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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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>emotionally supports a naked turtle
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Channeling Gordon Ramsay Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomzoom vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Wrestletuber Day 2

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Fansly Archive

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:04 - 24:01 UTC

>Recent Stream


>Previous Thread
At this point I wonder if people watch this channel for Neuro or is it Vedal that somehow keeps them around, idk, I just don't get the appeal of Neuro
where non-stolen model
mainly for neuro, since that is what the channel was originally about
People watch Neuro when she is being actively upgraded or doing interesting things, but yes I would say a majority of the swarm prefers Vedal and Neuro together over either of them solo.
neuro had the gimmick factor going for it but I honestly don’t really understand why people still watch her
Filian is getting wet
Neuro streams average 4-5k like the other anon said, dev streams usually pull like 8-9k. So like half the viewers are there for Neuro and the other half only show up when Vedal is on screen.
Wtf is this, vedal? That sure as hell isn't butter
Neuro has a solid 4k to 5k viewerbase that watches her regardless of what she does, Evil has a core of 3k to 4k, but overall tends to have 1k less that Neuro most of the time. Vedal tends to add a 4k to 5k when he is with either of them. It's a bit weird cause the channel is basically divided between 3 different personalities. But overall they all overlap.
>>81548220 (me)
Current stream is probably being buffed by it being Tutel's first IRL stream and Filian viewers coming over.
For sure. I mean Filian has a pretty loyal viewerbase so add it to Vedal people and it adds up
filian won vedalbowl
My sick wife is in the kitchen
>Filian's voice cracked
uh oh...
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shes still sick...
Well yeah, a week is not enough to get healthy considering her age and living habits
Voice is gonna be shot again by the time tonight is over.
Vedal should just play this game rn
>I don't think this guy should have a knife
pot, meet kettle
>Joking about Camila's piss fetish
based, or cringe for fily?
A women who might have scat fetish joking about piss fetish? Based. They are friends in a way, more fun when they do that
https://files.catbox.moe/zue1wg.mp4 Filian victory dance, do with it what you will
why she pumpin her pussy everywhere tho
Idk how they intend on making it in like 2 hours at most if this keeps on going on like this
>humiliation ritual
Kek Filian is definitely /here/
Because no one has pumped it in hers
Ofc, she is the one that made /flip/
i can change that
Fun theory. She got sick of seeing some /lig/gers hating on her so she made a place for people to worship her
>it's the poopknife
Kek, never understood this shit
It's funny that a women who never cooks or anything complains about how a knife (she has none btw) struggles with cutting through raw meat
lmao why does /lig/ despise filian anyways
There were too many Filian fans, she is a little too big for /lig/ so they couldn't properly spam about their 2 view oshis, amongst other things
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/lig/ is super anal about any streamer that isnt their super secret 2 to 3 viewer indie that they are trying to groom. Not all liggermen are like that but those guys are relentless and tend to shit up threads whenever they want.
Anyone can tell that knife is fricked
>You are wet as fuck
????? Did I hear that right?
the chicken
Simply not sharpened. Most people just buy knives at some point in their life and then never bother with that. I think I have a knife that wasn't sharpened in like 15 years, I still don't get how it's still pretty good at cutting things.
They hate 4view discussion in /lig/.
I believe the rrat that /lig/ is full of NGMIs who wish they could be /lig/gers but since they lack the connections and talent they just spend their time anonymously anti-ing the chuubas who made it.
Only 2views and 3views are allowed to be talked about there. Any ligger higher than that is disliked or hated.
This is the closest we will ever get to Filian cooking food that is meant to be edible
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This. On top of that women can be catty in general so even "proper" liggers will bitch about people there.
She is fine, but she struggles with streams like this one
Filian will protect the feeble femboy turtle with her strong tomboy body, yes.
To be honest I don't know, there's nothing particularly egregious about filian and I see them bitch and whine about other vtubers just as bitterly as filian.
That would be a cool fan art ngl.
it's 1 or 2 really dedicated schizos
Why not make /hig/ for huge indies then?
Shit would collapse over some petty drama not even caused by the chuubas themselves
They tried that once and everyone just posted overweight chuubas in there.
/nig/ for notable indies global
>chat choosing not to waste food
That's a first one for me
Technically it already exists, that's what the Large means, high 3 viewers to low 4 viewers, but the oneitis with their 2 views and low 3 views took over.
It's weird he let's her go wild during these cooking streams when in other streams he's had the ability to force her to lock in.
