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Dedicated to the discussion and linking of any and all Vtubers with love for Retro Games and their Retro Streams.

>Useful Links
Retro Chuubas: https://rentry.org/vrt-Chuubalist
/vrt/ Divegrass Team: https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vrt/
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv


Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
V&U + Korean Vtubers Thread >>>/vt//vnug/
Mozumi Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
/vrt/ LOVE!
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Ongoing Streams

Moriko, Nina Saotome, Mint and Grape are koraboing playing Mario Party 3 with Crowd Control

Ririka is playing Fatal Frame 1

Bloom is doing a grab bag of NES Sports games

Haru Mizuki is playing Ocarina of Time Ship of Harkinian

Charlotte is playing Pokemon Emerald Kaizo Romhack

Darby is playing Ocarina of Time

Tsuyu is playing OSRS

Empress Chronikle is playing Final Fantasy 6
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>Who would accidentally call you Onii-chan and get embarrassed
Riona, Meche, Dianko, Lumi
>Who would do it only if you asked her to, with visible disgust
Hespera, Karin, Yuma, Alker
>Who would ask you first if she can call you that
Tomomi, Joru, Kiki
>Who would tell you to call her Onee-chan instead
Freya or Ami most likely
Kinda want to add Yuno to this list given her preferences, but she's so damn antihorny I can't even imagine her having sex.
Bloom speedrun time.
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Pretty good amount of streams.
It's sports games, if there is any running it should be speed!
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Bunny hopping with Karin in Morrowind right now if she isn't eeping already.
such a cute
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Techibi's last stream with with model before her 2.0 starts in 12 minutes, Final Fantasy X!
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Super Meche is catching pokemon in Pokemon Gold in 10 minutes
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Lumi is playing Deadspace in 9 minutes unless she oversleeps again. Probably beating it this stream.
Does a schedule really help with Ririka? You can just assume she is streaming at any time are will be right more than 50% of the time.
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I love how she adds fun outfits to her model.
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Hespera is live! She's playing PS1 Resident Evil 2, Claire's route.
Is cute?
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Don't forget Nina for Onee-chan.
Techibi is LATE!
Meche is LATE!
Onolumi was LATE but is LIVE!
whens yuma
Not soon enough
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>Morning voice Lumi
She is in the schedules. Yuma is in less than 18 hours.
Mche is live as a pngtuber!
loliNina is the greatest disaster in the history of indie vtubing
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Meche.png cute
Lumi sneeze
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These lumi ear blessings are retro
125 already
Haru has forgotten everything about OoT.
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Hank Hill is playing Donkey Kong 64
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I wonder how many breaks.
She looks so eepy
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Borgar gang!
Jowu, Ami and now Lumi all in less than 24 hours.
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The doggos woke and went crazy for the borgar too
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Lumi think she should stop drinking beer...
You can't drink all day if you don't start in the morning.
Meche head and Meche butt
It's rude to talk with your mouth full Lumi.
>Meche keeps killing the bowbows
Lumi is considering selling the line gun. Too bad she upgraded it but it was only once. She is likely better off getting rid of it.
>buying nods
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>Scared of Thunder
>Scared of Darkness
120 bpm and I'm deaf.
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But LoliNina is cute.
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What took you so long?
>Meche knows about vaporeon
Bots… lumi needs your support
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Late Primrose is live and playing AD&D Pool of Radiance for the NES.
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Is Charlotte a hag?
tomorrow is my super bowl
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Hag is 30+ so no way. Charlotte is a brat.
It is funny hearing Yuma feel nervous and worried about such a big collab and hoping the others will take the lead, then hear every girl mention they are going to depend on Yuma for guidance.
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Lumi doko
what gave you that idea?
Haru doesn’t geddit
Meche is against dating pokemon. Digimon tho…
dumb american slut
dumb russian slut
dumb greek slut
dumb finnish slut
dumb german slut
pure fairy girl
Wait, Dianko is joining in too?!
anon, Yuma is a fairy too...
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It's a cutscene!
There was a time she was known as the anal fairy… it was even proposed as her divegrass name initially before a better idea was had.
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anal sex with Yuma!
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>with yuma
But.... but.... but anon...
The week of shitty endings continues!
Lumi doesn’t geddit
Meche trying to finish series next month so that she can start more themed months.
Lumi heavy breathing asmr (screams)
Lumi clapping reminds me of a seal
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Meche ordering Pizza from pizza hut?
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Rena Dreamstar is playing Toy Story 2 Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue
What the fuck
Where's the pizza
They deleted her card in their database.
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>Rena trying to wink and grin like buzz
holy cute
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Mecha gasping for joy when she found him so quickly was adorable.
She loves him for being funny looking. She loves dumb ugly pokemon.
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Lumi wants to hold hands, it's nearly final boss time.
Caught him, she is crying with joy over booba.
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Batto is playing Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Lumi got a drink, she's ready to go (she is not ready to go)
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Kiki playing EVO The Theory Of Evolution SOON
Meche ending already I can’t believe it has already been over 90 minutes.
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Indie koyote is playing FF6 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5prlYsYBFtc
Next week Meche is playing a WESTERN game.
Kute Koyote
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>Behind attack
Dick move
Meche gone…
Haru peeved about non-humans sounding human is funny.
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>Doesn't know what plants are
>Has literally never touched grass
