streams ever though, IRyS is so perfect.
can you also tell me what she said during her midnight karaoke before the OW2 sponsorship too? oh, didn't think so...because it doesn't fit your narrative. watch streams instead of clips that get posted in the catalog if you want to blend in, sister.
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War is bad
Let's make love instead.
what did IRyS do to piss off the homobeggars this time
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As always, be cute and sexy
she is streaming today
I'm glad IRyS is successful and won't have to perform sexual favors for higher ups like Kiara to get cool stuff
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Go to >>>/#/
so, what did we learn today?
That there wouldn't be interaction between the teams. How does that contradict anything I said? In fact that and the OW2 collab prove two of the things I inferred; the content sucked, and she just wants to avoid drama.
All other girls should be banned as off topic
nothing at all
based trips of truth
God should flood britain too
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*Except Promise or people who talk about IRyS, but only in the context of them talking about IRyS.
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What about them?
Dumb Americuck. You should know that policing wont work.
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I learned how to AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
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Name fags are the worst people
What's up with these Americuck and Brit tranny sort of names?
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>>Christiano Ronaldo
>you are a faggot that likes to watch sweaty guys play with balls
Literally the sexiest man of all time and he is 39 years old
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The floodgates have opened... I've not had a proper shit all week. I feel so much bliss
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Teenage Messi was better looking and he didn't get plastic surgery
t. Ronaldo
Ronaldo, stop shitposting and focus on the camel league you faggot. Messi is coming for your record
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>Ronaldo is brownskinned
Tell us about your bowel movements on stream, IRyS. Don't chicken out like last time.
She said she made sure to check there wouldn’t be any interaction between teams and that she only wanted to play with the girls. You’re really not slick, faggot. Go back to global
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This Messi >> Any version of Ronaldo
Justice is decent, but they are not genmates, so still only when they talk about IRyS.
IRyStocrats really are gay
What the fuck is wrong with his face. His ears look goblin like
football is so fucking boring
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how many of you are soccer loving spics?
IRyS please do an Olympics (the actual sports not the weird shows) watchalong
With all the soda drinking, what are her teeth like?
I am the only IRyStocrat. Don’t lump those beaners with me
>like Messi
The Mexicans hate Argentina and Messi as if we fucked their mother
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Hank what the hell are you doing here? Shouldn't you be hanging out with all those rocks in /gem/?
she goes to dentist from time to time
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I love IRyS
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It's the greatest sport of all time.
You burgers just suck dick at it
Soccer is for women
>nerissa posting soccer lover
Now THIS trash is ban-worthy.
does spic mean hispanic or italian
Argentines are Italians and Germans. Not spics
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>not spics
What the fuck? Don't just kill Cheeb like that
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Which fits with what I said about her not wanting to interact with people she doesn't know and wanting to avoid drama. How dense are you?
How do YOU explain her watching and enjoying VCR Rust and thinking it would be interesting to join? My takes are internally coherent, yours contradict basic facts.
Face it: She's not a schizo like you, AND she doesn't want to collab with males. There's no point in arguing about it and the only reason it ever gets brought up is because of schizos trying to stir drama, like in this thread.
>Black Ops 1
I will now watch your oshi. Black Ops 2 is for zoomer faggots
Holy fuck finally somebody who agrees, fuck blackops 2
It's called football retard
>half naked man posted. Fine
>half naked woman posted. Deleted
The only schizo here is you that actually thinks she’s “interested” in collabing with males but is too “shy”, when she talked about VCR she immediately lamented about holorust and how she wishes it came back. Even when your shitty e-celeb server came back a second time with mori and bae joining this time, she still didn’t join. It’s cute. It’s been 3 years and you’re still coping that she’s “scared of psychos” when she really just doesn’t give a shit
Check this out
Finally another anon that understands

IRyS should join the next VCR GTA or other cross branch collab. Since both Bae and Mori will more than likely be there. She can just stick with those two. That way we can finally have the full CHaD experience on stream again.
Most subtle samefag
"She's not interested in collabing with people she doesn't know."
>You think she's interested in collabing with males!!!!
Ok, this isn't the typical 'this is 4chan everyone is a retard' levels, this is clinically diagnosed retardation. Don't bother talking anymore, seek help.
