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Are you retarded or what? one of them is not trying to get in hololive to destroy the idol culture.
one has her own fans that don't care, the other is in a corpo with mentally insane fans
Thinking anyone British was going to be free of problems or get along well was a mistake in itself
Unironically because one has blue dorito and the other doesn't.
Doesn't stop people from trying to make the same arguments on Doki but no one cares.
It's the difference between the American and French Revolutions. Building out your brave new vision of v-tubing is a whole lot less destructive and bloody when there isn't a pre-existing idol culture you need to stomp out in order to proceed.
Your previous thread on Doki "male collabing" with U-san had zero traction so now you're trying with ERB? 2/2 on the shit threads so far. Anyways to answer your question so noone else has to:
- Doki is the queen of brotubers, she has goslings but otherwise people think of her as one of the boys instead of a girl. Hence the amount of Futa porn
- ERB is trying to do something that would be fine elsewhere in a company who's fanbase and culture is based on CGDCT.
Again, if you want better bait try calling Doki a troon or ERB a whore. Or better yet, actually watch streams so you know about the people you're talking about
Doki doesn't collab with men.
Doki doesn't belong to a company whose fans have gaslighted themselves into believing that their vtubers are idols.
One is in an CGDCT idol company, the other isn't. Next question.
Doki is as far removed from hololive style vtubing as you possibly can get. Not exactly a fair comparison with an actual Holo talent.
well yeah doki was in a corpo with insane fans
>We are Hololive, a company that manages a group of livestreaming virtual YouTubers [...] we are managing an idol group more similar to AKB48. -Motoaki "Yagoo" Tanigo
>Doki doesn't belong to a company whose fans have gaslighted themselves
whos gonna tell him? KEK
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Well, she technically doesn't belong to such a company. Not anymore anyway.
>- ERB is trying to do something that would be fine elsewhere in a company
Hololive wants this, hence they hired someone who is detached from the culture and is willing to collab and have fun with everyone. Not one talent in hololive as the power to do a collab without the company's authorization.
She is doing her job, if you want to attack someone, attack the company not the talent.
Even if you don't care about male collabs, HoloEN's brand was always built on the girls being cute and seeing them interact.
ERB might eventually be able to shift the culture in the future but she'll have to suffer for pioneering it in the present
If the company really wanted it, why are they letting ERB do all the work herself?
If the rest of Justice were also interacting with the stars on twitter, people would just chalk it up to EU culture just like they do with HoloID and quickly get used to it but ERB doing it alone makes her a black sheep and a target instead
well tecnically the "fans" who still attacking her nowadays is actually her "fans" back then, its just that company typical fans and everyone know that
True nijisisters are an endangered species now. It's hard to find a good anti-Dokithread to extract delicious nijiseethe from without the decent chance it was just some bait thread by another person just like you.
she looks like one tho
One is in Hololive.
One is NOT in Hololive.

Can you figure out the answer, anon?
>they'd quickly get used to it if all of justice were whores
lmao, good one anon
>hololive fanbase is mentally ill
oh no, anyways.
>ERB a whore
She is.
Think of this as being excited for a movie and then seeing an interview with one of the actors or key members of the film and they say something that ruins any chance of you liking it. Personally I don't care that she does this though. There are many vtubers out there, many hololive members if you don't want to leave the garden. Having people show up and watch your stream is a much bigger privilege then watching any of these girls.
It's that easy to destroy idol culture? Sounds like it's weak
I want to agree, but the evidence says otherwise.
If male collabing was such a debuff, ERB's current stream wouldn't be performing better than all her other non karaoke streams and she wouldn't constantly be mogging GG either.
From what i can see, Gigi is going to end up being the runt of the gen but i don't see why?
To be fair people occasionally do try and shit on Doki for this every once and a while.

