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Content Creator Edition


>Timetable / Schedule:

>Last Stream:

>Next Live:

>Unarchived Karaoke:

>Original Songs:
>ABOVE BELOW【hololive English -Justice- Debut Song】

>【COVER】OTONABLUE (Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame)

>【DEBUT】Ello Ello Ello~! #hololiveEnglish #holoJustice


#BloodflameLive #BloodflameArt #BFKingdom

Previous thread: >>81441673

Don't feed the seagulls
Luv me 'Liz
God save the Queen
Simple as.
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A before shot
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Hag Love!
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Hag love borgir
I'm excited to see next week's schedule. Today was fun.
>SC reading
>Justice Jam
>karaoke rebroadcast
there you go
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Kindly report the nigger who posted NSFW harassment art in her twitter tags
ERB was hired exclusively by Yagoo to improve Holostars revenue

Stay mad seagulls, stay shitting yourselves
And yes, since she is a Holostars member that means she has a big dick just like boys do
We are in collab season now. We had Mumei last week, several Minecraft this week and the stars collab. There will be a non Justice Jam collab next week too.
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I wouldn't put much trust in twitter moderation if I were you.
>Ame pfp
Definitely a falseflagger pretending to be a teamate (?)
Better than doing nothing
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Timetable for the remainder of the week
its all about upsetting the algo to the point that the robo janny shows up
trust the human moderators as little as i trust elon
hope we get a collab with Mori some day
see you for some singing later then, gonna head to the gym
she likes burgers just like me frfr
need these two going down memory lane while playing something chill
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couldn't make the collab on time, but just finished the VOD, that was not bad actually, some good moments
was expecting more loud autism
a pleasant surprise tbf
there is a collab concept in that picture
I saw only two guys, Probably just one with alts, reposting the ThiccwithaQ art. I expected nore desu.
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Hag Love!
>they're not sending their best
sasuga gulls
>Broken English
>Check profile
Every time.
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>saturday morning
>birds are singing
>its cold outside
>put on stream and eat cereal
life is good
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Oh fuck yeah, a good couple of hours of karaoke before I head out to work and to put on for the commute there.
Don't mind if i do.
Kek one of them is actually the embodiment of the Stan meme
Twitter swatting never changes
Some people should've been bullied more growing up
Goodnight Rosarians! I definitely caught a cold so I'm going to try to sleep it off.
Get better soon! See you at Liz' karaoke radio tomorrow
hope we get more DLC for Elden Ring, its been a great ride so far
gn bro cya later
not sure if nuclear test or just opening the blinds after sleeping in
Warning: You will CHOKE AND DIE on the cereal if you watch the collab. It's too funny
the two sort of blend if your room is dark enough
I actually have some lot gripes about this dlc. Just from the story perspective, it wasn't perfect. But yeah I agree with More Elden Ring = More Win
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Certainly think we got our money's worth in new toys and abilities to play around with, but will concede that the story indeed is a tad flimsy
Is there a new queen and jester fanart that was born from today yet?
and why are most enemies just black phantoms, like 80% of enemies in the dlc are black/white phantoms for some strange reason keklol
Have not seen any yet, but its a reasonable project for someone to take on
At least its been a great ride to revisit NG+ with the new tools in hand, very satisfied with that
She could be a pirate captain in OnePiece
one can hope~
nypa faggot
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I wonder what game is on the menu for the next JusticeJams
Jackbox would be fun.
ye or gartic phone, could see some good laughs in both
And it seems they've all got at least a few points in art, so there wouldn't be the one who draws stick figures.
to be fair, I do enjoy some good stick figures and watching a thread spiral in to cryptic non-sense as the next links struggle to understand wtf is going on
Creativity is more important than artistry in that game.
makes me wonder if we could get a passpartout playthrough, Liz is cozy when she is playing something at a slow pace while talking
I too really want a drawing stream in her next schedule
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NTRknight is perfect fit for ERB
>CC correcting GGs brattyness
Everything in order
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This design is amazing! I want to look like this!!!
That took hours to make. That's complete ERB dedication^^
Nice concept, picture a room full of seemingly empty helmets suddenly sprouting armed limps. Its cute.
would like this too
just needs varying helmet types for that hilarious flavor
Yes please, hope she goes with something like that
The blue ones are cuter imo
we need color and helmet choices for sure
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Lets make it happen
3 hours left
>eat cereal
you can only post here if you are over 18
+1 for different helmets
Just missing weapon and shield. I vote for maces so we can bonk.
Make it like an NFT generator with like 20 different options for 10 different aspects of the pic.
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I've seen three separate accounts but they're all the same salty faggot from Singapore.
nice piece
feel bad for them
imagine spending your days on stuff you hate
anti's suffer a harsh fate that way
I like that lion design, hope the Bloodflame Kingdom lets animals of all kinds serve
apparently it's zoki?
lions make more sense, I feel like.
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Liz stated that she likes penguins, so we are not getting around that at least, hope lions persist in the fan-art tho, because who doesn't like a noble cat
wouldnt mind both
like the concept on >>81613025
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Rewind Karaoke is LIVE btw
you can tune in and chill with it in the background:

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