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please kill yourself
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Ignore the 4chuds.

They just dont understand IRyS at all and get assmad at everyone.
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Statistically, you are far more likely to attempt that.
Nice projection. You really must hate yourself if you’re kronie lmao
>doesn't know the original is from an IRyS MV
>It’s from IRyS’ All back cover that means I can post my whore here!!!
You’re so pathetic…
Why not have a positive impact instead?
How is San Antonio? I know Austin is horrible, but isn't everywhere else pretty decent?
Well the women don't all have gigantic asses like Dallas but it's apparently a nice city and has a tourism scene. Never been myself
Don't come to /HiRyS/ tomorrow
I shouldn't have come today
unironic unicorn here
i love IRyS
*pronounced like IRyS would pronounce it.
No reason to state it. All of us /here/ besides a couple of tumors
i wonder if her next song is this kinda genre
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I should take a nap before the stream
>No muppetRyS
What she watching
Old liveleak videos
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thats it im posting kronii
ERB was a fucking mistake.
the spelling bee
Are you guys excited for when IRyS will finally muster up the courage to arrange a collab in 2027?
Thanks for proving my point >81568178
You are the living definition of a tumor
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it's over
But my princess always collabs with her wife Flare
Hopefully not. But I’m looking forward to the members only dbz marathon watchalong
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kronie sit down
How many years will that take to complete?
Just a few days it will be with Luna speaking passion English and she'll force us all to not skip the OP/ED
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Not even tumors! it's some form of self aware beauty mark, that only metastasizes in an environment of pure wheat!
oh god she would not have survived a round
my wife with godtier dodging
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I fucking love her playing the old cod games. I get so nostalgic thinking about it, and because I've played them so many times I know the exact pacing of the game.
it's not like an Elden Ring stream where I have no Idea how long she'll take to get through a section.
I feel like a young lad again
She would have got a musical term. Which she would have never heard of, because she can't read music.
okay that's very nice granpa now lets get you back to bed
Ur old fag
Same. It’s like watching my little sister playthrough my childhood games. It’s so cute
granpa you forgot your prune juice remember what happened last time
2011 wasn't even that long ago
What sorta crack are you on, he's obviously a zoomer if he played those.
2011 was 30 years ago...
black warfare was like 2008 or some shit
Would you watch IRyS play Maple Story from level 1 to end game max level?
That's a 10 year grind
But yes
my first cod was 3 on the ps2
hag status soon
The spelling bee looks fun. IRyS should join next time.
Be careful, you will trigger our resident subhuman beggars.
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>subhuman beggars
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wouldn't the spelling bee count as the "next time" tho?
It would have been more kino.
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Do you have to let it linger?
Are you guys excited for today's FPS stream?
Eventually, I am the last IRyStocrat.
I'm excited for IRyS, don't really care about CoD
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I don't see it being as good as the other COD streams
Do guys wakeup with a stiffy?
Morning wood?
I guess? Don't remember playing the back cops, is that the one with destructible environments ?
Non japs that make jap SCs are scummy
No, it's the one with the numbers
its cheaper characters, blame youtube or god
Black Ops is the one with the collect 30 buckets of KFC mission.
aww, jealous eop
DeepL is free retard and these people aren't doing reps
It took me two fuckin' weeks, but I finally know my hiragana. Now I just have to learn actual Japanese.
Then i haven't played it
chance of it being delayed?
For the bee? Looks like an arbitrary decision is about to be made. Go team gigi.
go fuck yourself
You did this
they don't deserve IRyS delaying her stream for them, other people don't pay IRyS' stream mind
she was watching them cream
Genuinely wish IRyS had joined the fucking spelling bee it has been just one fucking session of kino holy shit. But surprisingly she makes Call of Duty amazing so what a great day.
You already got told to shut the fuck up for this before, Babski
I love how fucking unhinged this chat is getting
shes hopping on now
She was watching the screechfest
ame should graduate
Grumbus is getting antsy
I'll never forgive her for how she treated IRyS during their April Fools collab
Shut it the fuck up.
