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New flavour Edition

>What is /choc/?
A general to discuss vtubers that have tanned, caramel, chocolate or overall darker skin color. EN, JP, Male, Babi, anything goes.

>Our Menu list

>/Choc/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)

>Other Threads of interest:

If you want to add something to the Menu, reply to the OP.

Previous Thread >>81349849
I love brown women.
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New choc chuuba from a new corpo is debuting today: Acti Matatab!
Always happy for more megane choc
Some manner of creature or thing, and it's brown.
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Azura is doing ASMR
interesting way to do a debut.
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>needy streamer overlord
is everyone internet woman literally tomoko?
is every
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OOOOH she's Waffle! Finally just got that.
She's cute.
watching charlotte makes me question my racism
Big Danganronpa energy. Which I love. I really like her model and general vibe so far.

It took me a minute for it to click too.
How could you hate brown tits?
She's doing a collab with her genmate now.
Also live is the bear.
And Bambi
And this choc loli
>watching charlotte's stream without pants on since she started
bros I don't think I'm surviving this
Imagine how this outfit would look on other Choc chubbas...
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Nellie is doing a marathon
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Dis cute freckled monkey is live playing Fortnite!
She's lighter than Nyaru. Get her out of here.
stop self posting yuii
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we used to post scarle lookalikes but now we have a sena lookalike
Chuni oga live
I love tanlines.
Char is such ryona bait, imagine dripping hot wax over her tits
Ceelio is playing LoZ OoT: Master Quest
Mumkey is finishing up Mega Man X
My cute snake and also my wife is live!! (almost 2 hours ago but dont mind that

Neiru just started too and is playing roblox
sex with this thing
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Scarle is doing a 2 year Anniversary Handcam
The choc is infectious
omg choc hi
hello anon-chan :)
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The vod may have been lost to time but its been a full year since selfposting and by god a lot has changed since then but most importantly there are now choc frens that I love (platonically of course) and miss dearly
OMG, ANON!! HI!!!!
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Choc olev!
Going to jerk off to kyubalt
I want to have sex with this monkey.
Do you think if you slapped ogas ass with a full swing would his milk duds booty cheeks quake like a rolling ocean wave or just clap each other back and forth like two massive and juicy balls in a Newton's crattle?
you're describing different slapping motions anon. you'll only get the newton cradle of oiled up dark meat with a side attack. slapping head on like you're trying to paddle a naughty boy will compress the plump choco ass and make it ripple outward. a vertical slap can make it bounce like it should be in a twerking video.
slap your own ass as an example to learn a little physics. and if you're a cute brown boy tell us how it felt
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night choc
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Up next on /choc/! Times in JST.
NOW RipSkip | https://www.twitch.tv/ripskip
>12AM: Hayama | Fatal Frame
>4AM: Azura | Chained Together Collab
>6AM: Maiko | Simple Saturday
>7AM: Nyaru | VRChat FanMeet
AND: Char | Licensed Kusoge
>8AM: Ceelio | Lilo and Stitch (Discord)
>11AM: Nyaru | VKetNyan x Vket Ambassador Meet
AND: Kyu | Detroit become human
>12PM: Neon | FFXIV
AND: Scarle | 2 Year Wheel of Chat's Demands
AND: Sena | Roblox
>1PM: Mumkey | Act Raiser
>8PM: Kiri Kilovolt | Birthday Party

It will be Kiri's birthday today! She's celebrating at 8PM.

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