What's Vedal going to do once someone else make connects ChatGPT to a Vtuber model?
Most liggers that are 4views have their own general. Neuro, Dokibiird, Mint, and of course Filian. It's probably for the best honestly.
I am feeling a little sorry for Vedal, he has to put up with Neuro making no sense and Filian not helping while wearing this absurd outfit. Hope he makes some good money on this stream
unleash /swarm/ on them and bully them off the internet
there was already a ton. 95% are dead, the rest are 1-2views
submit your whole investement to OpenAI's whimp? nah, if they jack up the price then you're fucked. no one want to do that
It's going off the rails a bit but I'm glad they're trying new things
Sometimes I see some Mother v3 or smth like that pop up and I think it's the only anyhow big AI vtuber outside of Neuro; usually when I have seen her pop up she was in high 3views
13-14k viewers, the Turtel's corpo soul will be soothed by the numbers.
Motherv3 is a human that uses tts lol
It is? Had no idea, the stream title was always AI vtuber so I assumed so
MotherV3 is not an AI its just like Zen, TTS, the AI thing is just their lore. The only AI VTuber I have seen on Twich recently was this guy Morgan with an AI named Mika that also uses Neuro's old model, Hiyori. I think Vedal even went to his stream once, but that guy is averaging only 100 viewers at most so far, still better that the other AIs stuck in 2 view hell though.
>That's a crazy number
Right there I heard Fily use her casual voice instead of her hyper streamer voice. Normal Filian does sound like a rough tomboy, which is not a bad thing btw
Nice programming, turtleboy
I have given Neuro more chances than any other vtuber because Filian has collabed with her like 6+ times and pretty much every time she can't do anything beyond accidentally say something funny a single time in 3-4 hours.
Someone tell Vedal there is a problem with my AI
this is what filian’s real voice sounds like

Someone better tell Vedal
People watch neuro because she says random funny shit. The novelty quickly wears off if you have an IQ higher than 80 though.
>flip hates neuro
>swarm hates fillian
Unplug her and plug her back in
wtf this is so weird after 1000 hours of watching her...
>getting 1guy'd
True friends, what can I say
Is that why vedal's chat reminds me of forsen's?
Still sounds super cute
and they both want to fuck Vedal, truly Femboys will unite us
!watchtime? Give proof
>flip want to fuck vedal
>swarm want to fuck vedal
I did not see this joke coming
I would fuck Vedal once if it meant that there would never be turtleshippers in /flip/ ever again
A few months ago swarm was shipping filian and vedal super hard
turn the oven on sexually, vedal
Oven time
Idc abt shippers as long as it's just their delusion and not Filian's preference to go for British femboys
>she's racist, vedal!
Filian has never expressed her preferences on stream beyond
>I'm not gay
>I like men
>and that one time she said something about the handsomest men all come from northern europe
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/sig/ Superior Indies General for 4views and up. We could all larp as sigma males.
Depending on what you consider N. Europe British do count.
I’m norwegian and I think we all look like freaks, but I guess I’m happy canadian kemonomutts think otherwise
She could've meant the celts
Kek, wife was so based for the humiliation ritual
she speaks the exact same but her voice just sounds less exaggerated here
she sounds nice and should be proud of her regular voice
I have only seen a handful of nordic folks; out of them Fins were the least good looking, Norwegians have been pretty mid and Swedes looked damn good. Idk about Danes and Icelanders though.
>clip is offline
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Have this, broken machine anon
Wife sounds so different...
why was 6 afraid of seven chattuh?
>why is 6 afraid of 7?
>the handsomest men all come from northern europe
She likes tall guys with blonde hair and blue eyes
She got this joke from Neuro AFAIK
Halfway there
Fil is probably the type of femcel to completely exclude her having a possibility of finding a super handsome man so she may have just been speaking objectively. Like how me saying Peter Serafinowicz has a great voice is more of an objective statement than me wanting him as a husbando.
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Damn, as I have the orange filter on I did not realise it looks so bad
it looks so edible, im literally salivating at how edible it looks
Neuro is done with Fil's HDMI
>clip from 2020
Bro that's crazy. Here's what Nyanners' real voice sounds like by the way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqBO9RbSwcQ
Focus on streaming, vedal
Pros of the collab with Vedal? More Filian
Cons of the collab? No starting dance or Filian fricking around
cheeky breeky
We'll just have to demand extra dancing and fricking around tomorrow.
lots of filian fricking around actually
>She finally read the apron
You still doubting, Flipbros?
