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▶Amiya Aranha◀
▶Tomomi Toraya◀
▶Mozumi Pichi◀
▶Super Meche◀
▶Yuno Nightingale◀

>Useful Links
Lumi ARG: https://rentry.org/borbv

Previous Thread: >>81421610

Other Threads of interest:
Tsunderia Extended >>>/vt//tsunx/
Kiki Main Thread >>>/vt//pyon/
Mozzu Main Thread >>>/vt//vdere/
Large Indies Global >>>/vt//lig/
This thread is for only the vtubers in the OP. Please do not post any vtubers or streams by vtubers not in the OP.
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E. V. O. The Theory Of Evolution
>8 Lumi OP Images in a row
There are other vtubers in our general you know
This thread was literally schizo free until he hijacked the thread and started shitposting here 24/7
Just ignore him, I hope his thread dies and he fucks off, I won't be posting here anymore
I was about to make an Ami one
They have their own threads too but /vrg/ is the Lumi thread at its heart.
It has gotten her more fans too and has people stopping by to share soundposts they made.
Dead Space still going
Do you like Mozzu
He threw a tantrum the last time someone else baked with a different girl
Final boss time!!!
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>Oh my goodness, this game is great!
She geddit too
Mozzu is /vrg/
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Tomomi love
But do you like her. Riona is also /vrg/ and i see her get nothing but scorn here.
>Riona is also /vrg/ and i see her get nothing but scorn here
maybe because you schizopost and anti her every time she gets posted so the people who watch her stopped posting here
If telling the truth about her is anti to you then you don’t like her.
you should kill yourself
weird posts
I'm not the one who talks shit on her (that's probably the first guy who responded to you).
I'm of the latter posters.
it is probably the guy bringing up trannies randomly because that is what he complains about with Riona too
retarded nigger I'm literally complaining about that schizo (which is you)
fucking kill yourself already
idk who to trust anymore :(
Too much yapping not enough meche ass
post it
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First post in a while, I understand you, its frustrating when you just want to post about the girls without antis and stuff, but you should calm down a bit bro, I don't know much about jannies, but I know how bad some of them can fuck up boards for some time but I doubt they really have an agenda with this thread and most likely just quickly come in and delete/ban for easy things that are reported by schizo like gamer words, nudity or things that are off-topic on the board level when they aren't monitoring the trillion posts in niji/holo thread that probably get 100 times engagements/reports/site feedbacks etc. 24/7. So remember to just take it easy, schizos are schizos because they are obsessed with wanting to ruin things that are virtual to begin with, no need to try and become unhealty like them, its kind of like a "live and let die" situation.
I didn't save the zoomed in succubutt, have succubreast instead.
If she looks even remotely like her model I would unironically eat her bum. It's weird, the thought of such an act on anyone else disgusts me but she is just so alluring to me for some reason
nta, and i believe you, but sometimes you friendly fire at anons that probably align with your for all in tents and porpoises, and i think that hurts your message.
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Wakey wakey! https://www.twitch.tv/clauvio
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I don't remember allowing youtube to do this what the fuck
five minutes till Lumi
Do you think we'll ever end up seeing Lumi play Dark Souls 2? I shiver at the thought
I think it's more of a browser thing
>ywn be a college graduate working under Lumi
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I think Dragon's Crown will be next week
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Meche Ball is LATE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKwRobWCEf4

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