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I don't hear about her anymore, is she still a thing?
She's been doing one hiatus after another
She's streaming right now
Company has been pretty retarded lately so she seems pretty checked out, girl just wants to play pikmin in peace
There's a new Brit whore stealing all the attention.
Was she ever a thing?
Idol stopped paying for shill campaigns
she still streams
Didn't she disappear for 2 months and on her return stream started talking about how she "lawyered up"?
I do feel bad for her. You're up and coming in an agency that seems like it's going to become one of the giants of the English vtuber scene, and then suddenly it's just dumb decision after dumb decision and next thing you know you're barely a footnote. At the very least she seemed to not like being hyperpopular from the couple dozen streams of hers I caught, so there's at least some degree of a plus side to flopping. Hopefully when Idol inevitably goes under she gets paid lol or can at least keep her model if she chooses.
everyone is having sex with her mother and cute little brother
that's weird, Didn't she have yellow eyes?
The reign of Omega openned the door for lots of smaller corps to grab part of the holopie but from Advent on that window has closed. It doesnt mean smaller corps cant grab an audience but dont expect to blow up to Holo competitive levels
idol is dead, she had 200 viewers today.
Idol ruined her, Kai, and Juna.
She caught the shorts algo really well for a bit and gained 500k+ subs from it but it revealed just how completely worthless the people who want shorts are
It's not even an exaggeration to say 1000 people brought in through shorts are worth less than 1 average normal viewer and 1 million of them is probably still worth less than 1 whale
Juna ruined Juna, I say that as someone who likes Juna and wishes she would make better decisions
With Justice the door is opened again though. All the momentum is being taken by indies like Doki and Mint.
Shut up Idolfag
Mint and Doki were the stars of NijiEN. Pure indies like Bao, Numi, Yuzu etc have made more of a splash and they are nowhere near Advent.
Yeah? No shit.
Advent has a solid following. I said the door is opened thanks to Justice.
if she were consistent and not playing debuff games she probably could've benefitted more from it, disappearing for a month and coming back to pikmin, splatoon, and animal crossing isn't gonna do much for your numbers
But it isn't. To who is it "open?"
Pure indies are not yet at the level they can compete, the exception being those 2
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Well that's the first issue
shortsfags are ADHDs, browns and literal babies, they will never watch full streams, they will never buy anything they will never contribute to anything in any way. They will only watch shorts which have CPM in the single cents
Are you retarded? Follow the conversation
Thanks to hololive being retarded in the omega days many indies and small corpos got to open their niches. With Advent that window got closed because the talents are genuinely good. And now is open again due to justice being a mid to total cringe gen (that also smells of the same previous problems).

Small indies will take the opportunity to rise standards. Total shitters like Idol will miss or screw this opportunity.
Different stream times, different audiences.
>Thanks to hololive being retarded in the omega days many indies and small corpos got to open their niches.
Who? Give examples.
I can only think of Giri, who cooks, and those others (Bao, Numi, etc) and they are basically flesh streamers half the time. Every small corpo went up in flames except maybe Phase?
The only "weak" link in Justice is ERB for collabing with males, Raora and CC are doing great, and if ERB goes autistic on music like Mori did her career will grow like a wildfire, like Mori's and Suisei's.
You know that Rin is European right?
Phase are another bunch of fags that may be close to end up like Idol.
Justice is half grifters and half mid picks.
Indie scene is where the fun is at for now.
Look dude, if you just wanna say you don't like Justice and love Doki and Mint just say that, don't make up this "opening the door" shit lol
This. Idol should graduate every non-pedobait, non-gfe talent and replace them with ASMR lolichubas willing to doat least 5 joi streams a week.
never denied I like 'em
I'm just saying if you're an indie is a good moment, if you aren't a grifter
Why did they hire her anyway? It's abundantly clear that Aviel wanted idol corp to be a VAllure light before VAllure existed.
If anything, her abuse of the shorts algo made me avoid watching her.
I think that was talent-directed and Aviel just rode the wave because it worked until he had to course correct
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She just seems like your average normalfag, pretty harmless.
Ironically better than some of the scumbags they've employed at that corpo.
I liked Rin but she took too many breaks
No wonder girls her, Nikki, Juna and Kai feel like misfits in that company now.
She used to get 1k+ viewers every stream. She killed that with her hiatuses and Nintendo spam.
I watch chuubas with 20k subs that regularly get 1k+ viewers
If Advent was so good then the door would stay closed no matter who they hired next. Any new viewers Justice might have brought in would move to Advent instead of some random indies.
What chuuba is that, because that's an insane sub to CCV ratio. You'd be hard pressed to even get 5% of your total subs on an anniversary stream
The point is she had converted some people from her shorts spam to regular viewers, even if it was a low rate. She was getting about double the next best in Idol.
But she lost it again with breaks and content choices.
She takes too many breaks and seems to not want to be popular, so actively pursues debuff content.

Her mother unironically would be a better vtuber
Yeah Rin is another one for the "/vt/ was right" scoreboard. Idolfags were gassing her up like she was about to take over the industry, but it was obvious that this algo exploitation was ultimately never going to lead anywhere. I said it myself plenty of times.
YouTube introduced Shorts to attract an audience to the platform that is unique in that they are uninterested in long form content like full length video and... livestreams. So it's no great shock that 737,000 subscribers translated into being a borderline 4view.
So it's not that she fell off it's that she was never anything to begin with at least not with respect to streaming.
it SHOULD have been HER
Damn that's depressing. She doesn't deserve this.. oh wait she collabed with men under idol banner
Her autistic scheme is cute
Better question: Is there any new porn of her?

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