Is Filian still under the "idol meeting" punishment? We have to grill her for saying she had to pee when her stream starts.
imagine doubting, LULE
never doubted, we are beliebers
It ends on tomorrow stream soooo – yeah
>No Flips for you
Flipbros... the AI is mocking us...
you will never do a real flip
when's the actual stream?
Once they are done with Vedal's food, if so like 30 minutes at most
Filian sitting in her natural enviroment
I assume they'll wrap up by end of the hour since Filian's collabs always start an hour after.
Filian would judge me for the amount of liquor I have at my place...
Vedal is an alcoholic but of the fruity cocktails variety. Makes sense I guess. I imagine if Filian drinks at all it's probably the fruity stuff too, no beer.
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toalux my beloved
I mostly have wine... I hate it, but I got so much of it as gift that now I have ton of it. Some of it is older than average Filian viewer
Tbf they may not be pure vodka or stuff, but they have pretty decent alcohol content unlike beer

Of course Filian could be playing things up but the one or two times she was drunk on stream she was a bad drunk. Like she kept complaining how it made her feel. She really thinks like a kid sometimes.
Oh yeah I know, some of the stuff women drink is way higher in alcohol that just regular ol beer, me personally I just like the cold bitter taste of beer, I never could get into even Cider.
So cute and it doesn't hurt my ears at all.
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
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Drinking is weird tbqh. If I drink too little it mades me feel worse, if I drink a fair bit it's nice and when I go overboard I feel exhausted (not even talking about how god awful hangovers are for me)
Yeah, alcohol is such a shit drug. If other drugs were legal alcohol would be used a lot less imo.
Vedal looks legit depressed
With exception to wine (and melon vodka I guess) I enjoy pretty much any type of alcohol, I just have to be in mood for it. Though a lot of beer is just kind of crap, took me a while before I found some stuff that didn't make me regret wasting money on it
bullied by your sister and her friend type depression... many such cases
He's british that's normal.
Yeah, I didn't mean
>getting drunk is only for cool mature people like me
but you should see the stream I'm talking about because Filian drunk sounds like a confused and whiny child, which is very noticeable since Filian is pretty much always in a good mood on stream.
>>81556151 (me)
proven correct with weed being legalized in some states, but psychedelics > weed
Doubt it. It's all about the cost/effect for a lot of people and alcohol tends to be rather cheap if your only goal is to get pissed
Allegedly in Camila's sex parties Filian mostly stays on the background sitting by herself, occasionally babbling if a rando entertains her. She's not as social off stream.
LSD is way less than $1 per tab that lasts 8 hours to make
>>81556550 (me)
yikes listening to stream in the background messes with my sentence structure. the trip lasts 8 hours~ and costs less than $1 per tab to make.
I need to either drink hard stuff or I can't drink enough to get drunk before I get full and my stomach feels uncomfortable.
I've only been drunk a couple times though
I think you got it backwards and this was her attempt to make her voice sound more girly when she was first starting out streaming and what we normally get is her natural voice
I mean she did say she is rather shy all things considered, though I guess her on-stream personality does make it seem surprising.
have fun handling ergot you dumb dumb
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actually jelly ngl...
Can you abuse LSD as readily as alcohol or weed?
Same problem tbqh. When I see how some people drink it's not even the % of alcohol they drink that surprises me, but the sheer volume of liquids they somehow manage to get into their body
No, you build up tolerance after one trip that wears off after a week. The tolerance is so strong that a day or two after, if you take the same dose you won't feel much. Also there are cases of people accidentally taking liquid LSD equivalent to 200 tabs and they were fine physically, after their multiple day trip. So it's way safer than alcohol too.
the nightmare is almost over
I want Filian to (hire someone to) make super edited highlight videos like these
you don't get ergotism from LSD. Ergotism is caused by toxins in Claviceps purpurea. Since LSD is made in a lab it doesn't contain those toxins.
Taking synthetic drugs is almost always better than raking naturals
my wife is live
LSD is synthesized from ergot bruv
All me
mmmm was an okay stream
time for proper filly
no, it’s not worth it, you’ll blow yourself out and go schizo. you have to wait at least two weeks in between doses especially since your tolerance will ramp up extremely quickly
Yes exactly. That's why it's clean, it's not extractet
revenge handcam cooking stream soon(tm)
Vedal had a turtle suit so Filian has to cook in a fursuit. It's only fair.
