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>decides to taze herself
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This is a Bad Idea Edition

>Who is Filian?
White haired and bushed kemonomutt girl(?). Hyperactive zoomer vtuber. Fruit snack goblin. She does her best to entertain her fans!

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/filian
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@filianIsLost
Twitter: https://twitter.com/filianIsLost

>Notable Clips
Filian breaks containment
Filian is bilingual?
When $20 is $20
If I Laugh, I Get Punished #3

>Featured Streams
The VTuber Awards 2023, hosted by Filian
Monopoly with Pippa, Dokibird and Lumi
Filian & Vedal vs Neuro
Filan & MariMari_EN Watch ONE Championship Fight Night 21

>Fan music videos
Love Taste
My Vtuber Life

Vod Archival Guide
Stream Archives
Thread baking instructions

>Usual schedule
Mon, Wed, Fri, Sat
21:05 - 24:00 UTC

>Recent Streams

IRL COOKING collab w/ Vedal and Neuro


>Previous Thread
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We let the thread fall off page 10 without baking very shameful /flip/.
>manages to cook an edible chicken bake
Results were better than expected, I wouldn't have considered it unreasonable to put money on that stream ending with Vedal's kitchen on fire.
I love watching filian’s streams, I think that she is very fun and entertaining and her content is a bright spot in my day/week
based and same
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>tfw you do a flip, misjudge the distance, end up landing on the taser, which goes up your butt, then turns on in the process
it’s like the toy cars in jackass except even worse
honestly, vedal seems like the kind of person who cooks regularly.
The lengths this kemonomutt will go to to act out her humiliation and masochism fetishes are truly inspiring.
he’d be a fool not to, the slop they give you in restaurants and fast food places nowadays is criminal unless you pay out the ass, and even then I’ve had genuinely bad $75 steaks and stuff like that
The beef industry in the US made such huge mistakes. They focused so much on marbling/fat content to increase their profits that they completely ignored the taste. Good tasting beef has been completely bred out of most American cattle.
well you know, american consumers. we shop with our eyes.
how would you pitch yourself if you were on a dating show and filian was the prize
Autistic millionaire software engineer.
I tell her that I enjoy repairing electronics and welding chairs. Then I show her my soldering irons and welding helmet.
I'd tell her I know how to repair drywall and cook
I would tell her that I’m in obsessive parasocial love with her and have been for years
I would just charge at her and pull on her tail until security pried me off.
has bao’s sister been on streams before, or was that basically her first time?
Bao's done a couple streams where she brought her on I think.
I'm obsessed with Filian's tight dancer body and flat chest
strikes me as someone to use a taser on her genitals
what about her plump badonkadonk
I like the front side of a woman more. Hips and boobies are the best.
Can we address the fact that Filian referred to herself as a mutt today? I think it was a clear signal to us that she's /here/
That might be a reference to the fact that nobody can tell whether she's a cat or a fox.
pippa also called her a mutt, could be that
I call her a mutt in chat...
we fell off fr fr
no we didn’t, we’re just regrouping for the long campaign
she was referencing you specifically dude
nah, autistic millionaire SWE’s are a dime a dozen in the states
We need someone to properly drop kemonomutt in chat. They'll be outing themselves, but anyone who reacts to it will also be outing themselves.
I have a burner twitch account that idgaf about, next time it’s on topic I’ll expose myself
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really wanna touch Filian's butt
does he increase the sentence every time? (assuming no copycats)
ye it’s basically our one ritual post
filian shouting "penis" at the end of the neuro stream was pretty funny
chad shit
is this the zoomer humor
so why was filians voice so different than the clip from four years ago?
Every thread I add one really, and I'm not stopping until I hit character limit
she started smoking cigarettes
Back then she was putting on a voice to sound more feminine because she's insecure about how she sounds but after some point she dropped the act and used her natural voice
lil fil sociopath :3
layna status?
Burned out on filian content. gonna take some time off man. just feels like same old shit
She's a little bit kooky
someone should sound cli[p filian at 1h44s from the latest stream. im too boomer to do so myself
You weren't kidding about the boomer part.
If you haven't noticed, vtubers are all smoke and mirrors. Look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qqvRDOfvEw or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SY4V-mSE5VU
save me menhera woman
Is it only me or does she sound different this stream
Her voice is still dead from being sick
I hope Filian gets better soon. Listening to her cough sucks.
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I decided to not remind about baking once and just went to sleep and this is what you guys do?
I'm not sweating it. It was only a couple of minutes. I'm not posting here on cooldown. It's unreasonable to expect anyone else to do it.
So how old is s bao? I assumed she was a hag based on what I've seen of her irl stuff. But it sounds like her younger sister is maybe just out of high school or something.
mid to late 20s like most other chuubers
IIRC it was leaked that she's like 26 or 27. Don't quote me on that though
it was a full hour btw
I mean I don't really mind either, but I do find it funny how it has happened the one time I decided not to bother with it
Didn't feel like it to me. I must have been busy.
it’s friday night anon we’re hanging out with our friends
At this point I feel like 90% of vtubers are this age, the remaining 10% is split roughly evenly between younger ones and older ones like Layna