Only for those of us who actually watch and enjoy Doki to point and laugh at them.
Except actual JP idols do professional male collabs all the time and the JP branch of this very same company is less schitzo than you are about it. I don't know what this mental retardation is, but it's not really idol culture anymore at this point.
>nijisisters are an endangered species now
look at this clueless retarded anon LMAO MY FUCKNG SIDES, whos gonna tell him? ah forget that, its funnier that way
>ERB's current stream wouldn't be performing better
anon, ERB is the worst of her gen, her other genmate literally mogged her on that monetization stream so fuckng hard that its not even funny.
Of course not, she can't do anything to it.
But just because a creep can't destroy a theatre by running on stage taking a giant hemorrhagic shit, the audience watching is sure going to be annoyed at the interruption of service.
but its not destroyed tho? in fact many other corpo want to be idol and doing idol stuff too
>of course not, she can't do anything to it
So you're just a schizo.
>thinks tomboy looks like a man
In that one stream yes, but as always superchats are a SMALL part of a vtuber's income.
In every other stream CC is modestly outperforming her, Gigi is doing worse and Raora is currently in her own league
Gigi is cute, fuck you faggot
Gigi is cute, but facts are facts.
Everyone constantly wants to pretend ERB is the runt but only conveniently compare her with Raora or CC
Hardly, I'm the most-esteemed audience member, and I'm throwing tomatoes at bad actors.
How does she prevent you from watching livers that conform to your idea of idol culture? Why do you think everyone has to be the exact same?
Do we see Doki loitering in the chat of homos day after day with nothing to say or even do but just be a pest seeking attention in their chats, having a bunch of useless non-comments every other minute? No? There we go, that's the magical difference.

Selen, Doki etc were always very professional and cordial with dudes, she is there if they have an actual solid reason to be talkig to her. s
She doesn't hang there just to go "see everyone I like males" as a performative action, a statement in of its own which is what Erb does to a rather shameless degree.
Superchats CAN end up as a negligible amount of a VTuber's income, but it's also one of the most crucial metrics to judge and compare a new talent to other new talents.
The superchat ratios can be generalized to a merchandise potential when compared with their fellows, and THAT metric is the top metric that is half of their corporate marketing power.
Doki is fine because she's a tomboy
One of them is an indie, she can do whatever she wants and no one should care
The other joined a corpo ONLY to change the culture
This is a holo board. Why complain about someone you don't watch?
I dont know shit about Nijisanji, do female members there even had unicorns? I only know that some male members had their share, but not the girls, seeing that Niji was not very unicorn-friendly
After seeing how different ERB is in collabs with the girls and the boys, I can only see a bigtitted tomboy that is in denial, I couldnt feel the thirst I expected to see, she is basically part of the dudes.288kg0
because hololive is different from indies and other corps you fucking discord mongoloid baitfaggot
>In that one stream yes, but as always superchats are a SMALL part of a vtuber's income.
no its not just that, you know who sell merch the most? gura and all the non homo collab, now you guess it.
>In every other stream CC is modestly outperforming her, Gigi is doing worse and Raora is currently in her own league
the other 3 are better than ERB and will be better, this is not made up bs, this is based by facts from other holoEN member too, kiara, gura, fwmc are top earner, and ERB are not one of them.
>I dont know shit about Nijisanji
then do your reps first, end of story, niji are far more parasocial pandering than you think, the difference is they are cuck or trying to hide it so they think ppl will look at them as "normie" their best seller merch are voice packs which is RP for GFE and BFE, you guess it.
So NijisanjiEN had a way less retarded fanbase than Hololive? Lmao, the more you know, sad they had such trash execs and mostly trash talents.
One trapped herself in a work environment that attracts societal scum called unicorns, and the other is Dokibird.
What culture? JP already has its own Doki long ago.
>muh idol culture
kill yourself
>only one of them gets flak for it
Indie vs Corpo
They both do
shitposters. only that.
Doki is an FPS vtuber anon, she plays with males. She's never presented herself differently.
She also doesn't have a hateboner for "idol culture" or undermining the culture, she's just doing what she does. Also she's never been GFE or anything like that
I only came here because my usual feeding grounds at nyfco got nuked. So I came here to feed off the negative emotions of any nijisisters I could find whining about Dokibird, but even they seemed to get rarer and rarer. Or at the very least, more and more frequently replaced with falseflags and baits as opposed to genuine seethe.
It's because Unicorns are a beta psyop for people who don't watch vtubers originally. Then the sisters used it as a weapon to attack other communities with it despite watching homos all the time.
You know the irony is, because she was so isolated and bullied, Selen was one of the only girls who never participated in the whole "offcollab with males" stuff that the Nijis were doing
To add of course it makes sense that vtubers pander only to a male audience and remove inclinations of male relationships. But the realistic situation is that just because your oshi speaks 2 words to a male talent doesn't make you a cuck or she becomes tainted. That sort of brain dead logic is reserved for clingy creep like figures thus the antis of said talent get their way fucking up the fan base with it.
Still social acceptance of such interactions has been monopolized by the EN audience that's why they love to use it as a weapon. JP has evolved beyond it because they don't want to be like their idol/ otaku predecessors who were too far gone with the flesh counterparts.
One of them is british.
and the other one is Doki.
SEA Thread
As the OP... holy shit, I never took that into account.