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Will she ever make an appearance on a date show?
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>filian hand cam stream
Filian dropped 4k views from 14k to 10k after the raid.
Sounds a lot like shrooms
its gonna be with the spiderman gloves again
>Just finished a collab with Neuro and Vedal
>Immediately jumps into another big stream with 3 times more people
Damn, Filian has energy, I admire her tenacity for streaming.
uhhhhhhh that fansly watermark
yep same shit basically, though nerds can spend hours talking about the exact differences between the two
that's how you know she has what it takes to do an orgy
>still making a Dr Disrespect pedo joke instead of a Mr Beast one
mr beast troon friend is a pedo
mr breast staff got outed as a groomer
Just keep doses low-normal and be aware of what trauma you haven't healed from yet, and adjust setting (peaceful/safe) and company (trusted/safe) to fit this. Very unlikely to go schizo or destabilized if you do these three things. I know multiple people who have made significant progress with their personal stuff from doing this.
Out of many trashy social medias this one is the worst
"a doctor who is disrespectful" vs what? could she call Kris to indicate who it is with plausible deniability?
Kris. Doesn't he go by Ava or some shit rn?
>"Her sister is 18 I checked"
>"She has no connection to Mr Beast" could work
I was expecting Bao's sister to say she needs to fix her financial decisions
I think we might have the winner already
that’s what I should’ve done, but I was a retarded teenager back when I did psychs so I would just take 4-6 tabs at once, not even test it, and spit it out if it tasted like metal lmao
Hina has that "goofy ahh rizz" as they say. Something much more common in men.
Holy shit lmao
And now you're here!
That was the most feminine thing Filian has ever said.
was it clipped?
She can be surprisingly feminine, overall she has a vibe of a more traditional woman with her likes and preferences.
I missed it what was it?
Not exciting enough, she said she would not go to a theme park for a first date because it would mess up her hair and shit
Oh, I get it, Filian's sex life is like a panda because she just opts to masturbate all day
Bao really went a little crazy with that panda rant
>9/11 jokes
Yep, that's Filian
>backing out as soon as the joke is about to hit
Yep, that's Filian
>bao's sister are you a fan of conspiracies?
>well it depends what type...
>like I'm a fan of the myth they teach in american high schools about the hol-
>stream ends
Poor Mega is operating at like 10% capacity right now.
If you start a self-introduction with "lol boobs" you're already losing
Again? Seriously, what's up with girls there, why are they all vtubers?
That’s not her real voice she was just younger and used to sound like that in her videos.
No other job opportunities left there.

depends, it would work on Bao
well educated + plugged into East Asian culture due to large immigrant population, especially in the Vancouver area + (more cynically) home prices are extremely high and everyone’s looking for a way to make it since 95% of 9 to 5’s won’t cut it
Its wierd to see posts like this as someone that made it because I don't feel like i'm in top percentage or whatever.
This is too many women fighting for attention.
There is a reason why they are vtubers
indians took all the jobs.
Canada’s economy has literally shrunk in real terms since 2019, I’m a burger so I don’t really know how grim it is, but it doesn’t take a genius to notice all of the U of Waterloo kids and everyone who can bails and leaves. or you run the math on median income vs home prices in the GTA or whatever
I know corpos look for canadian Vtubers due to loopholes in employment laws. But like most Anons Saud, higher than average Asian population.
slightly shrunk sounds wrong looking at gdp stats, but it’s definitely not a place to make money the way the states are
There are too many women in this stream that aren't Filian. It's loud and scary.
same I get overstimulated fast when there’s this many women around
And they have tits.
Very odd for a Filian stream
It's quite shocking how gay most vtubers are. I feel like they are never simply straight, they always want a bit of that pussy. Filian is probably the least gay one
More like town bicycle.
I love Nekrolina but she's basically the ultimate jobber for these competitions
some of it’s just yuri baiting but it is interesting
tame impala is for normies booooooo it’s literally Starbucks coffee store background music core
The women energy in this stream is too high for me to comprehend, Filian is like me frfr
take notes and maybe you’ll finally get and keep a gf one day
It's because you probably went from a dork who was watching vtubers in a rented apartment, to a dork spending all their time watching vtubers in your own house.
