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/nasa/ - doko edition 2024.5AD

>Main links
Debut VOD : https://youtu.be/3Tv5GyebhQo
Last Stream : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TyZ3rE1kY-Y
Next Stream : no link yet
Sana's Twitter : https://twitter.com/tsukumosana
Current schedule : https://twitter.com/tsukumosana/status/1437120526510538752

>Where can I find arts?
Twitter : https://twitter.com/search?q=%23galaxillust&src=hashtag_click
Danbooru : https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=tsukumo_sana
Pixiv : https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/九十九佐命/artworks
Azure-gallery : https://azure-gallery.net/illusts?query=vtuber%3A九十九佐命

LIVE : #SanaLanding
Fanart : #galaxillust
Fan name : Sanallite
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Knock it off
I don't understand this meme.
I want her back
bluezkaito pls go
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I get it
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What is the meaning of this bread
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Whatever you want it to be
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This is a good answer.
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sana sexo
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bit early of a /nasa/ thread for her graduation anniversary but I won't complain
Good fucking lord
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she had a stellar body
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Sudden sana bread? Ok sure, luve me space waifu
hell yeah mang
Waste of a sex concept on an ugly model and a horrendous, ungrateful streamer
I miss her big, fat choco tits
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Begone bench warmer
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love space baby forever
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When she read my supa about the sanallites living in bread boxes and then sung to us
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Her design was okay but the artstyle and rigging were both awful.
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Those proportions are...
She is two-thirds leg by bodymass.
I hate it but also it's hot.
We could have had this in 3D...
I miss her voice so much bros. Why did I have to fall for the one streamer that hates streaming.
I know, right?
I was already weak to that accent, and she was so bubbly and chill and thoughtful on top of it all.
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Same brother, I still listen to her streams when Im sad or alone
cute feet
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