I love how flat she is ToT
>Chapter 12: Dead Space
Wow they said the thing
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Nina is playing Final Fantasy 7
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>Haru trying a memory game
Not his strong point
Primrose naming all the characters after plants is cute.
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Black sheep Ceelio is playing Ocarina of Time Master Quest
Lumi my ears
He got it
The ending sequence of Dead Space sucks. Even for a sucky game it sucks.
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Another short Ririka stream
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>Next week Meche is playing a WESTERN game.
Meche's schedule is out
What the fuck Meche
Maybe she played it when she was younger.
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Meche wants to host another Retromantique collab
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Meche joining in Morrowind Multiplayer would be amazing.
I hope Lumi is having fun with this game because escort quest for a big rock isn't my idea of it.
You think she will be watching the korabo?
The squirmy fast necromorphs don't even make sense here. They are the soldiers that had stasis nodes that came on another ship so why are they here too?
Meche art of herself is pure sex
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Final Boss sequence time?
This year she will be super SEXY meche
Another backseater is melting cause Lumi is playing suboptimally...
Finally, some good taste from Meche
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Any art of Meche is pure sex
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Slump Neko is playing Spyro the Dragon
They look bigger
Built for sweaty paizuri
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Time for more TWEEEESTs
>They look bigger
Elementary schooler hands typed this post
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>Built for sweaty paizuri
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Big Bushy Eyebrows
What if she uses mods. It could make things exciting.
>oops she dead
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>COOOOOL! (what now)
She likes it
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>"Hi streamer I just got here, I see you're about to SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER and then after that SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER will happen"
>"Don't worry I won't spoil anything more than there's SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER"
Every time, and it's the same fucking grey name that does this every stream
She told him that things are better if you don't know what is coming this time too.
yeah its really cringe
Lumi is too kind to her bots sometimes...
When that thing falls it can actually kill you if you are too close. Would’ve been funny to see.
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I wonder who could be behind this post...
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Lumi did it!
>am I really safe
Too predictable.
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Lumi loved it.
Time to collect Lumi's thoughts
>Liked the plot
>Liked the characters having twists
>Thinks the loot was a good amount but limited enough to still need to collect it
>Liked the ending sequence with 11 and 12, 10 and before had too many fixing things that needed to break
>Liked how OP the plasma cutter is
>LOVED the boss fights
Doggos time
What expression is this trying to convey?
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MumkeyDee is live
Tonight she is finishing Mega Man X
>spoiling the entire sequel games
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Why is he like that?
Youtube is horrible about shadowbans so I can understand some of that sentiment.
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Indie doggo time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_6euIXRHPM
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Lioh the Aussie lion girl vtuber is celebrating her 30th brithday by getting drunk and playing Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island.
Cuteness and sharp intellect
Dangerously moe
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Finally some good fucking random indie
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Kiki is so cool be play at EVO this year.
You think she'll play the sequels?
Probably will at some point.
Only a matter of time for AC2 and DS2
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Lumi didn’t like the part with the fart monsters that needed to be killed.
The radioactive balls in space part too.
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>The story is good and at the same time not good
>The good part is the whole thing
>The not nice part is the part where you need to keep fixing things and they keep breaking
I get it. It is ripping off system shock 2 so it is full of fetch quests or other side tracking on your way to your objective to make things longer, just like System and Bio shocks.
No Oh No Lumis is surprising.
>Haru is 5 hours in and only has the Goron ruby
Lumi gone...
Lumi still hasn't put the sneaky backstabbing sticker in the store.
>Another retro hag
Mumkey gets frustrated with even simple platforming.
You can ask her on twitter but I recall her saying she doesn't have control on when the store lists new stickers she adds.
That makes sense, they would often appear mid-stream. Thank you.
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The short she did showing off pictures of her cats was sweet.
In awe at the size of those lad, the absolute unit
Rena gone...
>The emphasis on SAN and CHAN
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Ami's new cover song is premiering in 18 hours. Are you excited?
Techibi gone...
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Right so that is why Mumkey stopped Megaman X last time.
>Kiki pretending to eat herself on the member notification
cute rabba
Kiki giving a little lady update, champies donated so she could get some needed surgery.
You can't blame her, that filtered out so many kids
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Meche loves stupid slimes!
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Also she should be finishing the freya sprite for animation soon.
Kiki blasted off again
Kiki gone...
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Fuck it, went ahead and ordered some stickers now instead of waiting. Limiting myself to only three lobsters was a tough decision.
It wasn’t blaming. I was recognizing the wall of a boss from my own childhood there.
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Lobster Lumi is powerful cute, good choice.
What are you going to do with them all? Other than stick them on your forehead or maybe peepee like Lumi said.
What other 5 did you pick?
wish she had magnets too...
The only magnet is the plasma cutter one, I wonder why.
I think Meche and Freya might have influenced the vote in Jowu's poll for her next JRPG. Odin Sphere is Winning now.
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Gonna watch Blade Runner with Lumi. Even the VOD is lagging in HD...
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This is what I picked