Also, making it in NA is like being able to afford a 2 bedroom house that somehow costs 0.5-1million dollars for no reason other than the housing market is shit
>Filian is getting exposed as a music normie
Not only that, but out of all normie music she choses the worst ones
That's a woman thing. In my experience, most women are a little bisexual.
the housing market isn’t “shit” so much as populists in the late 19th and early 20th century like Williams Jenning Bryan essentially forced governments to create endless cheap credit and it had the long term side effect of driving up land and asset prices to the stratosphere, but that’s a more a story for /biz/ or /his/.
C’s get degrees filian
Grades don't get the job, anon
there's too many women, my eyes are going cross-eyed 'cause i don't know whose tits i should be looking at
>Do I want to be a engineer?
>No, a cat is fine too
I didn't start watching vtubers outside of a few clips until I was pre-approved for a mortgage but basically.
Will Hina sweep?
She probably makes similar amount of money with less responsibility and effort.
fr, filian usually solo has 8k just reacting to brainrot tiktoks, but the wammening happening here are turning off flian's usual audience so bad that i think a good 2k left just from that lol
and i think itsa good stream anyhow, but yeah the ADHD viewers arent sticking around for this one
It's pretty nice, but it has too little Filian talking unfortunately, but it makes sense. Too many guests for her to talk a lot
cats are based but 4 might be too many
No Filian option in the /flip/ thread. Need to give the others a fair chance.
2 is like the max thats "normal" imo
sorry bros but Lina's RTX is too fine and I don't normally care about that
spoonfeed me, for science
big booby lady wants to play mtg and settlers of catan and then get sushi and do karaoke as her first date
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bro it's on her twitter
I think the 2view opera girl is going to win this one
she’s winning rn for sure unless there’s some sort of subliminal woman thing I’m not picking up on
going camping for a first date is wild
Swedish fish fucks ngl
Well nevermind. The bimbo cat who is secretly smart and debt free wins.
I feel like having an allergy or seversl is another prerequisite to being a vtuber
allergic is code for “it gives me the shits”
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I like this song
She didn't say she was going to an idol meeting.
deh did I just get flashed by dox
>>81565851 (me)
nah I’m just being retarded they’re good
I like how she talks it reminds me of cartoon jfk if they were a woman
I like the park bench date that’s cute and simple
You'll get it when Fillain betrays you one day
>I'm a mutt
Kemonmutt confirmed. She's acknowledged it, it's canon now.
I hate it when they escape the containment of this general
I don't tbqh. Most girls are too paranoid, my first date idea is always a coffee/tea and a cake in a café. Easy to dip if the other party is crazy, it's not expensive and it's with a lot of people around so it's safe, maybe not matter a lot from a man's perspective, but women tend to be far more worried about those things.
I always met the girls I dated irl first at parties or via classes or through mutual friends, but I think that’s a big factor if you meet online
4chan nephews getting shit on rn
Is this women thing not to know those are a thing?
I didn’t know either until very recently tbqh
Maybe I am just weird for checking all the settings as one of the first things I do after getting a new app
Lina yay
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Ugh, damn L punishment
Filian, please don't do this
Actually just a bad idea. It can't be good for her heart/nervous system as a whole. Hopefully she stops after the first one.
Let me quickly google medical advice so I can concernfag on 4chan about why shocking yourself with a little stun gun is going to kill a healthy 20-something girl
Filian kills people for that clip
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remember when filian said she wanted to do a vtuber spelling bee
watching chibidoki play the weird cuck game filian did a few days ago is a totally different experience
I prefer punishments that are embarrassing/unpleasant to do (like eating some cursed food combination) rather than self-harm.
Well now at least she will get near me or smth
my uncle died that way
Well, looking into it, it seems that stun guns are nowhere near as effective as tasers and just hurt somewhere in the range of unpleasant to like hell. Still, I don't want to see Filian actually yelping out in pain.
Same. I feel like in recent YLYL streams she hae been doing more punishments that are simply based around her experiencing some form of physical pain
Idk maybe she likes it
I am starting to think it's possible Filian's desire to inflict punishment on herself far exceeds my desire to watch it happen.
she needs to be sure to receive her daily dose desu
I wonder if it's related to her not feeling like she deserves her success at some level.
Maybe so, but I discovered some seriously not normie music on her channel too. I think she just likes whatever.
She probably just feels like she needs to keep upping the ante. Filian is actually pretty smart
Why is my oshi trying to kill herself on stream for content. Just buy another fetish outfit off booth already everyone will like it more.
She is 100%, but back when she would actually voice her thoughts/feelings and her view count was increasing rapidly, she would say she doesn't deserve it and question it a lot

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