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In my mouth
IRyS is too good for these disrespectful whores. I really hope she's not pretending the game doesn't work just so she can delay the stream for them
Wait Mumei wasn't in the spelling bee? I counted 12 people but realized they said 13 participants
Is it just me or is the stream 720p?
serves her right
youtube has been so fucked lately
low quality
and they're starting the anti adblock shit again
Its weird, too, because she's huge into Smiling Friends right now
she had to reschedule the visit to her mother's cult to today
not joking
Hahaha this start
I don't remember that meme being spammed back in the day.
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Time for a comfyRyS stream!
I think it's one of those nostalgic things
Call of doody we are go.
it was a meme instantly
>game is numberfagging
I love how every white male protagonist game in the late 2000s/early 2010s was either Troy Baker or Nolan North as the MC
I miss when Troy Baker played JRPG characters like Kanji from P4 or Yuri from Vesperia.
Fix your fucking computer holy christ I'm so tired...........
Funnily enough both of them are in this, Also Steve Blum, Ice Cube, and Gary Oldman I think? Might be thinking of another game
yeah they were the IT men from that time
he's too good for that now he's a big time actor now who sells NFTs
kino already
kek it begins
>Gary Oldman
you're right
To be fair, those games also paid like shit to voice act for/don't hire union actors anymore
Which was the NPLA
You don't need more than 720p, the human eye can't see it.
>first move when the game starts for real is murder a civilian
Yup, this sure is IRyS
>play it cool
>stab a soldier and light the place up
yup I miss these games oddly enough
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i watch with 360p anyway
She's still playing with a super low FoV kek
>immediately tries to kill an ally
yep this is CoDRyS
Wha'ts with IRyS and civilian kills/friendly fire?
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It's really amazing how dumb she is
>killing civilians and friendlies
sasuga my imoutowifeRyS
she fucking HATES Bowman
mentioned on mengen whenever
Call of Dummy
whoa are these textures set to ultra shit?
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>kills civilian
>blue on blue
>all in the first 15 minutes
This is gonna be a good stream.
There were 12 contestants (Mumei wasn't one of them) and 2 hosts, so 14 members of the collab plus special guest results announcer Mumei
truly an IRyS stream
IRyS is extra illiterate today
she's so dumb...
It's amazing how dumb she can be
What, IRyS?
It is still so funny to me how IRyS refuses to finish a word in a game where that word will be said 150 times anyway
>I should lower my sensitivity
>increases it
Is she allowed to play WaW or is it NG because Japan?
Also Spec Ops playthrough when
Her FoV is too low, when she aims she can barely see anything
IRyS would say something retarded and insensitive while watching innocent civilians burn in white phosphorus fire
the latter
She'd be uncomfortable killing her other side of the family.
>cant see the enemies 2inches on her right
I forgot her eyesight is so bad she cant live without glasses
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How do I rapple?
I love this dumb woman
youtube lags so badly if i watch above 720p
>I'm like pikachu where I cant handle that much electricity
IRyS... Pikachu CAN handle the electricity
You misheard her to a comical degree
But this is Sam Worthinton
how does she not follow? it's easy he's being interrogated and going back in time to go through the story
>I'm not thinking right now
Does she ever?
Damn, he sounds so similar to him
Oh I forgot Reznov was this game I thought he from WaW for some reason.
>Sir Gay
he is
she's extra extra dumb today
bro is she fucking rarded
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what goes on in that little head of hers?
gay sex
i can't watch a yt livestream and use bluetooth headphones
no other app on my tv has this problem and vods are fine too
actually coded by monkeys
>where is the target
she should fucking wear her glasses already
Oh ok but this is the one where he isn't real or whatever for most of it right?
bros she's bad with slingshots
He's real but one of the characters is a Fight Club reference
I know because I've watched Avatar a few times he sounds exactly the same
>oh I get it now!
>its already over
maybe thats why i keep having issues
im using GOOGLE pixel buds pro for the noise cancelling (loud ac)

captcha PMS H0
shes so blind and deaf
After this mission he isn't real
BRO is she blind or is she stupid or
tunnelvisionRyS ignoring the sea of AKs at her feet...
she does not know the difference between birdshot and buckshot
F5 tornado levels of air.

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