I'm putting all the lobsters on my truck's rear window so that only other truck and SUV drivers can see them. The rest will be distributed on my consoles so that I may tap into the Primal Lumi Energy while I blast through retro games.

You can just buy blank fridge magnets to put your stickers on. Not as clean, but at least then you can use them to actually hold stuff up.
I don’t know why Lumi is so much more impacted than every other channel. An anon said he had a fix last thread though?
The hay hiding Lumi is very cute and the dump truck Lumi is perfect for putting on a truck.
Yeah, I posted that fix, but it hardly works for me. Sometimes it's smooth in full HD, ten minutes later it's sluggish in 360p
She switched to GTA: Vice City
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She did beat him but what a classic
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Haru's been sucked into the fishing minigame black hole
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Adding one of these to the MM 3ds remake sounds like one of the only good change they made but I never played it to know.
How long has he been at it, it isn't that hard.
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The new aussie hag is playing Super Metroid
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>Only now realized there is no Jowu today
Lumi talks about travelling overseas where cinemas don't have seat placements on tickets. I only heard that Philippines were using this system
I mean...
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It's this place again...
Dianko is LATE
So many chuubas go to here and then quit for the day or beat and end. Works naturally because of it being the last of the kid dungeons for a long time.
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Almost beat it. The dungeons are easy, it is everything else slowing him down.
She claims she doesn't smoke grass but i'm not so sure...
Sometimes her reaction times are on point but others they're so fucking slow lmao
dianko, at this hour???
It's more likely than you'd think.
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Those crafty wenches really did manage to tip the scales, huh?
I'm so upset I can't even reply properly
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>no blasto
This is an RPG poll, Blasto is for a different slot.
It will still be fun
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here you go
>What's that icon floating on your head? Probably nothing important...
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Lumi sees the sex scene
>starts moaning and raging
>oh no no nonono...
>Oh fuck me...
I dongeddin
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Michaki is live
Lumi didn't geddit Blade Runner...
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yeah she's a little bit on the slow side...
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Almost 12 hours in, he did give up on the original 100% goal
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Grinding stream in an hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EY7GnarIuc
we want truxton
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nooo i wanted to eep
Lumilive https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EY7GnarIuc
Patra live https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iCwJDBsY9Q

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