Haha yeah...
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good one anon
Night. Catch you all tomorrow for YLYL.
she is going to regret tazing herself...
gn anon filyDreams
am i wrong for vastly preferring solo or small collab streams? filly feels distant in these dating stream things...
No, I'm with you. Collabs with lots of people feel like they should be exciting, but once you get more than 3 people on stream all trying to yap it just becomes noise. Especially when it's over discord.
I feel the same man, liked the stream with Vedal&Neuro but the moment that date show came on i just couldn't stand it. The whole concept seems so overdone and dull/inorganic to me and seen dozens of the same exact streams and it gets so old.
which olympic discipline has the most flipping and could filly win gold in it?
Same, but I do enjoy those dating shows, the issue is however, with how the contestants always have to balance actually trying to make it serious enough so it does anyhow feel like they attempt to hook up, but unserious enough to not make it awkward, which results in somewhat similar acts from each contestant (like this one has 4 cats instead of 3 and this one can play flute while the other sings in opera). Not to mention it gets a bit loud and hard to focus with so many people and Filian can't talk as much since she is the host.
So while I do think they are kinda fun, the reality is I watch them simply because I really like Filian.
I guess we have about 3 different ritual posters. Someone usually posts chattuh at the beggining of each /flip/, the butt guy and the good morning guy. Nice
They are better as youtube videos with heavy editing, but not so fun to watch as actual streams. I think Filian only does them basically for youtube.
Fucking great, I'm retarded. I updated my browser on mobile, it started crashing the instant it loaded 4chan, I assumed that it may have something to do with my userscript not working well on that version (I used a slightely dated one since I manually edited some of it and didn't feel like editing it all over again just to update the script) so I put it temporarily into trash to download the newest version to see if this is what's causing that. Nope, still crashing on 4chan. So I wanted to bring back my old script and my fucking retarded ass delted it entirely instead of bringing it back fucking awesome.
damn RIP
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posting from le discord again
art contest numero dos coming up shortly, will post poll link when available
Cute art
>"I already ATE ((((SHIT)))). And a SHIT ton of ripest truffles. You know what that means."
filian isn't suffering enough from being sick so she decided to taze herself
Real question, is filian's fan base younger than average for vtubers?
I tried watching her doing some collabs and she screams so much it makes my head hurt, trying to figure out if that's because I'm old and decrepit or just because it's a preference thing. The screaming and at times performative shock/outrage reminds me of PewDiePie in the amnesia/dark souls 1 days, which I used to like because I was very young.
not necessarily but i think having a larger fanbase will obviously include a larger demographic of people (including young people)
it’s not really clear to me, if I had to guess she has a lot of young zoomer fans due to the loud = funny bit, but her viewer demographics are honestly a mystery to me
Fair enough, it was just a gut feeling hypothesis. Obviously with how big she is (good for her), there'll be more young people in absolute terms, I was just wondering if it was in relative terms too.
Thanks anon, I guess without metrics we'll never quite know. Wouldn't surprise me though, just because that kind of content seems to attract young people (PewDiePie, IShowSpeed, there's a lot of loud content creators that seem to attract young fans).
probably the best way to guess is to look at what paid sponsors she gets, so tower of god, dark and darker, maplestory, stuff like that. if someone approved the ad spend, they probably saw her viewer demo and it at least vaguely matches theirs. so based on the above, 13-25 year old males
I'd guess the difference is miniscule, maybe 5-7% more at most. Her youtube audience? Certainly, those 2.8 million subs are mostly younger people, but her twitch is probably mostly those in their 20s and 30s, twitch isn't really that popular with teenagers
Yeah that sounds about right. Thanks anon.
Interesting, didn't know the zoomers didn't watch twitch so much, maybe they're all glued to the tiktok feed kek.
if I jerk off to a dude in the rindo model am I gay, serious question
only if you don't mute him
filian is also a man so yes
it's only gay if you recognise that the person behind the model is male and continue despite the fact
another lost rekson viewer
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Pretty cute, I bet Filian would probably manage to spill her drink out of excitement
Eh im to old for her
more for me then
Selling yourself is hard, good thing I am too
I don't actually watch your stream, that would be a red flag, and the only one I have is the canadian one.
I'm funny looking, so you know I can make you laugh.
Also I'm a homeowner and software engineer, but I bet you already knew that huh
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what did you do?
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ok, shondo one is impressive
Watched a clip of a different vtuber
damn... you're dead meat brah
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absolute unit
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remember kids, stranger danger!
i miss filian
me fr
new wife vid
Are there fruit snacks in this van?
go in and see for yourself ))))
art contest poll
This time around I had easier time picking which ones I want to pass. Curious how many of them will make it further
yeah theres a pretty obvious divide between the good and bad ones desu
She's a whore.
she's my whore
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