There is almost zero difference between how Dokibird talks with men and how she talks with women. He'll make fun of RPR for his GF, and then turn around and make a joke about how a flashlight looks like a penis with Gumi. Zero fucks given.
>destroy the idol culture.
correct, ERB is already in Hololive.
But we love Hololive?
walled garden etc
Corpo brainrot.
ERB is not "professional" she wants to eat their tiny brown cocks.
Why the fuck would you think holofags is the same as dokiturdfags
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Brand expectations. Companies have a certain brand, and viewers expect vtubers belonging to that brand to act a certain way. Indies also establish their own brand, and their viewers also grow to have certain expectations about their content. If Shondo collabed with a guy her CCV would plummet. Similarly no one cares about filian not owning her own IP or that she collabs with guys sometimes, but if she played a strategy game and acted low energy she'd get a fraction of her normal CCV. Viewers watch every vtuber for a reason, and if that vtuber fails to live up to their expectations they'll stop watching them.
one is a Niji/Twitch whore the other is a Hololive Idol.
one is ex-niji and one is in a corpo full of retarded virgin male
Honestly, given how little thirst Dokibird ever actually displays, "whore" is actually a pretty rare insult to get lobbed at her.
This made me realize just how much of a bubble hololive is in where basically nothing they do moves the needle at all in the wider vtuber world anymore.

Hololive fans on here are having spirited discussions on who should be allowed to interact within the same company while Doki is showing up at EVO actually interacting with the wider world and expanding the sphere
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our oshi only thirst for fps games ... so many fps streams ...
>This made me realize just how much of a bubble hololive
That's pretty ironic coming from you
She doesn't thirst on stream because starscream isn't real.
Many a unicorn boasts about the walled garden, but in the end, the only real people they have walled off are themselves, standing still as the world moves forward.
I can assume this is bait, but on the off chance this is a genuine question:
Doki/Selen never made any attempt or insinuation that she was trying to curtsy to GFE or Idol culture. think one of her very first collabs was with Bonnivier, and she made it profoundly clear she liked talking with people who were entertaining or fun, rather than what gender they were

ERB showed up to a girl's club and said "YOU KNOW WHAT THIS PLACE NEEDS? SOME GAY COCK!", like 2 of her big tittied senpais did before her
The only one walled off from reality here is you, bubble-kun
Doki isn't a cockhungry fujo, and isn't in an idol company. ERB radiates "desperate for homo attention" which is offputting.
I think GG will be like Fauna in the long run. She's going to get a large dedicated fanbase, but without the sub count
This and stiffing Pomu on her collab projects ruined NijiEN for good
No one gave a shit about Yugo or Zaion. Mysta leaving sucked but it made little difference to the female side. Nina leaving made a dent, and i'm pretty sure viewership went UP when Kyo left
one is an ex niji indie
the other is supposed to be a holo
when you find shit in the toilet nobody is surprised
when you find shit on the kitchen table now there is cause for concern
there is a criminal lack of porn of Selen getting dicked by robots
>2 male-collabors, but only one of them gets flak for it.
Doki is her own brand
ERB is riding on the company's brand
Because one is cute, that's why
Kek this got post got them steaming
But you don't love them when they collab with the boys, correct?
only retarded people like you would care if they trying to destroy idol culture where that shit doesnt even exists in the west
ERB is annoying

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