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/vt/ - Virtual YouTubers

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Why are new vtubers like this?
VTubers shape their audience and their audience shapes VTubers in turn. They will be molded. They are soft clay right now, primed for the taking. Give them time. They will learn about the male collab and the cunny culture.
They are tourists that try to infiltrate the hobby.
>blue checkmark
>profile covered in "controversial" takes
>"""transmasc""" woman
>blatant shota avatar
this is engagement farming, and since you post twitter threads both you and this person should kys
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Well its fine isn't it?
Their carreer will end with them getting harassed into suicide watch/disapearing forever from the internet
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Why did you think it was a good idea to screenshot the twitt of a random no name western indie vtuber, and then post it here?

It's literally a ragebait to get interactions on Twitter, people get mad and reply or quote him, so he gets more interactions and because he has Twitter blue, he gets money from those interactions.

You are just helping him to get more money by giving him publicity here on 4chan.

The best thing you can do, it's press the 3 dots on the top right, and tell Twitter to not recommend this user and move on.
This is her(?) model.
>male vtuber
>is retarded in the unfunny way
Every goddamn day
thats cute not pedo
nuke twitter
is this a troll? both images look identical
Well you see
>Insert retarded art analisis declaring the style to be pedophilic in nature and show how to make it cute instead
>forhead too big? pedophile!
is this where they call all anime girls pedobait?
>BECAUSE kids are cute

>6 heads tall? PEDOPHILE
Their DMs are open, imma do something really funny
Why are you giving this retarded vtweeter attention?
Kill all moralfags
I was on twitch yesterday i see a new 1 view chubba playing darksouls 3 i notice the game has not started yet so i get excited. I think to myself shes cute looking maybe i have found a new streamer to watch. So i clicked on the stream she starts ranting about evil parasocial viewers and being very derogatory towards her own fans and other streamers. She states she loves drama and is here to laugh at all the mental illness. I never clicked off a stream faster in my life all i could think after that was who hurt this girl that she herself is that god damn unhinged and psychotic the woman was tone deaf and peak cringe.
eyes of consent
Round faces are absolute PEAK and I will fight to death anyone who disagrees.
It's always those type who are have actual CP on their computer. They do this to try to divert attention. I give it about a month until some 14 year old comes out saying "this guy groomed me and sent me nudes"
>Hey everyone look at me! I've been harrraaaaaassssed!
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Is this round enough?
need a second ass with reddit on it
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OP has a point y'know y'all.
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how do these people get into this hobby
The only thing I got from all of this is that we need MORE vtuber models like that, there are NOT ENOUGH
Literally what the fuck is the difference
She's right tho. Neoteny is a trait that specifically attracts men with pedophile attractions, which obviously has been demonized in the West over the last 50 years. Even tho, a very significant percentage of people, mostly men, have these attractions to pre to barely pubescent girls. Lolicons are the biggest hypocrites for trying to gaslight everyone into believing that there's absolutely no connection between fiction and reality.
I can't say the difference, both seems moeblob lolis to mee
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lolicons are winning minds every single time someone complains about them.
too fat to start an OF
that can't be true
on a literal level
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5 pixel difference
both of those are loli
They're the same picture, aren't they?
These are the same people who cry when you draw some pokemon girl with flat chest.
i used to hate gatekeepers but when i see twitch whores like this invading i realize they were right all along
>tit scars
Am I blind or is this a troll image
There is no difference
there's a reason for that, as you expect
>anons discover normies see past the bullshit and know loli is just a bandaid fix for pedophiles
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He got the memo.
She/he isn't a vtuber in the first place. This guy spent more time on this theory (about 10 minutes) then she spent with streaming this month
I wish these types of people would fuck off already.
There are no pupils in that image. People don't know the definition of words anymore. Sad.
This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen, either face could be cunny or not cunny. I'm guessing this is a vtweeter who wants to be a loli without anyone saying they're one?
I agree but it's ironic that someone with that model talks about what is pedophilia. That model is either chibi which is an art style or a 6 months old baby
both of those are fictional, that size of a forehead is a deadly tumour irl has absolutely nothing to do with children
Wouldn't be surprised if we see her in Vshojo later on, a personality like that is a perfect fit.
This. /thread. Spbp. Based and redpilled. Gatekeeping is a good thing. Keep scum like this out of your hobbies, everyone.
>probably a fujo that trooned out to live out her yaoi fantasies
kids shouldn't have access to internet
Actually, loli is based.
Just block any tranny and move on. Don't give them the attention they want.
Well it's too late now isn't it faggot
It makes perfect sense.
these are barely different from eachother
I can see the difference, but they both look like lolis anyway. top one is more suggestively lewd though so he's not wrong in saying it's lolicon bait
normalfags got into anime, they complain about panservice, jks with big tits, young girls, they complain about boobshakes in anime games or characters wearing something revealing, and they are here to stay sadly.
But also when it's a whore vtuber flaunting her tits and shilling her only fans with RTX it's stunning and brave chud, it's only bad if japanese-like girl does it.
No way, are those zipper tits?
That is why Mickey Mouse stopped looking like a rat and started looking like a cursed mouse toddler.
>me saying i sound 12 bc im a trans dude pre-T does not make me a pdf believe it or not
I don't get it.
That’s just cope if you already believe the top to be a child. Normies who know nothing about anime in general are going to look at this and think both are supposed to represent children.
https://youtu.be/zy9V7jYABOA?si=EXj95OD8Rkr4zonB :/
How can you be an actual and ironic pedophile at the same time?
You deserve it
They are either unironically mentally challenged or are an false flag anti trying to go viral based on how absurd the post is to get normalfags QRTing them on "um ackshullay all anime is pedo"
jesus christ fuck off.
the fucking drawing's differences are so miniscule that it's negligible.
Act annoyed and self-righteous and people will think you have a point
I'm being gaslit, these are the same picture but in a different color I swear to fucking god.
>twitter screencap thread
You really shouldn't worry too much since twitch indies who get twitter points for shitting on loli have no influence over the jap corpos that actually control vtubing as an industry.

Didn’t gatekeep hard enough
Fuck off Rev.
Shondo tbdesu
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I'll be honest, i can't see the difference between these two heads.
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Jimmy Neutron physiognomy
It's not a very good example, the differences are so minuscule that it's hard to even see them. The eyes and eye brows are moved up a bit and the pupils are slightly smaller on the second one.

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